Bernardo Carleial

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Everything posted by Bernardo Carleial

  1. The first story is a very good example of vMEME Red police brutality and corruption in underdeveloped countries
  2. This video is really a test of radical open mindedness that @Leo Gura was talking about... I must admit that I got very confused by the owner's message and his business model.
  3. The hipocrisy of having to keep everybody living the vMEME Orange "American Way of Life" while preserving the vMEME Blue ethnocentrism and segregation of people of color...
  4. vMEME RED/blue ideology
  5. I would like to give my opinion on this, I use to be very addicted in play video games since my childhood, until I realized that it was a complete waste of my time and stopped at the age of 25, and right now, at 31, I'm experiencing myself having some cravings with mobile games... I used to think a lot like the guy from the first video I sent here, with the vMEME Orange notion of skill development , work ethic and goal setting. It just made sense to me that working on my career as an artist 100% of the time, and no less, will help me achieve my goals and be fulfilled... that change two years ago, when I've had an existential crisis and a burnout from being a workaholic for the last 4-5 years. The point is, I agree that there are activities that are less conscious that others, but you can't focus yourself on just one activity 100% of the time and expect that it's going to be like that forever(that would be the ideal?) there will be moments that this kind of mindset will actually set back your performance and stifles your creativity, because you don't leave room for your mind to wonder, maybe it would be best, if the conditions are favorable, to work on your main task 70% of the time, and then find another activity that can help you direct your attention to different things, it could be gaming or something else, as Leo says, sometimes life is counter intuitive. ??
  6. a lot of creativity and a very good screenplay
  7. Try the book Chaos by James Gleick
  9. I go first, I have one example that I can remember at the top of my head: the Coastline Paradox(a.k.a "What is the size of Britain?")
  10. After watching Leo's video on Paradox I decided it might be a good to create this thread so that we could share with one another many other examples of Paradoxes that might exist out there!? Enjoy and have Fun!??
  11. An interesting example of what could happen when vMEME Green becomes too idealistic to the point of backfiring at them.
  12. vMEME Blue Conservatives be like... (watch until the end)
  13. it's not you, it's just business as usual...
  14. a vMEME Yellow problem regarding nonlinear systems and sensitive dependence on initial conditions
  15. The majority of the Art Market today is a dirty business, in which curators and gallery owners run the show, but I will have to disagree slightly with the idea of intrinsic value: All that Art has is intrinsic value, but when he mentions it, in that context, he's talking about a price tag that can be well stipulated and regulated, and, although in that sense is true, it completely misses the point of the holistic value that Art has in our World (as an expressive manifestation of our collective and/or individual consciousness).
  16. Wow! that Tupac's speech is very vMEME Green!???
  17. Yes. It also bugs when you embed some YouTube video, it doesn't exhibits...