Bernardo Carleial

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Everything posted by Bernardo Carleial

  1. Thanks for the recommendation @Snader! Brazilian movies are very good at tackling these vMEME Red social issues. I loved the trailer and I'm eager to watch the movie now!??
  2. vMEME Yellow guests discussing vMEME Orange issues
  3. Enemy Song by Imagine Dragons I wake up to the sounds of the silence that allows For my mind to run around with my ear up to the ground I'm searching to behold the stories that are told When my back is to the world that was smiling when I turned Tell you you're the greatest But once you turn they hate us Oh, the misery Everybody wants to be my enemy Spare the sympathy Everybody wants to be my enemy (Look out for yourself) My enemy (look, look, look, look) (Look out for yourself) But I'm ready Your words up on the wall as you're praying for my fall And the laughter in the halls and the names that I've been called I stack it in my mind and I'm waiting for the time When I show you what it's like to be words spit in a mic Tell you you're the greatest But once you turn they hate us (Huh) Oh, the misery Everybody wants to be my enemy Spare the sympathy Everybody wants to be My enemy (look, look, look, look) (Look out for yourself) My enemy (look, look, look, look) (yeah) (Look out for yourself) Uh, look Okay, I'm hoping that somebody pray for me I'm praying that somebody hope for me I'm staying where nobody 'posed to be P-p-posted, being a wreck of emotions Ready to go whenever, just let me know The road is long, so put the pedal into the floor The enemy's on my trail, my energy unavailable I'ma tell 'em hasta luego They wanna plot on my trot to the top I've been outta shape, thinkin' out the box, I'm an astronaut I blasted off the planet rock to cause catastrophe And it matters more because I had it not Had I thought about wreaking havoc on an opposition Kinda shocking they wanted static with precision, I'm automatic Quarterback, I ain't talkin' sacking Pack it, pack it up, I don't panic Batter, batter up, who the baddest? It don't matter 'cause we at ya throat Everybody wants to be my enemy Spare the sympathy Everybody wants to be My enemy Oh, the misery Everybody wants to be my enemy Spare the sympathy Everybody wants to be my enemy Pray it away, I swear I'll never be a saint, no way My enemy Pray it away, I swear I'll never be a saint
  4. Biomimicry - vMEME GREEN/yellow
  5. Hayao Miyazaki's Universe is very vMEME Purple
  6. I reccomend watching all the content of this channel. It's very inspiring! both for Artists and Art Lovers!????
  7. Stanley Cohen's Stages of Moral Panic: Setting out to test his hypotheses on mods and rockers, Cohen discovered a pattern of construction and reaction with greater foothold than mods and rockers—the moral panic. According to Cohen, there are five sequential stages in the construction of a moral panic: 1- An event, condition, episode, person, or group of persons is perceived and defined as a threat to societal values, safety, and interests. 2- The nature of these apparent threats are amplified by the mass media, who present the supposed threat through simplistic, symbolic rhetoric. Such portrayals appeal to public prejudices, creating an evil in need of social control (folk devils) and victims (the moral majority). 3- A sense of social anxiety and concern among the public is aroused through these symbolic representations of the threat. 4- The gatekeepers of morality—editors, religious leaders, politicians, and other 'moral'-thinking people—respond to the threat, with socially-accredited experts pronouncing their diagnoses and solutions to the 'threat'. This includes new laws or policies. 5- The condition then disappears, submerges or deteriorates and becomes less visible.
  8. I would put Tony Robbins as an example. Most of the time, the way he presents himself is very balanced, his coaching style is not just "money, money, money...". But also how can we get most fulfillment out of our lives, even if it is just from an vMEME Orange perspective...
  9. I see what you mean... I think you're right. Although in the beginning early human were more like hienas, eating only the carcass that were left by other predators, because they didn't have enough strength and cunningness to do so... only when they started gathering in a group and developing weapons that they were able to hunt effectively. But the video doesn't makes it clear that that was the case.... so it's probably not a good example...
  10. Dude, what you have written is already a good example of vMEME Blue/Orange... The problem is that people associate the stages only with their stereotypes, a top CEO or a priest for example, which is dangerous, because people that are more advanced at the spiral might look at the previous stages and see their excesses as unealthy and don't want to associate themselves with their values... this is a big misconception that I see people make all the time when it comes to SD. The fact that you want to improve yourself and to develop some self-discipline and work ethic already shows that you embodied the healthy aspects of Blue and Orange... a religious fanatic and a Billionaire are just the extremes of that stage, there are more subtleties regarding them, and you have to be grateful that you got those, otherwise you wouldn't be vMEME Green.?? Just as an aside... some about your post puzzled me... you said you moved from orange to green very quickly, that's very uncommon because to move from one's previous paradigm to another requires a lot of shadow work, otherwise you can create a repression to a particular stage, I'm gonna send you a video of Ken Wilber in which he explains exactly what I'm talking about. Wish you all the best @Adodd ??
  11. Are you sure @Carl-Richard?
  12. the whole animation is basically vMEME Red raw survival.
  13. And with regard to vMEME Blue values. you gotta understand that having a set of values and principles it's inevitable in our society, regardless of the stage, you just need to be in a city or in a group for that to happen, we just stick into Blue because these are characteristics for this stage, particularly a more rigid set of rules , but here is the thing: the foundations of every civilization came from that, because it's the first stage that could live and die for an abstraction(a cause, a nation, a family), while vMEME Red was tribe-like, survival based, "might makes right" kind of thing... in vMEME Blue you have a code of laws, you have regulation, you have a feeling of certainty that if you fulfill your duties you'll know that you'll have your rights asserted, for us it sound silly, because we have moved past that paradigm, but remember that there are lots of places in the world which are still struggling with vMEME Red, and could not even fathom that sense of stability that comes from vMEME Blue.. Most of the services that we citizens enjoy come (mostly) by the hands of the vMEME Blue working class, like the post officer or a janitor for example, we should be thankful for finding someone who is willing to be in a job like that without complaining, a lot of people wouldn't have the balls to do so (also because they have a very slow salary, and are generally exploited at work, but that's another conversation). In short, people sometimes associate vMEME Blue with moral values and work ethic in general, forgetting that these traits will follow you even if you're vMEME TURQUOISE! The only difference is that it would not be as strict as in vMEME Blue.
  14. You said you're at vMEME Orange right? Everytime you watch a movie , listening to a song, or playing a video game, try to go beyond the enjoyment and entertainment of it and look behind the curtain at how much work was required to do something like that, but instead of associating that to something bad, see also how much fun these people have, even if they've not being able to sleep well, cause they're working on a tight schedule, they were able to enjoy themselves and have a good time because their passion shines through everything they've done in the work, they can support each other in a group because they doing what they love, and you need to find that too my friend!?? you need to find a compelling vision, as bright and as enticing as these things that you enjoy doing, that makes you wake up at night feeling inspired, and from that you'll learn how to develop a strong work ethic and self-discipline, because it will come from a place of understanding what's necessary for you to actualise whatever you want to actualize. Even vMEME Orange has a lot of work ethic, they're just not bounded to fit in a group anymore, but they still work hard to succeed in life.
  15. I understand what makes you think I'm talking about culture when I refere to language, actually I'm not. Because it's development doesn't need anyone to reinforce it. I'm actually referring to your whole experience as a human, how can you converge a message directly to someone else(or to yourself) without recurring to some symbol that helps as a guideline to compartmentalize the meaning of an idea you try to converge? Language is a human method to share information, perceptions and experience in a way that suits our needs. because we can't grasp the totality of reality that we're in, so we need to narrow it down to some abstraction. It's a map, and because the map is not(never) the territory, it may leave room for contradiction, because although human animals perceive and experience things in a similar manner, the degree to what we grasp these things can be quite different from one another ,and the more personal/intimate the experience is(or feels) to someone, the more it can blend lots of different meanings,because it is fused with a lot of our own biases, both cognitive and culturally, which can makes things quite confusing, and that's why we see a lot of these culture wars in our society, I'm not saying that both are equally right or wrong, I'm just saying that all these judgments comes from that issue of language being intertwined with our perceptions and experience. I don't know if I made myself clear... What I suggest you is to go read the Wittgenstein's book, he explains this notion a lot more eloquently than I do, with lots of examples that are easy to read and understand. ??
  16. I consider Bernardo Kastrup one of the greatest minds of this century... Not because there is something inherently special on him, but because what he's proposing with his Analytical Idealism is so radical, and yet so consistent, that it will only be fully conceived and understood by the next generation of scientists and scholars, who (hopefully) will have moved beyond the materialist paradigm...
  17. In my case, it happens when someone close to me criticizes more than once about some particular trait I might have while interacting with them. But your example is also very good, I can picture myself in situations like that... I used to be very judgemental towards others, and I still have to correct that myself...
  18. I agree with @Leo Gura on that one. The Spiral Dynamics is a book to get to know the theoretical/conceptual research that was developed in that model, and the actualized videos cover those pretty well, even with the "human biases", and apart from that there's nothing you can learn on SD that will compete with your direct experience... But, @Late Boomer ,even with all of that being said, you still want to get more knowledge... I'll recommend the following books:? 1- Spiral Dynamics - Don Beck & Christopher Cowan 2- Integral Psychology - Ken Wilber 3- Motivation and Personality - Abraham Maslow I won't talk about Susan Cook-Greuter here, because I still haven't studied her model yet...
  19. @ZenSwift If you really wanna go down that path, I recommend you to read the book "Philosophical Investigations " by Ludwig Wittgenstein, the problem is much deeper than that... language is a complete abstraction of the human mind, it can influence our perception, but it actually comes from that, and, as an abstraction, it can be shaped in whatever way we want to, it's not North Korea, nor Iraq, nor any other authoritarian regime that is controling it(at the fundamental level), but the nature of language itself, because its development, on both individual and collective level, is completely arbitrary, we can't think without language, (unless you're an artist, which uses intuition, not words...).
  20. I know that showing these videos of AI development on this thread might be a little bit of a stretch, however, I do think that it can help us understand a little more about how our learning curve is built , by a process of trial and error, which leads us to the best possible outcome in a particular task that we want to accomplish...