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Everything posted by Hamilcar

  1. I don't understand when you say "there is no other consciousness than your direct experience" . Is everything that is not in my direct experience , not conscious ? or non existant ? That would be weird
  2. you are not gonna convince them in anything if they aren't interested in these kinds of existential questions. I tried too... I think now is the moment to keep silent about it. After all ... it's your own journey , and you will be traveling alone
  3. how can it be absolutely infinite if it doesn't have any borders ? but then , if it does have borders , how can it be absolutely infinite ?
  4. trust me, I feel the same way. I do see some good things in other people , but I know deep down that it is , for the most part , shallow. I just feel so tired of everything... I get tired of speaking to people... sometimes they speak , and I am here , wondering why I should pretend to care , why I shouldn't just walk away. I find almost everything boring... the only thing I love to do is programming , I don't care about fashions , about the food some restaurant serves , I don't care about what house to live in , and what furnitures to put in it , what paint I should use , what car I could drive , what social status I could be. I just want peace... I don't want people to count on me , I don't want responsability ... Right now , as I am speaking , I am screwing my life because I can't even care anymore. try living in a society where men hates women to the point where some want to throw sulfuric acid on their faces . try living in a society where corruption is everywhere , and that your only way to live is to be corrupted yourself... try living in a society where a writer could be jailed because he wanted freedom , while terrorists and rapists , and thieves , can walk free in the streets. try to live in a society where everyone , litteraly everyone , want to devolve to the state of a society from 1400 years ago . and am in the middle of this massive bullshit storm , wondering if I am insane , or is it the world that went insane. In either case , I choose not to give a single fuck... let the world burn , or let it evolve, like I said , I just want peace.
  5. religions have like 1% of the same truth , surrounded by a pile of bullshits that someone who didn't understand shit about it put there.
  6. @Christer Hey ,that's sound like having an imminent astral projection . I always have the same vibrations before an AP , tingling body , hearing the sound of a tuning fork... When that happens , let yourself go with it , you might find yourself floating over your body
  7. yes , an old ninjutsu techniques called "fire" and "eating" , and a medical technique from all shinobi schools called "morphine"
  8. @Mafortu have a look at this one : they put it on the Viking tv show
  9. this is a band I discovered when I was still in my teenage years... like 15 years ago. still love it. But what suprised me , is that in this song you can hear alan watts at 2:51 ... it was weird , because they released this album the same time I discovered about non duality , and the first time I heard the man speaking about life being a magnificient delusion , I was like "what the fuck ... is that what I think it is ? " , I didn't know alan watts at the time . Anyone knows what was the title of this speech ?
  10. @ChimpBrain ah but it is it's just that this album was rather soft compared to the others
  11. If I remember correctly , this whirling had it's origin with bayazid el bistami...and this guy was enlightened as fuck
  12. I don't know how many people awakened on this forum , or had a glimpse of enlightenment ... But where do you think reality takes place really ? Does it exist only when you perceive it , or is it existing even if no one is perceiving it ? for exemple, does a rock exist when no one is here to perceive it ? how do we define the reality of something , if that something isn't perceived or measured ?
  13. is your consciousness inside a dream , related to the dream brain's activity ?
  14. I don't know man , am sorry alright ? it's shit , I messed up , I know.
  15. not everything in the world has to be brought back to non duality. If we answered every questions possible by "it's all one" ,that wouldn't bring an answer at all in the first place. Like @Martin123 said , it may be all one , but our perception is still individualized. @tashawoodfall I think the concept of souls exists because of experiences like NDEs and OBEs... or maybe psychedelics.
  16. I felt bad . Couldn't praise the sun for a moment .
  17. I mean ... think about it : How could something that belongs in a dream , allow someone to be aware that he is in a dream ? Isn't it weird ? I could understand the effects of LSD , or even DMT , considering it's very visual. but imagine that you are dreaming at night , and in that dream , you eat a candy , and that candy allows you to be aware that you are dreaming. how is it even possible ...
  18. that's interesting! is that why people who awaken for the first time , sometimes burst in laughter ?
  19. that's sleep paralysis yes it's extremely annoying sometimes
  20. yeah but , there's only one love. the feeling is the same , maybe it has different intensity , but love is love, wether you jump around rainbows or just sit silently in ecstasy
  21. the thing that I found really weird with astral projection is that if you haven't had one , and want to make one , you really need to want it bad. There was a time when I wanted it to happen so bad that I started having the symptoms ... first while dreaming : I wake up from the dreams with a high pitch sound in my head (but at the time I didn't know what it was , and why I was hearing that ... even started worrying ... I started lacking sleep because of this,because I just woke up each time I hear this high pitch sound) . Then , the body started vibrating some times... For me , I don't need the sleep paralysis, really... I just have my body vibrating and tingling while hearing high pitches sounds. And that's what crazy... proof that intentions are really powerful on your body. Today , I don't specially want another astral projection , even though I know I have a lot to learn about it ... So the symptoms just stopped. like that.simply .
  22. I had several. But the thing to know is that you shouldn't fear anything... astral projections are a type of dreams. It doesn't mean they aren't real... but I seriously doubt that there's an astral body leaving your real body, although this could be possible too. For me it's an instant consciousness switch, like from being awake to directly switching to the astral. And I still remember vividly my first astral projection , how I woke up from a nightmare with my body vibrating , and my ears buzzing , like someone put a tuning fork into my head, I knew it was the symptoms of an imminent astral travel at the time , so I let it go... And then I just instantly found myself floating over my bed... there wasn't even a gap , like falling asleep... I remember floating on the side , watching my hands , it was like my body was made of stardust , smoke with little points of light, then I started drifting outside my house , everything was white , and I started hearing music and it was beautiful. some other times , I just wake up from sleep , and notice that I am seeing my ceiling just a few inches away, it's like a zoom . Even tonight I had a weird experience... I experienced a no point of view astral travel , but I don't know how to explain it... it wasn't like everyday camera point of view type... it was more like I was nothing , and stuff just happens while "nothing" sees it , it was a little bit weird.
  23. hahaha , well , being honest , I was about to write "make the non existant chair you are sitting on levitate while tripping ".