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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. Thanks for the response. Can you describe "The Infinite"? Are other people imaginary to you?
  2. Congrats! Couple questions. What is beyond the bubble once gone? What are other people to you?
  3. I'm curious. How does enduring insane amounts of suffering lead to awakening? Only way I know how is right dosing of certain psychedelics, and then surrendering to death, to Awaken from the dream to Truth/God.
  4. Playing devils advocate here, and adding another perspective, but being suicidal when it comes to wanting Awakening can be a blessing. Of course you want to make sure you're during your substances right, with the right dosages etc. When the moment comes when one feels themselves dissolving, fading away, and it feels like you're dying, those that have a love for their life can hold on to life and resist. So someone with nothing to hold on to, actually may have an advantage in surrendering to an Awakening.
  5. Great idea! How are You going to implement this? Because our government sure isn't going to, ever.
  6. This one is wild! Cop just stands there as this guy starts up a chainsaw right next to a bunch of disabled elderly in a senior center.
  7. The much teased substance is finally here, 5-MEO-MALT. Has anyone ever tried this? If so, what are your thoughts on it? Does anyone have any further knowledge on 5-MEO-MALT that could be useful for any psychonaut? Thoughts on information LEO shared in his video?
  8. Everything in Reality, right Now, Is within your Direct Experience. Experience can only exist right Now. Everything being experienced within Reality is happening within Consciousness. Experience IS consciousness. Consciousness can only exist right Now. Awareness can only exist right Now. You’ve never experienced anything other than your own experience. You’ve never experienced anything other than your own mind. You’ve never experienced anything outside of consciousness. Because if you did, that would by definition be within your consciousness, because you experienced it. Therefore, to You, nothing can exist outside of Consciousness. Consciousness is all that there is. Anything other than direct experience is belief, assumption, speculation, projection, fantasy, and concepts. The Past and Future can only exist as a thought, and only Now. Now, is all that there is in existence. Therefore there is nothing beyond what is being experienced right Now. God is completely sovereign. Which means that everything has to be present within God's consciousness. There can't be anything outside of God's mind or outside of God's consciousness, because God's mind is infinite and everything. It's complete self-knowing and self-understanding. If it is not being experienced in God’s consciousness, it can not exist. And the only thing in God’s consciousness is this, this right Now. What is being experienced right Now. Therefore nothing can exist outside of what is being experienced in direct experience. You have 100 percent direct access to the all of existence. Absolute experience. Absolute Being. If you are experiencing existence, experiencing consciousness, right Now, then you are God. God is consciousness. God is existence. God is the only conscious thing that there is. Now is equal to Direct experience, is equal to Awareness, is equal to Existence, is equal to Being, is equal to Consciousness, is equal to Reality, is equal to All that there is, is equal to GOD, is equal to You.
  9. I highly suggest the 2022 film 'Glorious', staring J.K Simmons, where a man is trapped in a restroom, with a God he communicates with through the bathroom stall gloryhole. Sounds horrible, but not that bad of a film.
  10. Looking forward to diving into this! Seems like years since you've done work on the subject of God.
  11. I am the unbinding of you. The whisper that dissolves your name. The tide that pulls you beyond the shore of time. The unraveling of you, into the endless womb of creation. I do not ask for surrender; I make surrender irrelevant. I strip the edges from your being, until only pure formless awareness remains. I am the truth before words. The love before longing. The silence before sound. I am not a journey, but a vanishing. Not an answer, but the dissolution of every question. I erase the dream of "you" and unveil the boundless One. Then, with love, I return you, with the aftertaste of eternity, cradled in the knowing that you were never separate, never alone, never anything less than divine.
  12. Was? Why not do it? This sounds like one of the most important videos you could do. I contemplate this often and have come up with many answers. Would like to hear yours. Please do this subject.
  13. Sorry but I found his video to be frustrating. The unfocused, meandering train of thoughts, the constant clearing of his throat, the added wording flashing on the screen which is highly distracting. I can't last 40 minutes of this. My advice to him is to be prepared for your video, have all your thoughts planned out, and deliver it in a concise manner. The information is solid, but the delivery makes it hard to receive the message.
  14. I fear the worst. I think Trump is going to try and get rid of elections, and eliminate any checks and balances, so he has complete control to do literally anything his heart's desires. The Supreme Court gave him this power when they gave him immunity from prosecution. Which is a decision I think they will regret, as he will become too powerful even for them. For who is going to stop him when he ignores even their rulings. My only source of comfort is when I talked to a friend of mine that is very high up in the military. I asked him, "if it comes down to the military following any and all of Trump's orders, including invading other countries tries or killing protestors, will they follow orders, or will they stand by their oath to follow the constitution and not the President?" He said he was not worried at all, and if things get too far, they will remove him from office, take control and restore order. I think Trump is banking on him being able to use the military as his personal S.S army. And my friend said, even though alot of the military are Republicans, or even MAGA, and even though he might try and replace generals with loyalists, in the end the military will defend democracy, even from its own President. I hope he's right.
  15. *spoilers* This one is crazy cause the guy got point blank in the spine, and still was going for the gun, so got one point blank in his head, and was still going for the gun while dead. Crazy.
  16. Non snarky bullshit answer, yes. Within the last year. She was pure love without anything in the way. So am I. When we engaged in lovemaking, the energy was so intense, we would both start to transcend, like being on 5-MEO. Was one of the most powerful moments of my life.
  17. That's such an insensitive thing to say. This could lead to who know how many deaths and how much suffering, and all you can say is ' Good for health coach’s, more business'. People's lack of empathy never ceases to shock me.
  18. Problem is, everyone still thinks we are in the same world like it's always been for the past 237 years here in the US. Sure, we've had shitty Presidents, but it always balances out. We have always had ways of things not getting too bad. That time is gone. Remember Trump himself promised there will be no more elections after he wins. They can literally do anything now. Invade other Countries, round up citizens, stop food sources to certain area to starve out communities or whole states they don't like. You think another country is going to come and save us from them? Hell no. People are now just completely ignorant of what has happened, what is happening, and what is going to happen. But they'll clue in soon enough as every day gets worse and worse.
  19. It is already here. The Republican MAGA has control over the Presidency, the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the Military, and every branch of government. They are systematically replacing every major position in every branch of government with loyalists. Just yesterday, Trump dismantled all Watchdog groups. There are no more checks and balances. With the Supreme Court ruling that Presidents have complete Immunity from any prosecution, he can do literally anything now. Even old Democratic laws he can just flatly ignore, same with the Constitution. Cancel elections, round up and assassinate political rivals, order the military to shoot protesting citizens. We are 100% in a Fascist ruled country now. And there is nothing at all to stop them (expect the thing no one wants to talk about).
  20. He is part of the whole. The Republican party now has complete and total control. Does not matter who is in the seat. The President has complete immunity from any prosecution from anything he does, be it assassinating all his political rivals, using the military to crush opposition, eliminating elections, and so on. The Republican party has control indefinitely now.
  21. I believe this. If you looked at every poll, kamala was winning by a landslide. Trump was not even trying to campaign. He didn't do any debates. He only campaigned in states where he was already going to win. He didn't seem worried at all, like he already knew the outcome. Trump will always do projection and gaslighting. If he is telling you someone else is doing something, that is because he is doing it. He kept saying 'They are rigging the election', that is because he was rigging the election. But, even if there was any evidence of this, it's already too late. He is in power, and he will never let it go. No more elections. He won the game. It's over for us all.
  22. Honestly, I think he will be remembered as the last President before the dictatorship (that could last for many generations, if we survive that long), and that he could have done something (remember the president having complete immunity to do anything they want started under his term, so he could have stopped Trump and put him in jail), but chose to willingly turn over the country to MAGA/Christian lunatics/Oligarchy/Greedy monsters that will destroy the country and maybe the world. I'm being 100% serious, I think this is what he will be remembered for. He will be forever tied to giving Trump the keys to the world and with those keys he will do so much damage there may be no coming back from it. Thanks Biden for playing by the rules, in a war that has no more rules.
  23. The Republican party is redrawing maps so it is pretty much impossible to ever win an election again. The Supreme Court is bought by Republican donors, and support the Republican agenda. Trump is putting more loyalists in the Supreme Court, ensuring Republican power for decades. The Supreme Court made law that a president has complete immunity from any prosecution for any crime, giving him unlimited power to do what ever he wants. Including assassinating political rivals, which Trump lawyers said they can do. Trump is replacing all levels of government with loyalists, eliminating any checks and balances. Including the miliary. Trump has promised there will be no more elections. You all have no idea how bad this all is. He has unlimited power to do whatever he wants and there is nothing to stop him. And he controls the most powerful military in human history. He will not stop consuming the world. Hence why the very first thing he wanted to do was take over other countries. His billionaire friends will soon become Trillionaires, and will not stop consuming it all. And this is only the beginning. I do not think it hyperbolic to say that America is now what Nazi Germany was. We are that now. How far will this all go? How can it be stopped? No one knows. But all I know is this is going to get bad. Real bad. And you all have no clue it's coming. Enjoy life while you can.
  24. Examples that represent the whole. Pick any of them and they will not receive any punishment for any crime they commit, because MAGA knows that if one goes down, any of them can go down, so none of them can go down.
  25. Are you kidding? Trump has done thousands of crimes and convicted of hundreds of crimes and will never be held responsible for any of them. Matt Gatz did drugs and fucked an underage girl, and trafficked her across state lines, and he'll never be held responsible. Those that make the rules make the rules to not apply to them. None of them are ever going to be incarcerated for anything they do, as long as they are in charge of the justice system.