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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. More likely, if Leo were to become fully enlightened, my guess is the videos and his business would stop all togethers, or be sparatic. Even though it's very much helping others, the videos are part of an ego construct. After enlightenment, there is nothing to do, just be. So there'd be no point in doing all the work and research that goes into making a huge video every week. But, what do I know, I'm not enlightened/awakened.
  2. I have a long history with psychedelics. Having done Ayauasca many times. Each time has been a smooth experience, full of love, surrender, oneness and bliss. But, when it comes to 5-Meo, I find myself terrified to do the first trip. I fear my death. I regularly have debilitating panic attacks. I fear my first time, I will get a bad panic attack and then have no way to let go, to surrender. Just 30 minutes of pure hell. Then I doubt I'd have the courage to try it again. No enlightenment, no liberation. So I find myself at an impasse, not able to find the courage to 'pull the trigger'. So I had an idea. Since the Ayauasca was such a beautiful experience, if I took Ayauasca just before doing the 5-Meo, putting myself in the right space (pure bliss, love and peace) I'd be much more capable of fully letting go with the 5-Meo. So my question is, how long after doing Ayauasca should I wait to do 5-Meo? Could I do it the next day? @Leo Gura
  3. @Vinnie I suspect it's the same as doing 5-Meo. It's all about relaxing and surrendering. I concentrate on my breathing, slowing my breathing and let the Aya overtake me. For me, I found the ceremony setting to be very distracting. All the people, chanting, music and all, kept me for fully being in the medicine. But, that that's just me. I'm sensitive to such things. I would prefere to be in total isolation, but that's not really possible. So for someone new, I'd just fully surrender to the experience. Keep calm, meditate on your breathing, after taking the dose. Even if you're afraid to go up for the second dose, do it. The first dose might be intense, but if you're going through all the trouble of getting to the ceremony, push through the fear and go get the second dose. You won't regret it. Also, be prepared for your first time, for nothing at all to happen. That happen my first time. It's common for that to happen. I was so pissed, I almost didn't do the second night, but sure glad I did. Best experience of my life.
  4. @Leo Gura Thank you. That's what I needed to hear.
  5. Of course. I have an experienced sitter. Read Martin Ball's book, that covers in great detail how to do solo trips. Got a cabin in the woods for a week. One day of Ayauasca. 3 days of 5-Meo. Bumping up the dosage each day (per Leo's advice). One day of quite integration. See how it goes.
  6. Thanks! I'm just going off what Leo and others have said about first trips. He said to do a small amount first, to see your tolerance level and how you react. He said it was more likely to have a panic attack with the lower doses, as your Ego doesn't fully let go, so the experience of it fighting your Ego is what can cause the panic attack. Leo said he's never had a panic attack in his life, but did his first 5-Meo experience. So I'm going off of these personal accounts, and trying to be prepared. I want it to go well. I'm hoping it's as smooth as all my Ayauasca trips, which were perfect.
  7. Not sure you fully understand what I was conveying. It's not about feeling better or avoiding fear. It's about finding a way to be able to relax enough to be able to surrender during the 5-Meo. With my history of frequent panic attacks (if you haven't had them, you have no idea how bad they get/are), I have concern it just not possible for me. But also with my history of doing so well with the Ayauasca, it seems like a good way to lead into the 5-Meo, putting me in a peaceful space to be able to surrender. Just trying to find what works for me. Wouldn't suggest this path for anyone else. Not really the point of the post. More concerned with potential drug interactions with taking Ayauasca within a day of 5-Meo.
  8. Not being a chemist, I know nothing about the various chemical components and variations. So if those in the know could help me out, it'd be much appreciated. In regurads of 5-Meo-dmt, what is the best form to get (specifically for plugging, not smoking or snorting)? Do I want Oxalte salt form or not? What is HCI and do I want it in that form? What about Freebase form? So yeah, if someone could let me know the best form to get it in, for maximum enlightenment potential. Thanks.
  9. Thanks! What is the difference between HCI and Oxalate? Which is the most popular form that people usually get?
  10. 'I' can't. All there is is the movie playing, with no one there watching it.
  11. One way I like to think about it; what if all these people telling me about enlightenment, all the people on this forum, all the books I read, none of those people exist? They are just myself, telling myself that I need to wake up, because I forgot that I was dreaming. All those people I interact with are just characters in this dream. Theyre just a dream, dreamt from my consciousness. Then I go back and imagine all of that through again, but this time there is no 'me' or "I" in the equation.
  12. Fantastic. Good way of explaining it. All those people you see, they don't exist.
  13. I know many people that are interested in this here in Seattle. Once I get the word out on the date, I'm sure I could get 10 just myself. I'm sure you'd be quite popular in Seattle.
  14. Leo has said in his 5-Meo video for your first experience to be on a low dose (I'd guess 5mg?), to get the freakout out of the way, and to know how sensitive you are to it. Is it advisable, after coming back from the first low dose trip, to (if everything went well the first time) immediately do a larger dose (say 15mg?) to try and get a breakthrough Awakening? I've heard of people doing another big hit after coming back. Just not sure if that's the most effective route to take, or should one wait for the next day to do the larger dose? Give time to integrate. Any personal experience advice is appreciated.
  15. Get a needless syring plunger from your local pharmacy. Desolve your powder dose in a small amount of water. Suck it up. Stick it up your ass as far as you can. And boom. Make sure you haven't eaten in like 8 hours, and that your bowels are clean.
  16. An enlightened person wouldn't put themselves in any situation of that level of conflict. If it was forced upon them, they would just not engage and walk away. If they couldn't, I'm sure they still wouldn't engage. No self, no suffering.
  17. What have you found as the best and most reliable scale, capable of small milligrams? With something as important as the dosage of something like 5-Meo, I'd like to be able to fully trust the dosage, so getting the right scale is paramount.
  18. All peoples identities are illusions. This video is racially insensitive and pretty click-batey. I'd delete it.
  19. That is precisely what you want to happen. The goal is exactly that 'you' die. That is an enlightenment Awakening. Statistically, the chances on you physically dying/not coming back, are no different from any other phycidellic, which is extremely low. If your dosages at right, and you don't do anything like mix with other medications, or have a severe heart condition, you'll be fine. But, that's just what I've read/heard.
  20. I agree. She seems charming, acts like she is at peace, enjoys her life, takes pleasure in even the most socially mundane things, doesn't Need relationships, but values the ones she has. To me, she just seems heavily medicated by this asshole, and intimidated by him. This is like a priest deaming a woman that acts free, as a witch, in the Salem Witch days. She's just fine, but he projects on her that she is evil because she doesn't act like everyone else. She she is burned alive in front of her own community, just for being a little different and judged by norrow minded, low spiral dynamic, 'I know everything' douchbags. This has happened to enlightened people throughout history. In fact, we are all very lucky to be at this point in history (yeah I know history is an illusion), as it may be the most tolerant point in human history for enlightened people.
  21. I was so concentrating on the benefits of no self/nonduality, that I hadn't really considered what the major downsides could be. Is it possible for my family to think I've snapped and gone fully mental, and having me committed for help. When really I'm just now nonduel and no longer fit into the box if what is considered normality. My family has dealt with schizophrenia, when I beloved childhood friend ended up shooting himself when the schizophrenia got too severe for him. So it's not outside the realm of possibility. I could be viewed as 'lost it' and get committed. And once in the system, it's hard to get out, unless you can get back to acting like you're within the box of what's considered normality. Why am I trying to do this again? Hahaha.
  22. Perfect, thank you Leo. Exactly the advice I was looking for.
  23. "What Enlightenment Is: A sudden massive shift in awareness where one becomes directly conscious of one's ABSOLUTE nature. "You" and "the world" merge, erasing the physical distinction between self, other, and world. The realization that you are reality itself, and not merely a "self" inside of reality. The realization that "you" do not exist, and never have existed. An experience beyond all experience. TRUTH! What Enlightenment Is NOT: A meditative state A vision or an energetic experience A psychedelic experience A belief, a model, a theory, a concept, an idea, an ideology, a rational knowing, a philosophical position A psychological state A form of self-improvement or self-help Understanding of everything under the sun (omniscience)"
  24. Has anyone come across a RC site that requires a letter of intent before any business can proceed? If you have experience with this, please P.M. me. *note, do not discuss the names of any sites here.
  25. For those of you that have done both Ayauasca and 5-meo, how do they compare? For the Ayauasca, let's say over 3 doses. I've done over 3 doses (shot glass full) and felt like I went pretty deep. But haven't tried 5-meo yet. I hear it's many times more powerful. And whatever enlightenment experience I had on Ayauasca, is nothing compared to what can/will happen on 5-meo, so I hear. But wanted to get some personal accounts from those that did one, then the other and how they compared.