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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. If this all is a dream of God, we are all dreams of God, what reality is is God dreaming. That means we have no free will because we do not actually exist. God just created entities that thinks it has its own free will. Why did God dream up these separate entities that think they are real, thinks they're a body, and perceive time and space, have an Ego, think they die, don't know what they actually are or what reality actually is? Why did The Absolute intentionally dream up things that don't believe in itself? That would be like me lucid dreaming and intentionally creating masses of people who are tortured nonstop for eternity. Why would I intentionally do that, unless I was sadistic. But God is just Nothing, so no intention or meaning. So why does it create this mess and not something else? If God wanted to create something of itself, then why not itself enjoying itself. Having entities that all know what they are and can be in peace. This just doesn't make any sense to me. @Leo Gura I'd love some of this covered in the video.
  2. ^ This. He's all Ego and is lying to himself and everyone else.
  3. I've always agreed with most everything Leo has said when giving advice, but gotta disagree here. If you want low-consciousness women, who may be vapid, self-absorbed, money-focused, looks-focused, and everything is all about them, then sure go to bars and nightclubs. And please, please don't just go walking up and hitting on women on the streets or in in cafes. This is bad advice IMO . This has been what women have been trying to tell men forever. Do not just walk up and force your will into a woman's space, uninvited. This happen to them all the firkin time. It's harassment, not romantic. *(see video). Sure, all you're doing is being a nice guy and trying to get to know the girl, to see if there is a spark, but so is every other guy. Women wear headphones as a way of stopping every guy from hitting on her, so she can sit in a café and have some peace. Don't be *that* guy. Don't 'hit on' women. Just make friends. Treat everyone around you the same. Show interest in everyone. Listen to them. Be engaged with everyone equally. Not just with the ones you want to have sex with. Women hate being hit on, but hey do like being treated equally. If you are engaging, not focusing all your attention solely on them (which can make some women very uncomfortable), charming, are a good listener, and are showing legitimate interest in them (not just as a possible sex acquisition), they'll most definitely take notice of you. If they are available, and in the space for the possibility, they'll let you know they're interested. Get their contact info (social media, like fakebook, is best to start. Phone number is much too ''guy hitting on her'), to continue to be friends. If they're interested, they'll follow up with wanting to get together in some capacity. Or not, and you have to be ok with that. No attachment. If the friendship progresses into a romance, it will happen thru nature flow. If not, you still have an awesome female friend. It's win win. The key is, let go of expectations, be open, not focused on outcomes. Just focus on being the best you, and you'll have no problem whatsoever in attracting amazing women to you.
  4. @Mikael89 If you don't watch his videos, and don't follow his teachings, then why are you on his forum? Seriously, I just don't get this. Do you just go to other people's forums to shit-talk?
  5. No, not for everyone. For me personally, this is most desirable for my path to enlightenment. No distractions, time to do the work. I also have social anxiety, so being away from people and only interacting when neccessary, is the best option for me. People on a similar path might find this option of living desirable.
  6. @DrewNows If someone never watched Rick and Morty, they might think you're not right in the head with a rant like that @SoonHei Wouldn't the Green be us too, not enveloping us? It doesn't "shine thru each of us", it is us/everything. It doesn't "shine in each of our hearts.", as that's duality. Not being nitpicky, just good to get the distinction.
  7. From what I understand from the teachings (I do not have direct experience of this..yet), is that all we see and experience is all the illusion. All a dream. Possibilities within infinite possibilities. So it doesn't matter if you think or believe the earth is round or flat, or how many people are there in the world, cause those are egoic constructs. Direct experience points to true consciousness, not the dream. Great question.
  8. I'm in the process of building a mobile tiny home, so I can go live up in the mountains to be far far away from people. Total solitude. Nothing to do but contemplate, self-inquire, enjoy nature and enjoy Being.
  9. Have you head of the term "Run-On Sentence'? I'd look it up. Just sayin.
  10. So I sat down with my friend the other day for lunch to catch up. I said "what you been up to since I last saw you?" He said "I got enlightened". I said "Interesting. How do you feel?". He said "There is no me to feel anything. I said "Interesting." I reached over and took his plate of food. He said "What do you think you're doing?" I said "Well, if there is no you, I guess you're not going to be needing your lunch".
  11. Yes, this! Tinnitus is a bitch.
  12. If you're here, you know about enlightenment. My advice is keep studying it. Do meditation. And spend the next 10 years partying your ass off and fuck as much as you can. Seriously, be a slut. Do lots of drugs. Experiment with everything. Travel. Go to festivals. Expand your mind. Enlightenment will be there for you when your older. Enjoy your 20s. Bask in the joys of Ego. All the lust, debauchery, and hedonism. Then when you've got all that out of your system, then dedicate yourself to enlightenment, so your next 40 years can be egoless bliss.
  13. With Enlightenment, one realizes that none of it matters. There is no meaning to anything. It's all an illusion/dream. There is no meat or plants or you to eat it. It's all god, god eating god.
  14. If this is actually true to you, then stop talking, listen to the teachings and dedicate yourself fully to the work. Fastest path. Fighting it will only postpone what you want longer.
  15. There is no 'green pickup'. Men at green or higher don't view women as goals to obtain. At these levels, you treat everyone around you with equal love, not just the one your ego wants something from. In you being a wonderful human being, people will naturally gravitate towards you (including women you now find attractive). And if a relationship/friendship went deeper into intimacy, it would just happen naturally, with flow. You'd want to flow into this intimacy with this person not for sex, but as an expression of the love, not because of how physically attractive they are to you. Nothing needs to be forced, or manipulated, or owned, or conquered. Just people being love.
  16. I've heard people talk at length on snorting, plugging and smoking 5-Meo, but I've never heard anyone discuss intravenous (directly into a vein). I know intravenous injection gets a bad rap from things like heroin, but it seems like intravenous seems it would be the most effective method of administration. Sure it would probably come on like a freight-train. But it would be the most efficient, as you lose some in the process of plugging, smoking and snorting. Any thoughts from experienced 5-Meo users?
  17. Hope it all clears up soon. Rest well.
  18. I wonder how many people on this forum that threaten to commit suicide, actually do. I've seen the threat many times, from many people on here. Doesn't seem like a way to tell how many of them actually followed through. That's a sad thought.
  19. My guess is, if one was truly fully nonduel, they wouldn't be on a forum.
  20. @Arthur. Do you think your experience would have been different if you had never learned anything about nonduality beforehand? I know that may be hard to extrapolate, given you did have prior knowledge, but if you could try. I'm curious if people who know nothing about nonduality, once taken 5-Meo, would have the same experience.
  21. Has Leo ever actually answered any of your questions on this thread? I've looked through a few pages on this thread, tho not all 996 posts. I guess I'm curious why you all keep asking, if he's not responding? He seems to be very clear in not wanting to discuss his personal life. Because he doesn't want people idealizing him and making the teachings about him. So yeah, I guess I don't see the point in continuing to ask a thousand personal questions, if he isn't answering them.
  22. Really Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Its an inspiration.
  23. If you're looking for total seclusion to become totally enlightened, a cave doesn't make much sense. Hard to survive in a cave. Get a cabin as far up in the woods as possible. Make sure it has a wood stove. Grow a garden. Have some chickens for eggs and meat for the winter. Gather rain water in barrels and melt snow for water in the winter. There, shelter, heat, water and food taken care of. Now you can spend most of your time enlightening.
  24. @Genghis Khan You may have killed hundreds of thousands of people in northeast Asia in the 12th century, but here you have extremely wise words. Well said.
  25. And this has what to do with spirituality and self-actualizing?