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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. God (you are God) created suffering to experience suffering. It's not bad, it just is, to be experienced. God created torture so it can experience torture. You (the Ego) is a video game character being played first-person by God (the real You). That video game character will get hurt, get beat down and will die. Then you (God) will load a new character and play some more. The key is to awaken to who you are (God) know that you are experiencing a video game character and enjoy the ride, suffering and all. *hint. Once you awaken to who you are (God), there won't be any more suffering. No self, no suffering.
  2. He said in the video that at that level of oneness with God to be able to alter the 'rules' of reality, other people would no longer be other people and you would no longer be 'human'. It would not register to the dualistic world. So no, you can't get proof. And welcome, Frank. Happy to have you join in.
  3. Here's a bunch of trip reports if you all want to get a feel for what others have experienced with DPT.
  4. Two Douche Bros are discussing what to do for the weekend. Douche Bro #1: 'Dude! Lets get wasted, get some chicks or play some video games. Douche Bro #2: " Whatever brah man, it's all the same". ------------------- Brah·man /ˈbrämən/ In Hinduism, Brahman is the ultimate reality underlying all phenomena. Brahman is formless but is the birthplace of all forms in visible reality.
  5. Think they meant it to be a fictional story. What interests me is that this idea of IV drip and being able to be fully nondual for 24 hours+ is beginning to take off. I had an idea awhile ago about opening up a clinic somewhere like Costa Rica. Partner with registered nurses and doctors, where they medically administer IV drip of 5-MeO. There could be a pre-session explain what to expect, and a post-session teaching how to integrate what was experienced. Could be marketed as a suicide prevention retreat center. "Die before you die". But the larger picture would be legitimizing such profound Nondual experiences. With the expectation it would catch on and see thousands per year. You want to change the world, I could see this as one of the best ways.
  6. Ah, sorry missed that part. Advice still stands. If it was a small amount, and you haven't felt anything after this much time, you should be just fine.
  7. Hey, I don't quite understand the questions. How does one accidently smoke 5-MeO? If it was a small dose, why would you be worried? Why do you consider this stupid to do 5-MeO? It should come on almost instantly if smoked. If it has been a half hour, you're way past any point of it doing anything, if it hasn't already. So nothing to be concerned about. In fact, if you've got it, I would do more.
  8. @Leo Gura Now this confuses me a bit. If one knows without a doubt that they do not exist, are an illusion/video game character, and the true self is God of everything and is immortal, then why would one have even the slightest fear of death? If one knows the body isn't real, why would you care? Knowing that the illusionary body's instinct for survival is part of the illusion. In this space, I would suspect death would mean nothing at all. No more than a video game character you've been playing dying, utterly meaningless.
  9. Leo or the mods do not owe anyone on this forum anything. It's a service that you are welcomed to participate in. There are rules. If you don't follow them, there are consequences. It's really that simple. If I invite you to a party at my house and you come in saying the party sucks, I suck, and annoying my guests, I will ask you to behave and if you don't you can leave. You have no right to be at my party, it's a privilege. If you don't like the way the forum is, you're free to leave. But don't tell the host how to run his party, when you are the guest.
  10. I highly agree.
  11. In other words, please quit fucking with the Forum or you'll loose it. I know it's human nature to keep pushing things till it gets destroyed. But I personally would like to see this forum prosper. By continually fighting against the way you think it *should* be run, you are making it worse. Do you want to see the forum shut down? Keep on pushing and it will eventually happen. *Speaking to everyone arguing about moderation.
  12. The major difference between Leo and Teal is money. She changes $3000 per person per talk. Leo shares his knowledge for free. Teal sells mugs, shoes, hats, Yoga matts, tote bags, gift cards, and posters she sells on her website. Leo only sells a book list and a life purpose course. Both he spent a lifetime developing. Leo is in this to share knowledge. He only make enough to keep a roof over his head. Teal is in it for millions of dollars, as much as she can fleece from her followers. She is in it for fame and money. That there is a HUGE difference between these two.
  13. As for finding places in your area. I would suggest going to some conscious culture hippy festivals this summer in your area. Maybe something Burning Man related. Or some phycedilic music festival. Get to know people. Make friends. Get in with groups. After that, start asking if anyone has done Aya locally. Usually someone knows someone.
  14. My advice: Find ones where the do NOT do all the playing music and chanting crap. I personally hate that. I want to be at peace and quiet when diving deep into the medicine. Everything else is distraction. But lots of people like all that stuff. Practice meditation beforehand. For me, meditation is the access to the medicine. Mind-chatter will keep me from sinking into it. One there is no thoughts, there is nothing in the way to sink and keep sinking till I'm gone. Most all places tell you to go on a strict diet for 2 weeks beforehand. No pot, alcohol, sex, drugs of any kind, especially anti=depressants and anti-anxiety medications. No pork, no foods with fermentations. I'm sure you could find full lists online.
  15. Yeah, it's not easy. Takes alot of self awareness to let go of all those insecurities. But, again, without Compersion, there's nothing but heartbreak in your future with Poly without it. On a side note, a quick story about my very first Poly relationship. I was about 25 at the time. Never even heard of polyamory. She was very experienced, with many partners. After our first night together, the next day, I received an email from a couple of her main partners. I was scared to open it. They wanted to thank me for showing her such a good night and said she was glowing the next day. And welcomed me to their poly family. This showed me how it can be. Each person added, ads more love, not takes it away. At least that's how it can be.
  16. I've been in Poly relationships most of my life. There is one question you need to ask yourself if your thinking about it. If you can't answer yes, then don't even consider it, cause it will always always lead to pain and suffering. Can you have your partner have sex with someone else and you enjoy it? Can they go on a date and you want to hear all the details when they come home? Can you be happy for them in their sexual experiences with others? Can you go as far to watch them have sex with someone else, and have nothing but love in your heart for their experience? If you can't, don't even attempt it. If you're doing it to get more sex with other, but don't want you partner to do the same, it will lead to failure. If you are tolerating your partner going on dates, it will lead to failure. If you say you're ok with it, but in your heart you're really not, it will lead to heartbreak. If you're doing to make them happy, at the cost of your own happiness, it will quickly fail. Only way it works, is 'Compersion', which is 'feeling of joy or happiness (and sometimes even arousal) for your partner's happiness with their other partner(s)'. If you can't mature and evolve to the point of compersion for you partner, then don't even attempt it. There are so many emotional landminds with polyamory, not many people can handle it. Only way is through unconditional love and letting go of control.
  17. Yes, for instance, I did 22mg of oxalate rectally and felt nothing. But if I smoked that, it would be full blown.
  18. Abso-frikin-lutely. It's the best. Waking up with the ocean, the mountains, the forest, all out your front door.
  19. I'm not enlightened (yet), but I have not worked a wage job in over a decade. I will never work for a corporation again. I lowered my bills as low as I could. I live in a conversion home bus, so no rent. I get food at food banks, which is awesome. I participate in government programs, so I get free health care, free cell phone and cell service. I get internet at local libraries and coffee houses. I don't pay taxes. Gas is about the only expense I have. So my monthly money expenditures are about $50-$100 total. So I can do one day of work and have that be my months money. Over the past decade I have earned money numerous ways, all of which have been enjoyable. I've been a performer, made and sold leather clothing, I've done odd jobs under the table. The secrete is to delete what society says in you having to play their game. You don't. There are endless ways to live and not be a slave to anyone. You don't need all the possessions crap. Trust me, living simply, being 100% free and not being a slave, is endlessly more peaceful than being a slave in the game. If I can do it, so can anyone.
  20. @Leo Gura of course the two aren't mutually exclusive. Vaginal sex is amazing, but blowjobs are good too I think you'd dig Ayahuasca. It's really beautiful. If, and when, you do, I'd love to hear one of your deep analytical takes on it.
  21. To know Truth, you have to die. That doesn't all that pleasant to me. I know once you do die, it is beyond words wonderful, but still dying and realizing you never existed and your life is a lie, is no picnic. For some, like me, you just want the truth, whatever it is. Tired of not knowing what the fuck is going on.
  22. Suffering creates walls to protect one's self. I would imagine someone who never experienced suffering would have no walls and be the purest form of love. You ever notice how much love children are before the world consumes them? And empathy is understanding another person. Which is a dualistic paradigm. A Nonduality child could operate from 'self love'. As every person is them, they would only be loving themselves. To hurt someone else, is to hurt yourself, so why do that. Greed, selfishness, stealing, cheating, violence, angry, envy, jealousy, vindictiveness, bullying, are all based in a dualistic view of the world. Everyone is against you, so you're against everyone. But a child that is truly one with everything, would be nothing but love no matter the circumstances. And yes, I would teach them this from the beginning. Why have to deprogram them later. Children absorb what is around them. No child is born with hate, it is taught. So this begins with the parents. They have to be Nondual, for the child to pick up on it from the earliest of age. To try and teach these teaching, without the parents being there, then yes it would probably just come off as a belief system. The child could think "well, why should I do this if Daddy is angry all the time, so it obviously doesn't work for him. So why should I believe it would work for me?".
  23. I mean it's all perspective right? You can let the world teach the kid the default way of perceiving reality, which is the world is happening TO you. So there is pain, shame, deep suffering at being a victim of everything happing to you. Or, you can teach them that they are the creator of their reality. They choose their perceptions, their thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions of their own reality. Teach them that they create it all. And to suffer, is to willfully create suffering. And the first view made no sense to them, and meant nothing to them that others thought 'differently' (he'd know that there is no separation or different). What would a kid be like if this was their default? How would they show up in the world? What does a person who grows up never scarred by suffering, what would that person be like? Personally, I would like to find this out someday.