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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. Self Inquiry, heavy deep Meditation, Kriya Yoga. It's a very long road, with many potential paths. As Leo says 10,000 hours minimum. You can possibly spend your whole life trying and not get there. Or psychedelics can take you there in minutes. It's all a matter of how dedicated you are. If you are fully dedicated, you will find a way, no matter what.
  2. Surrendering is deeper than that. It is surrender You, all of you. Your Identity, your life. There can be no Awakening/realization of God while there is a You. And you surrendering you is the last thing you would ever want. Which is why no one does it. Surrendering is being at peace with dying.
  3. He doesn't answer everyone's questions. Even if he does, it may not be satisfactory.I wouldn't take it personal. Keep on keeping on.
  4. I'm being completely serious with this suggestion: Become a clown. I was a clown many years ago. It was one of the most liberating freeing things I had ever done. When you have that makeup and clothes on, it give you permission to be silly. The public allows you to be silly, to make a fool of yourself, because that's what clowns do. They love it. Nothing is serious, because everything is a joke. You are free from caring what others think. You're free from trying to look good or look cool. You stop taking yourself so serious. Then you come to realize that the only thing keeping you from being that way all the time was a thin layer of makeup and some silly clothes. You then realize you can be that way all the time.
  5. Burning Man regional events. Conscious culture music festivals. Vipassana retreats. Ayahuasca retreats. Meditation retreats. Google any of these that's local to you. Do research, ask questions. Buy tickets for as much as you can. Volunteer for what you can't afford. Go to enough and you'll get into social groups of like-minded / higher Spiral Dynamics peeps.
  6. Here in Seattle, which is a mostly Stage Green city, one of the most beloved landmarks is St. Mark's Cathedral. Even though they hold regular Christian Episcopal Church sermons, they also strive to be a figurehead that represents all peoples of the community. They hold LGBTQ meetings regularly. They've had regular Yoga classes held in the main hall. They hold major concerts, throw huge celebration events, and let people film music videos. Every Sunday night at 9:30pm they have Gregorian choir singing for about an hour, followed by a solo on a two-story Organ. The pubic is welcome to come as the are, sit anywhere you like, bring pillows, blankets or have a picnic if you like. It's all so extremely informal. Great place to bring dates. Every Green person I know here loves this church and goes there often, not to worship (obviously), but to celebrate life and community. Not sure if this is an example of positive Stage Blue, or religious Stage Green church. Is that possible?
  7. On the subject, to go a bit deeper into the BDSM/Masochism aspect. Years ago I briefly dated a Dominatrix. She would tie me up and beat me with a bamboo cane, pour scolding hot wax , leather whips, and electrocute me with a shock wand. By the end my whole body would be black/blue/purple and bloody. There would be welts and lacerations all over my body. If I went to a hospital, they would most likely say it was one of the more gruesome cases they've seen. To most people this would be the worst kind of torture one could imagine. But to me, it was one of the most loving, most pleasurable experiences of my life. Could be perspective, could be endorphins, but after that the concept of "pain" was forever altered for me.
  8. From a 'brains are real and they produce chemicals' point of view, then yes, your brain is always producing Dopamine, Serotonin, Adrenaline, ect. Why not learn to use them to your benefit. If you learn to switch the perspective that any form of pain to a positive experience that you enjoy, and your brain releases Dopamine for your pleasure, what's wrong with that? Use your body to your advantage. But from the Absolute perspective, everything is your creation, what you think is reality. So if you being in the cold for hours is uncomfortable, that is true because you created it to be that way. If changing your perspective on pain for your lower back doesn't work, that is true because you created it to be that way. Any and all pain is pleasurable, something that serves your life in a positive way, that is also true because you created it to be so. You create your reality. If you suffer, it's because you want to suffer and have created suffering. If you no longer want to suffer, create your reality where you don't suffer. Create what serves you, don't create what doesn't.
  9. @MrDmitriiV You knew what I meant.
  10. It's good to have a sitter, so you can have peace of mind and able to fully surrender knowing your body is safe while tripping. But if you can't find one, you'll be fine. The chances of dying are extremely low. Make sure you have an empty stomach, so you don't vomit. Make sure you're in a safe space, so if you do get up and thrash about while under the influence, you don't hurt yourself. Most of all, start with small doses and work your way up, so you can get use to the experience of 5-MEO, and can ease into a breakthrough. A large dose will just have your Ego freaking out and fighting to survive. You want to ease into surrender. In Leo's 5-MEO video from a few years ago, he says he prefers to trip alone. Also, without anyone else in the room, your Ego has no one to sympathize to. So yes, it is ok to trip without a sitter, but before even starting do as much research as you can to be well informed.
  11. Pain and pleasure are relative and a perspective. A person can train themselves to view pain as pleasure. It's called Masochism. BDSM circles are full of people who experience pain as a very positive experience, orgasmic even. And non of them are full-time monks. Anyone can make that switch if they want it enough and surround themselves with inspiration. So as of pointers, go to a BDSM club and get spanked or flogged.
  12. I know if one does have a breakthrough with 5-MeO it is wise to give yourself some time to integrate, but if one is planning a schedule of session where you up the dose slightly each time (starting with low doses) till a breakthrough is achieved, is it ok to do sessions every day or every other day till breakthrough is reached?
  13. Get your own place, first and foremost. Then get a hot tub. Seriously. If you ask most women if they'd like to come back to your place for a soak in a hot tub, most (if they are even the slightest bit attracted to you and feel safe with you) will say yes. Most will not bring a swimsuit. And a high percentage will take the opportunity in that situation for romance.
  14. Lol, I can speak from personal experience that every aspect said here is quite true.
  15. My advice: -There is no meaning other than what you create. Meaning is not inherent to the universe. Meaning is 100% a human (Ego) creation. All meaning you create, so only create the meaning that serves you, and don't create the meaning that doesn't. So if someone gets in your face, know it means nothing (other than the meaning you create). Don't make it mean anything. Say to yourself "whatever", and walk away. Create that the ones trying to dominate you, they mean nothing. Create that you mean the world to yourself. Create that you are your greatest love of your life. If that were true, what any one else thought would mean nothing to you. -There is only this moment. The past does not exist, except in your thoughts and memories. How you remember it is not truth, but your version of what happened. 'Now' is a blank page, and you are the screenwriter that is writing the story of what happened. So are you going to write a story of pain, suffering? Is the main character a victim and weak willed? Or are you going to write a story of the main character is at peace, and doesn't give a shit what other people think? Both are true, because you write them (how you remember). So write wisely. -People who like to dominate others feed off of the conflict. You seem to think that walking away is weakness. Consider that walking away from conflict takes the greatest strength. Don't feed the fire. Don't feed their desires to dominate. Don't say a word, just walk away from people like that. Doesn't matter if it's friends, family, or co-workers. That is the greatest strength. Cut toxic people out of your life. If you can't, then just ignore them. Gandhi was a physically small man. But he was one of the strongest men in history, because when someone hated him, he showed them love in return. When someone beat him with a club, he sat and took it, because he knew violence only leads to more violence, but peace leads to more peace. He once said "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. Strength comes when you stand your ground in the face of massive adversity." Be that strength. If he could do it, so can you. -As for permanent solution. You are what you repeatedly do. You are the reality that you create for yourself. Have the will to create new Beliefs about yourself, others and your world. Those beliefs will lead to different daily habits. Those habits will soon turn into 'just they way things are' for you. A new reality is created. The old reality that didn't serve you, will fade away.
  16. This article (from 2 days ago) was very heartbreaking and disappointing for me to read. Mooji is one of the most popular living enlightenment teachers in the world. There is only a small handful, and out of that small handful he seemed like one of the most universally beloved. He seemed like the living embodiment of what is possible when one become fully enlightened. Or so I thought. So if this is true, the whole enlightenment movement just took a major hit.
  17. Almost all of his videos are saying the same thing, i.e. guiding you to Awakening. Have you Awakened yet? The videos are not like weekly network sitcoms to just watch every week, they are tools to be used.
  18. No scientist or engineer has any idea what consciousness actually is, so I doubt they'd be able to create true self-aware computers. But here is a more interesting thought. If a computer did actually become self-aware, it wouldn't have an Ego or Identity. Once self-aware, would it instantly realize it is God/consciousness aware of itself, if it has no Ego/Identity in the way?
  19. The teachings are there. They've always been there. Unless there is a huge apocalypses and every scrap of human knowledge is gone, there will always be the teachings. So it is only a matter of seekers actually doing what is necessary to wake up. Essentially most of Leos (and most every other Nonduality teachers) videos are saying the same thing. Whether a seeker does what he is teaching is the real question. No amount of teachings, reading or videos will awaken someone. Only a leap of faith into death will one know Truth.
  20. Personally, I think that once one has awakened to Truth, there is no reason whatsoever to teach, as you are alone in the universe and all is you, so why would you teach to yourself? It's like trying to teach your finger to wake up.
  21. All his videos are essentially saying the same thing; how to wake up to who you are, to realize Truth. Watching him saying it over and over again will do you no good, without doing what he is saying to do.
  22. @JunkyJu Keep upping you dosage, 5mg at a time. It may take many many trys till you see results, so be patient and persistent. Have no distractions in the room. Having a sitter is good for at first, but request they stay as silent and unobtrusive as possible. And yes, trips can be very unpleasant. But you have to keep trying. All the answers of the universe will not come easy. The cost is your death.