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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. @Johnny5 That's some great advice!
  2. You don't know you're in a dream while you're in it. If a dream character told you you were dreaming, doubt you'd believe them, as it's s real in the moment. You only know you are dreaming when you wake up. You don't understand how this all works because you haven't stepped outside of this to experience the Truth for yourself. No one can explain it to you. The catch is, there can't be a you (ego, identity, memories, your life) for you (infinite God) to know itself. You have to die to get all the answers you seek. Hence starting down the path that so many here are taking, such as heavy psychedelics, Kriya breath yoga, dedicated mediation and so on. Expanding your consciousness till you expand till you are all of you (God)
  3. The topic has been discussed to death (no pun intended). Use the search field to find the past threads on the subject. You'll find lots of insight.
  4. I think Leo explained this well in the psychedelics video. Why can't we walk through walls, cause God designed this reality to be that way, it's the designed rules. So if God designed this reality to be like a video game, and we are the video game characters/avatars, then psychedelics are a portkey out of the game.
  5. Wow, that video was brutal. Good points you make. Hadn't thought of it that way. But unfortunately, in that perspective, I don't think Any of the candidates would be that much of a fighter to go toe to toe with trump? Trump is a fighter that plays by no rules. He will put brass knuckles, razor-blades and broken glass in his gloves. And every Democratic candidates wants to come at this from following the rules. Not saying they should fight dirty, but you have to be ready for a fight to the death. I love Sanders, but is he ready for that kind of fight? Is any of them? Exposing the Republicans lies does Not work. They just say You are lying and create a false narrative that half the people believe. This has been what trump and his administration has been doing since day one. Can't win this by playing it nice and safe.
  6. Don't want to go into details again, but yes she is very much a fraud.
  7. From the Nonduality perspective, this is all moot. We're all one. Race is Maya.
  8. Most people in my circles (mostly all Stage Green) don't like him. They say he's getting a lot of his campaign funds from Big Money interest groups. Which means he will be beholden to them if he gets elected. Also there's talk of the corporate DNC was wanting Biden, cause he would be a easily manipulated business as usual candidate, like they were pushing Hilary over Sanders. Sanders is pretty much an Independent, and would fight against Big Money influences of government, which the DNC doesn't want. So the rumor is, that since they were backing Biden, but he's pretty unlikable and falling in the polls, now Buttigieg is their new business as usual candidate. I got no evidence of any of this, but that is what most people I know are saying and they follow what's going on closely. I think Sanders is the best choice for real change to the corrupt system. We don't need more business as usual. We need someone with the balls for fighting for a major overhaul.
  9. 'Sure, have you met my ex?' ba dum tss
  10. I'm excited for you. If you've never tried mushrooms before, boy are you in for a real treat. Some of the most amazing experiences of my life have involved mushrooms.
  11. You really do not need a retreat. You'll want to be alone on shrooms, to not be distracted. In fact, other people around can have a negative effect. You can get paranoid at how you may be acting or perceived by others. Best to be in nature. nature comes alive, and you commune with it in way you couldn't imagine.
  12. To me, the big question in all this is not if Democrats can win the election from Trump, it's what is going to happen when he refuses to honor the results and refuses to leave. Everything he has done so far has pointed to him staying in power no matter what the rules are. Rules do not apply to him. From the attached video: 'My question to all Democratic candidates, what is the plan if you win, and the next day Trump claims he's voiding the election because of some 'irregularities he's hearing about'? What do you do when his base 22,000 strong, marches on Washington? What do we do if he doesn't go? Do you really think if Democrats win by a landslide, Republicans will suddenly get rational about math and facts? You think the same Senate that refuses to hear witnesses and acquitted Trump of abuse of power, is going to stop Trump when he calls the election rigged? Who is going to stand up to him, the Attorney General who works for him? The Supreme Court Justices that he appointed? Who is going to make him leave the office when he refuses to leave?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump: 'President for life. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.” Trump: 'My people may demand that I stay longer.' Trump: 'I might remain in the Oval Office at least for 10 or 14 years.” Trump shared a tweet: “Trump should have 2 yrs added to his 1st term as pay back for time stolen by this corrupt failed coup.”
  13. Complicated subject. Honestly I think Leo's video here covers the answer to all your questions best.
  14. @Deezeetho Please spread your rhetoric bullshit elsewhere. It's not welcome here. Who fucking cares about 'winning'. It's not a game.
  15. Doesn't seem like adherence to the Constitution, separation of powers, and governmental checks and balances have been working out to well lately. Remember the head of the Justice Department works for Trump. I see it as it's not about the way things are supposed to be, or how they have always been in the past, but the way they are now, which is a totally corrupt government full of criminals that care nothing for law, the constitution, or how are government has run since its conception. They are in power and will not give it up.
  16. You are your own person, and your life is your own. Don't care what anyone else says you should do with your life. If they truly love you, they will respect what you want to do with your life, whatever that is. Life is short, don't live by anyone elses control. Tell them, not ask, but tell them what you are going to do with your life. If they don't like it, then maybe it's time to take some time apart while you get the life you want to have in order. If they still want to be part of your life, they will hopefully be on board with your chosen path. If not, maybe that's a good time to distance yourself with those that do not support you fully, and find those that do.
  17. Why does the military, judges and the rest of the government listen to him now? Cause he holds the highest label of power? Same thing with being self appointed president for life (like his buddy Putin). Military and government do what they're told, they follow orders.
  18. Sure, but when the newly self appointed Commander In Chief for life declares martial law and sends the military and militarized police to stop any and all the protests against him, what are you going to do then?
  19. I understand not wanting to put it out there as a possibility. That whole creating reality thing. Yet, talking about bringing back slavery is not a fair comparison. That is very much not likely to happen based on all available evidence. A better comparison would be global environmental collapse due to global warming. Sure it's a possibility that could not happen, but all available evidence points to this being probable almost certain outcome. So....
  20. Say what you will about the messenger, the message is sound. Everything Trump has done and said is pointing towards this happening. Guess only time will tell.
  21. They're all over the world. If you can travel, you can find them. Again, if you are dedicated, you will find a way.
  22. Self Inquiry, heavy deep Meditation, Kriya Yoga. It's a very long road, with many potential paths. As Leo says 10,000 hours minimum. You can possibly spend your whole life trying and not get there. Or psychedelics can take you there in minutes. It's all a matter of how dedicated you are. If you are fully dedicated, you will find a way, no matter what.