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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. @Leo Gura I'm sure you are, but please be documenting your journey. It may be important for historical purposes.
  2. Leo, if you are all there is, you are only ever talking to yourself. Seems like for the longest time you had frustration for yourself (ignorant people on this forum). You know you are love, so it's nice to see you showing love for yourself (ignorant people on this forum). I'm happy for you. Sounds like a deep connection to Love.
  3. Well, maybe think of it this way. Right now you live from a perception of separateness. All your problems and suffering is a result of separateness. If you awoken and realized you are creating literally everything, it's all your dream that you are imaging, all other people are just your imagination, how would this effect how you perceive your life? Would you have conflict with others if you knew they were you/your creation? Not as a concept, but as an absolute truth. Would you get upset, knowing you created what is upsetting you? The image wouldn't change, but how you perceive it would change. Once you awaken to your absolute true nature, all there is to do is enjoy the show you are creating. Knowing you are both the all of infinity and the limited form you are experiencing, and whatever is occurring this moment is absolutely perfect.
  4. Realize that unless you have an Awakening, all this is not going to make sense and just be concepts to you, so don't let it fuck with your head too much. Your limited consciousness can't understand. If you really want to know what is going on, then work towards awakening. If not, then just enjoy the ride. Either you awaken and know how everything works while you're 'a person', or you die and find out then.
  5. Just a fun collaboration among friends.
  6. Post-apocalyptical. I was a huge Mad Max fan as a kid, so a couple years ago I did a series of Post-apocalyptic style modeling shoots. Here's another. @electroBeam Not sure what the photographer used for post.
  7. This photoshoot of me seems appropriate for the current apocalypse.
  8. I live in Seattle WA. It's mostly Orange, but there is a huge solid Green community here. People are loving, socially conscious, welcoming to all, proactive, non-judgmental, and love to gather for music and social events. And I think that's the point. There is not really Green or Yellow cities. All large cities are going to be a mix of many stages. It's the smaller communities that have a chance of being unified in one particular stage. For a Yellow community, one would have to look for a commune of like-minded high consciousness peoples. Anything over 100 people, and it's hard to maintain the high standard of consciousness/spiral stage, as Blue, Orange or Green peoples would see the benefits of the commune and want to be part of it. My personal idea is to start my own commune up in the mountains, and have an comprehensive vetting process. To be part of the community, you'd have to be interviewed for many weeks. Only people who have many Awakenings, knows they are God/one with everything, and have transcended their Ego, would be able to be part of the community. Hopefully this would create a community of unity and love, and avoid all the Ego traps of jealously, wanting to control, getting offended, ownership and so on. A group of 100 or so Turquoise people living in complete oneness with eachother and nature in pure love, a family that takes care of each other till death. Sounds like heaven on earth to me. But then again, this is my own Ego wants. If I was actually Turquoise , none of this would matter. As of actual existing Yellow communities, I do not really know of any. Not too many people out there are knowledgeable in Spiral Dynamics, so most any community will still be a mix. Which is why most communities still have conflict.
  9. Seems like you're taking into account Spiral Stages, which changes where is ideal to live, with a place that aligns with your level of consciousness being ideal. You mentioned Turquoise. I would imagine for Turquoise it honestly wouldn't matter. A Turquoise person would understand it is all equal, no difference where you are, as it's all God happening right now, and is always perfect. So one place to live would be as good as any other, you'd be just as content and at peace anywhere. I live in a Green city, and enjoy it. Would be lovely to live in a Yellow society.
  10. Basically this is Leo's house. He built this house. You are invited to be a guest in his house. Lets say in my house you are expected to take off your shoes, clean up after yourself, and in this house we are devout Christians. If you come in leave your shoes on after being told otherwise, leave a mess, and start spouting off why Christianity is wrong, then we're going to have a talk. If these behaviors continue, you be asked to leave my home. This is Leos house, and he makes the rules of his house. He has very specific teachings of Reality/God. If you don't like it, go to someone elses house, and stop telling him how he should run his home.
  11. Then just leave. Why do you gotta announce and try and justify your reasons. For attention? To show everyone how right you are? And now sticking around to argue with people who respond, before you stomp off?
  12. Nice work! Hope you do more film-making. Also Leo is away for a couple months, so wouldn't count on him responding.
  13. Well, try on for a moment that every single thing Leo said in that video is absolutely true. No matter how outlandish it may seem. If that were true, then he is yourself telling yourself how to end all your suffering. And if that was true, then wouldn't it be worth at least trying what he's saying to you? At the very least you get high off a psychedelic, but at best it's true and you realize you are frikin god. So ask yourself, is that worth taking a hero's dose of 5-MEO? Isn't that a worthy gamble of seeing if it's all true?
  14. If you haven't already, watch all of this:
  15. Seems odd to me that you had this kind of reaction to Ayahuasca, the trying to crawl into a fire and 3 grown men having to hold you down. I've done many many Ayahuasca ceremonies and I've never seen or heard of someone having an experience that's so dangerous. Did the people there at the ceremony say this was common or an extreme rarity? Was it just Ayahuasca or could have there been something else in it? I've heard some Ayahuasca is 5-MEo based, not N,N based, which could have account for the difference in experiences.
  16. Wow, yeah thanks for sharing. That's one of the best descriptions of how infinity/reality works I've heard yet.
  17. From the Nonduality perspective: You (God) are infinitely everything. All appearances and experiences are happening within your imagination. Anything happening is happening because you (God) imagined it. One perspective of infinite possibilities. So what you think happened happened because you thought of it.
  18. You're welcome. I live in Seattle, WA, and there are many Aya retreat centers within an hour drive. Spoiled I know.
  19. Bring whatever you need to be comfortable. Some sit up, some people lie down. Bring whatever cushiness to be comfortable. Bring earplugs and an eye mask. You'll want to be in complete sensory deprivation. You will be very sensitive to sound and light. Most Aya ceremonies are full of chanting and music. Some are into that, whereas I want silence so I can go deep. My advice, keep going to get another dose. Whatever reason you're there for, you want to experience what Aya has to offer. I wouldn't hesitate to keep going up to get more. You won't regret it. Don't worry about purging. It's part of the process. You feel better afterwards. My experience is about a quarter purges, so you could not purge at all. Right before, think of your intensions. What do you want the plant medicine to help you with? The main thing is to fully surrender. Trust the plant medicine to guide you. Completely let go, and you will experience wonders you can't even imagine. The key to breaking through with Aya, is meditation. Surrendering to no thought will let the medicine take you.
  20. To look on the bright side of the pandemic. One of the biggest (if not the biggest) issue in the world right now is over population of humans. I know it sounds callous, but the best thing for the world right now is an impartial culling of the population. Depending on how many die, this could help alleviate the climate change issues, and help stabilize the planet. Another potential added benefit is it could be the thing that finally gets Trump out of office. He's willfully unprepared for this epidemic. Actually calling it a "Hoax". So the timing could not be better with his election coming up, as Americans all over the country could be dying in troves, and he is doing nothing to stop it. Another potential benefit is it maybe bringing us all closer together. When things are good, we all fight over petty shit. When faced with a global threat to our very survival, all the petty shit seems moot.
  21. All of Leo's content is basically trying to convey one thing: How to Awaken. So it's not about him, it's about you. You either follow the path to Awaken or you don't. More or better content isn't going to matter. Everything one needs has already been said.
  22. @Tightrope Walker All of Leo's videos/content are on his website. So even if the worst happen (which it won't) no content of his will be lost to anyone.