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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. What about a test like this for vetting others? Say you wanted to start a commune and only want people at stage Yellow/Turquoise, so you avoid some of the Ego traps of lower stages that doom most all communes. Giving a comprehensive Spiral Dynamic test could see if they meet the grade or need to do some more work and come back another time to try again. Or maybe even if a CEO had a start-up that he wanted only high consciousness people involved, this test could help them in their hiring process. Just a fun thing to think about, the possibilities.
  2. Very good points. Hadn't thought of it in that way.
  3. People come in all shades. Please check your racist comments.
  4. Also the Indian population (which I'm sure is sizable), as she is half Indian. I'm sure she will have an impact on all 'minority' groups.
  5. Is it possible to have a stage Turquoise / Purple tribe? Could a group (20-50) of people who have a deep understanding of Self/God/transcendence of ego/Nonduality form a Purple type tribe where they are family, live together and share survival responsibilities in nature? Coming full circle in the Spiral Dynamics so to speak. Seems like it would be almost easier to be in a tribe at Turquoise because you understand that everyone else is You, no separation, all working as One.
  6. There is a difference between low Stage Green and high Green. Take Burning Man for example. One of the best examples of Green society. One of their main principles of their society is 'Radical self reliance' and what they call 'Doocracy', which is all about getting shit done. They work extremely hard, working day and night, sometimes in triple digit desert temperatures. They build an entire city, with hospitals, an airport, massive art installations, streets with street signs and light poles, community hubs etc., all within a matter of weeks in the middle of a desolate desert in Nevada.
  7. I highly suggest doing Ayahuasca alone. This is coming from dozens of ceremonies experience. I find the Shaman experience to work directly against your trip experience. As you're trying to go deep, they will distract you with playing songs, banging drums, telling stories, along with people walking around, crying, puking etc.. With so much distractions, I find it hard to go really deep. It's the equivalent of trying to meditate in a loud social gathering. Sure some could do it, but I'd prefer a dark room with total sensory isolation, so I can freely go deep. Same with Aya. Do it in a dark room alone, and allow it to do it's thing. If you have a hard experience, that is you working through some of your shit. All my Aya experiences have all been beautiful (except for the distractions).
  8. 'Physical' death is permanent reunification / one with everything / God. Satori / Awakening is temporary reunification / one with everything / God. Something I can't wrap my mind around, why if God reunifies with itself through Awakening, back to being One, why would it come back to the same body again? If God is again experiencing all of Infinity, would it even remember a limited tiny bubble of a persons experience? It would make more sense that once that limited perspective is dissolved into Infinity, that would be it, that limited perspective would be no more. Why is physical death permanent reunification, and Awakening temporary? Aren't they supposed to be the same? Being unified with infinity should be it, no difference. Why is it not possible to come back to the same limited perspective/life after physical death, just like an Awakening death?
  9. I get that, and accept that. My question is more about how one comes back to their body after a full blown Awakening, verses not coming back if one shoots themselves in the head. How in an Awakening full unification with God would it want to come back to the limited body perspective, but with physical death it cannot? If one shoots themselves in the head, can God once unified reimagine the same body perspective like it never happened?
  10. This statement goes against most everything Leo has taught IMO. In a lot of his teachings he talks about separation and unification. I mean, I know language can be limited. I know infinity is happening now. But as a limited perspective I am not aware of it.
  11. An awakening is waking up from the dream to the truth of your existence, to infinity. Remembering. Then you come back to the dream, your body, your point of view. You won't have the present moment experience of infinity, but will have the knowledge of it. Existence is both meaningless and infinitely meaningful. There is no meaning to nothingness, yet there is meaning because you God created it.
  12. The answer to all this is you need to awaken to find out for yourself. Nothing anyone says is going to be a satisfying answer, as everyone is part of the illusion that you (God) are creating. So you are essentially asking a character in your dream why you are dreaming the dream you are in why the dream is the way it is. See how that can't work. Only when you wake from the dream can you understand that it was all meaningless, just an experience you dreamt up to experience. Nothingness imaging somethingness. So if you want answers, do the work to awaken from the dream (the how has been documented at great length on this site). Then you can go about the rest of your dream (life) knowing why it is the way it is, and can sit back and enjoy the dream for what it is.
  13. A friend of mine is having minor oral surgery in a couple days and just got the opportunity to do a Bufo ceremony a few days later. Does any one have some direct knowledge of if antibiotics will interact with the Bufo in any significant way?
  14. Go watch Leo's video on the Ox. Nonduality will go full circle. You realize all is an illusion, then integrate back in to the illusion and enjoy it. You created all this for a reason; to experience it.
  15. Because why? Covered pretty well by Christianity no? Even if he's not a fictional character written for a book to control people, which is debatable, he'd still be a imagination character of God (you). Nonduality is about waking up that you are God and imagined everything.
  16. Leo has a great video on the benefits of awakening. He lists many great reasons, then at the end wisely states that none of what he just listed will really matter once you fully awaken.
  17. Ayahuasca is amazing!! Not always a way to a full awakening, but extremely invaluable nonetheless. Most practitioners I've dealt with have volunteers that help with the ceremonies, that partake in the plant medicine without cost. My advice is to travel to a trusted practitioner, and stay with them for awhile volunteering, doing whatever needs to be done. They will take care of you and make sure you get what you need.
  18. Someone plugged DMT into their computer once, didn't turn out too well.
  19. It's all hinging on your dedication. If you felt like your life depended on it, you'd do anything to get what you needed. You'd travel to another country, one where the psychedelic was say legal. You'd get in with groups. Talk to people, meet new friends in the know. You'd follow every lead, every clue that leads you to what you need. If you are fully dedicated, you will find a way.
  20. Maybe God (you) designed this whole dream world just for you to triumph and overcome your fear to reunite with pure love/infinity. Watch Leo's How Fear Works - The Ultimate Guide To Dealing With Fear. There's some great advice on how to deal with your fear.
  21. It's God. You too can experience this. Take 20mg of 5-MEO and you will die and experience the light.
  22. That's exactly what an imagined character in ones dream would say.
  23. I'm a fan, and I think no not even close. Solid Orange. Driven by money and desires (mostly sexual).
  24. No one can explain this to you, you can only know through direct experience. Anything you're thinking it could be, is not even in the ballpark.