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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. You don't? Despite the dozens of times he promised to not accept the results and there will be no transfer of power? Despite the fact that if he loses he will most likely be hit with hundreds of criminal charges once he no longer has the protection of the office? The backed-into-the corner desperation to say and do anything to win. And you think he's going to just graciously walk away, when he's spent the past 4 years working towards this moment?
  2. Hopefully this news gets spread extensively by the media and it hurts him bigly in the poles.
  3. Not to mention Russian money laundering through his shitty hotels.
  4. Depends on ones level of development. If someone is low on the Spiral Dynamic and Ego Development models, then they could be more susceptible to being manipulated and blindly follow authority figures. I would imagine someone stage Green and above telling any authority that tells them to hurt someone to go GFY.
  5. There's your problem right there. You can't go back, the only way is through. Keep going deeper. As you do, this feeling will dissipate, as you expand your consciousness even further.
  6. Is there even going be a legit election? He himself said that they will seize ballots and there will be just a continuation of his power. Those that rule make the rules. My estimation is that this election will be a farce. Trump will be in power no matter what happens. Hope you're right and I'm wrong. And you know much more than I, so here to hoping.
  7. Trump has most of the Republican party on his side. He has most of the police on his side. He has half the country on his side. He has the Justice Department on his side. He has half the courts on his side. He has the Supreme Court on his side. These past 4 years he had some pushback, but not much. He has been building and consolidating his power for what is happening now with this election. This will be the end of our Democracy. There will be no more pushback, he will have total control. And he will do literally whatever he wants. What do you think a Trump with no limits will do? Only question left is what the Military will do, will they stop it all from happening or side with Trump?
  8. Yeah, well, you said back in February Trump refusing to leave the office wouldn't happen, so..... With all respect of course.
  9. "What can happen if trump gets elected for 4 more years?" All speculation, but based on the path we're on.... Row V Wade revoked. Abortions illegal nation wide. Women's rights...gone. Obama Care revoked. Hundreds of millions of people without heath insurance. Millions will die and our government wont care. Separation of church and state revoked, America will be a Christian country. Christianity will be mandatory taught in schools. Anyone not Christian will be 'the enemy' and dealt with. People of color will be in more danger since the civil war. This is basically the South winning the civil war, just 140 years later. Black people will be rounded up and killed in the streets with no consequences. Possible Segregation laws revoked. Crash of the Economy. This will make the 'Depression' look like a walk in the park. Millions will starve, commit suicide, kill each other out of desperation. Rounding up and arresting of all political opposition. Rounding up and arresting of any opposition. Rise in Covid cases and deaths, with a government that doesn't care if its people die. Millions more will die before it's over. More laws protecting the Environment will be revoked, as more fossil fuels are produced to invigorate the failing oil companies. Accelerating Global Warming to ensure the destruction of us all. Rewriting the Constitution to ensure Republicans stay in power forever. Trump will hand over the rule of his Dictatorship to one of his sons. We will then have decades more of another Trump ruler. Free internet access will most likely be revoked, to stop the spread of dissenting information. Only pro-trump propaganda will be allowed to be seen by the public. Militarized police will crush any dissenting pushback of the people with deadly force. And that is all just the tip of the iceberg. Yes this is all speculation, but if you look at history, what is happening in other countries, and the way things have been going in our country, Trump will win, and it will be the end of our life as you know it. Don't think it can happen? Sorry to tell you, but it IS happening.
  10. Yeah we're not just blowing smoke about Nonduality on this forum. Consciousness is the substance of all the universe. It's all one. One infinite mind dreaming up different worlds and characters to which to experience it through. So aliens are consciousness, you are consciousness, all of humanity is consciousness. So if this world blew up, it would be no more significant than you waking up from a dream and the dream characters ending. Consciousness is eternal.
  11. No human tech can have a vehicle move from one side of the sky to the other in a split second. So yes, we are not even close as a species, by hundreds of years of technological advancements, to what these UFOs can do. And that's comig from direct experence of witnessing them do their thing.
  12. That willingness to risk physically dying to reach the higher levels of consciousness is exactly what is needed to surrender yourself when the time comes of full on ego death as you dissolve into infinity. Frankly I'm a little bit envious. My not wanting to lose my life is precisely what stops me from achieving my goals of full god consciousness. So in my opinion, use that superpower. Go deep.
  13. He also beat women and beat his kids. There was a darkness to John Lennon. Not quite the peace and love persona that was his pubic image.
  14. To add the conversation, I saw UFOs when I was camping in the deserts of Eastern Washington. Definitely just above the atmosphere. Would stay still for minutes, then do erratic maneuvers, then shoot across the sky in a mere second, then stay till again. Nothing manmade could do this. Me and my girlfriend watched them all night. There were 6 of them zipping all over all night. The next day we saw a news report of others reporting seeing them.
  15. Any being conscious enough will understand that they are God and are imaging everything, therefore all rules are imaginary, including one cannot go faster than the speed of light. That's just a concept.
  16. Sounds like you just realized that you (the human identity) are in a dream that you (God) created. You were dreaming and bought into the dream as being real. You forgot you were the dreamer, and thought you were the character in the dream. Now you understand that you are the dream itself. You are now lucid dreaming. You are awake in the dream. What are you going to dream up?
  17. There is a healthy goth community in Seattle where I live. As well as Portland. Major scene in Vancouver B.C. It's a popular scene, as is rave culture, burner culture, steampunk, cosplay, medieval, and so on. Most people I know dabble in most all of these scenes. People just like to dress to the 9s, look sexy and go out dancing and have fun with friends.
  18. Maybe intravenous drip of 5-MEO? Could potentially be under for as long as you want. 12 hour trip? , no prob.
  19. Do you like horror movies? Movies about serial killers, or ones about demons and hell? All of reality is God watching (being) a movie. Sometimes that movie is being a serial killer, sometimes it's being the victim being tortured to death. If it's being imagined, it's being created. But, it's all no more meaningful than a movie. Just images being played out. Any meaning is you putting meaning on it.
  20. Not many people know this is Dave Grohl of Nirvana/Foo Fighters. He did a great Satan.
  21. I just so happen to have spent my day at a nudist beach. No one there is self-conscious there. It's no thing at all. Everyone just talking, frolicking in the water, sharing pot and drinks, all naked. Young and old. It's beautiful. Wish everyone had access to communities like this.
  22. Death is God. You are resisting death, which is why you're not getting 'results'. When doing 5-MEO you have to surrender when you feel like you're dying. You have to let go. Once you do, well....that can't be put into words.
  23. I know something like this probably doesn't exist quite yet, but it would be great if there was a in-depth, extensive, comprehensive test one could take to establish and point to where you are in the Spiral Dynamics model. Like current tests to see where one lies politically. Could be very helpful for people to know where they are at, instead of guessing. Such a test could be very useful in ones journey up the Stages. You could even test again every few years to see where you are now, and how you've progressed. Hope someone with the time and smarts does this some day.
  24. Sounds like a pretty severe case of shroom nausea. Normally when I start to feel the nausea come on after dosing, I just do heavy breathing, and the nausea will fade after about 15-20 minutes.