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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. Oh absolutely, 100%. I mean, everything he has said up this point has been proven to be true so far, so why wouldn't this be true too. I mean Trump seems like this most honest guy in the world.
  2. At least 5 black men were hanged this year. Bet it was more.
  3. Practice. Being mindful of your thoughts. Taking what I said as a truth and embodying it every moment. If you do this enough, stories that don't serve you will fade away, and the stories that do serve you will be all that is left. The wolf you feed is the one that survives.
  4. Realize that Now is all that there is. All thoughts happen Now. All memories are thoughts, which means memories can only happen right Now. Any interaction with the physical world can only happen Now. So Now is all that exists. Your entire Past is happening through memories, which are thoughts, that can only happen right Now. And you have a choice in what you do or think Now. Try it, think of a giraffe. You thinking of a giraffe proves that you have choice over what you think in Now. This means you have a choice over the memories you chose to think about Now. The memories are not truths you are recalling, no more than that giraffe is standing right in front of you. Truth is what you tell yourself. It's the stories you tell yourself. Whether you tell a story of suffering, or one of joy, either are truth, as both are possible stories to tell yourself. Which one you choose is your truth. And the next moment that truth/thought/memory doesn't exist, and you have a whole new opportunity to create a new thought/memory. So if you really get this, you only tell yourself the stories that serve you. Tell stories that bring you joy. And don't tell stories that cause you pain. If you do tell yourself stories that cause yourself pain, ask yourself why? Are you a masochist that enjoys causing yourself pain by telling yourself these stories? Realize that everything you said in this post is a story you are telling yourself, and you have a choice in that story. What happened in the Past doesn't exist, other than the story you tell yourself. You are 100% responsible for the perceptions, thoughts, memories, actions, reactions and reality that you create Now. And as Now is all that exists. Choose wisely what you create.
  5. Imagine a videogame screen. The game is being viewed through the main character, seeing the videogame world through first person-person perspective. Everything in this game world, on this screen is not real (obviously, it's just a videogame), including the main character. It's all meaningless, just a game. Imagine that main character was programed to think he was real and separate from everything else on the screen. Now imagine there is no screen, but the images still exist as if there was a screen, just images appearing in nothingness. Now imagine the first-person perspective main character and everything in this game world he experiences, were all that there was. No one is viewing the images, as the images are all that there is. Now imagine that those images are God experiencing itself.
  6. In a way psychedelics are a placebo, as it's you allowing yourself through the experience of a psychedelic to awaken. The psychedelic never really existed.
  7. With the rise of social media we are in a position we have never been in before as a country. In the past, everyone got their information from trusted news sources that were held to a strict conduct of only reporting the truth and facts. With social media, anyone can voice any opinion and call it fact and truth. And some take advantage of that by knowingly telling lies to sway people towards their own agenda. Algorithms will shape the information you receive based on your search preferences. So someone who searches about Trump and Qanon will have all their newsfeeds based on trump and Qanon. To that person, since all the news is telling the same thing to them, it must be truth and fact. Some people (47% of Americans) don't have the knowledge of how this works and confuse what they see on their personal social media as truth. They have no idea it's lies by con-men trying to scam them. They lack the ability of discernment of information.
  8. If only someone would start a thread so we could discuss the Solipsism problem
  9. Discover Truth now, or wait till the end of your life. One is living the rest of your life knowing who you are, who others are, and what reality is. The other is a life of being lost, suffering, and confusion. Choose.
  10. Either holding onto the belief that he will still win, to protect their fragile ego, or holding onto the belief that he did win, but the evil Democrats stole it from him, to protect their fragile ego, or pretending that they never said he would, to protect their fragile ego.
  11. You as God imagined it this way. You created all of reality from nothing. You created a 'human' life and the world you experience. Then you made yourself forget who you are, so you can experience being a human. If there was a goal to life, beyond experiencing it, is to reunify with yourself (infinity/infinite love). You created psychedelics as a way out of the illusion, or more precisely a way of remembering who you are. You added it to the dream as a way of awakening out of the dream. So you will awaken out of the dream you created when you are ready to do so.
  12. It's a cetch-22. If the Democrats take zero corporate money, they will always lose to the Republicans that will gleefully take as much corrupt money as possible. In today's world of politics you can't run against someone who can out-spend you on campaigning, advertising, marketing, by a difference of millions to hundreds of millions. Just more people would be seeing the Republican's message, and not the Democrat's. So until our government can unite long enough to change the campaign laws, to block all corporate lobbying and funding, this will continue on both sides, as they fight for control. And I don't see that happening for a long long time.
  13. Nothing, as per usual. They let the Republicans walk all over them, to our detriment.
  14. Something really weird is going on in this country for sure. It's like some kind of a virus that is infecting people. Here's a good example. A member of the band 'System Of A Down' is now a major Trump supporter, and saying the election was rigged and Trump will win. System Of A Down, for the last 25 years, have been a band dedicated to fighting the "system". Now one of their member's is pro-system, WTF? How do people do a complete 180 on their morals and core beliefs? Only explanation that makes sense is something infected and drastically warped their minds.
  15. But there in could lie the problem. If Biden tries to much to make the Republicans happy, then the Republicans are still winning the game. That would mean they just bullied Biden into giving into their demands. It seems counterintuitive, but I would be more happy if he said he was going to fight them on everything, for the good of the country. "Collaboration" just means nothing gets done.
  16. The look on the Secrete Service guy is like "God I hate this man so very very much" lol.
  17. Many people asked for it, here it is. The Führer's last days.
  18. There have been many Right-Wing militia attempts at violence recently, and every one of them have been arrested. So we've been good at keeping it under control...for now.
  19. Take all the time you need. Hell take a couple months, if it makes them feel better and stops any violence. As long has he's out of the White House by January 20th, I can care less how long they need to grieve.
  20. God I hope not. Letting him get away with everything, is almost a worst crime. Through his lack of leadership he is personally responsible for thousands to hundreds of thousands of deaths, that could have been prevented if there was someone competent in charge. I mean, if we discovered a serial killer that killed two hundred thousand people, you don't let him go scot free if half the country likes him. Not a fair comparison, but you get what I'm saying. If he is not held responsible, this is a green light to any monster that wants to rule the world thu the presidency, follow Trump's patterns, to go for unlimited crimes, and no one will stop you. Imagine someone with even less morals, and tens times smarter, taking the presidency? We call Trump fascist, wait till someone worse wins, and letting Trump off is opening a door for that to most assuredly happen. Is making his cult members happy worth that? Or do we do what is right, and crush any terrorist attacks that the Right-Wing try to pull in retaliation from a fair election.
  21. Yep. Seems like the perfect ingredients for a civil war.
  22. Yep, that's what I fear as well. Who's going to stop him. No one has stood up to him yet and say 'you can't do that'. Could start a civil war just for fun. Hell, does he still have the launch codes??