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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. I write fiction stories. All my stories are teaching Nonduality through fun fictional stories, in ever genera. I believe most people would not be interested in hearing lectures on Nonduality, as it is threatening to their core beliefs. But, if you are subtle about it, sharing the teaching here and there throughout an engaging fun story, then it's more palatable to your average person. To give an example, Star Wars introduced Spirituality to a large portion of the world, hidden in a fun Sci-Fi Adventure film. The Force is Oneness.
  2. Of course I understand the movies. I think you misunderstand what I was saying. Not that that interpretation is what I think the movies are actually about, but a fun possibility of a direction to go in for the end of the series. To use the Matrix as an analogy for true Nonduality, that consciousness is all that exists, and this bubble of reality is all that there is. Anywho, just having fun playing with conceptual ideas.
  3. People like to use the 'Matrix', waking up to the 'real' word, for an analogy for awakening. If the filmmakers really wanted to do the analogy for Awakening justice, the series would end with the Matrix itself waking up to the fact that the Matrix is all that exists. Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, the war with the machines, and the 'real' world, all happened within the Matrix (the matrix representing consciousness). It ends with the Matrix realizing that it will be creating iterations of 'The One', and they're adventures, for eternity.
  4. This now being all there is, is what is so, whether you are conscious of it or not. If conscious of it now, focused on it, one sees that there is no life or suffering, just this, whatever this is now. But, it's also fun to get lost in the created story of life, all the joys of dualities, even suffering.
  5. Look right now at direct experience. All there is is right Now, no more no less. There is no suffering in this direct experience, is there? That is just a thought / concept. That is the benefit. This didn't change my life, as I have no past to draw a comparison to. But, knowing I am only this now, and nothing else, there is just acceptance and appreciation for this bubble. I can't suffer from a past. I don't suffer from 'others'. I just am always now appreciating what is now, and nothing else.
  6. All there is is a sentient field of consciousness that is made of nothing, but still dreams. Everything in this bubble of reality, including you, everyone in it, and the environment, are all this dream. Everything in this reality bubble is one thing, which is dream. And it all only exists now. This is where all dualities collapse. Creation and destruction are one, as this bubble is created and destroyed at the same time. There is no past or future, only now. Self and other are the same thing, this dream bubble. There is nothing else but this dream bubble. Nothing exists outside of what it is Now. And you are it. Not a person experiencing it with other people that are separate from it. Only this Now, and it's a dream, you are all of the dream, and so is everyone you think you know.
  7. It's not always possible to have an experienced trip-sitter available. The thing most don't take into account, as Leo says 'it can take 100 trips to reach a full Awakening, and it can take 100 Awakenings to fully understand God' (I'm paraphrasing here). Sure, you can get a glimpse in one ceremony, but it take alot of work of exploring the infinite to understand it. So if this is the case, going to a experienced practitioner is just not practical. For this long process, home tripping is the most viable. Unless one has a partner or friend that is willing to trip-sit for every trip, which would be most ideal, for everyone else alone tripping alone is going to be the most likely option. As long as the tripper fasts so they won't vomit while under, is in a safe space free from any dangers if the person thrashes about, and is in a space that isn't in hearing distance to others incase the tripper screams or yells while under. And as the tripper gets more and more experienced and used to the trips, the more likeliness of them having less and less possibilities of freakouts.
  8. Sounds like a cult, not the word that gets thrown around alot, but cult in the literal sense. An ego devil that preys upon the weak, to make himself a god in their eyes, so he can take advantage of them. Any teacher that makes themselves the focal point, is a cult-leader wannabe. And of course they were all nice, people in cults usually are. That's how they are able to recruit more people. Glad you didn't fall for it, sad for those that did.
  9. Holy shit, this made me laugh. Good humor, sir.
  10. Mostly. It's enough to survive on / cover all the basics so I don't 'have' to work. So if I live simply, I'll be comfortable. But, I will most likely have to do more, as large financial needs come up, like if the house needs to new roof, or new kitchen, or I need to get a new vehicle, and so on. I am in the process of leisurely writing many books, so if published might be a good source of future income. And I have an interest in doing spiritual life-coaching, which I could do from home. But both are something that I'm passionate about and 'want' to do, not something I'm forced to do.
  11. Yeah, not supposed to talk sourcing, for obvious reasons, as unfortunate as that is, it's still the reality we live in. But, if you're really truly passionate about this work, you'll be unstoppable about finding a way. If you really dive deep into researching, you'll find a way to get these substances. One lead will lead to another, until you find the trusted source in your area. That's what most of us here did, and so can you.
  12. @rayamonoes Maybe consider that when you took the 5-MEO it was the feeling exactly as it was supposed to be. What you describe is what most feel, like it's too much, you might be overdosing, or that you might be dying. That fear you felt was very normal. What it comes down to is your ability to surrender to that feeling. When you feel like you're dying, to say "fuck it", and just let go. It's not so much which psychedelic, as many of them will get you to that moment, but how you use them to practice letting go. Letting go is beautiful and blissful, it's the holding on that makes it a bad trip. So I'd suggest picking any of the psychedelic that people usually suggest for such things, be it 5-MEO-DMT, 5-MEO-MALT, LSD, Psilocybin or whatever, and start low and work your way up to that feeling, and learn to accept it, learn to feel into it, and maybe even learn to love it. That's where the magic happens. P.S., Welcome to the forum.
  13. What is happening Now, this, is God's imagination. Thoughts, feelings, sensations, and yes Ego, are all part of this, this reality bubble. So yes, Ego is part (this is a fallacy, as 'part of' points to separation, which there is none) of God's Oneness.
  14. Awesome, looking forward to hearing all about it. I'll add it to the list of psychedelics to experiment with in the future. I'm sure you'll be covering every aspect of this substance in your video, such as best method of administration, ideal dosages and so on, but could you also include the integration process.
  15. Well, I am in the process of buying a home deep in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. I got a bit of inheritance that gives me about $2000 a month in stock dividends. It's not alot, but it's enough to not have to work, pay the mortgage and buy food and necessities. I'm going out as far as I can away from society, so I can dedicate my time 100% to my spiritual path, with no distractions. I've let go of the desire for companionship, sex, friends, family. My days will be filled with meditation, kriya yoga, letting go / surrendering practices, vipassana practices, with psychedelics ceremonies in the evening, and integration process afterwards. I'll do this for as long as it feels necessary, completely cut off from all of society, until I feel satisfied in my spiritual journey, or maybe I'll stay there till the end of my time here. I'm tired of half-assing my spiritual practice, time to get really serious and dedicate my life full time to it.
  16. @SriSriJustinBieber I enjoyed reading that story, thanks for sharing.
  17. Yeah...this is where I've got to disagree with you Leo. This seems to be stage Orange way of thinking about sex, as in 'it's all about me'. From my experience with the higher consciousness men in my life, cumming is not much of a factor in sex. It's about your partner and her experience. If the man doesn't cum, he could care less, as the experience itself, the connection is the reward. If I get hard, a woman does not owe me anything at any point to do anything about that. Even if we are mid-sex, she does not at any point owe me to continue, and if she chooses to stop, I honor and respect that, because it's not about me, and it's not about getting my rocks off, it's about connecting with your partner in whatever form that takes. You seem to have some immature and low-consciousness views on sex, at least in my opinion. Hopefully you're just iterating what stage Orange (or below) men may react like, and not spouting off your own opinions on sex. It may help you also state how higher consciousness people can react in the same scenarios, which can be vastly different. P.S, no man I have ever met has said that losing an erection is painful. Maybe when a young teenager can get blueballs, but not as a man in his mid 20s.
  18. Become an active Lucid Dreamer, that can take control of a dream any time you choose to. When the reoccurring dream starts, take control of the dream and alter it at your will. As you alter the dream to be whatever you want, be it making it fun or silly or comforting, you will be dismantling the dreams significance to you. And once it loses it's meaning, it will no longer come back into existence when you dream. And even if it did, you could again Lucid Dream and take control and have fun with it.
  19. Do you have any interest in Spiritual Awakening? This is dying and being able to come back, but with all the knowledge of who you really are, what is death, what is God, what is Love, what is Reality, etc. The cost of an Awakening is you have to have the courage to surrender to your *death. So in a way, being suicidal is a blessing for this. My loving of life prevents me from making this surrender to death. I guarantee you that if you had a full blown spiritual awakening experience, you would have a completely different view on life, and would have no desire whatsoever in comitting physical suicide. *To clarify, Death as in spiritual death when taking a high dose of a psychedelic like 5-MEO.
  20. I have the opposite situation. I'm surrounded by the most amazing, caring, connected, creative, loving people you could imagine, and they adore me and want me to be around, but I lost the desire to socialize years ago. I tend to like being alone, and not having to deal with the complexities of human interactions. Alone, I can just be.
  21. Jim Browning's channel is invaluable for modern scams and how to spot them.
  22. Back in 2003 I got invited to a Landmark Education "graduation" night. I respected the person who invited me, so I went. I immediately got a creeped out vibe, with just about everyone there with a nametag on asking me if I signed up yet. The stories being told that night about what each person got out of one of their weekend events were quite inspiring, so I reluctantly signed up for around $600. The Landmark Forum weekend was pretty amazing. Being young and inexperienced, this type of self-help was revolutionary to me. At the end of the weekend, just about everyone there heavily pressured and shamed me to invite every single person in my life to come to the last night, so they could pressure them into signing up for the next Forum course. And I was also heavily pressured to sign up for the next course (there was always a next course). Which I did for $800. And so it went. Each course was pretty amazing, and I got lots out of them, but at the end of each course there was strong shaming and pressure to invite everyone you know, and for you to sign up for the next course (there's always a next course). So I ended up pressuring all of my friends and family to take the courses, at over $1400 each. They only did it because I asked them. They really didn't get much of anything out of them. Another thing about Landmark is they have most of their labor is unpaid. They had me clean bathrooms, stand at a door for all night so I can open doors for people, set up stages, do audio for the presenter, and so on. 5 days of working 16 hours a day, all for free x maybe two dozen people per each event (there are many many events per month). While they were charging 120 people at between $600 to $800 each = $72,000 to $96,000 for a 3 day presentation. And they say this is the bare minimum they can go to be able to stay in business. Load of bullshit. Each location, and there are hundreds of locations around the world, pull in over $300,000 per month = about $4 million per year, per location. I got brainwashed into doing this for 8 years before I wised up to being scammed. So if you want to get scammed out of thousands of dollars, and get shamed into getting everyone you know to getting scammed out of thousands of dollars, and get brainwashed into doing this for years, then landmark Education is the way to go. P.S. I'll spoil the entire Landmark forum for you. The entire 3 day forum is all building up to this nugget of revolutionary knowledge. Ready for it? "Life is empty meaningless, and it's empty and meaningless that it is empty and meaningless". That is it, that is the whole bit of knowledge that you pay $600 for. The same knowledge that you would find in about any meme with a pretty background on Facebook. P.P.S. This is my experience, yours may have differed.
  23. I noticed you put down in your profile that you live in New Zealand. I hear that's a pretty cool place to live. If you're in to such things I might suggest trying some local love festivals. Those are usually populated with loving caring artistic peoples, who are big into community. Maybe could meet some new friends and get in with some great social circles. Here's a couple a really great festivals in NZ: One Love Festival in Tauranga Kiwiburn, New Zealand's regional Burning Man event in the Rangitikei district.