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About voxun

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  1. Belgian mainstream tv did a piece on the downfall of the democratic party and what went wrong with the election. Mainstream tv in Belgium is very left and so is the reporter. Was an interesting piece. Most of it is in English. Just fast forward to the interview for those that are interested:
  2. I actually found that my thinking was flawed many times troughout my life. I think introspection and contemplation is one of my strong points but I have a lot of flaws. You are flawed to. You clearly didn't read my post cause if you did you would have noticed that I never said he was not a vilain but that I don’t know if he is. In fact nobody knows, maybe even Trump doesn't know it. History is the thing that will reveal it. Until then enjoy the show. 😘
  3. Its clear that a lot of people has been captured by some weird ideology and see Trump as a vilain. To me one of the best videos Leo has ever made was the one on ideology. He should probably watch it himself at this point. I don’t see it since he wasn't a vilain in his last presidency and he hasn't started his new presidency yet. Its like your all nostradamus and already know what is going to happen. I don’t know whats going to happen maybe he is going to be a vilain or maybe not. I have faith everything is going to be fine though just like last time. I sure as hell was a lot less worried during his presidency then during Bidens.
  4. I believe he is sincere. He is a guy that went through countless psychedelic journeys. I followed him since the beginning of his public appearances. He admits he doesn't know what will happen but has faith. Nobody knows what will happen right now and most are polarized. I feel like we all need to depolerize to some degree and we'll be alright. Whatever will happen will happen I will try to remain centered. If the world goes to shit at least we can do it gracefully 💚
  5. Today on episode America. Lets protest because democracy works 🤣
  6. The left has gone so far to the left that the ones that where in the centre are now considered "on the right".
  7. Everything will be just fine.
  8. They should stop giving and let Ukraine make a compromise. We have had enough refugees over the last 20 years thanks to their spending. Stop meddling in foreign countries and start focusing on their own country.
  9. The democratic party is inherently undemocratic. They are not interested in democracy but want to retain all power. They do all the things they accuse Trump of doing. They are in bed with farma, military business and big tech. Even Obama was straight out lying in his latest speech. Like Rogan planned to promote Trump, that just hasn't been the case. He had podcast with Tulsi, RFK for years now. They both saw how toxic the democratic party has become. Supporting Trump was the only option really. Under the democratic party the US has given billions of contracts to millitary corporations under the motto to save Ukrain all while endagering the rest of the world. They hardly spend any money to help their own countrymen like when the disaster in Hawaii happened. Crime seems to have been legalized in several states and entire businesses have been created to out of the homelessness situation in California and San Francisco. I'm not a fan of Trump and he is being accused of wanting to be a dictator even though during his last presidency he clearly was not.
  10. You can't do what he did and not possess any kind of intelligence.
  11. There we have it. Put an extra sticker on the disabled bathroom.
  12. JRE has been the same format for years. Why would he need to change that for her?