who chit

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Everything posted by who chit

  1. You're on it man. This is good to see.
  2. That's you. You and everything you have ever believed to be you will have to burn to ash. That's what being reborn means. That's what "going all in" means. "The path",is a path of annihilation. Just know that going in. The price of God or,Truth, doesn't come cheap.
  3. It's possible to write without being attached to the thoughts/words being formed in the mind. The same detachment from the psychological,sensing body-mind,remains in all activity if one is truly detached or "seated" in the silence of "non-psychological awareness", as @deci belle puts it. The words to be written have a spontaneous flow to them as they rise within that silent space of non-psychological awareness. And as the one who's writing them is that pervading silent space,there's no attachment to the thoughts/words being expressed. As they arise spontaneously within that silence,they're not really seen as being "his/her" words,and thus no attachment. It's the doing, without the doer".
  4. @Elysian The invitation to the dance. Kinda like "here's a little taste if you want to continue,but you can still back out at this point." Consider this a nice freebie. If you go all in,the game changes. And that's gonna come at a cost. There's a certain point when you start seeing what the cost entails,and if you want to back out,you will find that the choice is no longer yours. You either go willingly or be dragged. Choose carefully.
  5. @Colin You've officially reignited my fervor for 311. Much appreciated.
  6. @Colin Oh man 311. Haven't listened to these guys in years. Thanks for posting.
  7. Awesome. Just spend some time everyday being in that quietness. There doesn't have to be any reason or goal for doing it. It's really just about the intimacy, joy and freedom of being alone in the present moment with You. Much like Jack and Drew here were talking about. Interesting how this happens when the "I" is not there,eh. That alone says something.
  8. Yes. Our natural state is silence. The abiding natural state and silence go hand in hand,they are one in the same. One has never known themselves to be anything other than mind their whole life. That's why this abiding in the true natural self is difficult. First it has to be seen that this is who we really are. That's the awakening. Awakening of truth is the primary thing,but it's also just the beginning. The "I" tendency does return after the "honeymoon" and does persist for awhile afterward,possibly years. During that time it's all about continually integrating back into that as the "I" tendency weakens. After awakening I was told this would happen. That this "coming and going" would persist for some time,and it's all part of the process,and they weren't bullshitting,loll. But yeah as the integration really takes hold,and abiding becomes more and more prevalent,the fruit from going through the process blossoms,and I'll just say there's nothing better than coming home. Life just really opens up in a way never perceived before. When this happens,you realize just how imprisoned you really were. And it's a damn shame a large part of humanity will never see this. Compassion naturally occurs because this is realized.
  9. I will go on to say that practices are no longer needed. Abiding awareness,inner silence is strong these days. Thoughts are either not noticeable,or very weak. Life just opens up. ? ?
  10. Shit,my bad. Fosho . If it meant that I had to eat a Fart sandwich to realize,I'd choke that sucker down in a second. Whatever means,whatever way works,i'd be on it. In every way one can imagine,realizing Truth is 100% worth the trouble. No doubt.
  11. Oh,I have nothing against Face,Jack,rob,and what they are saying is primarily true. Witnessing/observation does work. I just don't think it's being taken into account just how active a person's mind can be,and how strongly the attachment to it is. In my case, I observed thought many times for years without any redeemable benefits. Silencing,quieting the inner mind through Kriya made all the difference in the world. From my understanding Face already had what you would call a quieter mind,and one moment of this observation was all it took. That is not a common thing to happen. Most have to put a lot of time into this for something significant to happen.
  12. This is common when starting out observing,because you're using the very thing you're trying to observe. And it,itself is not silent and very active. Jack,Faceless,robdl, and the guy's abhor the word meditation,but I would ten times over recommend at least a 5-10 minute meditation everyday to build inner silence and quietness of mind, for effective observation. And many of the more popular die-hard "no practice needed" guru's are re-incorporating simple meditation into their program. I guess they'e finally realizing that the "don't do shit" mantra is a hard sell.
  13. Of course. It all means shit until there's the actual seeing of it. It can be called "Buttnugget",but Butnugget won't mean shit either until there's the seeing,or more appropriately,the Being of it. Thought self invents all kinds of spastic shit. That's it's job.
  14. Through Kriya and witnessing,the veil was seen through. Trying to understand thoughts themselves did not interest me,because thoughts were just thoughts. The fact they were persistent,and there was a way to go beyond them,is what lead me to seek. There's absolutely no way to know the "I" is also a thought,until one actually realizes/experiences it for themselves. I knew thoughts were mostly shit, but had no idea that what I presumed, and was taught, was me, was also part of that shit, lol. Doesn't really matter if one is told a thousand times anyway. Waking up or realizing experientialy is the only way. The only way. Until then, it's just more shit piled on to the other shit one has already gathered. And that's a lot of shit bro.
  15. This pic metaphorically shows what happens when starting with the observer seeing through it and realizing the true, empty observer. Object ,here is the world of thought False self ,is the self we presume to be,playing itself as separate from object thought. It's the illusory "I" or "me". True Self, is the true, unseen, empty, aware observer/witness,that shines when the False self is seen through. In the beginning it is believed that the I we think we are, is observing thought,objects. With persistent observation,the presumed two, "me" and "thought", eventually collapse,revealing the true, inpercieveable witness/ Self, from which all phenomena is seen.
  16. This is what I'm getting at. In the beginning,unless one is gifted/born with a naturally dominant silent mind, one has to start out using/being the "me"/observer to observe thought. This is a decision or choice made in order to affect a result. And that is to understand the nature of thought or "the cause" in order to end it. This is using the "me" as the observer,to understand the "me". This is what anyone has to do in the beginning,because they have not yet seen the "me" to also be a part of thought. This is the method of "being the witness" spoken about earlier. Using thought/me to end itself. When the falseness of the "me"/thought/memory is seen through,it drops and our true Self/ nature shines. I'm not barking bullshit,or trying to be difficult, because this is the first "tool" or "method" I used a few years back to have a first ,what I would call, major realization. It wasn't enough to end the "me" permanently,but it provided the gap or space in which the "me" could then be seen from a space of separation and detachment. This was the catalyst that lead to the Absolute full awakening later on.
  17. So the "me" has to stop the habit of wanting to attain or desire a result first, then be the observer of thought/time,of which it is a fragment of, to see it's pattern and end it. Then "passive observation" can take place without the observer. This would be using the observer,to observe thought/time,of which it is a fragment of,to end both thought/time and itself the fragmented "me/observer",which would then allow passive observation. Yes?
  18. Wow, You're probably the first I've seen who get's this. And it is something I have dealt with. Even more, was the trouble of trying to make sense of it for quite awhile,nearly 2 years after the sudden awakening. The section modified in bold is quite particular to my experience. The shock,from being suddenly "thrust" into the infinite,boundless, absolute stayed, to a lesser degree,for several months. A tough time for sure. Not knowing what else to do, I ramped up the intensity of the practices and buried myself in whatever I could find on "awakening,enlightenment etc.,",to help make sense of,and ease the aftermath. Integrating has slowly but surely come along,but those first several months,close to 9 months after,were a damn struggle.. You soon realize this thing works in it's own way,and in it's own time and you just have to go with the flow. Thanks for posting,though. It might come in handy for others who may have,or have had, a similar experience.
  19. I agree with and relate experientially to what is said here. Thanks for posting.
  20. It's a passive method,but still a method. Not a "practice" or "routine" as such, but a method. There's passive methods and active methods. The passiveness, is "not attaching" or remaining detached. To just watch. Watching,detached observation,being attentive to thought,fear, movement is a doing,without being the doer. It's not a psychological doing,but a doing nonetheless. Just like watching,being attentive,observing the movement of clouds in the sky. You don't attach, you just observe,watch attentively,yet remain detached. This is "witnessing" or "being the witness". Observing without the observer is "witnessing". And witnessing has been around for thousands of years as a method. Krishnamurti isn't the first dude to come along and tell people to "just observe"and "remain detached". Self Inquiry,which J.Krish also used, is also a "method." If the word "method" stirs up angst,I could instead say it is a "tool".