who chit
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Everything posted by who chit
who chit replied to Paul5480's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Have you ever not,not existed? Inquire into this. Whatever you think or believe yourself to be,is what you are not. You are not a thing that has just come into existence for a brief while,and will fade out of existence. What exists has always existed,and has never not existed. " here you are". What I am,has always been here. -
who chit replied to Paul5480's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The only thing you can know with certainty is that you are. -
who chit replied to Paul5480's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There is something. Is this true? There is nothing. Is this true? The question presumes and/or believes that there is something and not nothing. The one asking the question believes it is something. It sees things,does things,hears things,thinks things,therefore it believes it is a thing. In order to continue to believe it is something,it needs something to exist in order to identify with. It can then say "there is nothing" . To say or believe there is nothing,is still believing there is something. Nothing, becomes another something to identify with and/or cling to. If there is neither something nor nothing,then there is just what is. That which cannot be said to be something nor nothing, neither this nor that. -
who chit replied to K VIL's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
How long does it take to get to now? -
who chit replied to pluto8's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If so inclined,you can inquire. Who is the watcher ? What object or objects is it watching? Thoughts, sensations , breath What is aware of the one watching the object? If eyes are open,who or what sees the seer,seeing an object? What is aware of the hearer hearing a sound? -
who chit replied to K VIL's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Worth a look when you have 30min. to spare. -
who chit replied to Dodo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Janaka said: Truly I am spotless and at peace,the awareness beyond natural causality. All this time I have been afflicted by delusion. Ashtavakra Gita 2.1 As I, only pure awareness alone, give light to this body,so I do to the world. As a result, the whole world is me,or alternatively,nothing is. Ashtavakra Gita 2.2 -
who chit replied to Dodo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thinking of what is beyond thinking Is still thinking. I gave up thinking, And I am here. Ashtavakra Gita The body-mind is false, And so are its fears. Heaven and hell,freedom and bondage. It is all invention. What can they matter to me? I am awareness itself! Ashtavakra Gita Your real nature is as the one pure,free,and actionless awareness! The all-pervading witness. Desireless,unattached,and at peace. Ashtavakra Gita -
who chit replied to Anton Rogachevski's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well said. Whatever you are,wherever you're at,love that. Not bound,forever limitless,you are all that is,in this one timeless moment. -
who chit replied to Anton Rogachevski's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There is a process of mind/intellect in which it can be used as a tool of discernment/discrimination,for what is true and untrue. Jana yoga, for instance, is often considered one of the most difficult. It's the path of knowledge through strong intellectual discernment, in which the mind/intellect is used to inquire into its own nature in order to transcend the identification with thoughts and ego. It uses the mental techniques of self-questioning(inquiry), reflection(contemplation) and conscious illumination(insight). However,there are certain "prerequisites" needed in order for proper discernment of truth, from non truth. The qualities or cultivation of non attachment toward the temporal objects and ego-mind,calmness/tranquility,tolerance of external, non-conducive situations commonly considered to produce suffering, and certainly, sustained devotion and intent towards realizing ultimate Truth. -
who chit replied to Anton Rogachevski's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@robdl @Jack River -
who chit replied to herghly's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The purpose of any meditation is to bring about thoughtless inner silence,stillness, and then abiding in that inner silence/stillness for either a specified duration or however long one wishes. There were times when I went to sit for 20-30 minutes and only after coming out, realized I had been there for 3 or more hrs. absorbed in deep samadhi. The best way is to set an intent in the mind for the specific time you wish prior to meditation and let it go. Don't be thinking during meditation "is the 30 min. up yet,as that will be a distraction. The mind or rather the inner intelligence will "usually",come out at the specified time, if the intent is set prior to the meditation. I'm not sure what you intend with the visualization,unless it is a point of focus for one pointed concentration, in which one merges with the object. The object used,whether it be the breath,a particular image,a mantra,whatever, in any meditation is to bring one to the point of "no-I" or pure awareness, without subject-object relationship. No observer or object observed. Objectless,attributeless,pure awareness. Also known as abiding in the Self or absolute Witness. -
who chit replied to Anton Rogachevski's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is the answer to "how is wisdom transferred" . Truth Wisdom does not come from the intellect that is prior and/or, learned knowledge, contained in memory. When the mind is of no thought,and therefore no self, it arises from the still,inner silence of the one,original intelligence. This is why the highest truth is communicated through silence,not words. For those who are open and apt to receive it. It is also the source of deep insight not born of intellectual knowledge. It is always new and fresh. A true speaker/guru who is in touch/one with truth, hears for the first time, everytime, as he is transmitting it to the listener or student. As what the teacher is transmitting, is not coming from him that is seen as a person, but as one who is in communion with truth. That's why the meaning of guru is "dispeller of darkness". The body is only a conduit for which Truth can be transmitted. The "person" is not communicating/speaking Truth. Truth, is communicating/speaking Truth, through the teacher/guru from the depth and stillness of inner silence. It is the original one,intelligence (brahman,atman,god,the absolute etc.), prior to all knowledge. The "guru" or source of truth wisdom, is also in you, (but not "you",the person/self/intellect), in that thoughtless,still inner silence. It is the same truth/intelligence, of that which is in the teacher and/or transmitter of Truth wisdom. The ancient texts were written from that same source of Truth. The Bhagavad gita,Ashtavakra Gita,Tao Te Ching,The Vedas,Upanishads,the works of Nisargadatta and Ramana Maharshi etc. -
who chit replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
For nothing to be known,it would have to be known by that which is aware that there is nothing. So there is not nothing There is just That, which is Self aware/Self knowing, that it alone, is. Beyond the relative,time bound concept of something and/or nothing. An enlightened one jokingly said "If it were hard pressed to answer the question Who/What are you,it would say "I am not unaware." -
who chit replied to Identity's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
who chit replied to Identity's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Wake up to what is true reality,then one plays the game all the while knowing, it's just a game. The map is just a map. True Reality,has no map. -
who chit replied to Roman25's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Inquiry on ego. Who,or what, is it that has an identity called ego? What is it that is aware, of that which believes itself to have an ego? -
who chit replied to Anirban657's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Dual is a thought/concept. Non dual is a thought/concept Consciousness is both dual and non dual. It is also separate from and/or neither it is it's creation (thought/matter) and separate from it's creation (thought/matter) It creates(moves) within it own stillness (unmoving). Both moving, and still, simultaneously. It is both creator and destroyer of it's creation. What itself creates dissolves back into itself. How can it be opposite of itself? Out there as opposed to In here? In time as opposed to beyond time? All distinctions of what it is or is not collapse. There is That and only That. And the one writing all this goes silent,loll. -
who chit replied to berry's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sounds like an energy transmission session. The 1: is setting the right positive internal environment to receive the transmission. 2: The transmission cacao ceremony (the spicy & thick cacao beverage), two drumming sessions, and making us smell/infuse ourself with the smoke of some incense stick (didn't really get it). You got it or rather received it. Ceremony is the key word here. -
who chit replied to kieranperez's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Depends on the person. Doesn't depend on where they are or what they're doing,it hits because it's time. Having someone like Ralston or any guru saying "do it now" doesn't make the difference. There could be an argument made that being in the presence of their energy made the difference,but that depends on if the person is in a highly receptive state. The words are much less important than that presence the guru is emanating. Say There are 10 other people there and only one woke up. Why didn't the other 9? Same words,same presence but only one woke up. That person who it was time for, just happened to be with the guru at that time. That same person could have been doing laundry and the same thing would happen. The difference is that person's intent and desire are strongly aligned and receptivity is wide open. When I say strongly aligned,not many have that "come hell or highwater, this is all that matters" intent. A person with that kind of intent, the instruction "you are that" would be enough. That's what happened with Nisargadatta. The guru told him he was that,and Nisargadatta held with that every waking moment until it happened. His Intent is what made the difference. If unwavering intent is there 24/7, waking up is inevitable. 'God,Self,Absolute or whatever can't ignore that kind of intent. -
who chit replied to DMM710's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Breath and mind are connected,so something like a 4-5 minute simple pranayama tech., prior to meditating,will make a difference. The pranayama slows and calms the mind and the meditation will go smoother. Also there's nothing wrong with taking a deep breath or two to release the tension if needed. Sitting like a rock unmoving is not necessary. If you need to adjust do it. Also go back and do less than 20 min. for a little while. Maybe 15 min. Then go back to 20 when you feel ready. Stick to one method for awhile if you can. Doesn't matter if it's not perfect,the body-mind will adjust over time. It's like anything else. You weren't a master walker when first learning how to walk either. -
who chit replied to Zeldor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you're really what you are,you will not want,meaning.. need, what you don't already have. -
who chit replied to kieranperez's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There's an audience for it because people want a quick fix for everything. If it requires time and a bit of effort there's a problem. Years and years of conditioning aren't gonna just drop away for good in one satsang or meditation or self inquiry . Also, one has to understand that the ones who truly are enlightened, giving that instruction of "you are that,nothing to do" are giving it because that is where they are seeing from and it can't be any different. They no longer see duality or other,the veil/conditioning is gone. When they woke up,so did everyone else,so there's nothing to do. After putting in years of effort and finally coming to that in a flash,they negate the entire journey in favor of that instant when it finally ended the journey. It always happens in a flash or instant,it can't happen in any other way because it's always now. When it happens,it happens now. Since now is not bound to the duality of time,whether 1 minute or in 10 yrs,it will happen in Now. One can wake up right now,so give it a go. Don't forget to come back and tell everyone there's nothing to do though. And the other stipulation is that you have to have never put in any effort. Has to be legit. -
who chit replied to kieranperez's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Neo Advaita is toxic and should be avoided at all costs. "You are God,now go and teach others." -
who chit replied to Mafortu's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Beyond being inexplicably fascinated by the fact that you are it,there will never be an understanding of how,what or why. The one who wants to understand it has to go into it,but that also means it's "death." When all exhaustive attempts to try and understand have failed, surrendering is the only thing left. Death is inevitable. One way or another it's going to happen anyway. But thennn....Who dies ??