who chit

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Everything posted by who chit

  1. It was a concession for those still stuck in the "I am the body" belief,and had not yet realized their formless,true "Self". He refers to a "nadi" running from the heart, to the mind,where the "I-tendency" takes itself to be a form or self conscious entity attached to a body. The spiritual "heart" to which he is most often referring to, is not a place in the body. It's the placeless place or "heart of the Self",which is non-located,no center, i.e.,everywhere/nowhere. The heart he refers to is the " I-I" or the non time-bound,non attached,non-body-mind,formless I.
  2. In addition to @winterknight's suggestions, I highly recommend those both new and experienced with inquiry,to take a look at this little book. It's free and clarifies alot concerning Ramana's approach to the method I personally haven't seen before. For those not interested in reading the whole thing,although I recommend it, pages 123-180 are certainly worth the time as it clarifies many of the mistakes and misinterpretations one can fall into,especially those new to inquiry. http://sageramana.org/files/The Path of Sri Ramana Part One.pdf
  3. Whatever brings one back into the expansive,silent,aware,empty space of Being. The Inquiry can arise in different forms,but should lead back to the source from where, the one who is experiencing, arises. One's nature is prior to experiencing. Get to that which is prior to experiencing and stay there. Just Be. In the emptiness is fullness.In the fullness is emptiness.
  4. The Void is the groundless ground ie.,,the ground of absolute Reality. The un-manifest,absolute emptiness, out of which, all of what can be termed as manifest existence, arises. It transcends space,time,body,mind and identity. Identity being the I-thought,attached to the conditioned belief of being a physically embodied,limited,personal self. Upon awakening to the Void,a transcendence of identification/attachment and long held beliefs of an external world/universe,self/personal identity,memory,and ones body-mind,as the "reality", are shown to be false. One realizes their true essence as being the one,empty,infinite,purely aware, unmanifest Reality ie.,God,Brahman,Absolute,Tao,etc.,etc., This,I would call the great awakening to ones true nature. Herein lies the distinction,although there really isn't one, of transcendent awakening vs. abiding liberation. Upon transcendent awakening to this one absolute Truth,all traces of egoic identification/attachment (karma), have not yet been completely dissolved. A significant amount of "karmic" baggage is burned upon this awakening, but then one "returns" to deal with what remains. "What remains" is dependent to each individual,and no single individual deals with the same 'remains" as another. One who is "ripe"( i.e., one who has put forth the necessary work to purify the latent tendencies/attachments), upon realizing their true essence, will remain/abide as That. The false identity and latent egoic tendencies are dissolved with that one "a-ha". For the "not-yet-ripe"(most people),upon the resurgence of the "I/egoic body-mind,personal identity, there is the often said and/or heard "I had it,but then lost it". In truth,there is nothing one attained that wasn't,and already is,always the case. But years and years,and if one is into "karma",lifetimes of conditioning has veiled this always present obviousness of ones true nature. The Truth of That is, and has always infinitely been, ones true nature, and can never be lost. "It" ,(Infinite-I,Truth,Self),can never lose or be separate from itself. Which is to say,You,(not the person/identity) , You, the Absolute,can never lose or be separate from, You. Impossible. The one who claims to have "had it,then lost it" is the false.
  5. Ok there special agent utah. Go catch yourself some waves and do some observing to get you're head clear. It's been a pleasure.
  6. Lol,Now you're just making up you're own shit as you go along around the only thing you keep parroting, the time/effort/past/accumulation/self/experience circle jerk over and over. If you're gonna parrot other peoples knowledge,at least give them some credit instead of making it sound like it's yours. Hell,in this thread alone you've all of sudden became an expert on kundalini,and J.Krishs biography,that you didn't know shit about 10 minutes ago,loll.
  7. All I see is that you've accumulated and borrowed a shitload of J. Krish and a bit of Faceless terminolgy in order to sound like some well versed and schooled teacher. All anyone needs to do here is go watch a krish video to get more clarity on what you're trying to make yours. Although the brah's and nameans add some flavor.
  8. It is a means to end suffering, by realizing....the truth of self....which is...liberation.....which is..well you get it. Well yeah, he kinda did. The Order of the Star in the East was established, to promote the idea that Krishnamurti was going to become a great religious leader.and be the "vehicle" of the "World Teacher" or Maitreya. He rejected and then began what he would do for the rest of his life, speaking around the world to all kind of people about a spiritual life based on awareness, inquiry, and freedom.
  9. Not missing any points as there aren't any points too miss. And you're telling me you just decided to start observing the mind one day,out of the blue, with no prior reason or motive at all. They all are,have been for thousands of years. Appreciate the lesson, but again you're not saying anything new.
  10. @Jack River Read the link. That's what it's there for. You're not saying anything that I don't already know. You seem to be trying to prove a point where isn't one,except to defend a fragile ego. Observe that.
  11. Btw, Krish didn't come to the liberated state (the E word), of mind through observing thought. It was through kundalini and meditating 30 min. a day. Anyway, all meditative methods lead to the same thing,stilling and quieting the mind, including observing . if you want to brush up on Krish https://www.theosophical.org/publications/quest-magazine/3746
  12. Slow down there killer. Making assumptions for a so called "fixed projection of enlightenment" isn't very becoming,nor true. I'm well acquainted with Krishnamurti's work. Have been for years. So the observe without the observer way is not something new. Again it's just witnessing thought. I'm not saying witnessing isn't a verifiable way,I've used it. There's more than this one way out there. And they all lead to same thing.
  13. Lol. The void scares the shit out of people. After all,It's basically a black whole ready to swallow whatever comes near it. It was go time for me.There was too much work put in to turn back.
  14. Yeah,the "seeing what I'm not" way is negation or neti-neti(not this,not that). I spent close to a year doing Kriya yoga and mantra meditation before taking on inquiry. Those practices cultivated the inner silence to where the self inquiry,direct path way could be done with minimal friction. Vedanta or self inquiry is notorious for being one of the more difficult ways because it uses only the mind/intellect to get liberation. Even Ramana stated "Nevertheless, Self-Enquiry is not for the faint hearted—it is for those who truly wish to go all the way home: “It is intended only for ripe souls,and Bhagavan conceded that some devotees need to adopt less direct methods more suited to their spiritual development."
  15. Ime, some form of meditation or practice that will build a consistent, inner state of silence or quietude, is indispensable before taking on inquiry. Not many people are equipped to take on self inquiry as a stand alone path. Especially those new to spirituality. They watch some non duel vid., or someone like Krishnamurti, Spira ,or Mooji. saying don't make any effort, and then think they don't have to put in some effort.They should know that the aforementioned put in significant effort themselves,before preaching a "no effort, nothing to do" model to enlightenment. Through effort, one will eventually come to no effort. There's just no such thing as a "quick fix to enlightenment". Glad you didn't crack your skull,lol.
  16. Beautiful. The primordial intelligence or source of knowledge is in that deep silence. Takes a little more time but a consistent effective practice will get one there. I've never done psychs' but this is a good testimony for them. Thanks for sharing.
  17. The "I sense" or the aware feeling of I, is attuning to "the space of inner silence' or "space of awareness", you just don't hear the term "inner silence" very often. "Inner silence" is a distinction that needs to be known. It is not "quiet mind". There's a subtle energetic quality to this "inner silence" that differentiates it from just quietness or quietness of mind. Being aware of being Aware ,is the same as abiding and/or being in the inner silence or space of awareness. It is also the same as "just being". A chattering,active mind affects the minds ability to stay in that space of awareness. You will have to effort,be patient and keep coming back to it over and over. The same as any meditation when starting out. Be consistent, and gradually you will be able to hold your attention there until it becomes effortless. Effortless abiding awareness. "Silence is the language of God" “Silence gives answers.” Rumi "Enlightenment" isn't without an expanded,permeating space of inner silence. It is"the peace that passeth all understanding".
  18. That is your perspective. I've found it to be different.
  19. Why is there an ego? See if you can find it first. If it exists,then you should be able to find it,right?
  20. Expects big fireworks. Realizes "Hm,I was here the whole time." "More or less... you put in the effort to get near the black hole, and it sucks you in -- but you can't control when or how." "Don't expect enlightenment to make you productive. It may or may not." "Be" Spot on.
  21. The "you" that is being referred to is not the individual,identity or person you think/believe you are. What is being referred to is beyond body,mind,thought,or identity.