who chit

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Everything posted by who chit

  1. When there is no self,there is no other....All is One. When the I-self no longer arises creating the illusion of a "me" apart from "other".. All is One. "All is One" is perfectly stated as .. Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Sat-Chit- Ananda)
  2. An ode to Zenu..Ruler of the Galactic Federation of Planets
  3. Feel free to write what you come up with to the above inquiry.
  4. "The one who is being looked for, is the one who's looking." Spend a little time on this Self Inquiry: Can the seeker be sought? Yes? No? If yes,why? If no, why? (this is a good one) Who or what is the one looking or seeking? In your direct experience, Is it.... I, am the one who's looking/seeking? If I, am the one who's seeking (looking)... where am I? (in your direct experience) Hint: "I don't know" is not the answer,so It is known. Go with this line of inquiry for a bit. See where it takes you... Will give more questions (suggestions) on this line if needed.
  5. Why contemplation,meditation,devotion (supplemental practices) etc.,?
  6. This monk is great at simplifying and making the ancient texts easy to grasp,and more importantly,implement. If you want to be schooled on what true,real Advaita Vedanta (Jnana) is, this monk is definitely one to listen to. 3 steps of implementing 1.Listen attentively and understand (put all opinions,judgments,personal beliefs/ideas etc., aside). 2.Contemplate what was said 3.Meditate on what was said until it is verified by your personal experience. Knowledge from the ancient texts are Truth. One verse can awaken anyone, as It is all Truth. Listen (or read), contemplate, meditate.
  7. This is what Watts is getting at. What you truly are is not subject to time, birth and death. The I or individual self that starts out seeking enlightenment,liberation etc.,typically does so in search of fulfillment,freedom from suffering and the desire for permanence. It hears of these things and seeks to attain them. What is not known is that if what is being sought happens,it will be the dissolution of that apparent I/self that is seeking it. But as ivankiss pointed to "You never really were an individual in the first place". None of this should be taken on as a belief. Believing will not help and may even cause problems. Whatever is said in spirituality should never be taken on as simply a belief. Nothing is to be taken as ultimately true until it is realized to be so in your own experience. Always use healthy skepticism and good discernment.
  8. Realization does imbue the fact that what we are does not die. It is no longer held to speculation, imagination, beliefs or ideas regarding such. Paradoxically what seeks enlightenment does so for the sake of wanting to live forever,but coming upon what it had desired in hopes of eternal life would actually only lead to it's dissolution/non-existence. The one that wants to be One,wants to be One but keep it's sense of self/individuality. In order for there to be One,there cannot be two,something has to go. Illusion is something unreal, appearing real. If what is unreal is unknowingly taken to be real,then for the one mistakenly taking it as real,it's dissolution is the dissolution of itself. Surrender is not unlike sacrificing oneself totally, for something greater than itself,only to realize that what seemed and took itself to be something it was not, was a dream. In the dream,the sacrifice and loss seems very real. Upon waking up one sees "oh,it was just a dream". How can what was a dream and never truly existed, re-incarnate into another dream unless it was still dreaming and taking the dream to be true/real. If one wakes up from the dream,there will not be a continuing of the dream as there was never anyone who was asleep. Gautama "seen" many past lives under the Bodhi tree, but upon awakening revealed there is no soul that reincarnates. One can only speculate that the dream continues until it is realized there never was a sleeper or a dream. Or if not realized while still in the body,upon death of the body it is realized that the sleeper and the dream never existed and thus no re-incarnation.
  9. You are the silence (not two),Prior to the illusory thought/belief of being a separate something and/or identity that notices or wants to attach/identify with it. Silence, is when there is no you.
  10. That's why what is spoken is not the real. Language can't ultimately define/describe what it is. The teacher,in compassion to help,knows what is said is not the thing itself, in their best way try to point to as close to what it is or is not.. Ultimately they are all pointing to the same reality.
  11. Not a question,but showing a perspective that may have been missed in interpreting Leo's "you cease to exist" to your interpretation of it meaning "To suggest, it is unachievable, except by death," is a callous leap of faith" , as meaning actual physical death. I took his meaning to be that in which I replied above. That one who has not awakened may "feel as if dying" when that sense of ones presupposed self that was always "known" to be "me/I", is shown to be false.
  12. If something comes into ones experience in which all presupposed ideas,and/or beliefs that make up the story/identity of who and what "I am",(i.e ones sense of self), is shown to be false,would the losing of that sense of being an individual self-body identity, not feel like losing ones sense of self to be a type of "death"?
  13. Well this is losing the identification with the body-mind. So it might be the version you're looking for if that's what you've always thought you've been. The always Here is not a specific place in space,just as the always Now is not a dimension in time. Here and Now are the same "placeless place" and not different.
  14. If you're thinking about it,you're missing it. Consider that maybe it's the egoic structure always thinking about the 100 different ways things are wrong. If that is the case, why not take all that attention you're giving to it ,and fix it on You. There's only one place you can always be,and it's always the same place. No matter what geographical part of the world you're in,you can always be found in the same place. Where is that? Here. It's Always here. And where is Here? Somewhere? Nowhere? Everywhere? Inside a body? Outside a body? What's called Here, can't be found. But that's where You are. If someone comes up and asks you where you are,without even having to think about it,it's clearly obvious that it's Here. Where else can you be? It's always Here. Instead of giving your attention to where you're not, give it to where you are. It's easy to find and it's where you always are.
  15. It has to be realized as being true. This "taking on the act" in the hope of attaining a permanent happiness,love,and peace, is the very act,and ever desiring nature, of what you're unknowingly and falsely taking to be you. That's the whole work of the truth/spirituality game. To break free from that delusion of being a separate identified self and realizing the real nature of what you are. It's up to you if you want to take on that journey,but also know what you're getting into. If dismantling everything you now take to be "reality" is questionable,you may want to take some time figure out what it is you really want. There's no question of going halfway in this,it's pretty much do or die. Finding what you are, means losing what you're not,and what you're not, isn't going to go peacefully.
  16. It's seeing "what I thought I was,never existed" and realizing "what I am, is eternal and has never not existed". No beginning and no end, "You" have always been and will always be.
  17. This is the Self being spoken of. In awakening to the truth of ones inherent divine nature,one realizes the Self is naturally loving and has no need to be loved. It is the thought-self, the believed self, ego-self, that is needy of love. The "I think its me?", that you referred to above. It's nature is to always desire more,but can never be fulfilled. But this is not the "you" or self, you conceive as" you". That one, is an illusion. A phantom of the mind.
  18. Of course. I agree. "The Tao that can be spoken of Is not the true Tao." "Silence is the language of God". Anything,any concept or thought said about it,will be inherently false. The best that can be done with language is to get as close as one can and have it be simple to perceive/comprehend. That takes a certain skill and/or aptitude itself,of which there is no such claim being made here in having such skill/aptitude. What comes out,comes out as it's presented with no objective or purpose other than an impulse to express.. Just some musings floating around.
  19. Whatever one thinks love is,is what it's not. A mind that imagines what love is,is exactly that. An imagination. Real love,when experienced, can be defined as divine love.It is a causeless,boundless love beyond the body,mind,person. It can't be kept, owned,or held on to. To experience the love of Self,God etc., is an act of pure grace..100%. The only step,the only thing that can be done, is to sincerely,truly admit within oneself that "I do not know what real love is". It has to be an honest,true admission. Mind,personal self, cannot create,imagine or fathom what real divine love is. This honest admission opens one up to allow grace to show one what real love is. Do this honestly and only once, and forget about it. It's not in your hands. Grace descends like "a thief in the night",of it's own accord and will.
  20. If we use the concept of zero as a way of pointing to the Absolute,God,Self,Brahman,etc., can God,Brahman,Absolute be more or less than it is? Can God be less than God?
  21. Absolute is 0. Zeroness is oneness. Anything added,divided,multiplied or subtracted to or from it is still itself. 1+1is 2, but 1+0 remains itself, 1. 2+2 is 4, but 2+0 is 2 If we add 1 to 0,we get 1,but that +1 comes from the source or ground of 0. What comes from zero carries the "essence", of zeroness from which it came. Anything added,subtracted,divided,multiplied to 0 is of the nature and comes from the ground of 0. If 0 is the absolute reality,anything other than that is a manifestation from that, and not the absolute truth or absolute reality. What appears as a reality/or multiple realities is of the essence and/or nature from which it came. That of zero or nothingness. Just some musings floating around.
  22. Kick ass indeed. Also thought tool as in "being an ignorant tool",lol. (noun). A person with a hugely over-inflated ego, who in an attempt to get un-due attention for themself, will act like a jackass, because, in their deluded state, they will think it's going to make them look cool, or make others want to be like them. The person may even insincerely apologize later on, but only in an attempt to get more attention, or to excuse their blatantly intentional, and unrepentantly tool-ish behavior.