who chit

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Everything posted by who chit

  1. It's interesting that "nothing to do, nothing to know, nothing to understand, nowhere to go etc.," is only known after, through ones own effort/seeking and the bestowal of grace, it is realized that there's "nothing to do,nothing to know,nowhere to go etc.," . It's the end of the seeker and the seeking. It is useless for the one who doesn't even know that he doesn't know. And also the same to those who have realized it. "Be still and know", could be the end of the seeker/seeking if one is at the point that it can be received. Trying to get it, use it, will not work. If it is imparted/gifted to the one who's ready, the end of seeker/seeking will be instant. This isn't a critique of the post (well written btw ) but what has been found to be true from this perspective.
  2. Knowledge that leads one from ignorance to understanding (i.e., clarity) is appropriate knowledge. Simple,inarticulate information that serves no purpose, such as "stop being ignorant" or "you're just an illusion dude" is useless.
  3. The construct (ego-mind) is always looking for some-thing,or point of reference it can attach to . Leave "no place in which to rest, no stable ground to stand on." Neti,Neti: Not this, Not that
  4. Yeah,that's the inference. After a certain point one can get to a place of "nothing", it can be negated or dropped, and what's left is Self, isness, pure awareness, Brahman, Being or Being-ness etc., Best to just leave it as the unnamable.
  5. Oh yeah. It's not something you can be ready for at all because it's not you that decides when or where it will happen. It doesn't give a damn about whether you're ready for it or not . it will always come suddenly and unexpected. "for the Son of Man will come at an hour you do not expect."Mark 13:33 "keep awake. For you do not know when that time will come. "Matthew 24:43-44 To the degree one is affected by it will vary. Some will settle right in without much "chaos". and some that can be affected enough to the point of no longer wanting, or even able,to be a part of society again. For that reason it would be beneficial to have some sort of support from others who are also into some form of spirituality and/or have gone through it. Even without regards to enlightenment, there can be intense psychological and/or metaphysical experiences that can affect one anywhere from a few hours or days,to several months and longer. A certain level of responsibility and maturity comes with all this and is not something I would recommend fooling around with just for the hell of it.
  6. Intimation, not imitation. Intimation means a feeling or glimpse. Sometimes what is being written is coming from somewhere deeper. I can't say that I understand it either.
  7. Seems like a momentary intimation of oneness. Not being separate, or bound, to a limited self construct created in the mind. The egoic construct's only interest is self preservation, not rationality. The use of rationality is for what it cannot explain. This limited self by it's very nature, cannot know the experience of oneness or boundless freedom. Only after the fact, does it come in and claim to have had the experience. Just as you stated above. "then my rational mind returned" indicates there was an awareness of the fact that it was absent during the experience, and also it's coming back into the picture to exclaim WTF. Real freedom means freedom from that self construct, which also means it's dissolution, and is usually not so easily and readily to be given up. Devote yourself to fully realizing that unlimited and boundless Self that is your true nature. In the end,that limited construct you believe to be you,is just an idea.
  8. When the end comes there will be no one there to know it. There was never anyone there in the first place.
  9. With the transcending of the "I-body-mind", even if for only a brief moment, there is the direct experience of one's eternal boundless nature, beyond the limited boundaries of body and mind. There is an awareness of this body as form, contained in formlessness, and the direct knowing that the "I", or "little me" and all of it's beliefs, ideas, conceptions etc., that also arise and dissolve within this permanent unchanging awareness, is just imagination without substance. That in reality, through our direct experience, we are formless consciousness that has no beginning and no end. Whatever karmic baggage one may be left carrying is then "seen" with a more refined level of perception and heightened awareness than before and this loosens the grip. One can now clearly see and differentiate from what is "me" and what is not "me" and allow the attachments,desires,etc.,to dissolve. As this happens ,we become more of "That" and less of "what is not That", until there is nothing left of "what is not that" to be drawn by and attach to. There is the dissolving away of identification with what was once believed to be "I/me" and/or the false egoic identity. Along with all it's untrue/false ideas, beliefs, concepts and clouded perceptions. In seeing that there is no personal "I/me" that dies, as it never existed in the first place except as a conceptual idea or thought, who or what then dies? To be or experience oneself as that which is ever aware, existing here-now, substantially "real", and devoid of any thing-ness, including the thought or idea of being a separate personal self or "I/me, is to know what is ultimately True,timeless and everlasting.
  10. The impersonal Self (no-self) cannot experience an absence of Self. It is self aware (self knowing), self existing, with no need for anything other than itself to know itself. Absolute Nothingness is simply the absence of the objects of perception such as the external world ,universe, body, mind, thoughts, feelings,sensations,etc., Self only ever experiences Self, with or without objects. Including the imagined "conscious" personal self or "ego". Pure Consciousness is prior to the thought based/imagined (i.e, non-existent self) which claims itself to be conscious. What is aware of the nothingness,in which That itself,cannot be described as neither something nor nothing?
  11. Entertain or consider "Whatever I think I am, is what I'm not". What am I? "I am not this body,not an organism,not a mind,not an idea,not a thought,not a sensation,not a feeling,. " "I am not this consciousness or even this awareness." "Whatever I perceive, is what I'm not". I am not this breathing,this sense of seeing,this sense of hearing,this sense of tasting,this sense of touching,this sense of smelling". What am I? Nothing? Something? Everything? Not even that.
  12. It's unmistakable and can't be taken to be anything else. Those that come to realize it all come to the same unmistakable, undeniability of it's reality. Enlightened teachers and non teachers are so sure of it,(whatever one decides to call it),because there is absolutely no way it's reality can be denied, One should be a bit skeptical of what they're saying but also not brush it off as mystical or imaginative nonsense. Thousands of years and multitudes of those who have come to the realization of it can't be wrong. The truthfulness of it's existence/reality is the foundation of nearly all religions. The newest vid from Leo on the Aztecs,which I hadn't known before ,realized the same truth. That this Truth (or whatever you want to call it) is one truth (not many truth's or "shades" of truth),and it is the same one truth for all those who realize it. That's where the certainty comes from. And if they say you can come to this same realization, then that must also be true. Then you yourself can say "hm, they weren't bullshitting afterall" .
  13. Ime, TM as a stand alone spiritual practice is, for a lack of better words..weak. Kriya is the prana "power horse" that quiets the nervous system, and continuing with TM after doing Kriya, takes one into deep states of silence and stillness (samadhi). The combined effect of the two, do some heavy purification on the subtle nervous system. I agree that TM is pretty much a cult. What I learned and practiced,is similar to Chopra and/or AYP's version of TM. There's no difference in their method and TM, so there's no reason to spend loads of money for what you can basically get for free. It's the same technique, and for me, after having tried various methods of meditation for years ,I found it to be a rather effortless and effective technique. If I had to choose one over the other,It would be Kriya. But the combined effect of the two, plus self inquiry,it's a prime recipe for awakening. There's also a tendency for one to always look for the "best" method or technique, but it's really the level of intent and devotion that matters. With the right intent and devotion just about anything can work. Without that,it's highly unlikely that what is being sought after will happen regardless of the method or technique. It's devotion that will take you all the way.
  14. Siddhis or spiritual gifts. If one engages in serious spiritual practice (sadhana),certain attainments will be had. They are unavoidable. They naturally unfold as a consequence of spiritual evolution.But to the degree they manifest will vary. Some will gain more rare,extraordinary abilities than others, but overall, anyone who is committed and engaged in such practices will "attain" some degree of siddhi. The problem lies in their ability to 'sidetrack" or distract one from the ultimate goal of liberation, as they are a manifestation of That, and not That itself. Falling into the trap of certain attainments is still living in the illusion as they are a part of the illusion and are only "useful" in the illusion. If one takes them for what they are, interesting phenomena along the way, and not get caught up(attached) to them, one will reach the goal. Also, those "legends" are still taken or looked upon as persons with abilities, when the abilities are a manifestation of God, Consciousness etc., working through them. They, and the abilities, not as important as that which is working through them.
  15. So you have felt resistance. Which means it is a sensation or feeling. What is a sensation or feeling? A sensory experience happening in the body. When it is happening,you know it. It is an object of experience,and you are the knower of it. So saying I feel or I am the resistance is not true. You don't deny that it is there,happening in the body. You're not trying to use denial,which is aversion. You are knowing, of the sensation or feeling that is happening, and not the feeling or sensation itself. You are the seer. The resistance/feeling (object of experience) that is happening, is the seen. Knowing this,you are free from it.
  16. Is the first ignorance. Instead of trying to reach "not knowing" from knowing,start from I know nothing,which is true. Everything you "know" has been put into you (conditioned into you), from outside of you,from others who themselves assume they know ie. peers,teachers,books,movies,tv,"authority" figures etc., Contemplation is using keen discernment/discrimination to prove the reality,existence,truth or the non-reality,non- existent,untruth, of a belief,idea,concept etc.,
  17. There is I-mind-body,transcendence,in which there is a separation,going beyond the physical boundary of the body-mind. You are simultaneously in the body and outside the body at the same time. All pervading,formless,infinite,fully awake and aware. This experience of awakening given here by a lady named Suzanne Segal is the closest description, and very much similar,to my own awakening. She was at a bus stop, I was walking to my living room,and that's about the only difference. The bold type is exactly the same in my own experience. When I read this,It was like I was reading the story of my own awakening. This lasted about 4 hrs,for me before assuming the body fully again. Although,upon the re-assuming of the body again,there was, and still remains a space or emptiness that was not there prior. "Utterly bereft of all my previous notions of reality", very much describes the same result of such awakening. As for her,she never fully regained the body again and kept expanding until she physically died a few years later.
  18. One may be just co2 bubble. Another may be more o2 bubble than co2 bubble. And another may be vacuum bubble,but regardless of content they are all bubble.
  19. Be free from the one that wants to keep it. The one that wants and desires to keep anything is the bondage.