who chit

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Everything posted by who chit

  1. You may enjoy this one I recommend listening at 1.25 speed.
  2. Osho mentioned her in one of his writings and I thought the same thing,so I looked for more of her quotes and found this site if interested. https://www.poemhunter.com/lalleshwari/ .
  3. "Absorbed in "Thou art This," I found the place of Wine. There all the jars are filled, but no one is left to drink." Lalleshwari: a female mystic and Sufi saint.
  4. Obsession creates attachment,which causes suffering. If you get what you desire and are attached,there will be a persistent underlying worry of losing it. If you don't get what you're desiring,you suffer not getting it and will constantly be chasing and suffering not getting it,a vicious cycle. Also,you may get what you desire,but then you have certain "perfectionist" ideals of how it should come and what it should look or be like, and if those ideals are not met,there will be disappointment in actually getting what you desired but it didn't live up to the perfect ideal you created in the mind. There will always be something a little "off" about it. All in all,obsession is never a good thing.
  5. The no-sound between two thoughts is your real self. If there is negative thought dialogue,would you want to call that yourself? If you counter with positive dialogue,you would most likely want to call that yourself,but neither are yourself because they are still thought. Deep inner silence,(aka.,the Heart),of awareness,is yourSelf. It speaks from beyond thought, intuitively,without sound. It is a higher intelligence and wisdom that supersedes the voice of thought. Once you tune in to that deeper dimension of your being.you will find that silence does indeed "speak". From my experience, it only speaks what is true and has never been wrong. As Rumi stated "silence is the language of god." "Silence, is the highest spiritual instruction". Words (and thought), obstruct this silent language - R. Maharshi
  6. What will happen in the next 3 minutes? The only thing that's ever happening.... Now. "Things" or appearances, seem to be happening, coming and going,moving in and out, here to there,above and below. But it's all appearing in the timeless,dimensionless,empty space of Now. Across the universe or non-universe, Now is the only "non- thing" happening. Know yourself to be that. Never had a beginning,never will have an end. You are the all and nothing of what is happening... Now. Attachment is death. What is real and true,doesn't die.
  7. It's fine. It means your intellect is working and being used for it's purpose. Hearing the words as you read them is how you comprehend what is being read. If you're using the intellect, how can it be you? It's like using a screwdriver. Are you the screwdriver or the one using the screwdriver? The screwdriver is there when needed, and put away when you're done.
  8. @Aakash ? The forum needs more of these types of vids and less theoretical/conceptual bs. For those with a short attention span ,this is a nice, distilled version of Drg Drsya Viveka (seer and the seen) spoken about by the Swami.
  9. The beauty of emptiness is that it is empty, (i.e.,free), of conditions. Even emptiness. No need or desire to be or become some-thing. There is peace,relaxation,freedom from the struggle of always trying to attain "outside" what is already here. What is happening is love, being stripped of delusion is love. Although to the construct it's very defeating. Turn toward and abide more and more in that emptiness/freedom of pure awareness.
  10. I certainly would not disagree.
  11. If this is not in the individuals experience,telling them it should be does nothing for them. More appropriately would be to inquire,investigate the nature of it. To whom is the boredom happening? Who or what, wants/desires what is,to be different than it is? To whom is this suffering happening? Who suffers? To say anything should be this way or that, is making what is free from conditions..conditioned. This creates bondage and restricts freedom.
  12. Infinity has no end. Zero has no beginning. No beginning and no end. Beginning-less and endless are the same. Whatever has a beginning,has an end. Whatever has an end,has a beginning. What has no beginning,has no end. What has no end,has no beginning. That which is unchanging,has always been and will always be. Has no beginning and no end.
  13. Since reality is emptiness (formless) it can embrace/hold/contain all forms.and since all forms are born out of emptiness and return to emptiness;'they are of the essence of emptiness. "Emptiness of essence,” means that phenomena [that we experience] have no inherent nature by themselves.” Hence the saying "emptiness is form,form is emptiness".
  14. As it's well known,self inquiry seeks to discover or realize the real nature of "I","me" or "self". It's often taken for granted that what nearly all human beings experience and believe orthink (the I-thought), to be I-me-self, is secondhand knowledge (i.e. social conditioning),along with being identified as the body. This conditioning, and being identified as the body, is what makes the "egoic identity", or ones sense of "I"-"me"-"self." There is only one "I",not two (advaita). Inquiring into "who" or "what" is it that experiences itself as "I" ,gives one (if "ripe"), direct realization of ones true nature of "self" or "I". What Ramana referred to as "I-I" or the Self.
  15. Not directed at you specifically, just a suggestion to anyone doing self inquiry.
  16. Inquire: Who or what is it, that experiences itself as "I"?
  17. Truth is not interested in the preservation of false delusion, it's in the business of destruction. It will strip away everything that is false until nothing is left. And if there's still someone/something there saying there's nothing left,it's last piece of business is to destroy the one saying there's nothing left.
  18. When you see that not knowing is freedom,the question of whether to accept or not accept doesn't arise. In the exalted state of not knowing, there is absolute freedom from any need to know. Always needing to know is what keeps one trapped in the bondage of the egoic-mind.
  19. Yep. Truth for no other reason than Truth. It's when realizing Truth overrides all concern for the preservation of one's identity or sense of self.
  20. "God" is timeless and dimensionless and isn't limited to any plane of "non-reality". To be so would be against god's limitless, unbounded, omnipresent nature. "God" is the only reality. All other so called "realities" (illusory non-realities) are only reflections of, and appearing in, the One true reality. "God" is met in the empty, dimensionless, inner silence of the Heart.