who chit

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Everything posted by who chit

  1. Just getting someone who is oblivious of spirituality, to look inward, is difficult. Spirituality is usually the last frontier after all other sources for fulfillment, happiness, healing have been exhausted. Primarily because it is usually associated with religion. And also the new age woo woo bs associated with it. Societies' heavily dogmatic adherence to all things matter/materialistic and the scientific paradigm also contribute. The burden of proof,that there is an inner dimension beyond suffering,lies on the spiritualist. If the sufferer is to the point of giving anything a try,it would be easy. Others won't be so easy to convince. The word enlightenment needs to be trashed from the get go. Most just want abiding peace, contentment. Not to annihilate their identity. Psychiatry isn't much more a reliable source than spirituality. Usually it's meds and talk therapy. CBT has proven to be a decent modality. But then again, it's based on "being aware of unrealistic thoughts", (what thought isn't,), and challenging them with more realistic thoughts to affect behavior change. Watching thoughts has been in spirituality for thousands of years. There's also the very real fact, even though they will deny it, that most actually have a certain "friendship" with their suffering. Their sense of identity is so wrapped up in the story of "my suffering" they would rather cling to that, than to affect any change. Only when it gets to the point of being absolutely intolerable, will there be a willingness to do something about it.
  2. Very nice. This is Kriya's primary benefit, stilling the mind. With ever increasing stilling of the mind, comes a space or gap between awareness (witness),and the objects (thoughts,emotions,feelings etc.) arising/appearing,in/to it. In that space,there is more receptivity, and clearer perception to grasp the deeper meaning behind the words. With time and ever deepening into stillness,there will also be the capacity to connect to the higher dimension of intelligence (akasha) responsible for getting spontaneous deep intuitive insights, realizations, and "wisdom knowledge". Continue with the kriya, and these "side" benefits will continue to grow.
  3. With cessation of desire to know or not know,there's only isness or being. No knower to know or not know. Which could result in this,
  4. Thanks. Yeah,breath of fire is what I termed as bhastrika. It's been a constant part of the practice since the beginning. Doing it prior to Yoni Mudra with the 3 bandhas, really lights up the inner eye (ajna).
  5. . I agree. Thank you also for being here and sharing your words of insight. They often help me inquire and reflect on the deeper knowing,that ultimately is within us all.
  6. Yeah,the first "I" thought is "I am the body-mind". With contact,sensation,perception,there's the taught/accumulated knowledge,memory,experience "I am the body-mind". When one is identified with the body-mind,their concept of what "me" or "I" as a person is, built upon whatever thought,belief,sensation,desire (to pursue or avoid) arises, it will be in dualism to that which is in relation to it. The way it is perceived for me is,without the movement of thought,there can be no personal "I"/ego,attached to a belief of being the body-mind. If abiding in ones true nature,formless,empty awareness, there can be a movement of thought,sensation,perception but no identification. It is very clear that,that movement,sensation is not "me", but just a happening ,that rises and falls within the vast,infinite,emptiness of That or true Self/"I". The formless,ever aware,knowing "I". Just Being.No thoughts,no personal/ego "I" or "me", no movement of desire. Does that make sense??
  7. I totally agree. The individual false/egoic "I" thought. The thought concept/belief,memory that "I am a body-mind. A separate being or individual"
  8. Same here. Shambhavi Mahamudra was basically my introduction to the spiritual practices of Yoga. The biggest thing for me is that it got the kundalini stirring in a gentle way. I had moments of ecstasy here and there that lasted up to a few hours, boosts in vital energy,more clarity etc., in the 5 months I practiced it. But,kriya spinal breathing is a different ball game,energetically/kundalini wise. The difference in "power",as in it's effects on the biological and subtle nervous system,is much greater. Combined with other practices like mahamudra, bastrika, yoni mudra kambhaka, baby kechari, shambavi mudra (concentration on kutatstha), and meditation,you have a very powerful practice. It's not a good idea to start out this heavy for anyone just getting into this. I've been at it for over 2 1/2 years,and 2 yoni mudra kambhaka's in one day is still too much energetically. Right now the routine is: 10 minutes standard yoga asanas 1 set mahamudra (left,right,center) Main practice: Seating position is siddhasana 5 minutes Nadi Shodana(alternate nostril breathing) 10-15 minutes spinal breathing,with internal AUM,OM, 6 times up and 6 times down. Bastrika for 3-4 minutes Yoni Mudra Kambhaka with 3 bandhas/body locks (mula,uddiyana,julandhara) 20 minutes transcendental meditation Resting in pure silent awareness (5 minutes or so) This set is done generally twice per day, aside from the Yoni Mudra,which I only employ once for now.
  9. There's no evil,only mental sickness. Beyond "spiritual" concerns,one cannot discount the biological,genetic,environmental factors involved. Someone with a diagnosed condition due to multiple factors (biological,genetic,upbringing etc.,), doesn't just have a lack of consciousness. Aside from that,society and upbringing play a vital role. Take someone who's born into a highly unconscious abusive,poor situation/familial environment, lacking ethical and moral standards,and is neglected/deprived of love,inclusiveness,compassion,healthy self esteem etc., and you have the makings of a person who is likely to go on to do the so called, "evil" things, that are done in society. If anything is lacking in society and the world as a whole,it is the lack of love and compassion. We are taught to compete,be selfish,rise above,be better,smarter,richer,more athletic than our fellow man. It's all about getting ahead. And the root cause of all of it,is fear. Fear, is the cause for belief,religious or otherwise,because to admit to not know (about anything really),makes one vulnerable and insecure. Fear/insecurity drives hate,anger,abuse,and the unethical/immoral "acts of evil" seen in the world.
  10. Interesting conversation. This is a partial segment below. Full segment can be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RQ44wQwpCc
  11. Is it working for you? If so, keep it. He has the "be aware of presence" method also. The thing with methods,is that the method isn't what gets you enlightened. It is a means/tool, to set more favorable conditions to allow it to happen. People with zero interest in anything "spiritual" have it happen. As far as the spiritual path is concerned,intent is more important than the chosen way to go about it. Tolle didn't have any interest in spirituality. He was just suffering to the point he couldn't take it anymore,and in the midst of that suffering,had a single moment of clarity that resulted in the elimination of ego. It was only after that, he started looking into the spiritual traditions to understand what had happened. Anyway,if watching your thoughts is "working" so to speak,then stay with it. The idea is to let you there are other ways,many in fact,that may be more preferable,if what you're doing isn't favorable. You seemed to be struggling/stressing pretty hard.
  12. This may help if you want to take a look.
  13. The most cherished possession one doesn't want to lose,but causes the suffering and prevents one from seeing who they truly are,is that identity, Unconsciously crafted,layer by layer,over many years. "If it ceases to be, I cease to be". Is the fear that keeps one from discovering their true nature. But hey, Zoey101 is pretty cool in my book. So,maybe don't be in such a rush.
  14. Application as in, how do I do it?
  15. That's why it's an illusion. It's a temporary state,that will inevitably change/fluctuate to another state,then that state will fluctuate into anotheretc.,etc., The journey is about finding and abiding in that which does not change,fluctuate,come and go,appear-disappear,. Effortless Being. Sat-Chit-Ananda : Existence,Consciousness,Bliss. Not three,but One.
  16. The method being talked about and related to the chart is not the letting go method,.That is ,imo, something worth checking out, It's his muscle testing method,which the chart is based on.
  17. @zoey101 Lol. Can't argue with a genius.
  18. Apologies man. I love Hawkins. I feel his words are very worthy of giving attention to. The method not so much..but that's just personal opinion. And opinions are about as worthy as a turd in a punch bowl. I read Letting go years ago and found it very helpful at the time. Whether the method is valid or not,finding out Jesus's consciousness level was pretty damn entertaining.
  19. Of course. It's exhausting and doesn't lead to anything but more thinking,which leads to "I feel like my ego is taking over". Thought (which is the ego) loves attention,it feeds off of it. Observe and see that You have a mind,you are not the mind. You have thoughts,you are not a thought. You have a body. You are not the body. So now what? Tolle says give your attention to the presence. The presence, is awareness. Nick and Quanty say give attention to breath or body. Nothing wrong with any of these. They are meditative practices/methods. Are you willing to start meditating? If so,can you commit to it? A couple of times everyday,to just sit and give your attention to a preferred method? With any of these methods,or whatever you choose,constant focus on the object of attention will not be possible and will make the practice another chore. There is a near effortless way to meditate. If you are interested in taking up a method.
  20. Lol. Kanye's enlightened?? "Taylor Swift cannot beat Beyoncé.As long as I’m alive! As long as I’m alive, you gon’ have to deal with it. ‘Cause there ain’t gonna be no more motherfucking Elvises with no James Browns."
  21. Ramana Maharshi Many doctors came, and they were very puzzled because the whole body was torn with pain but there was no sign of any pain in his eyes. His eyes remained the same serene lakes as ever. Through his eyes only the witnessing self arose; Doctors would ask, "You must be in great pain?" Ramana would reply, "Yes there is great pain, but it is not happening to me. I am aware that there is great pain happening to the body; I know that there is great pain happening. I am seeing it, but it is not happening to me."
  22. True words spoken here. Whether you want truth now or not,the choice is no longer yours to make. The more you resist/fight,the harder it will be. You can't expect or predict how things will unfold. Trust and accept that what has to happen will happen of it's own accord,in it's own time. As Highest stated,this is only the beginning. Seek to understand,not by asking why,but by being attentive and receptive to the process. Hope this helps in some way.
  23. Haha, glad you liked it. Wonderful insight/opening of the Heart. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us.