who chit

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Everything posted by who chit

  1. Could have been in the Void. Been there a few times in Samadhi.
  2. What answer are you looking for? What are you inquiring? Are you quieting/stilling the mind before inquiring?
  3. With inquiry,you get the answer every time. Who/What is aware? or Who/What am I? Is no different. The one asking the question,is looking for an object. An object,the I thought identity,looking for an object. You ,the I that is aware/conscious, is not an object,so an object is not going to be found. Thus,the untrue,false identity I thought, disappears. And silent,pure Awareness,True I, is left. To be aware,is to be. So be silent,be still and just be.
  4. Usual symptoms are excessive heat,slight to moderate headaches,feeling of pressure in the head,mood problems,nervousness,irritability,hot pinpricks. If there's no negative symptoms,no worries. Since it's happening on it's own without you forcing it,then it's a natural,normal thing to happen. All spiritual practices activate this energy sooner or later,whether directly worked on or not. Moving the energy down the spine to the root,and back up, usually to third eye, keeps it from stagnating and building up excessively in a single area,which can cause the negative symptoms. It also helps in removing blockages in the nervous system,to allow a smoother movement in the body.
  5. A Ninja of course...just like everyone else.
  6. Intelligent in that it is independently self-aware,self-illuminating If inquiring who what is conscious,it is revealed that only consciousness is conscious. who or what is aware? only awareness is aware.
  7. It is noteworthy to add that as one progresses on the path the capacity to connect to that higher dimension of intelligence, your higher dimension of intelligence, that is responsible for deep insights,higher knowledge,realizations, and wisdom opens up. Then it will be experientially known,and not belief or theory.
  8. Just look at a simple flower. Really observe it without mental commentary,judgement,or that it's "just a flower". The intricate detail,color,precision,and care with which it was created. There is beaming life and intelligence in what we "think" we know and call a flower. Reducing it,by giving it a name like flower,reduces it to a mere object with no life or noteworthy qualities. Observe anything,a tree,a bird,an ant without mental commentary,or labeling it as a tree,bird etc., for even 1 minute,and you will perceive it in a totally different way. Even if it's just for that one minute.
  9. Sounds like you're gathering a lot of energy at the crown. Have you tried moving it back and down through the spine? A few minutes of spinal breathing before meditation would help balance the energy.
  10. Until one has reached that level of insight and/or perception,they don't. The purpose of spiritual practice is to bring one to that level of inner awareness in which this movement is seen for what it is. Even then It is rare (for most),that this awakening, permanently ends the thought identity for good. Some sort of continued effort is needed to establish one back in their true nature of timeless being. Effort/practices will naturally end because they will no longer be needed. When the fruit is ripe,it will fall.
  11. Many find, in the first glimpse or initial awakening to truth, the difficulty of meaninglessness. That this existence has no meaning. What has happened, is all their meaning was applied to what is untrue. What is true had been veiled from them their entire life, so there was really no choice in the matter but to take what was given as being the truth. The beliefs, concepts, ideas, opinions, imparted to them from birth by trusted "authorities". Those same authorities are in the same boat, and just passing on what was imparted to them. As one's perception deepens on the path of truth, what was found meaningless becomes a blessing. It clears all that was untrue to allow what is true to be revealed. It is distressing at first to many, but with continued perseverance on the path, as more clarity gives rise to clearer perception and "deeper" seeing into the truth, an unfathomable, unexplainable meaning begins to arise. It is not explainable, or very difficult to explain because it is a meaning that is impersonal, and not derived from what has been gathered and believed from what has been taught by society and "authority" figures, who themselves are ignorant of what is true. One should surrender any sadness, anger, or negativity surrounding what they had mistakenly thought was true. Ignorance in self or others is not a sin and no one is to be blamed. If one happens to eventually perceive and/or "see/experience" what is true, it is truly a blessing. With devotion and love for truth,god,ishta,etc., will come ever new clarity and deeper insight. And with that, an ever deepening,unspeakable divine meaning will be experienced/perceived.
  12. "eye' yam, like the letter "I". The "yam" is prounounced like y'ehm, like a short eh . So it would sound like "Iyehm." How to do the technique has been "exposed" in the past few years, by former TM members, so there's no need to pay money to learn it. Here's the rundown. Close your eyes, wait a few seconds, and then start thinking the mantra. It is thought repeatedly only in the beginning of meditation. After a while you should “let it go” and “allow the mantra to change in any way it wants”. Whether it gets louder or softer, faster or slower down, clearer or fainter, we just take it as it comes. Its is more of a “hearing” of the mantra than repeating it, and that is why TM movement calls the technique “effortless”. Allow thoughts to come and go along with the mantra. There is no attempt to push thoughts out of our mind or use the mantra to override them. When the mantra disappears and the mind goes off on thoughts we quietly come back to it. This means that all we have to do is become (aware) that we are no longer hearing the mantra and the awareness of that will be quite sufficient to bring the mantra back to us. At the end of meditation stop thinking the mantra and wait about 2 minutes before opening the eyes. I've been doing the technique/meditation for almost 3 years. When I first learned it,what I found happening after doing the mantra for about a month is, you will start the mantra as usual, then it will take on it's own,repeating/vibrating in awareness, while you remain in the "being", non-doing,state. No longer having to "think" or use effort to repeat the mantra. This brings one deeper and deeper into Samadhi, and eventually to the breathless state. Doing the Kriya prior to this, sets the stage for obtaining the breathless state. This is why I stated that the combination of Kriya and the TM technique is a powerful mix.
  13. So you have a self that is awareness..And if that self ceased to be, awareness would cease to be... This translates as "I have this identity called self that is awareness..If he ceased to be,awareness would cease to be.." Is this true, or did someone say you have a self,somewhere,and that it is awareness? Have you looked for him? Just to be sure they weren't lieing? Or,do you trust them and just take their word for it?
  14. Don't make what is simple complicated. Ego and thought are the same. Absence of thought is absence of ego. What is left is Beingness. Beingness is Joyfulness. This is what is true.
  15. Inquire the questions for yourself, The path is the path of finding what is true. Can a thought be? What comes and goes cannot be. In the absence of thought ,what is? That which is. Beingness is, what is.
  16. Can a thought be? In the absence of thought...what is? Beingness is joyfulness, with no enjoyer.
  17. Yeah they're short. It's the technique of the meditation that makes it work. I'm not really sure why it has a more powerful effect,but it made a huge difference compared to everything I had done before. And super simple. I started it at the same time when I began doing Kriya, so that probably has a lot to do with it. Do you do the mantra outloud or in the mind? That's a hella long mantra. Doing it in the mind repetitively as a meditation would put me in a coma,lol.
  18. Yeah,the mantra has a tone vibration effect on the brain and nervous system when repeated in the mind. The sanskrit language is a language of vibration. Meaning the language isn't just for speaking it also has an effect on the body. I started out with iem, which sounds like ai'am. It has a 2 tone vibration effect in the mind. Then I moved on to ai'am nah'mah, after several months. Having a 4 tone vibration.With increasing number of tones,the stronger the vibration effect on the mind & nervous system,bringing it to deeper and deeper states of samadhi. It really is good technique.
  19. Yeah,I used to do the more complicated Kriya's before finding Sri Mukherjee's. I found it much more simple and,for me, just as effective. I agree with the Om or AUM Japa outloud,it is calming. I used to do it with A-U-M. Feeling the vibration Ahh at the navel,Rising to UUU at the chest,into Mmm at the lip/nose. Usually around 7 times or so. I just lost interest in it after a while. Looks like you got a good practice going .
  20. Pick any 3 of these: bending forward,arching the back ,and twisting. Do each one 2-3 times,15-20 seconds. Or what brovakhlin said,whatever is comfortable.
  21. I want to add, for anyone doing the Kriya, that just a few minutes of stretching the spine,say 5 minutes or so before doing the practice, will help a lot with regulating the energy flow. You're sending this energy through the nervous system,which contain a lot of blockages. Essentially,you're "purifying" the nervous system,and sending too much of this energy into a system with a lot of blockages will produce ill symptoms. The symptoms are a sign you're doing too much,producing more energy than it can handle.