who chit
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Everything posted by who chit
who chit replied to Mada_'s topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If a thought enters for the question "what notices the noticing?", there is a noticing of the thought. What notices the noticing ? , of the thought? -
who chit replied to Mada_'s topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Notice the feeling,sensation,perception of ,whatever is being noticed. Then ask 'what notices the noticing ?, of a particular feeling,sensation or perception. For example;Notice the feeling or sensation in the heart area. Then,"what notices the noticing of the feeling or sensation?" -
who chit replied to Mezanti's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This. It's like a download, so to speak. Whatever you want to call it (God,Tao,Brahman,Infinite Awareness,Universal Intelligence etc.) "speaks" from that silent,timeless dimension beyond mind. All the mystical,religious teachings/ texts and poetic words from all around the world were spoken and/or written from, and point to, That. Awakening is essential. Wars are waged based on one person or cultures belief over another. After awakening, one can pick anything,from nearly all cultures of the world. From the Native Americans to the Sufi mystics like Kabir or Rumi, To Mohammed,John of the Cross or Bodhidharma and Lao Tzu and see they are speaking of the same thing. Belief is personal. Truth is universal and belongs to no one, yet is available to all. Now that, is Love. -
who chit replied to winterknight's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nice work @winterknight. ? -
who chit replied to winterknight's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes. Revelations will come when they are are not looked for. Another paradox, but not really. It's only a paradox to a mind that has been conditioned to getting or receiving knowledge from outward sources. There is an intelligence, a universal intelligence, in that limitless, silent space beyond the mind far greater than the basic intellect you're used to knowing. It is the source of all knowledge. When the mind becomes still and silent, absorbed in the source, the door to that intelligence opens up. This is the space of insight, revelation and wisdom. "Be still and know". -
who chit replied to Harikrishnan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you find who/what you are, you may find that any desire or want to "become", is no longer there. -
who chit replied to BIggleswerth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What is the one common element, or factor, throughout the 3 prongs: Thought Awareness Emotion Awareness Awareness of the Two. Is a thought aware of itself or are you aware of the thought. A thought cannot be aware of itself. Neither can a thought be itself. A thought is insentient and has no selfhood(i.e.,self identity), to neither be itself, nor be aware of itself. Since a thought is in the mind,it cannot feel itself as a sensation. The sensation is felt in the body. Is the body aware of the sensation,, or, are you aware of the sensation.? In order for a sensation to be felt there has to be an awareness of it. If the body cannot be aware of itself and thought can neither be itself, nor be aware of itself, What is left, is the one common factor throughout. You. The one that is separately aware of both. If the body, and/or sensation, is an object of which you are aware of. And thought, is an object of which you are aware of. Then the answer to: What is the one common element ,or factor, throughout the 3 prongs: Thought Awareness Emotion Awareness Awareness of the Two. You,that which is aware. This is re-identifying your self as being the body-mind and forgetting that, You , are the one common factor, Awareness, in which they appear, and, are dependent upon. -
who chit replied to who chit's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lol. It was a good talk though. I think his name was Rama if you're still interested in looking it up. -
Excellent talk. It's an hour long but considering you're eternal,an hour's not that much.
who chit replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Very nice. ? That ,is the silence that speaks. What Rumi was referring to when he said "Silence is the language of God". It is the space of infinite wisdom and intelligence. The Inner Guru. And the "gate-less gate", to ultimate Truth. The Heart space,is Home. ❤️ -
who chit replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It;s not a complex,thinking decision. As you become more consciously aware of how the self serving,self indulgent ,'egoic" delusion causes all your suffering,the choice or decision to go in a direction that doesn't serve that automatically arises. I haven't sat down and mapped out how this works,it just does. Again,it comes about as the inner condition matures through the spiritual path. Something else, that doesn't require a complex thinking process makes the decisions and you just go in that direction. And it hasn't seemed to fail yet. -
who chit replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's experiential knowledge through realization and insight,not collected knowledge. I'm not buddhist or follow it's tradition or any tradition. If one is honestly living the path of truth this knowledge will naturally manifest. If you ask me about the religion,rituals or philosophy of buddhism,I wouldn't be able to answer. The middle path came through realization and insight for the Buddha,and the same realization and/or insights can be had by anyone if they're committed to the spiritual path. One can come to these realizations having never read anything,because they are not philosophies,rules,dogma's. They were turned into philosophies,dogma's etc., As far as complex thinking and deciding how to walk the middle path. It's a natural condition that happens on it's own as one's inner condition matures. As I stated above,if one see's and realizes through their own experience,how the world of duality works, their inner condition will naturally begin to change to embody that realization. -
who chit replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's why mindfulness was taught. To live more consciously. As one becomes more conscious of their habits,patterns,like,dislikes, and basically how they cause their own suffering, they will start changing their behaviors and inner condition that will lead to a life of "walking the middle path" which would be the path to less self induced suffering. If one is indulging in extremes,he is obviously living compulsively and/or impulsively and causing great degrees of suffering to himself, and others, that he is not even aware of. Obviously,even if in a deep state of ignorance,one would not unnecessarily starve oneself to death. The survival instinct of the body would eventually force him to eat. If it is mental impairment or illness that's a different story. -
who chit replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The middle path is as the name suggests. It is living between the two extremes of the world of duality. In duality the two extremes only appear different,but in actuality one carries the other in it,and are dependent on one another for their existence. Also the world of duality is transitory. Nothing is permanent. Take for example pleasure and pain.The very act of seeking pleasure means you're in pain. In the absence of pain there would be no seeking of pleasure. Pleasure itself carries with it the inevitable pain of losing it,due to the transitory,impermanent nature of the world. So pleasure inevitably contains pain.Due to desire and attachment to pleasure, one will seek to experience it for a longer and longer period of time. Thus, one will also be in pain longer and longer when it is lost. This is why the Buddha stated "the world is only suffering." In pain there is suffering,and even in pleasure there is suffering. Nirvana is cessation of suffering. Cessation is inner equanimity,peace,joy. It is (sat-chit-ananda) existence-consciousness-bliss. There is no seeking of pleasure or avoidance of pain and no attachment to whatever comes and go's. To fully see and realize the impermanent and transitory nature of this world will naturally lead one to see the ignorance of attachment to anything. It is also due to seeing this impermanence that one will seek and abide in that which is permanent,unchanging and can never be lost. -
who chit replied to TheAvatarState's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Radiant words of Love. Thank you @TheAvatarState ? -
who chit replied to Nivsch's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Consider what this sentence implies "I'm watching my thoughts in my mind". Could the I that is watching thoughts in the mind, also be a thought in the mind? Could this I be a phantom, an idea in the mind,acting as if it is real and playing the observer that is observing the mind/ thoughts? If there is awareness or consciousness that "I " am watching "my" thoughts in "my" mind" ,could it be that this I (a thought appearing to be separate/external and watching "other thoughts"), is not you, and "you" are that consciousness in which, the I that is watching the thoughts, is also "seen" or "known?" Simpler version: Imagine there is a bird on the ground,hopping around,chirping,eating bread crumbs and doing what birds do. There is also a second bird,sitting still on a branch behind it, silently watching the other bird. But,Both birds appear within, and are seen/ known by,, an all encompassing,infinite emptiness, that sees and is all. GodBird.... . -
who chit replied to AdamDiC's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lol, I realize it's no laughing matter at this point (or is it??), but this gave me a chuckle. Here's something I used to do,so you may want to give it a try. Say you're just going about whatever you're doing,whatever that is, and these thoughts and emotions spring up. Stop whatever it is you're doing,even if it's just sitting around. Get very present,very alert,very watchful. If sitting, sit up and straighten the spine. This would be an alert,watchful posture. Let's say you were walking along a path and suddenly came upon a rattle snake. You would get very present,very alert,very watchful. You wouldn't notice anything else going on around you except watching that snake.This is the state. In this very present,very watchful state,observe what is happening. Observing/watching both thought, and emotion, as a whole, (i.e., not giving more attention to one over the other). They work in tandem. There may be sub-thoughts of wanting the other thoughts to not be there,shifting back and fro. Stay with it,alert and watchful just observing. Nothing else. The thought activity,tension etc., will start dissipating,just keep watching until the mind and body comes back to a more relaxed,restful state. You'll also probably notice breathing is really shallow during these three ring, fuck reality, thought/emotion shit shows. So remember to take some breaths while observing. This is "letting go" imo. Letting it come and go without interference. Gradually you will start recognizing you are separate from, and not the body-mind. You are the observer,they are the observed. This is the beginning of understanding, "who am I"?, and the road to freedom. -
who chit replied to theking00's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I would suggest a meditation or pranayama technique, or mix of the two, to calm the mind and nervous system before self inquiry. A calm,quiet mind and relaxed nervous system is conducive for contemplative exercises like self inquiry. Not many individuals have a naturally gifted inner condition to take on self inquiry straight away. Ramana stated many times an individual has to be "ripe" (i.e.,have the right inner conditions or spiritual maturity) before taking on self inquiry and often recommended "support" techniques such as the above. Even for spiritual initiates (monks,sannyasins etc.) It is rare that self inquiry is given as a stand alone sadhana (practice). It is aptly stated in these quotes: "Of the four, jnana yoga, from the point of view of the beginner, is the most difficult. Jnana yoga is the graduate school of self-discovery. "Of the four major paths to self-realization, this yoga is the most difficult. It is "the path of Samadhi". Samadhi, in a general sense, is deep inner stillness and silence. It is absorption in the Self or pure awareness without objects. And that condition takes a while to develop. -
who chit replied to Onecirrus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Looks similar to the tunnel star seen in kriya yoga "At the end of the sushumna (spinal nerve) are the infinite realms of bright white light. They are seen as a bright star in the beginning. The colors ringed around the star are the inside of the sushumna. You are looking out from the inside, so you are seeing the inside of the sushumna in your body, and the end of the sushumna off in the distance, which is the star. -
who chit replied to Devansh Saharan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What is spilling/flowing out of Sadhguru is choiceless love, the divine love of the Absolute, not a personal love. It's the unconditional love of That, that is mistaken as love coming from an individual/person. When the divine awakened, the illusion of individuality was lost and union with the Absolute, is the SadhGuru. He's not the form,person or individual, and that's the trap devotees fall into. They are identified with the form that is only a conduit for the divine formless that is manifesting through it. Love is it's nature, and that love is trying to show them that,that is what they are also. Guru means 'dispeller of darkness" and all a real guru does is try to get you to realize/see that, that divine nature is what you are also. Once that happens, you see the real guru beyond the physical form for the first time and you see what he really is and subsequently, what you are also. The guru's job is to draw you in, and once you're drawn in, he throws you back into yourself. Then he disappears. His job is done. If you watch this clip, notice how Sadhguru, through questioning and an articulate use of direct and simple language, is used to bypass too much intellectualizing by the listener. Through questioning he's getting you, or trying to get you to stop for a second and look into yourself (throwing you back into yourself),to see if it is true and not just blindly accepting or taking for granted what he's saying. Experientially seeing what is true, and not accumulating more useless knowledge. -
who chit replied to Derek White's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What you are,has nothing to do with thinking or non-thinking. What is you, is ever present in thinking and non-thinking. Thought and no thought are experiences within the vast, silent reality that you are. Identification with a state, whether it is a state of thinking or no thinking is the problem, as what you are, is beyond states of mind,thought or no thought. In problem solving, what is you, is not affected, ever present, and never lost unless you identify what you are,with the state of mind being experienced. You are the underlying reality in all experience, yet remain unaffected by it. In thinking or no thinking, you are the ever present reality in which both happen. Be aware of that ever present reality even in the midst of thinking. -
who chit replied to MM1988's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Do you have or feel a sense of lack, unworthiness, shame, guilt, fear etc., If so, do they revolve around your sense of self or identity i.e, (thoughts about who and/or what you are)? Is your sense of self (who/or what you are), based on your thoughts, assumptions, ideas, beliefs , experiences? -
who chit replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nobody Hears... -
who chit replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
what is it that knows nothing or nobody exists? Does that exist? -
who chit replied to sausagehead's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Who is the "I" or "me" that surrenders? In the absence of the idea or belief in a personal identity of an "I" or "me", who or what are you? What is present?