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Everything posted by KenDo

  1. Well the things is the world is not black and white... there are truths in all kinds of notions, this for example is from a paleo diet promoter. I agree, plants don't want to be eaten so they have things inside that are bad for you. But my consensus is that we are herbivores and are meant to eat plants. So the minute damage is drastically overweight from all the nutrients you get. If you only eat meat you would need to take a vitamin and mineral supplement because meat just isn't as nutritious. Also meat gets its protein from plants so duh. Also if we look at the evolution of Homo sapiens we see that for the longest of time, before the invention of tools to hunt animals, we survived on roots, tubers, plants and grains. This dietary programming is still hardwired into our DNA and doesn't change within the minute period of time where our cultures and cooking practices have developed Just my personal take on food though, eat what makes your body feel good and live life
  2. So I understand that many people worry about future problems. I get that that can be stressful. But look at it this way, you never know for sure what will happen unless you are a fortune teller So the reason this is happening with many is because they do not control their mind. Mind is a tool that can be trained. For example you can put your attention on a task and then your mind is busy with that and won't think as much about other problems. Or you can do sports to get into your body and calm your mind. What makes me relax and stop thinking is taking a nice hot bath
  3. First of all, love your profile pic haha I really like anime lol As for your issue, I think that isn't true. Your friends and family will surely notice don't you think?! Also I don't think it is a problem to not get married if you are worried about that. Many people don't tbh. It is just seen as normal in the modern culture we live in. And if you are worried no one will notice your death, why not use that as motivation to do something big and amazing that will change peoples lives? That way lots of people will remember you after your death Hope this helps you
  4. I respect how hard you have worked on yourself. It must have been really hard to get rid of all of those addictions. My personal advice would be to contemplate on your problems. Ask yourself why you are feeling unhappy and what is the root of these problems. Another thing you can try is to work on your beliefs, to do this you must identify what negative thought are holding you back. A simple way to do this is to ask yourself why you aren't achieving X result in your life. For example: " Why don't I have the people skills I want? Because I am afraid of being judged. " When you identify your limiting beliefs you can change them to ones that serve you better. Make sure to find reasons why this new belief is true for you. So for example if your old reasons were: because I am afraid of being judged. One of your new reasons as for why the opposite is true, could be: I haven't always been like this or there are situations when I am not afraid to talk with others. So once you have done this all you need to do is affirm these new beliefs daily so your subconscious believes them I also think if social anxiety is one of your big issues which is holding you back, you should work on slowly pushing yourself out of your comfort zone every day. This has helped me a lot with my anxiety too. Hope you try some of these tips and they work for you.
  5. Hey I need help with self inquiry. I know that I am not my body because any part can be replaced except the brain. I know that I am not a thought because I also have times when I don't think. I am stuck at the belief that my identity is the accumulation of my memories. I believe that I am my memories because without them I would be a completely different ego. Not sure what I should do to get past this, I am trying just to meditate and quiet my mind for now...
  6. Hi. I have a cat. I have cat allergy. How do I get rid of it?(the allergy not the cat)
  7. Which habits? Leo has videos about addictions and to me addictions are the same as bad habits. I would try a 30 day challenge of not doing the habit and instead replacing it with a positive one
  8. Try NOT eating. Seriously dude, cut that shit out! Fasting is a lot healthier! Of course I am not saying to never eat again, I just mean eating less often. Intermittent fasting basically. Also 14 day juice fasting will do wonders for you!
  9. Walk in nature more often Go to a sauna or use the heat of your tea kettle to unblock nose Do breath meditation Try breathing teas Do breathing exercises Research online how to free nose
  10. I noticed the same after reading books about social anxiety and caffeine seems to increase anxiety levels as it triggers the fight flight response. I notice my body being a lot more calm without it!!
  11. Yo! I think you gotta work on yourself with lots of self development. If you are the kind of person you dream of being then you won't worry about a girl not liking you. Also you will naturally attract the right partner for you in your life. Now for social anxiety the cold approach is defiantly the most effective way to help reduce anxiety however you need to learn that rejection is okay and necessary! Heads up, you will be fine
  12. I am against medication, however at times it just isn't possible and in that case its better to take them. I would suggest using natural medicine 10/10!
  13. very interesting, what are your thoughts on the Wim hof method?
  14. check out project life mastery, it is amazing and life changing! Stefan has changed my life in so many ways and I am truly grateful for his work. His youtube channel is amazing and the courses he provides as well! His morning ritual mastery course is life transforming, you should get it!! It is cheaper than the life purpose course and will help you a lot in life, trust me
  15. Look at it this way, you can have fun and enjoy your life by indulging in hedonism, which is what your friends are doing. Thats great and fun, eating yummy foods, having sex and partying. On the other hand there are high conscious things like meditation, learning, life purpose which aren't as "flashy" as those other things. The difference is that by doing high conscious activities you will be much more fulfilled and happier than you could ever be from hedonism in the long run. Sort of like short term vs long term pleasure. You don't need to give up hedonism completely, enjoy your life!
  16. b12 is found in bacteria and ancient cultures got it in their water
  17. Try matcha tea, its expensive but it really works wonders
  18. I would take digestive enzymes and probiotics as well as making sure to cook your food which helps to make it easier to digest. Also stress can cause stomach problems, so I would really work on reducing your stress levels
  19. rather than choosing what to eat, try choosing what not to eat. it will do your body wonders
  20. Hi, I have severe social anxiety and find it difficult to be around other people. I always feel like I can't be myself and I just feel stressed out and tense when I am with other people. I want to know if anyone else has had this and what has helped them. Any tips and tricks are welcome. thanks
  21. Hello and good day, I have been struggling with my food addiction for 2 years at least now and I just don't know what to do. I want to clean up my diet but I never manage to eat clean for longer than a month. I always give in at some point and then my whole diet crashes and I just eat junk-food and sweets. Please help
  22. molosku, i did that i tried setting monthly goals and i even made it into smaller chunks and I managed to eat clean for 22 days but never any longer.
  23. yeah, i have I have been applying both methods, the sit still and the being aware when doing the addiction. But it doesn't work for me. I want to get rid of this habit for ever, so i can become my best version but even though I have made the decision many times to never indulge in unhealthy foods again I never manage to do it for longer than a month