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Everything posted by Franz

  1. My only dream is to wake up in the morning and FEEL the deep urge to happily work on something all day long that I really love, providing value, making that impact, and going to bed completely exhausted and smiling. Thats my perfect vision for myself, everything else will fall into place. I already had a few of those days in my life, its possible.
  2. Wow big surprise, I thought everyone here is a Leo-holic like me. I have seen (or heard! downloaded all of them as mp3s before knowing of this website) all of those videos at least twice , dont agree with each and every word, but this material is gold. Iam very critical with youtube "gurus" (Elliot Hulse is spamming my mail account lol) but Leo actually seems dedicated as hell and very legit. I first disliked him because I expected some kind of scam, but now Iam buying his life purpose program and didnt even look at the price tag.
  3. - listen to (self-help-) audiobooks wherever you go alone (like shopping, bus rides, when doing boring stuff like laundry, dishes, when walking anywere). This will give you tons of time well spent, and you are not missing anything. Also reduces negative monkey talk in your head during that time. - Count your calories. This may sound terrible and I actively avoided it for years, but its THE most powerful tool for any weight problems or muscle gaining/health issues you might have. Those numbers wont lie and you will never have a "bad feeling" when eating anymore because you know for a fact whats enough and what not. Its actually a great relief, because you can NOT eat by hunger and feeling alone in a world full of processed food, hidden calories and social eating habits. I enjoy my occasional piece (or two) of greasy meat or cake even more, now that i can predict that it wont affect me in any sort of way if i give it a minute of thought.
  4. I work out with a few university doctors and engineers who are in outstanding physical condition, appearance- or strength wise. They all struggle to find a balance and are either very, very busy or have almost no social life (+unhappy single at age 40). Its hard to do but not impossible.
  5. I was single + no sex dates for over three months and was 100% sure to not go back to fapping or porn. At the end, it was pretty easy. After a while you stop to be horny all the time, to the point where having sex with yourself would feel weird and pointless. I channeled that energy somewhere else in life. Sex afterwards didnt feel much different than before, so if this feels like a challenge to you, dont overestimate the benefits.
  6. - quitting TV - quitting Video Games (that was a hard one. Loved that shit) - quitting porn and masturbation - working out + having my diet in check (thats a huge one) - stopped beeing overly focused on how people (incl. myself) look - staying kinda obsessed with my dental health (people kept telling me its "too much". nope!)
  7. Eastern Germany. Any germans here? Hallo!
  8. I recently included Oil pulling into my routine, first thing in the morning before drinking or eating anything, and it really helped me with my oral hygiene. Google it, its basically cleaning your mouth with vegetable oil for like 20 min. sounds weird at first but is very easy
  9. Done it for months (with AND without sex) and yes you get horny all the time. Thats for some part because you are used to quick satisfaction (gets better over time). But its also the point of not doing it, you feel charged up to "attack" your life, and even if sex may not be the result at first, you feel satisfied after a day of hard work and improving yourself.
  10. The difference is subtle, but its there. Judgement is the "big picture", stating something like its some universal truth and everybody else is dumb for not seeing it ("you are fat/ugly/beautiful") An opinion on the other hand has doubt in it and describes the way YOU percive something ("iam attracted/not attracted to you, i feel good having you around") But this is, again, is just my opinion on it sry for mistakes, not a native speaker
  11. I went with "NoFap" (never called it that/read any forums on it) while being single and now while being in a relationship after having a "normal" history of fapping and porn when i was younger. I discovered for myself that the release of masturbation is a false, shallow one, especially when you are older and already fully discovered your sexuality. You are wasting precious sexual energy every time you fap, energy that is meant to be channeled towards things in life that require you to stand strong and errect (see the connection? funny, isnt it) and be a man. Where does the expression "like a chronic masturbator" comes from? Its somebody who looks and acts spineless, soft and weak when faced with resistance or is unwilling to penetrate even the surface of a womens personal space, for example. Dont be that, not even a tiny little bit. Its a relieve to leave fapping and porn behind, it will literally charge you up in many situations. The reason society is so pro- porn and everyone kinda does it is because its easy and comfortable. It gives you a false peace with yourself and the world, temporarily castrating you in a sense. As with everything, give yourself time to adapt, be ok with minor setbacks and read more into it if you are still not sure if its any good for you. Have a great Day (sorry for mistakes, english is not my first language)