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Everything posted by Franz

  1. Hello there, lets try to keep this short. (edit: lol didnt work) Iam 27, almost done with my degree as a mechanical engineer, everything seems to run fine from the outside, But iam about to quit. To throw away that opportunity that I worked on for the last 3 years. The reason is: There is NO passion left whatsoever. Everything about this program moved on from beeing a challenge to plain torture (more of a unknown challenge. I started because of the recommendations of close friends and people I trust, and also kept going because of their support. Big mistake.). Because of my so-so passion for this whole field right from the start, my results have always been very, very mediocre. And thats actually my biggest problem. I want to do something that makes me proud of myself, something that I would not be afraid to show around. I wish I would have failed hard, right in my first year, and would have called it a day, moved on. But i was always "good enough" to stay where I am. I was, and Iam, pretty comfortable. People around me are super supportive to me doing this, I made lots of friends and money due to beeing this student that I dont want to be. My misery grew, I detached more and more from what i was doing. This does not only involve the University major, but also the kind of job i will most likely get. I cant imagine myself living like this, other than for the sake of money and a healthy social network. I want to break free. This would involve re-organizing everything I was telling myself and others over the years, admitting to mistakes, likely loose some friends and the respect of people around me (maybe thats just my delusion?), but most importantly, find a REAL PURPOSE for myself. Iam lacking a vision thats true to myself after those years of self-denial and lies. But Iam afraid. My plan is to let go, and finally, do Leos life purpose course with all of my heart. Because right now, I dont see anything of true value I might be able to give to the world, other than going with the flow around me. That needs to change. Thanks for reading this. Do you have similar experiences? Any Tips? Am I making a big mistake here? As always, english is not my first Language, sorry for any mistakes.
  2. Cool to find my old Thread. Lots of Things changed during the last couple of months, inside and out. Thanks for your advice guys, it really helped me to make a decision. Life-changing stuff. Iam living ten times more passionate now, studying topics that i love, with great new relationships. Sometimes, iam moved to tears. I also did not run away from work or problems, actually, iam busy as nuts right now. But it all feels much more effortless.
  3. My suggestion is: Just have sex at home if you dont want to try some of the ideas above (for fun). Your Parents may notice it or not. They are not dumb and (hopefully) want you to be happy and have your needs met, so they will be fine with it. Guess what, they may even have sex at your home themselves (OMG ). I know this is risky and it possibly may not work out at first, but its a straightforward, manly way to deal with the situation. The Girl will be fine with it too. You are in highshool, nobody can expect you to have your own place. Awkward? Only if you make it so.
  4. Nice read! But at the end of the day, this is based on judgement. Nature is never "brutal" or "beautiful", it just "is". And thats what humans have a hard time dealing with, accepting things as they are. To use your words, the stongest home that you may build inside yourself is, above all, a state of acceptence. You may still come from a place of love and act according to your values in a situation, but without labeling it as good or bad. If something happens to you, there is always a natural cause and reason for it. I still agree with what you wrote.
  5. After reading the book "mastery", it is hard to ignore the importance of the topic. So yes, please, make it one of your values. There are a bunch of people who do not improve in their daily activities/job and hate plateaus so much that they actually go back and slack off more and more. Reverse-mastery.
  6. He mentioned in one of his videos that he got "pretty good at weightlifting". As often as he mentions "going to the gym" as a good thing, I am sure he still goes on a regular basis, obviously just to maintain a healthy body, not to build a huge amount of strength/muscle. He also lost a good amount of weight which suggests regular cardiovascular exercise.
  7. I like to wear clothing which is minimalistic in color and style. Which to me is black/white or occasionally some earth-tones. Mostly basic shirts and long pants that work in most situations, professional or casual. I really dont resonate with anything that has brand names or eye-catching graphics on it (greetings to the walking billboards out there), basic is best.
  8. If course he is manipulating us. Just like every other information we choose to expose ourselfs to. Everything you think about is basically a manipulation, only what your senses deliver you is unmanipulated information. But we even have to train ourself by meditation or our mind will manipulate this input aswell. Just surround yourself with things you WANT to be manipulated by, and surrender to them. Its that easy. Like people who are walking the same path. If they are at a more advanced stage than you, they will naturally lift you up. Otherwise, you may be their teacher for some time, which will grow you in the process aswell. And this is exactly what Leo is doing with his work. Growing himself by growing others. A work if beauty, isnt it?
  9. Thank you for sharing this. I noticed some of these things myself already!
  10. Loved it until they mentioned "stuff that the satanic illuminati world conspiracy does not want you to know". If this would be even remotely true, it would not be on good old mainstream youtube. Still interesting, thanks for sharing.
  11. As always, lyrics can be interpreted. I was sseing the "human" as the ego, but I see where you are coming from. Thanks for the response
  12. Choke the human within to gain the will of a God - part of some lyrics, describes enlightment pretty accurately
  13. Hello there friends. I am surrounded by a lot of people during my work hours. Practicing mindfulness as good as I can, I started watching them (and myself) more and more. It is interesting how much we work by sheer impulse, somebody is pushing certain buttons inside of us and by that, things are said and done. I kept observing and almost! started to judge them as being asleep, but then I started to see that this human form called "Franz", which my ego thinks it is controlling so much, does not behave any different. Some pretty girl asked for information and I felt how my ego wanted to act all cool and give her an extra-interesting, funny, flirty answer with a friendly face. Instead, I just answered the way I talk to anyone else, maybe even with a tiny bit of subtle shyness and coldness. Maybe with a forced smile, I cant remember since it felt all very unconscious. Why did i not deceide what to do? I was trying, but my automatic response was way faster. Wait! Me (as the Observer) did not care about the reaction since it does not judge. My ego did. But Leo says there is no Observer. Am i still not even close to clear consciousness? (Also: Leo might be wrong!) How do I call this consciousness that Iam (who the F... is this "I" again) experiencing? I (again!) have the urge to to give this consciousness a name. Crazy trains of thought kept running through my head as my body, ego whatever, kept working. But it did not feel bad, so I didnt force myself to stop. What was most enjoyable about this experience: This form of existance did not feel seperate from anyone else. As they are observed (writing in passive tense is nice to avoid "I"), Franz is observed too. Dont missunderstand: there was much time being spent sleeping. This Observation only happend for a brief period of time, but those moments are accuring more frequently. The ego kinda wants to dismiss this whole topic as childish, useless, and to delete everything that was written in this post, so submitting the topic has to happen. Enjoy your day
  14. Hi Friend, i see where you are coming from, been there myself when i was younger. To keep it short, jerk off and talk to her after. This is to reduce the amount oft neediness and hormone induced thinking. Then try to connect with this person as deeply as you can, really get to know her, make sensory love to her, See if you even like her as much as you thought. If she is willing to connect and spend time and energy together, stuff like dating and sex (which is just a form of connection) will follow naturally. Start slow, girls actually love connection, so she will accept if she is even remotely ok with your presence and Person. Just cut out the neediness for sex now, your time will come. Just remember: you are spending precious time here. Sex wont fulfill you, and the universe does not care if you ejaculate into this girl or the next trash can. This is all nice and fun, but not your mission in life.
  15. Hello there. You realized what you are looking at, now use your superhuman power of clear-minded CHOICE to make the necessary steps that will lead you towards something more inspiring. Just say no to all kinds of distraction and monkey chatter that hinders most folks from thinking about stuff like this , it will give you more than enough time to actualize AND enjoy the parts of the system you may find ressourceful (like having kids, in my case. Or lets say ONE kid)
  16. You are making up problems, my friend. Your physical state is very good the way it is, judging by your description, including your Hunger! You are growing, young man! Do you think you will be a grown adult soon without gaining more weight or even losing some? A 56 kg Man? I dont think so. Eat healthy food and dont restrict yourself in calories. The reason teenagers are fat is not because of the amount of good, healthy meals they eat to quiet their hunger. Its all the sugar and other crap society throws at you. If you start to restrict yourself at this important time of growth in your life, you will regret it later. You will never fulfill your physical potential. Keep training, having fun, and eat as much good stuff as you like. Just try to become obese eating rice, fruits, potatoes, or chicken (examples) all day... it wont happen. strength and happiness to you
  17. Exactly what I experienced. You dont NEED coffee at all. Caffeine is actually the enemy when it comes to quality of sleep and constant levels of mental fitness. I am not missing those random coffee crashes during the day.
  18. I know where you are coming from, but its already pretty cheap. Show him some love, that money is around 25 hours of work for you. How often did you spend 25 hours doing something for a much smaller reward? I had to save up for the money too, too bad I still have 3 Books to finish until I can finally start with the program...
  19. I was going to write a wall of text here since I am lifting myself for six years now. BUT: Everything you might want to know is pretty well covered (including exact calculators for your numbers, if you care) by all-time youtube classicScooby Werkstatt and his nice web page: Check it out. Lots of Truth to find in there. His Youtube Channel is also pretty good, but also covers lots of stuff you might not need right now: Its all free by the way.
  20. Do it. And dont beat yourself up when you create a new account shortly afterwards, it might happen. Then you are going to delete it again, and repeat the process if needed. I went through the same thing when trying to get away from a really useless, time-consuming online platform a while ago. I recreated my account probably eight times before finally getting over it, thats how strong online addictions may become. I do hope it is easier for you.
  21. Enlightment is not a binary yes\no thing. To me, its a process, something like a lightbulb that you can dim so it gets brighter and brighter. No one can tell how bright it may possibly be at full power. Leo always talked and acted like a fellow student of the topic, just more advanced than most of us. He is, just like all of us, partially enlightened.
  22. I write this to share a practice that I "discovered" while meditating. It sounds weird and I never told anyone about it. Maybe you guys here can help me. The following description is only trying to describe what happens: While meditating normally, I flex my pelvic floor and fully focus on the energetic sensation shooting up my body. When done right a couple of times, I am able to feel my whole body, a tickling sensation, from my toes up to my finger tips. especially areas with a lot of nervs. Heat seems to build up a and flows towards my head, my closed eyes feel like they are growing bigger and rounder, finally forming a single 360° eye . I can see a bright light, everything is beautiful, at this point my awareness is fully focused on the sensation while still feeling my whole body. Eventually, my whole head seems to explode into light and a orgasm-like feeling that wont end until I want it to, or when my mind gets distracted. I am able to reproduce this and already got better by practice. I sense this energy is sexual in nature. There is no kind of actual sexual reaction involved by the way. Has anyone heard about this? What am I doing here, is it pointless or a known practise?
  23. Hi Guys and Thanks alot for your suggestions and comments. It feels like I wrote the last post a year ago or something. I did what was already decided in my mind for a long time. I let go and went with my inner voice, my gut feeling, the will of the universe or whatever you may wish to call it. Iam going to be a teacher. You wont believe how relieved Iam. Like a mountain beeing lifted from my shoulders. Everything went great so far, I gathered everything I know about myself, everything I can already do better than others, everything that may be resourceful to them. Since i am quite above average in english (native german speaker. Also did a test on this recently, very good results) and love to help others (more than myself! Its something I cant change), and like to work with kids, I came up with this english teacher vision. I also want to include personal development/practical advise as a topic, i still need to do research on this. What a challenge, since this topic is not covered in modern schooling systems. There is a class called "ethics/religion" here in germany, maybe that will do. Everyone I talked to was surprised by my decision and enthusiasm. My boss that i work for at the university gave me his full support, called my decision manly and honest while sharing some of his own struggles in life. I expected him to rip me into pieces! Fire my ass instantly! I keep working on this. I can see a future for myself, finally. And I can sleep well again.
  24. In my personal experience, its actually better to eat in the evening / before bed than during the first half of the day. I went with this whole "eating before bed makes you fat"- thing for a long time (especially carbs), and it did not work well with my body at all. Now i rarely eat from whenever I go to bed until 2 pm and my body responds very well, huge meals during that time always slowed me down. Eating quite a bit, be it carbs or whatever, in the evening improved my sleep alot (I literally cant fall asleep on an empty stomach). For weight gain/loss, the only thing that matters for me is total daily calories. Note: Iam at a very low body fat percentage. Not trying to gain any fat by doing this or something.
  25. Thank you for your replies guys, I really appreciate it. This train of thought also crossed my mind, and I will talk to my professor,counsellor and my boss at the university job before making the decision. Its hard to clear my mind about this, and I dont want to make another snap decision that will end in misery. Also, just writing this down here really helps.