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Everything posted by Franz

  1. Disagreed. If you dont buy them from some shitty dealer who had them laying around for god knows how long, they taste woody, with the texture of cardboard. Nothing to talk about, really. Self-grown is the way to go. I never had any signs of intoxication from eating my own. If there are toxins, they are there for a reason, aka soften your body up so it wont resist the experience as much.
  2. Suicide. Why end suffering? It is the greatest thing ever, it literally enables life (look at a newborn child and see the suffering in its eyes as it screams - welcome to life). This game of humanness is all about polarity. without suffering, there would be no pleasure or joy either. Spirituality reduces suffering, but this comes with a cost: You gotta give up your human pleasures and needs aswell. All the "Wanting" the Buddha was talking about. For ultimate enlightenment, give up breathing aswell (half-serious). But there is a middle way: Radical detachment. Do stuff, get stuff, and pay the price for it (suffering). It just wont be "your" suffering anymore, but you sure as hell gonna notice it. Also, simple human pleasures might suck now, because they are only fun with full attachment. Please take this with a grain of salt. Ultimately, everything is wrong, I am just trying to express myself. Cheers
  3. Speaking from multiple experiences: Do more than 1gr! 3 gramms is actually a great first time dose. A single gramm wont even make you trip, and you are going to be disppointed, especially! if you are looking for a "spiritual" experience. There certainly is a minimum dose for the mushroom experience to happen. Set and Setting should be clear, but other than that, there is no need to plan anything. Just lay on your bed/Couch and let the shrooms do their thing with you, be as passive as you can. happy tripping! See you on the other side
  4. All fears and doubts you may carry will come up, sooner or later, when having a "bad trip". Something like that: Some time ago, my tripsitter left the room for 15 min to have a smoke, and my mood hit rock bottom. I was 100% sure she is calling the cops and the mental hospital right now because Iam going insane, my family will know, everyone will know. Life is over, no way out, pure existential terror. This was on a high dose of shrooms, though. Still, made me stronger If you are ready for some distress (but also heavenly bliss and beauty), start low. Get educated about the substance first. Inner work certainly is requiered, especially if you have any sort of trauma or mental problems.
  5. Hi Guys, I can write you up a pretty nasty trip report, but not sure how this is going to help anybody. Plus, even the bad and paranoid ones turned out to be very healing and positive in retrospection. @dude If you go psychotic on weed, stay away from psychedelics. Its not even the same ballpark. The will strike much harder and require more of you, physically and mentally. They will come to you when you are ready, quite literally
  6. @Leo Gura Drinking the tea more often, without shrooms on regular days, kinda helped to get over the repulsive (but bareable) taste and made me less and less sensitive to its nauseating effect. Plus, I enjoy the subtle tranquilizing state it induces, awesome for meditation or reading. I just dont eat more than 1-2 fruits in the morning, take the Psilohuasca at noon, and wont be hungry again until midnight (at least), maybe even the next day. No good if you want to bulk up
  7. Hi Guys! I became more of a reader than a writer in this little community, but the experience I had while combining these two psychedelics was extremely unexpected and remarkable. I need to communicate this to you. Please keep an open mind while reading this, i promise to keep it as short as possible. What did I take? 5 gramms cracker -dry shrooms (regular cubensis), a nice dose by itself 5 gramms of syrian rue seeds, made into a tea, one hour before the shrooms. This is a legal plant you can buy everywhere. Psychoactive by itself, natural anti-depressant, MAO-Inhibitor (Please google that stuff before trying anything! Research is a must here). Previous experiences: I did this combination before, 3 gramms of shrooms + 3 gramms of rue. It was roughly comparable to a "regular" shrooms trip, a bit more mellow and clear, but came in "shockwaves" of mind boggling intensity which left me laughting, screaming and speechless at the same time, basically an insane rollercoaster ride of insights, feelings, emotions, love. A great experience overall which lasted 12 hours total, and much stronger than a regular 3 gramm dose of shrooms would have been (tried it, same batch). Actual report: Ambitiously, i upped the dose to 5gr/5gr. Online reports suggested that all hell would brake loose on me. The come-up was totally normal, the energy boiled up in me, everything was as you would expect it to be at the beginning of a heavy dose. I was meditating as always, exited and a little scared, ready to face the first crushing wave of psychedelic mindfuck, or whatever the shrooms wanted me to see. My mind was going increasingly wild, lots of visuals etc. Then, Nothingness happend. I went back to baseline. The usual effects of the drugs almost completely disappeared, and my mind was totally silent. I felt complete! bliss and peacefulness, but not in a drug-induced way, but one that was unmistakably grounded in reality. PLEASE notice: I was able to think perfectly straight, pretty much acted and felt like a sober person, but all that monkey-mind was utterly crushed. I was super aware of everything that was going on. All my concepts and ideologies where thrown out of the window, for good, I was unable to even access them. This was awesome beyond belief, and I instinctively knew: Iam enlightended! Please, dont get me wrong: This was not a conceptual idea, I did not even think about enlightenment for days before this experience. I just knew that this is the real deal. I kept on meditating for 5 hours straight, only going to the toilet once in a while, feeling totally in sync with the universe. I looked up into the sky the whole time, feeling the connection and closeness to... everything. I was physically unable to create deeper concepts and forced to live in the now. The next five hours, I wandered trough a huge, beautiful graveyard with my tripsitter. It was... heartbreaking. You cant imagine the beauty of nature if you are unable to make concepts of it! I felt in love with the beauty of trees in the sunset, my tripsitter, and myself, over and over again. We had deep and insightful conversations, with complete ego-less talk, at least on my side. What a difference! I was here. in the now, with a direct connection to "God" (=nothingness), with no signs of a regular "Trip" at all. Aftermath To keep it short, the drugs wore off (sure they did), but I still feel the effects today (Two weeks after), truly life-changing stuff. I finally know what it physically feels like to be "Awake" and in the now. I keep practicing this state, especially when surrounded by people, chaos, and life. This is the real work! Meditating when going on with daily life was never more possible for me. I no longer feel that I am this person writing here, and totally fine with it. I "chase" after every little glimpse of this enlightened state, whenever I can. Monkey Mind is back, but life has become a lot better (while staying the same, curiously). This description does not give credit to the experience. At all. But sharing seemed appropriate. Have a wonderful weekend guys.
  8. @Azrael Great Read! By your description, I also had a awakening experience, even awakening recently. Thank you for your insights
  9. @Leo Gura He Leo! I dont have access to 5-meo so far, so I wont compare the two. Yes, the MAOI Diet needs to be followed, especially if someone is not eating plant-based anyway, like I do. I am recommending this site here, great info on psychedelics of all sorts: Staying away from all "Uppers" like Alkohol, Caffeine, MDMA etc. is also highly recommended. I suffered no side effects (like headaches). I did not eat anything 12 hours before and after the experience, exept a few Apples. The syrian rue will kill your hunger for a good amout of time anyway. If one is not willing to fast that long, something like rice or fruits is totally fine, but keep your stomach emty right before ingesting the Tea and shrooms. The rue tea will induce moderate to unbearable nausea, depending on how strong your stomach is. There is no real way to avoid this. My Tripsitter puked her brains out trying a 3.5 gramm tea the other day, so watch out. My stomach felt quite a bit sick for the first two hours, but due to the psychedelic effects, i barely payed attention to it.
  10. Greeting fellow Leo-impersonating Avatar User, This Video here changed the way I think about Schizophrenia and Mental Illness in general (also related to psychedelics):
  11. Hello dear forum. I want to share this information to give something back. I would not be where Iam today without Leo and the curiosity he implanted into me During the last couple of weeks, i started to work with mushrooms. I went on two trips so far, the very first one being 3 grams, the second one being 5 grams of cracker-dry, very potent mushrooms from a safe source. I had a great tripsitter (GF, no experience before that). I spent 75% of both trips in a meditive-like state, sitting. The first one was a very "Happy" experience, I came in touch with pure love and felt very connected to the world. I cried when I felt that beauty. Nice visuals, deep vivid dreams and visions of how the world appears to work. I was able to see my life from the outside and had an overall great, positive trip. I was able to "ask" the mushroom a couple of questions, like "is veganism the right way?", and I got extremely wise answers in a non-verbal, visual language. But mostly, it gave me more questions than answers. The second one was where things got really interesting. I was in a serious mood, not as exited or "funny" as the first time. 5 grams, lets dive into this. There was a brief period of happiness and visuals, just like last time, but my body felt like it was boiling with the power of the mushroom. Not an unpleasent feeling at all. I closed my eyes, having a heavily distorted view anyway, From here, everything I try to describe will be a lie, it cant be put into proper words. The mushroom (or, "Me") told me so, directly. I literally left my body and soul behind. No visuals anymore, I cant remember seeing a single thing on that "other side". I was a different Being, looking back on what I thought to be ME. I "said" to myself: But Iam THAT and THAT or at least THAT THING over there! The Mushroom showed me otherwise in a split second, by sending my awareness back and forth from my "normal me" to the "other side" or emtyness. I laughted my ass off! What a Joke to identify with this limited dimension over there! I knew everything was me, and everything is good the way it is. I literally felt like a Madmen for a couple of minutes, too, but even that was pleasureable at this point. I also saw that everything we do and think is highly cluttered with useless, small things, which i need to get rid of. Also, i wasnt talking to anyone: It was just me over there, talking to myself, and having sympathy for my human me. Many more unspeakable details happend, but everything stayed very positive. I finally kicked myself back into this reality here, feeling like a reborn man. This experience changed many things in my life. I finally understand why everyone wants you to meditate, why judging or harming others is foolish (as they are aspects of the same source), and why life is not meant to be taken too serious. Death no longer makes any sense. I feel a glimpse of what awakening must be like. Sad thing is, full enlightenment may be impossible without dying or going completely insane. Thanks for everything Leo, even though i feel like talking to myself now
  12. You sound like you had something like this happen to yourself? I go with number 3 for now As a Human, its totally ok NOT to know the exact answer. Did I mention that I have never been happier to be who Iam? Self-esteem and confidence is through the roof since the experience, and life certainly feels lighter. I also love the fact that I did not forget anything that happend, what a great tool those mushies are. Iam gonna meditate now and leave you in the love and light of the one creator (Book of Ra anyone? )
  13. Sounds good! Thank you for your response! 1) Thats awesome 2) Agreed! It feels like my ego is toned down after coming back from the experience. 3) Interestingly enough, I did not see anything paranormal exept my own state at that time. My Girlfriend told me that I was obviously explaining things to myself, asking questions loudly, and showing true surprise when I got the answer. "Unspeakable" was literally things that I cant communicate, and I knew they have to stay there with me. Weird stuff, you gotta see for yourself.
  14. To keep it short: since you are male you most likely need more female energy, which just means: surrender to reality. I had some moderate anxiety in the past, it stems from resistance to what is. If there is no Problem, like in many situations, too much male energy will make everything a Problem and build up resistance towards anything. Just let reality happen
  15. Hi there! You already received good advise from everyone, but let me add: Rock it, Scarface. Being beautiful, especially as a man, is "nice to have", more assotiated with girls than anything else, not even 1% of your success in life. Negative comments will come, from others and especially yourself. Use them as a guide, nobody who is truly aware will talk bad about this (including you), and why care about monkeys flinging shit at you? I even call you narcisstic right now, just trying to shake it out of you! You are not worthy of love because your face is not pleasing to the eye? Thats some super-superficial, model-with-eating-disorder-like talk. You cant be serious, please laugh a bit about this nonsense of yours. If you dont make it a Problem, no one else will. Using your actual picture as a profile pic is a great idea! Have a wonderful day! Watch some Phantom of the opera, beauty and the beast kinda stuff.
  16. Its a sexual partner right? You just sound a bit vague. Take a shower/bath with them and give them extra praise how nice and clean everything is afterwards. Maybe do something extra "down south" you wouldnt do otherwise. Savage method: Dont care and try to embrace their dirtiness fully, maybe you even start to like it. I know this sounds horrible, but often we are just conditioned that clean/shaved/makeup/free of odur is necessary for someone to be hot. Also, i have no clue how bad it actually is in you case... my girlfriend is a clean freak.
  17. When the doors of perception are cleansed, man will see things as they truly are: Infinite. - Vulvodynia, Unveiling The Abomination
  18. Remember: The way people treat you says everything about them, and very little about you. Honestly, she sounds toxic. Playing little ego games with you (you have to be available), holding grudges (the freezing story). There might be all kinds of underlying issues, but thats no excuse to mistreat a friend. Talk (or write, to avoid another pointless argument) to her about how you feel she is treating you in those situations. Be specific! Also, be nice, its most likely unconscious behaviour on her side, she might not even notice it. I had patters like that in the past which i was unaware of, and iam glad people pointed them out.
  19. Great read! Pretty much the same experience as Leo described, amazing stuff. You guys are making it hard to stay on the legal side of life . Iam very curious about the long-term effects of such an experience,please keep us updated. It wouldnt make any sense to ever go back to a lower state of consciousness after such a breakthrough, but the ego is a sneaky bastard i guess. Thank you for trying to decribe your experience.
  20. Hi Wendelin, another german checking in Thanks for sharing your insights, I had boosts of awareness like this before (this week, actually), but they only last for half a day usually. The good thing is, i never go back to where i was before, even with the intense increase in perception beeing gone again. Just like you, this usually happens in public, and I start to see things differently, everything becomes more interesting, especially people and animals. I can also relate to your feelings of shivering and vibrating. It happens by itself when Iam very aware, or voluntarily, for example during Meditation. It just feels good and helpes me get out of my head. I Like to think its just you becoming aware of your nervous system, but who knows.
  21. @Leo Gura How do you prevent your ego from biting you in the ass, now that you are an "enlightment celebrity/Guru" and people look up to you? Have you had any issues with that in the past?
  22. There you go. You probably dont feel much empathy towards others, and they reflect that. Try to care by fully beeing with someone, no judgements, give them some room inside your awareness. Even try to "be them", just pretend you can read their minds, after a while you will get a feel for body language, facial expressions, where they look and how they look at something etc. You will notice things about them that spark your interest, and questions will pop up naturally. If they say something you dont care about, steer towards something else, or give a really short response. Look at another beeing without needing anything from it. Once you stop looking for something, you notice what they have to offer themselfs.
  23. @DimmedBulb Thats fine, it does not matter at which level you start, just dont beat yourself up You are describing negative morality, avoiding things out of fear... try to move towards things you want instead! Asking you to be more detatched (from all kinds of things) wont help you much right now, but maybe remember it as somewhat of a long therm goal?
  24. You cant safe her anymore than you can safe yourself. So stop f*cking trying (kudos to anyone recognizing the lyrics) I was in a similar Situation once. Needy, desperate, in delusion. A girl far away, suicidal, me as her helper. I was wise enough to build myself up, to the point of not needing her anymore (still wanting, though). It took three years and a 30 cm scar on her arm. But when we met, i was ready. We are having a great relationship since then (5years). Do the work, safe yourself first, be well!