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Everything posted by VictorB02

  1. @Rilles great point. And that applies to me as well honestly, taking notes or not I remember the stuff that I naturally remember regardless of the note taking, but it prob still has value
  2. @dimitri Thank you for your reply!
  3. @Rilles you're right, It is all on me, thanks for your reply though. Do you take notes on what you read/listen to? or do you think taking notes is not worth it? I have often contemplated if its even worth taking notes but I have always done it as I see the value of re-reading something multiple times and writing it down can really help drill it into your head
  4. @Rilles imma just read till I’m blind then heh
  5. @Karla What do you mean its on YouTube?
  6. @Average Investor Yeah, that's what I was thinking
  7. Day #2 quitting weed. I am already noticing my focused has shifted from “trying to get my stuff done so I can smoke” to complete and utter focus on my life purpose and where I want to go in this life. A sense of purity and cleanliness has covered this day.
  8. @pluto I agree fungi are connected to us in ways we probably have no idea about.
  9. @Tony 845 Thats good man! Keep doing your practices daily and you will reach a point where you are like that all the time
  10. I wanted to make this thread to spread some more love/positivity into the forum as I believe that threads like this can be very beneficial and practical. The other day I was in the gas station getting a drink, when I noticed an older man (probably in his mid 70's) with two walking canes and a "U.S. Marines Veteran" hat on. When he was headed to the door to leave, I noticed that no on else was going to help him open it. My resistance to help strangers is high, as I am a very introverted person, but the spiritual side of my conscience got the best of my thoughts and so I was like "F it, I'm just gonna do it, no big deal." and I went and said "Sir, let me get that for you." As soon as I said that, his two gleaming eyes (older people just have those eyes you know?) slowly looked up at me and seemed to completely reflect my love back. What followed was one of the most fulfilling and happy feelings I have ever felt. It was at this exact moment that I realized "Holy sh*t. This is where I can find true happiness. This is what spirituality is really all about: Love, LOVE, LOVE!" It's all about love. That is the point. Love is literally the point. It is everything, and if you consciously act with love, it will always reflect back to you. It blew my mind how such a small gesture could completely change how I felt about myself and the world. After I opened the door for him and he walked through, I said "have a great day" and went on my way.
  11. @Oliver Saavedra Thanks! I will try this out
  12. I'm currently in the process of quitting my weed addiction. The hardest part of this process isn't really quitting, its replacing my bad habit with new ones. This is especially hard because weed took up A LOT of my time, and now that I'm quitting Im trying to find better habits to replace that time with, but it has been extremely difficult. I was wondering if anyone has any tips on some things that I can replace my habit with. I know Leo talked about just sitting with your urge when you are addicted, I am aware of that, I am more asking for tips that are productive/fun to do. Here are some things I do daily, although they don't even come close to taking all day to complete, these things take around 3-4 hours in total to complete, leaving me with a solid 10 hours I would like to find something to do with, which was the time I used to use to smoke weed. Read Meditate Work on my YouTube Videos Research Self-Development Theory Lift Weights But that is the extent of it. I have thought about watching a documentary everyday but I don't really enjoy watching Netflix/YouTube in excess. Any advice is appreciated, thanks
  13. @PsiloPutty Thank you! And that music is great! I agree
  14. This is an absolutely amazing/unique perspective of someone who’s quit weed. I’m not sure who this guy is but he talks of some very high spiral dynamics values/ideas, it’s really a great perspective! If you smoke, I especially recommend you watch
  15. @How to be wise of course! Anything of value to me is always worth sharing because it can be of value to someone else!
  16. @Zigzag Idiot no way! I was just watching that video! That was another great one about quitting. and I agree, it’s the very beginning quitting that is the hardest. your homeostasis is set to weed and resistance can be a b*tch to overcome
  17. @Serotoninluv thank you!
  18. This is an absolutely amazing perspective of someone who’s quit weed. I’m not sure who this guy is but he talks of some very high spiral dynamics values/ideas, it’s really a great perspective! If you smoke, I especially recommend you watch!
  19. @solr I think that some perspective will help you; they probably wouldn't be hating on you if you weren't doing something right! The simple fact that you have haters can be looked at as a good thing: they see in you something they admire but can't/won't do so they resent you for it. I would just ignore them honestly, put all your focus and energy into your channel and don't even give them the time of day, they will most likely notice you ignoring them and either stop altogether or taper off hating.
  20. @Joseph Maynor Yes! Its not something I usually do but it was something I will now do again when I get the chance @Wyze Yes! The little things @pluto8 thank you! @Mu_ Thank you!
  21. @Shiva I don't know what I would've done, probably wouldn't have been too happy @d0ornokey It really depends how you look at it. Because really everything is love. The universe = love. I would say both though.
  22. My current daily meditation practice goes something like this: 25 min Concentration Practice 25 min Insight Meditation My questions: is it practical to do multiple techniques in one day? Or is it more practical to do just one, but for a longer time period? What has worked best for you as far as the technique(s) you do daily? Any answers are appreciated, thank you
  23. @Shin gotcha haha! @bejapuskas not necessarily heh
  24. @Shin I don't understand if you are agreeing with me, if this is sarcastic, or if you're actually being serious My mind can be slow sometimes but I think you're talking as if you're Tj talking to Leo? Am I correct?