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Everything posted by VictorB02

  1. @Anton Rogachevski Half truths. Its all from your perspective - what are your goals? You say "you are only seeing one perspective" but yet you yourself do not see others. From a "Im trying to get enlightened" persepective - yes, wage slavery Is just an idea and has no foundation in reality other than an idea in our heads. True Freedom with a capital F has nothing to do with your daily life or job. But, from a "I'm a human and only have one shot at life" perspective - no, you can not fully create and express yourself if you are employed full time and required by a "boss" to do this or that. (with exceptions of course) Any thing else is just the tea-pot calling the kettle black
  2. @Serotoninluv thank you very much! This helped a lot
  3. As the title says, I feel as if I’m having a hard time staying in the present moment. Most of my time is spent in thought either worrying or thinking about the future. I feel as if I’m missing “reality” and constantly in my head. It’s almost as if I’m not engaged fully with reality, I just think about it. It also feels like I’m rushing everything, always in a hurry from one thing to the next. Any suggestions? Thank you
  4. @SunnyNewDay yeah it can be hard. I’ve had weeks when I was super present and now I’m not any present anymore. I assume it’s ego backlash
  5. @Druid420 Thank you!
  6. @CreamCat thank you
  7. In this video, BBC shows a lady who has been Mastering the art of Bonsai for her whole life. It’s absolutely amazing to see her love show in these beautiful pieces of living art, and the energy and love from the video will rub off on you! If you are working on your life purpose, I hope this video can give you heart warming inspiration and motivation. Enjoy
  8. @Dumb Enlightened Read Daniel Ingrams book "Mastering the core teachings of the Buddha" In it, he talks of the map of the stages of insight for enlightenment. To me it sounds like you are going through the stages quickly. Which include the Dark Knight of the Soul, followed by a awakening experience, then the process starts all over again. He talks about it in the book, I really think you could benefit from it.
  9. I feel like I am bouncing back and forth between my ego and my divine self, or authentic self. Its like I have a period of few days of realization of "holy shit, its all okay, I am everything, life is so good!" then, a period of "I feel like shit, everything is bothering me, why do I feel this way?" and then it bounces back to "Omg I forgot everything about life that I was so amazed and mesmerized over last week! How did I forget this! This is amazing!" It literally feels like I am about to fully become my authentic self, live out my days in peace, and excel in everything I do, and then BOOM! it will just switch and flop back in a short period of time to an egoic, delusional, monkey-mind, pissed-off, state of living. So any ideas what is going on here? I understand that this is all apart of growth, and most of this seems like ego backlash, but boy is it one hell of a rollercoaster lately! Any advice or comments is appreciated, thank you!
  10. @Truth Addict thank you ! This is very true. I will follow your advice
  11. @Zigzag Idiot thank you! That means a lot. It’s what I decided on for my life purpose, so I think that is what allows me to be so genuine, is because I’m doing it for the right reasons! Thanks again
  12. It has now been 10 days since quitting weed and I have never felt better. I am now pursuing my life purpose with the most passion I have ever felt. I just recently made the best video I have ever made (see below) I am extremely proud of this.
  13. This was an absolutely fantastic book. I have never had the process of creation and all of its nuances and pitfalls described so in depth as in this book. Pressfield really gives you a great overview of Resistance - the war that the artist is fighting against. He walks you through all of its characteristics and symptoms, and how to overcome it. I would say that anyone who is creating anything needs to read this book.
  14. @Psychonaut thank you!
  15. I know that this is an extremely relative question and everybody is different, but what is too much reading to you? I currently only read for 30 minutes then take notes for 30 minutes and I’m looking to double both of these so that I’m reading for 1 hour and taking notes for 1 hour. What does the forum think? Is this too much reading to actually retain information? Or is it more how you read than the duration you read? any answers appreciated, thank you
  16. @Joseph Maynor I can understand that, do you enjoy reading or not reading more?
  17. @OneWithAll I know man, I think we are in agreement here. I’ve just started meditating and stuff within the past year so right now it is good for me to read. in the future I have plans to stop all reading
  18. @OneWithAll to correctly do the meditative practices, learn about the all spiritual traps, and learn about the nuances of the path. you don’t think someone who has read on the traps of the path will have a better chance fairing then someone who didn’t read because “there’s no point”?
  19. @LoveandPurpose yes I believe it does! But both are great!
  20. @EternalForest The answer to the question you ask is in the question itself... You know you are a hacker and you know you want to be a master, that is your answer right there. So be a master. If you know you are a hacker and want to be a Master, just be a master from here on out
  21. OneNote has a feature where you can record audio from your phone and computer. So when I have a lot of notes from a chapter or a long quote I will use audio instead of typing it down or writing it down.
  22. @dimitri awesome!! @LoveandPurpose I can see that, it can be a chore to take notes. when I find myself taking a ton of notes, I switch to an audio recording of my notes.
  23. @dimitri Yes, I have been reading for 30 minutes/taking notes for 30 minutes for the past 2 months every day without missing a day