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Everything posted by VictorB02

  1. Those are my feelings put perfectly into words. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Thank you for your response! I would have to agree. Although "I" felt something missing during his talks, there were without a doubt few moments that absolutely resonated and left me deeply quiet inside. Diversity! I agree. It is beautiful to see all the different perspectives
  3. That's what I felt and thought too. A deep realization into no-self maybe? But love... not sure about that. It just seems so odd that they are unwilling to have a normal conversation. It reminds me of a bypassing of the last Ox-Herding photos where the sage comes back into town as just another normal being.
  4. Has anyone here tried Lion's Mane? I think I am gonna try some!
  5. Thank you! ahahaha I attended a 3 day retreat with Mooji, after each session (there was 6) I just remember being completely filled with silence and peace on a consistent level that I had never experienced. I have had spare moments of this before but this shit was like always there. It didn't leave. Thought stories that dominated my experience about my life were gone. Hell, even thoughts about what I would eat later that night would come up but completely dissolve in the silence and awareness before they could be fully engaged with as a thought. A complete surrender and let go to what is. Just pure peace and silence. I sat and marinated in this during the whole 3 days of the retreat (still am). And the night after the last session of the retreat I went to the gym and a party and I was completely slammed with fear and anxiety, my brain was going absolutely insane. For no reason. Before this, I would experience anxiety and my brain freaking out but I would project it onto my life situation or relationship problems. This time I finally saw that there was no connect between reality and why I was so anxious and my brain freaking out. It's like it knew what was coming and it was fighting back, trying to suck me into believing all the stories. So I pretty much suffered through the intensity of it, but saw it for what it is. It finally wasn't me freaking out, it was the mind and I was watching it. After the party I went home and just laid down in my bed. Then without effort or any intention my heart and awareness just popped open. I felt love for everyone and everything. I clearly saw how all my motives and actions were driven by an egoic agenda. I saw how everything I thought was me was just a collection of thoughts/feelings/beliefs. I still haven't fully grasped what I AM, but It's obvious now what I AM NOT. I'm still integrating this and I'm nowhere near the end of this journey (if there is one ) but when I had this awakening I have no idea if it healed parts of me or what but all my fear and neediness surrounding my relationship and how my life was going basically vanished. Some residue in emotions, thought patterns, and behavior still play out but it's seen now as residue and not real. It's been a month now and there definitely has been a permanent change in how I experience and relate to life since I did that retreat. Definitely recommend. Of course! You can only do so much when it comes to personal development before you realize it isn't solving the core issue
  6. After a time of my new girlfriend losing interest and flaking, I spent 6 months obsessed with relationship / attraction theory trying to solve this. I was completely desperate to fix my problems (I was aware that it was me) and win her heart and sexual interest back. I was always analyzing every situation with her, making sure I was being alpha, saying the right things, she was showing interest, etc. My mind thought this was the best approach, but it was mentally draining. I intuitively knew there had to be a better way. And while it may have helped superficially, the problem wasn't actually solved. The insecurity was still there, the neediness was still there, the weakness was still there. All still underneath the mask of acting and playing the part of the alpha. It didn't really work. Intuition is real, and most women can smell a mask from authenticity any day, whether they realize it or not. Last month I had an awakening. Pure bliss, love, and peace filled my being. Seeing my true nature, Insecurity of the relationship vanished. Neediness vanished. I stopped caring about if my girlfriend was attracted to me or not. I stopped analyzing situations and if I was saying the right things. I stopped caring if I was alpha or beta. I completely let go of my obsession with being how all the attraction theory was telling me to be. I am completely fulfilled sitting alone in my room. Then, to my amazement: Girlfriends attraction and interest level goes up. No more games. No more flaking. Starts asking me if I want to spend the rest of my life with her like she does with me, etc. Always wants to talk about our relationship. Before, I always wanted to talk about the relationship and if she saw a future with me. What I learned is that no amount of theory, practicing theory, and demonstrating theory, can save you, if your fundamental problem of identifying yourself as a separate individual ego isn't discovered. All insecurity and fear rises from this. Of course other highly attractive males who are successful with women naturally don't need to discover this and could care less about spirituality. But they aren't necessarily researching relationship theory and "trying" to become attractive like I was and you may be. The moment I stopped stressing, worrying, and trying to be alpha, I became alpha. The love that fills my being can not be taken away by anyone, so I don't need anything from anyone. Detachment = highly attractive. Yes, old patterns and mechanisms still run from living from that place for so long, but they are seen and there is an ability to see these needy behaviors as something separate from me. A relic of my small self. Results don't matter to me anymore and my identity isn't involved, so they don't mean much and this makes them lighter in essence and easier to change or discard. The theme of things going full circle: Start of circle = I didn't care if I was alpha or beta, but I was operating from a place of neediness, weakness, and insecurity. Middle of circle = the realization of this weakness led me to overanalyze and overthink everything, making the problem and my spiritual health worse. Full Circle = I don't care if I'm acting alpha or beta, but I'm operating from a place of fullness, self-love, and self respect. My biggest realization - The more you are fulfilled in and of yourself, the more you deepen in the spiritual truth of non-duality (no others, just consciousness as your True Self) the more attractive you are. Neediness is eliminated. Weakness is eliminated (neediness & weakness stems from insecurity / fear of being a separate self). You are more expressive with your emotions (being happier and more joyful you naturally express yourself more). You are less likely to be manipulated and respect your Self more (the more conscious you are the clearer your boundaries and ability to see falsehood and deception) Yes strong dominant males exist without being spiritually inclined at all. But I doubt that these strong dominant males are joyful and completely fulfilled without spirituality as the core of their lives. If you are man, and all illusions are wiped away, you find that YOU ARE ALREADY naturally masculine. It's in our DNA. The lack of masculine wasn't something that needed to be cultivated or developed, it was a removal of all the insecurities and fears of being a separate self, and a removal of the shit our society, ourselves, and others put on us to keep us in a box. When that's gone, your true source shines through with no blocks. If you're a man, this will shine through purely masculine. Woman - purely feminine. To anyone in a similar situation - solve the root of this problem. You won't regret it. Stop caring if you are attractive or not, and you will get everything you wanted in the first place. Then you can work on all the other stuff from a place of fulfillment and detachment - fitness, looks, provisioning power, social status, social skills, etc. Note: I'm sure there are exceptions to this - people with mental disorders, autism, extremely poor, extremely overweight etc.
  7. @Etherial Cat That's awesome. I figured y'all would be able to relate! I'm sure you could go a lot more in depth on how non-duality would effect relationships and attraction, but this was a good general gist
  8. @Bando Thank you! And I agree. The reason why Enlightenment work is so beneficial to me is you see how non-serious everything is. Then you're able to actually enjoy whatever it is that you set out to do. It isn't coming from this *serious, I gotta pick up girls and be attractive otherwise I'm a failure* mentality. Also, in relationships, because you don't take things too seriously, you're never afraid of being cheated on or stuff like that, because even if it did happen it would be a cosmic joke and the only thing that could suffer from that is the idea you have of yourself.
  9. @Preety_India Thank you, and I totally agree. I'm really surprised most Attraction YouTube channels don't talk about this dilemma, probably because it would involve telling their audience that they need to stop watching their videos, lol. @nistake Thank you, I thought it was post worthy ?
  10. @egoeimai Never heard of him, just watched a video, very brilliant and simple!
  11. I am aware that there has been posts in the past regarding marijuana as a spiritual tool, so I hope to keep this question fresh and new. I am wondering if you think that marijuana can be used as a spiritual tool if used correctly. I have personally struggled with it before, using it as a crutch in highschool, but I also have some amazing mind opening experiences with it, and it is in fact the thing that got me to open my mind to psychedelics, and from there came a spiritual connection and a desire to self actualize. The reason why I ask is I have had my fair share of psychedelic trips ( around 4 or 5 medium to higher dosage mushroom trips) and while I don't totally discredit taking psychedelics in the future, I have come to terms that they just aren't really my thing. I notice Leo in his videos and replying to comments to take more psychedelics, but that is just something I can't relate to. I feel I can get much benefit out of smoking a bowl or a joint and get insanely creative, and also have really mind opening and perspective changing experiences while high on cannabis. I guess Im curious what your opinion is on using marijuana as a spiritual tool. Thanks! - Victor
  12. @Leo Gura hypothetically if people were to take you seriously, Is an honest a pure intention to help others grow enough to be successful coaching at a young age or do you need that baseline life experience?
  13. @Romer02 Awesome insight! It's a great feeling knowing how much influence we can have for the good on the ones we love
  14. I definitely will again soon. My past trips have helped tremendously Thank you, that comment helped a lot
  15. Hey everyone, so I don’t even know where to start, but I’m looking for general advice and what you guys think could benefit me. im 20 years old currently and live with my parents. I have a part time job cleaning offices which provides me with the money I need to make all my ends meet, treat myself, and save every month. I have YouTube channel and love uploading videos, in accordance to my Life Purpose and what I want my career to be. I don’t play video games and I dont watch tv, I workout, meditate, read, and learn cool things. but no matter what, I always always always feel like I’m not at peace. Like I’m stuck. Like something is wrong. A lot of times this will manifest in my relationship and I will self sabotage and create problems. I hardly ever feel good and alive. I feel dead inside. I’ve had moments where I’ve felt exhilarated to wake up, alive and excited, but it’s been few and far between. I basically just want to feel peace and feel happiness, and feel a general optimistic sense towards life, which I feel like I used to have when I was younger, then it stopped somewhere in my teens (around when I had a spiritual awakening) I often feel overwhelmed by info, what do I read? What’s the best way to live life? What should I do? are questions I ask a lot. but yeah, I basically just feel deflated, dead, lifeless, and down. I don’t feel alive. I feel stuck in a routine. I don’t feel strong. I feel weak. any advice? Thanks
  16. Thank you Nahm. Much appreciated
  17. @Human Mint Same. @Nahm Yesss! @Kalki Avatar Yes. Totally agree!
  18. I keep having this philosophy, or way of being come to me. It feels very right, I'm not sure how to explain it. It's to not bother anyone, ever, BUT when you do interact, or when you do see them, or when you are with them, you bring nothing but love. So basically, you aren't attached to anyone, or anything. You aren't attached to an outcome or to anything specific happening, you just are. And from you just being, you love. It's a beautiful place to be. It's a powerful place to be. It's what I would like to call "focused on self" energy. Because fuck, man, that’s literally what it is. It's this place where you stop caring what's going on around you. You stop judging. You stop comparing. You stop gossiping. You stop worrying. You just put all your attention and focus literally on yourself. And that's the part of it that doesn't bother anyone. The other part of it, the love, is because of loving yourself so much, when you are around people, you have something to give. Something to offer. People will notice. I promise. If you do it right, if you connect, and if you find this energy, and start working and focusing on yourself (which also means putting yourself as #1, doing what will make you happy in all circumstances) then you will know what I'm talking about, and others will too. It's like this golden treasure chest that’s hidden right inside of you. Literally, right the fuck inside of you. Its right here, I promise. You can find it. Let go of everything else. Focus on yourself. You will find it. But if you don't let go, if you stay focused on other people, what they said, what they are doing, and how worried you are, YOU WILL NOT FIND IT. You have to let go of EVERYTHING to find it. That is the trick. You have to risk it to find this Joy, to find this TREASURE.
  19. Hey everyone, so this is something that has been on my mind for a while, I actually forgot about the forum and all the insight you guys have and what you could say about the situation. Basically, I've been in 3 committed relationships in the past 6 years of my life. In the first one, I was with my girl for 4 years, and she never had a "guy friend" or "guy best friend" so my reaction to this event was basically hidden, I didn't think about it or even know it was a thing. My next girl I was with for 6 months, she was friends with a lot of people, but mostly "guys". She had a very sexual energy and very sexual nature, so the thought of a guy being a legit friend with her and not wanting to fuck was not a possibility in my mind. I fought and resisted her friends so bad, she cut them off, and held it against me the rest of the relationship. Then it ended. Now I am with a girl for 7 months who does not have strong sexual energy, but is a beautiful female and very calm and cool. Very understanding and intuitive. From the start of our relationship, she has talked to / hung out with / FaceTimed guy friends, and it has triggered me from my past experience. I've generally been very cool about her guy friends, not asking her to drop them, or stop talking to them, etc... but one night in a moment of weakness I asked to go through her phone... Her messages to one of her "guy best friends" who she has known since 8th grade (she is 18 now) seemed very intimate to me. He was visiting from out of state and her messages read something like "come over please" "please come over" and he mentioned something about going to college where me and her live, and she replied "please do it" and after he left, visiting, she said "I miss you" he said "I miss you too" There was also a lot of FaceTimes they had made before him visiting. When I saw all this, I freaked out - had a total anxiety attack, and my gf reassured me, showed me snapchat videos of them hanging out, and explained how he is just a friend so now its been about 2 months later. I haven't freaked out since, even one of her other old guy friends came to visit, and she offered to have me meet him, and I gladly accepted (then she never hung with him or had me meet him, which is odd to me) And I just want you're insight - is her exchange with this guy friend something I should worry about? Is there anyway to know if this is actually a guy friend? Also note: This guy lives in a different state, and to my knowledge only talks to my girlfriends when he is coming to visit. Also note: my girlfriend says "I miss you" to coworkers (female and male) and her younger brothers friends (basically I've seen her say I miss you to the most random people" I trust her in general. She hadn't had sex with anyone for a year until she did with me, so I know she's not in a stage where she is actively seeking that. She hasn't had a committed relationship in 2 years until me so she isn't a relationship hopper, and her energy with people is very calm and cool - nothing like my ex's very very sexual energy. I basically need advice because this same situation with guy friends is very triggering to me and I don't know why its so hard for me to accept that this type of platonic relationship is possible. I keep trying to remind myself, that if she wanted anyone other than me, she would've been with them before me, because she was single for 2 years. Anyways, thanks for any comments and help.
  20. @Arcangelo I understand where you're coming from. Thank you. This was such a great reply. Thank you. Reading that made me feel lighter. Very true haha. Thanks for the comment thank you great point. thank you
  21. Hi everyone. I'm writing this post because I honestly feel so stuck in my head, stuck in repetitive thoughts, and stuck on a loop when it comes to the relationship I'm in. To preface: I met and dated this girl back in the beginning of 2020 and now we have been together for around 7 months. I made some needy/clingy mistakes in the beginning which led me to watching hundreds and hundreds of videos on attraction, relationships, etc. I basically got sucked into a worm hole on how to improve myself with women because I regretted things I did. I became obsessed - watching these attraction and relationship videos day in and day out for hours. I learned a lot - but one really big problem now: I'm constantly analyzing every single thing I do around her, and if its "beta" or "alpha". I'm constantly thinking about our last interaction and what I said and loop it in my mind, or what she said and loop it in my mind. I have fears and insecurities like everyone else in a relationship, but sometimes my mind plays movies on these fears for hours and hours non stop. I've found it very hard to focus on my purpose, I've found it very hard to find peace when I'm not with her - in fact I only feel good when she is right in front of me, because I know there is no problems in those moments, they are filled with laughter and joy, and we have a great time. But as soon as I leave the thoughts bombard me. Any advice? What can I do? I really love this girl and she is interested in personal development, spirituality, inner child healing, etc... and she is aware of my fears, attachments, and my past trauma - so nothing is really hid from her. But still I face this problem with myself where it feels like I can't just chill out when I'm alone or not with her. I am aware of codependency, and attachments. But Jesus Christ, I just want to chill out for a sec. My goal is just to be able to enjoy myself, and be at peace when I'm not with her just as much as when I am with her. Any advice or comments is greatly appreciated. Thank you