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Everything posted by VictorB02

  1. @SaltyMeatballs it was my pleasure truly ? thank you ?
  2. I share spiritual-based insights with the simple goal that by sharing the insight, it will help someone in someway. I do this by talking to the camera, which has been easy for me because I've made YouTube videos my whole life, even before I got into spirituality / Life Purpose. I would overthink what my "thing" was, and I just made it so damn hard and complicated. It doesn't have to be I promise you. If I could tell my younger self: "Just make content from your heart and don't over think it!" It would have saved me a lot of doubt / questioning. Now it is so obvious what my purpose is, looking back I can see all the needless and pointless stressing I did. So I would say the main obstacle, is undeniably going to be your own doubt and lack of belief that its possible. You could be doing exactly what you need to be doing - lets say drawing art and sharing it on TikTok, and in 6 months time if you stick with it, you will have an audience of 50K+, but your mind is going to sabotage you like it did me and say "we need to change, this isn't working" "where is the money?! where is the reward?! we need to try something new" etc. and you will end up jumping ship when all you had to do was stay the course. You life purpose is going to start as an abstract desire to share. That's why it's so confusing. Most of the work is finding a medium (video, writing, music) to share that inner desire and make it manifest into form. My advice if your totally clueless: 1. Start with what you're good at As I said above, start with the things you know you have skill in. It makes the most sense (IMO) that if you've been drawing since you were 5 just for fun, that that is going to be how you express this internal desire to share. I always tell my students who are interested in life purpose, that life purpose is basically composed of two things: 1. The thing you purely desire to share for the sake of sharing (mine was insights / perspectives) 2. The thing you love to create / do most (mine was make videos) 2. That internal desire / love / passion is most important. It doesn't matter what you do, or how you do it, Life Purpose is all about living your life for a higher meaning / cause. If you aren't DEEPLY and PROFOUNDLY connected to that meaning, then nothing else you will do matters. You will end up creating and doing things to get a reward whether it be financially or praise, and your ego will distract you with those things from the true purpose of why you started all this: to share for the joy of it. Don't over think it. Share for the joy of sharing, in whatever way you love to share, and you will see, in time - the universe will respond in some way. It is the law.
  3. Thanks man, I remember. I think thats hilarious how accurate the TikTok algorithm is! ? Thanks man! And happy to hear it helps. I just remember feeling like this stuff was all mental masturbation when taking Leos course. It's only now I see its real. It just takes time. Of course, up until the past year or so I saw my Life Purpose as something I was doing every day, not my actual life itself. When I made that shift deep in my being that my life is my purpose, it really helped.
  4. @Superfluo Awesome report. The Tim Burton vibes is something I always encounter on psilocybin. Sounds like you got your first good taste of the psychedelic experience! Even though you wanted to take more, I would say thats just about as perfect as a first trip could go. Thank you for sharing. I really enjoyed reading ?
  5. I agree with this. I think that is what Rupert was getting at. There's no reason God couldn't experience itself from different POV's simultaneously
  6. It's just your conditioning, and it's not personal. That doesn't mean your conditioning can't be changed or upgraded though.
  7. Rupert has said many times in his webinars that "there actually is no separate existing individuals, it is all one being"
  8. @deathendmartin Maybe try audible and listen to them. I'm sure a lot of them have been translated easily in audio form so that people of different languages can listen.
  9. You can't make anyone in your audience have an "ah-ha" or insight. If that happens, it will happen on it's own. What I would focus on if I were you is actually believing in what you're saying, and the purpose in why you're sharing anything at all. It's not about persuasion, or any technique. Its about pure belief in what you're saying as something that's important. The audience will know if you're speaking from that place of pure intention, because it can't be faked. And that is the only thing that will truly make an impact on someones life. Nobody remembers the dude in the Facebook or YT Ad who "persuades" you to join their Amazon FBA course. They remember the dude who was sharing from his heart and soul and believed in his message.
  10. @Someone here to me this is basically the essence of LOA or Manifestation. It's not that your circumstances will somehow magically make you happy, its that the more happy you become, the more higher vibrational energy you send out into the cosmos, the more it harmonizes your life - hence attracting that same frequency back into your experience. It's like with your room. It is quite literally a reflection of the inside of your mind. The same with your life as a whole. There is no disconnect. So to me it's not that things inherently make you happy - we all know of the super famous and rich that hate their lives and commit suicide. But if you're happy you may just end up with some things, and if not - that's okay. The emotion comes first, always.
  11. I understand. I wouldn't trip man. My Golden Rule: Do not trip unless you are stable, happy, and 100% want to.
  12. @Mason Riggle I get what you're saying. Limits of language. To me its just easier for the mind to understand and fit better with the analogy I gave.
  13. @Forza21 If you have existential terror, you're basically giving a thumbs up to have the worst trip of your life. Only trip if you want to and feel good about it. Set and Setting man, Set and Setting.
  14. @Vibroverse It's just like a dream at night. When you dream, there are "other people", an "outside world", and you are a "character" in that dream. But in reality, it's ALL happening in one mind. It's all 1 thing. It's all made out of the same stuff. The same is exactly and precisely true about the waking state. The only difference is that it's in God's Mind, and God is dreaming it up. If a character named Ralph woke up in your dream at night, it wouldn't actually be Ralph that wakes up and says "oh, I'm Ralph and I'm making this all happen!". It would be you Vibroverse who says "OH, I'm Vibroverse and I'm dreaming this up! This is the inside of MY mind!" So in the waking state, its the exact same. It's not "Oh, I'm Vibroverse and I'm imaging all this!", It's "OH, I'm God and I'm dreaming, all of this! This is all MY mind!"
  15. What's aware of your doubts and confusion right now? Is that a different awareness? If you stop trying to grasp and get at it, the simplicity and clarity will come back. Don't let your mind pull you back to your "experience". That's a never ending game only the mind can win. I would suggest to just relax. You can't lose awareness, even if you tried. Right now reading this it is effortlessly functioning. Notice that, again and again.
  16. Yeah, thats understandable for sure. I suppose it would really depend on your personality type. For me, it would be hard to go super deep into contemplation / meditation / etc with people around me... Idk. Something about being alone just supercharges my mind! Might have read to many Osho books... ?
  17. @7thLetter You'll be happy in 10 years that you started and stuck to something real and true that wasn't this "bro life" way of making money like drop-shipping, crypto. You need heart man. That's what life purpose is. You need to find what it is in life that sets your soul on fire and makes you feel like life is extraordinary, then share that. Express that. In whatever way you feel. It may be ice-cream, or deep sea fishing. Idk what it is for you, but you gotta find and connect with that, build a super strong foundation and stay with it for 10+ years. Because when you're 36, you could easily be in the same spot you are now if you don't start building something true and real to your heart. But if you start now and its a true expression of your inner most being, whatever happens in 10 years will be well worth it.
  18. I would rent an airbnb for a week in the middle of nature and download one of Adyashanti's "at home retreats". You can find them on his website. It would be a bit of DIY, but in my opinion would be much more powerful being alone. I'm looking forward to doing something similar here soon!