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Everything posted by VictorB02

  1. Haha. Of course you're the jackass named Froto, and every other jackass in existence. How could you not be? You're joking yet still somehow you think there is actually a difference between you and Froto the Jackass? Nope. Somehow you think that there is a difference between this "nothingness" you identify as and Froto the Jackass. Nope. It's You. Not someone or something else. You. Not "nothingness", not "isness". You. You, @VeganAwake are the Jackass.
  2. The no-self style of teaching is becoming increasingly more ridiculous to me. Not because I don't understand it, I do. I understand what it's trying to point out, but I find time and time again people excusing extremely egotistical behavior as "okay" because "this" just "is" and "there is no me", which is an obvious and naive mis-interpretation of what that teaching really means. The most mind blowing thing I've awoken to and that my experience confirms over and over and over and over again is ... it's Me. It's always been just Me. Self. That's it. And the more clearly I see Self in Everything, the easier it is to understand the finite self (which is also Me) but to which I am not limited.
  3. @Nilsi incredible. Imma have to try the DALL E!
  4. So I signed up for the midjourney beta (you can sing up at and absolutely had to see what it created when I plugged in words like: awakening, god, enlightenment, consciousness, spirituality, and more. The results were INCREDIBLE! Enjoy Awakening to God Consciousness: Awakening to God's Universal Love: The Spiritual Journey The Universe Within Us
  5. @Razard86 definitely. It was blowing my mind! @G_A_L_E_X_Y I havent heard of it, but that is hilarious.
  6. Psychedelic Awakening Consciousness, God, Awakening, Love, Dark Blue, Dark Purple
  7. From his website: WHAT?! "pour water on a participants face or in a participants mouth to stimulate a breathing or swallowing response" That literally is the opposite of what pouring water down someones throat/nose does when they are basically unconscious. Jesus this is disturbing
  8. absolutely agree. If you can't smell the ego, manipulation, and pure darkness from watching a grown adult drown a completely helpless man mid psychedelic trip in the name of "healing" idk what to tell you. There is literally no reason or justification for it. ESPECIALLY when someone is in such a vulnerable state as the psychedelic one.
  9. @Leo Gura Great description of the two. That is how I have experienced it. Awakenings: Completely mind blowing / reality breaking / profoundly deep and mystical - deeply changes who "you" are and what you identify with, can last for a long time. Insights: Usually minor, can be very cool and mind opening - doesn't usually change who "you" are in any significant way, usually comes and goes like a thought and doesn't last too long.
  10. @Hojo Jesus was so awake that time was completely non-existent to him
  11. @tuckerwphotography Adyashanti is the greatest modern day embodiment of love imo.
  12. I would like to start with a low dose, how much do you think it should be? I am a male of small build. Research the smallest dose, realistically it will be 100-150 ugs of LSD. The problem with LSD is you don't know who made it, so you have no idea how much is actually on a piece of blotter. I also try 1/4 or 1/2 of one square of blotter before taking a whole one. How to be sure of quality and not getting intoxicated with other stuff? You need a testing kit: Is it too unsafe to do it without anyone assisting? No, its not if you are smart with your dose and set and setting. But having someone will really help. Any tip to get the most out of the trip spiritually-wise and to get the last ? Put your phone down, and set an intention for your trip. Put all your attention on realizing that intention (solve a personal problem, realize something, get inspired, etc...) When buying it should it be consumed immediatly or it can be stored? How and for how long? It can be stored but not for too long. If you are trying to store it for over a month, put it in the freezer. Also, only touch it when you are ready to take it. Always cover your blotter paper with aluminum and never touch it with your skin. Also has anyone had the experience of taking it while still being on SSRI medication. In my case I take 1 tablet of Sertraline 100 mg every morning. I was thinking of not taking it 12-24 hours before the trip, since if serotonin levels get to high there is a risk of death or hospitalitazion for Serotoninergc Syndrome. If anyone did it while still being in therapy with SSRI, can they share their experience, please? I would not take LSD while taking an SSRI. Very dangerous.
  13. Stoicism is great for learning how to discipline yourself and live by values regardless of how you feel.
  14. @-Rowan Thank you! and yeah go ahead I would love to answer any questions you have
  15. Around 4 years ago I took Leo's life purpose course, it was life changing for me. It showed me that my intuition to live an extraordinary life was true and valid, and that it was something deeply important I could not lose sight of. I could not go through life and not make it the most absolute amazing experience possible. While I do feel I was on this trajectory since I was a kid, I do believe the Life Purpose Course solidified it in my mind, body, and vision. Fast forward to now: I have grown a following of over 11,000 people across Instagram, TikTok, & YouTube who have followed my work sharing insights, perspectives, and thoughts from my heart. I have created what I feel is a life changing course - sharing and teaching the top 3 keys I have discovered to living an extraordinary life. I have started my coaching business and have worked with multiple people in such a profound and intimate way that I never thought was possible. I am well on my way to financial freedom doing what I love. I have found a true creative outlet for what was resting deep in my mind and heart. And there is truly no greater joy for me now than creating a video or piece of content and sharing it with the world. I have found my unique style and way of creating artwork - from posting quotes, to YouTube thumbnails - I took my abstract love of space and have infused the cosmos into almost everything I do and it is the most beautiful and profound thing ever seeing the inside of my heart manifest in the world. My confidence, belief in my self, and belief in what's truly possible for my life has skyrocketed. I have never been so sure of myself, so positive, and content. ~ I don't share this to brag, but rather to demonstrate and show the very real possibility that if you take your Life Purpose to heart, and give your whole soul to it, the Universe WILL respond. That is not even a question. I would have never thought it was possible, but I would never have came to this point without the Life Purpose Course, this community, or Leo - so thank you. I can still remember doing the visualization of our vision we created in the course and I vividly pictured someone saying "your work has changed my life". It was all I wanted - to say that my perspective truly helped someone. Yesterday, almost 4 years after picturing it in my mind, someone sent me a message saying almost that exact phrase: "Just want to say that you have truly changed my life and I am so thankful for you" I broke down in tears. This sh*t is real. This sh*t works. You just can't lose hope. ~ My biggest tips to anyone on their Life Purpose journey: 1. Find your medium, and let the light of God shine through. The rest will follow. Choose your medium - whether it's music, video, film, acting, content creation or anything else - and then realize that putting your soul, heart, and belief into that chosen medium is the most important thing. Thats all Life Purpose is. It does not matter how, when, and where this stuff happens. That stuff is basically pointless if you aren't taking that passion, that unmanifested Love and Soul, and putting it into your chosen medium. Passion comes first. Always. 2. It's going to take at least 2+ years to see tangible results That's not to say it can't happen quicker - but this is a long game. This stuff takes time. This isn't about just getting some money or followers, its about something much higher, deeper, and more profound - and should be treated as such. If you are not in it for at least 10+ years you will not be willing to stick to it and keep to your vision. This path will reveal your weakness and expose any lies about this journey you have told yourself. 3. Life Purpose isn't separate from your life Nor is it something you are doing in your life - it is your life. Everything you are doing in your day needs to be soaked in the orientation that your Life is much bigger than yourself and serving your selfish needs. Your focus, not so much in the foreground - but always always in the background of your mind needs to be your Purpose, if you lose this vision, this contact with your purpose, you lose Life itself.
  16. Thought y'all would appreciate this. It's been very interesting watching him in this podcast setting, talking about the latest events. But as you know - Trump is Trump.
  17. Beautiful post, thank you for your concise and clear-cut sharing. I really appreciated reading that. The psychedelic thing makes me think of Ram Dass, where before he met his guru he said he did 100+ trips trying to "stabilize" that state of consciousness, even going to lengths like locking himself in a house with friends and taking a new tab of LSD every 4-5 hours for a week, only to walk out of the house after 168 hours of tripping to come crashing down to earth and his everyday consciousness. He was devastated to say the least, he was on the forefront of psychedelics and spirituality, but couldn't seem to fully mend the two together. Then he met his guru Neem Karoli Baba, who "didn't come down". Safe to say I'm sure Ram Dass put down the psychedelics at that point and understood that, no matter how many peak experiences you have with psychs, you're going to come down from a trip. BUT there is something you don't come down from, that isn't a peak experience - I love that. It keeps the hope and motivation of walking the path for me. I've had mind blowing awakenings and realizations on psychedelics only to come down, every. single. time. And then wish I could have somehow kept that state. And although psychedelics have been absolutely essential to my path, specifically psilocybin, and like you said have shown you things you're not even sure you were ready to see, at this point, meditation is my path. And not even as a means of awakening - but just of being. It's almost like the honeymoon with mind blowing psychedelic experiences is over for me, I just want to be that stable, steady, and true awareness that isn't dependent on a chemical, that doesn't go up or down, that always is: and to just know and be that very very very clearly. Much like Ramana Maharshi, Ram Dass, Neem Karoli Baba, Nisagadartta Maharaj, Adyashanti, or even Shinzen Young. These are realized beings who are there soberly. Even Shinzen Young said he blazed through cannabis as a youngster, only to ultimately give it up. And honestly seeing posts like yours keep me motivated - to contemplate, meditate, and do the work. These posts are a reminder to me and others that it's not a waste of time - that something deeply valuable will come from that inner work. So thank you. Cheers @Consilience
  18. Yeah, love or hate Trump you can't deny that they don't want him talking and will do basically anything to make it so. Pretty crazy.
  19. He said it was technical problems with the blog videos and course videos. And he said in the past that he was going to start doing something like 10 months on 2 months off for uploading because it is so demanding to upload constantly for 8+ years. I don't blame him. The best work is always done from a fresh and rejuvenated space.
  20. TikTok is the place to be if you have a low following but need massive attention.
  21. Yes exactly! That's how I approach it now, and there is no greater joy ? It's a slow death waiting for something to happen. But a beautiful birth when you just start sharing in whatever way you love the most ?