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  1. Yeah I'm very sensitive to smells and a whole bunch of my memories have to do with specific smells. If I randomly smell something it might trigger a whole memory-bank with old feeling-states and atmospheres I was in years ago. I don't think it's too important in any spiritual sense but it's a fun thing anyways. Sometimes it shows me how far I've gotten in life because sometimes those memories also remind me of the state of mind I was back then.
  2. I think a quote from Sadhguru would be relevant here: My understanding of this is that realization of your true nature, enlightenment or awakening is "nothing special". People just get it mixed up with all sorts of heightened states you can get to by some yoga techniques, drugs or mantras etc. And nothing wrong with all that but if you want to be realized, you could just bypass all that and go straight to the actual thing which is seeing that you are that in which all these experiences, perceptions and dimensions happen in. If you're interested in aliens, wacky states of conciousness and all that stuff, just be honest about it and don't try to mix it up with some noble search for truth. Get into chaos magic or something and summon up Mickey Mouse and have fun.
  3. INFP-T every time. Seems accurate though.
  4. Thanks for your comment! Against all expectations I found out that a certain self-realized being is actually visiting my town next month and gives personal face to face -sessions and a satsang all on the same day. So it seems that there actually is some kind of synchronicity to this, because I would've never thought that I'd have any opportunities like that where I live.
  5. I keep coming back to to "I am That" by Nisargadatta or "I am Fat" as misheard by my friend when I told him about it. It's a good book just to sometimes open at a random point and read a few lines if you're in need of your daily spiritual fix.
  6. Serious spiritual discussion for sure. Kinda makes me wanna leave this forum. I guess I'm just not woke enough to realize the threat of the gay islamic lizard illuminati.
  7. Is Sadhguru hinting that He might leave his physical body soon? Just lately he made all of his videos downloadable and free to use in any way. Also this article was posted on Isha Blog: Welp. I'm not wishing anything here. Just a hunch that I thought I'd share.
  8. Good question. To be completely honest it's just that I find eating eggs and cheese convenient and I don't feel guilty eating them. Of course I always buy free-range eggs. When it comes to dairy, it's just basically grilled halloum that I eat most. I've changed milk to Oat milk and I even prefer the taste. Only use it in my coffee anyways. My excuse to eating fish is that I used to go fishing as a kid and could kill the animal with my own hands. That's something I couldn't do to a pig or a cow ever. Something like taking the responsibility for the life you're consuming. At this point it personally just feels that going full vegan isn't quite necessary, although the thought itself doesn't seem too far-fetched. I also don't like restricting myself by giving my diet a label, because situations change and sometimes you might just eat what you're offered or starve.
  9. This is something that I keep on pondering about. Many renowned spiritual teachers and gurus emphasize the importance of having a living spiritual teacher to guide you. Many even say that without gurus guidance, you can't make it. On the other hand there's a lot of talk about the inner guru, the intuition or the silent guiding voice inside us all. I'd say I understand the guru-argument very well considering times before the internet and readily available spiritual books and other materials. If you lived in a small village and had an urge to do spiritual seeking but absolutely no idea of what it even means - In that case a teacher is absolutely needed to point one in the right direction. Also the many spiritual traps might be difficult to avoid without outside guidance. Such as developing a spiritual ego etc. Anyway, today we have the luxury of Youtube and other internet sites that have huge amounts of information, talks and guidance for spiritual seekers. Of course you need to have some discernment on that too, but generally the good teachers are known in spiritual circles. Now I'm wondering if all the material online and on books can be of any substitute for a teacher/guru. Certainly you need to have a high sense of honesty about your own progress, an ability to see that you're not being phony-holy or deceiving yourself on how far you've gotten. In my case, I have almost always found a direct answer to any question I might have had from some of the teachers who have videos on Youtube (Adyashanti, Rubert Spira, Francis Lucille, Sadhguru etc). Then there's the question of "energetic transmission" and the presence of an awakened being. Do you feel that's something that is absolutely essential and can't be experienced in any other way than to be physically close to the awakened person? The reason I'm asking your thoughts about this is because I live in a place where I have no access or information of any valid spiritual teachers. It's somewhat disheartening sometimes to read statements of "not being able to make progress without the grace of a living guru".
  10. Siddhies are usually considered to be a hindrance on the spiritual path and they're not the goal of doing yoga. If someone were to advertise their yoga school by claiming that you get all these abilities it would attract the wrong mindset.
  11. I'm kinda of a semi-vegetarian. I guess there's a fancy name for it. I eat dairy, eggs and even fish occasionally. Meats have been off my menu for a good two years. All began on one day when I was frying bacon and putting the strips on the pan and thought that this was recently a living being that probably didn't want to die. And here I am eating its flesh like it's nothing. And all the shops have their walls full of dead animals and all of it doesn't even get eaten. Some of it just gets thrown away. Disgusting. I base my eating more on conscience that any "-ism". I know I'm not that consistent with it, but ... you know
  12. Sounds like you just think you should watch videos or read books but on some level you feel it's an useless activity and there's nothing to gain. I guess you should just deeply ask yourself why you're trying to do those things. Also, what things naturally draw your attention so you don't have to even try?
  13. I use one sometimes. It's good in the spring when I suffer from pollen allergies.