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Everything posted by dharm4

  1. There is a new video on leos blog: The word "God" is just a way to spread an egoistic message. Most people use this word, and it means nothing. Why do we still use it? Same goes for the word love.
  2. This is one of the hardest insights you can have. How can you live life with it? I remember some early childhood memories, like how I played with my friends in the big garden of my childhood house. This post, this server, youtube, leo, everything will be gone. It will be forgotten. I think this might be a deception of thinking. Yes, everything is lost, but because of that everyhing is born. Always. Death is an illusion. However, as human who sees this, there is still some sadness.
  3. I write this in resistance. From a place of not knowing, When everything comes to an end, there is no choice. You and the rest of the world are one. Tell the world who you are. Tell the love you have, for me and you, be the change you seek in the world. It is hard to accept and for me to write, but we are one. Always.
  4. @Leo Gura The problem with psychics is there are many of them who are frauds. They use techniques like cold reading,... I'm sure you are aware of Derren Brown, he has done many tv specials exposing these techniques.
  5. "what you resist persists" Feel your emotions in your body and look at them without giving them a label. Don't try to overcome them, just look at it without judgment. There is a voice inside you that says "I don't want to feel this" and it creates the seperation between the emotion and the self. Mindfulness is the key.
  6. Being distracted, daydreaming, overthinking, analyzing is usually really good if you are doing creative work. Maybe try to do something like that in your free time? I think it could help giving your mind the distraction it seems to desire. It helps me alot when I come home from work at night to play the guitar, make music. Write down business ideas,... I'm also a Software Developer like you, so I know during coding you need focus and concentration. How long have you been meditating ? You won't see result immediately, this will take years of daily practice to see the big benefits. I've been meditating for about 4-5 years every day and I'm at a point where I have no problem concentrating during work. If you are distracted, it could also mean you don't have a clear vision / life purpose. If you have an exciting mission, it's easy to feel motivated. Are you bored by your work? If yes, look for an exciting job you would really love doing. But it could also be personal problems? If you are worrying about other things in your life, it means you should focus on solving them.
  7. Is it possible to live in society (have a job/profession, family > identity) and be free from fear? Or do you have to become a hermit/spiritual teacher?
  8. @Zorka As a recovering control freak/anxiety person, I also had this "problem of control" . Who is saying "I have no control of my thoughts"? Isn't it another thought? Thought splits itself up into many things, and this leads to confusion, anxiety. Become aware of your anxious thoughts and feelings, just observe them. Let them come and go. And as @Nivsch said, if you get too overwhelmed withthem, go outside and just spend time with family and friends. I know some teachers say "you are not the thought but the observer". It's a bit misleading, they should say "you are more than just your thought, you are the universe itself". You are the thoughts, the trees outside, your room, the world. You create it. Find out that there is no seperation between the observer and the observed. Then fear will go away.
  9. @traveler stephen mitchell translation is my favourite for tao te ching. this one is also good: https://www.amazon.com/Tao-Te-Ching-Text-Only/dp/0679724346/ I sometimes listen to the audio version while driving, it's available on youtube
  10. I work as a software engineer in big data / AI /autonomous driving. It's an interesting area for me, with many possible ways to improve the lives of many people. Less car accidents, traffic,..
  11. First off: I've not watched all of the videos/blogs. Imagination to me means a process of thought, of memory. So if all of reality is Imagination, it is a process of thought. But I feel reality itself, the thing you can touch and feel, is more fundamental than any thought. What does Imagination mean?
  12. Any belief / verbal communication / Leo video is not reality, but only a small part of it. Even the belief: "I know what reality is" What Leo is doing is nothing more than mental mastrubation. I'm not saying his experience is worth nothing, but they are nothing more than an existential dream. Don't belief what I say, only believe what you see for yourself.
  13. @Inliytened1 I do meditate every morning for 20-30 minutes. But what I'm talking about has nothing to do with it. It goes beyond "everything" you could do.
  14. I have not watched all of his videos. So maybe this is just common sense right now I'm happy if it is.
  15. I don't think he makes stuff up. But every word is a lie. Everything on the internet is a lie. Even the so called "truth". Truth is beyond conception. It is without form.
  16. @jbram_2002 yes, there is nothing wrong with it. But it is easy to get stuck. Just watch a video on Non-Duality, actualized.org.... or read my words...
  17. You think you are enlightened? I see so many people here talking like they know something about truth, enlightenment, god. It's really simple. Stop claiming you know anything. Don't tell me what you think is true, look at yourself. Thoughts are the past and it is dead, the present moment is the only source of wisdom. Don't tell me you are enlightened.
  18. Ignorance means you have made up your mind. There is nothing to convince you of anything else. You are set.
  19. @Joseph Maynor Media is definitely a factor, but it seems much deeper than that. Media is just the symptom, not the cause. It seems like the result of division of mind.
  20. I'm from europe. It's not as bad here. If you are not liberal or right wing you are nothing. "Either you are with us or against us". I have friends from the US and it's getting more and more noticeable.
  21. It could be a way to freedom. If you guys find ways to bridge the gap, there could be more unity.
  22. This sounds like a question of someone who does not know how bad suffering can get. Be careful with your naivety. You might get an answer you won’t like. It is not an intellectual exercise.
  23. I think the question is: is mathematics based on reality or is it an invention of the mind? This has been a question for ages. Are mind and reality separate? I would say they are not. If you create a symbol in your mind, that becomes part of reality. It‘s not absolute, but still part of reality.
  24. This is probably a controversial opinion. I love what Leo does, and I enjoy his content and insights. I hope for more to follow! But let's not forget, he's just at the same spot as you, me and everyone else is! He might claim to have seen something special, but this is nothing special to him! He is no god! If he every claims to be god, that would just be his spiritual ego. He is you, and you is the rest of mankind. Don't forget this! Maybe I just hope this community does not fall into a personality cult and sees the truth for what it is! Reading all the comments and threads here makes me hopeful. I hope you have a great day! -dharm4