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Everything posted by Cocolove

  1. I went to the Bernie rally in Minneapolis last night. Has anyone else been to one? What did you think? I thought is was interesting and enjoyed it. Can't wait to see a Trump one and compare them lol.
  2. What is it that you want friends for? Like, what do you want to do with your friends? Like seriously, anything from mountain biking to going to the beach to clubbing. Find that. Go do it. Meet people there. Do it with them. Now you have friends.
  3. @Nickyy Or is it just that Bernie is healthy green, and pathological green would On the other hand from what I've learned I think you are right about that. A
  4. @Bno Kyle Kulinksi would certainly agree with what you said.
  5. have you tried pick up?
  6. Good to know. I suppose it will probably produce the same type of purification then, not just physiological effects.
  7. @remember What is 'the logo question'? and how is that a joke, disgusting, or discriminating? I dated a girl that was taller than me once. Overall, I think the anecdotes prove height is definitely not everything. I'm in the same position as him and i wonder because I wonder if I could be even better otherwise.
  8. I decided to post this here as opposed to the dating section because of the lens through which I'm asking this question. Background: I'm 16, extremely busy with school, barely have time to meditate and read daily. I can see a lot of potential if I continue personal development. I am less busy on weekends. I left my last relationship because it was so shallow and we didn't connect on a deep level. I've the desire to be in a relationship in the last month or so. Question: Should I get a girlfriend/ date around? Pro's: I want a girlfriend. It sounds fun. New experiences. Con's: Less time to do actualization work. It won't make me truly happy. Part of me wants to spend my extra time working on myself because it will lead to greater happiness. The other part thinks that's a grouchy idea and I'm throwing away great experiences for no good reason. I remember Leo said in a video teens shouldn't worry about relationships. I'd like to hear some more well thought out perspectives and advice.
  9. Shadow dance is a great book, full of practices. Plenty on youtube, but none from Leo. This girl comes on this forum.
  10. Definitely means you have some trauma. Shadow work. for sure. trust me when that's gone you will be so diffferent
  11. Hey I'm also 17. When Leo mentioned in the course that if you are young you might need more experience, i thought about it, and it clicked. I definitely think you should move towards what you have, even if you are unsure, in a way that gives you valuable life experience. That's what I'm doing.
  12. Great green perspective on happiness based on social systems. orange v green
  13. @fridjonk Plus Iceland is beautiful. Do you ever jump in the ocean? I did once.
  14. misread as david hawkins and got all excited bc the guy is dead and somehow got on joe rogan before that but nope
  15. that's an exciting place in life to be in! let us know how it goes.
  16. Can you at least point towards a serious path of research, like the one you went down?
  17. Please please make one on should I go to college in the next few months, or at all. also you could make one on your neuro feedback thing. I think a lot of us would actually do it
  18. @Leo Gura which one would you reccomend getting?
  19. oh my god you;re right!
  20. Isn't Jp at least somewhat yellow in some ways? could your friend be taking the yellow parts of him to move up? I still can't figure out if JP is part yellow and blue orange somehow or just blue orange with what seem like systemic thinking buzzwords and ideas he hasnt really integrated
  21. @Serotoninluv I've noticed you are really good at explaining concepts like this and also more theoretical (not about a specific situation) things. You have potential way beyond explaining things on a forum.
  22. yea dude i found info on campaign finance laws in one google search