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About Ryusaki

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  • Birthday December 12

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  1. what could help: just try to make notes and write down: + WHY you want to quit + what kind of person you could be without fapping + what benefits it could have in your life + how your future I could thank you for doing it (and say thank you for each day you mastered it) you can add more positive things. it's just important that you create a good vision and goal for it, that would make your future I happy about it. and then the other way around: - What would happen if you don't stop - how would you be in 1 year, if you cant stop, how in 5 years, or 10 years... - how you relationships could be - how would your view for woman change/develope/... ...add more if you want whach this list everytime you get an urge.
  2. I doesn't feel normal. It's something like an spiritual depression. it was a shocking realization and now i feel uncertain about each and everything. cannot even handle conversations or even relationships, because of uncertainty. I will give Clowns video a try. being more grounded could help me to get more strength from the inside. thx
  3. I fear this day for my own dog. love him so much. whish I can't get rid of this thought so that I enjoy his life more with him, but ... not possible. this day will come. Solace got it right. Just cry... A LOT! ... and give it some time.
  4. Hi Guys! After a few months watching some videos and doing conciousness work my worldview changed a bit. I think my backroundstory is not that much important to explain the pittfall I am in right now. I feel some good results, e.g. a pressure between my eyebrows (maybe the third eye, maybe not. It happens when i stop identifiying with my thoughts) but on the other side: Each emotion I have is now 5-10 times stronger than before. Especially bad emotions. There is this bad pressure right in my heart I can't get rid off, even if i turn off my thoughts. This big change in my life confuses me. I want to fall asleep again. But I can't go back now. When I leave out Meditation sessions I feel lost even more by every day I leave out. I took the red pill now. There is no way back... In a nutshell: the absolute Truth scares me. Maybe its my fear of death or hell. I don't know. It was a really fast switch brain. There is a big desire to controll my thoughts. What I need is more access to my heart area. So Ist guess I am a good example how you should not do conciousness work Any advices?