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About marting

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    Sydney, Australia
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  1. I don't understand how any one can get addicted to facebook. It's so boring. I check it once a day for 2 mins and it's more than enough. Perhaps you need to find something more interesting in your life.
  2. I think it's rather a few than nobody. But it's true in most fields. You have to put in some effort if you want results.
  3. What do you mean by a lot? If it's over 9 hours you need to see a doctor and do an overnight sleep test. It could be caused by a physical condition. Fitbit can help you to track your sleep habits. If the sleep test doesn't show anything it's probably a psychological problem.
  4. Don't buy into it. The purpose of meditation is not to make you feel good for a while but to develop discipline in your mind. You can do it only through persistent rigorous training. There are no magic pills or shortcuts. Just like when you train for a marathon you can train more or less efficiently but still have to do the hard work to be able to finish the race.
  5. The returns you are after are not what money can buy and you need very little money to pursue them. You can't buy persistence, will power. Some kind of monk training would probably be the closest.
  6. They are not bogus. The purpose of affirmations is to change subconscious beliefs. For example, regardless of your looks you have a perception of whether you are attractive or ugly. If your belief is that you are ugly that can seriously affect your attitude and your attitude largely determines your actions and your actions largely determine the results you get in life. So you want to fix this chain at the core, which is your beliefs. There has been a lot of scientific research on how the brain stores and processes information and a lot of it is done subconsciously. To use affirmations effectively first you need to become aware of the beliefs you have that are detrimental to your life. That's probably the more interesting and challenging part. After that you need to retrain your brain which takes some effort and discipline.
  7. by order of importance Learn to meditate Stop being a victim Eliminate negative thinking Learn to process strong negative emotions Learn how never to quit Find the topics that most interest you (career, dating, enlightenment) Leo has specific videos for the first five.
  8. Funny that when you talk to people who are in good relationships they say it's pretty simple... “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” ― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
  9. Sounds like "waiting for my dream career". How likely is that to happen by sitting at home? Sure it's possible but is it probable? Besides you also have to develop some awareness of what you can get. If my dream career is a rock star but I'm tone deaf I should probably be looking at something else. Same holds for relationships.
  10. No it's not. It's not ok to flirt with other girls front of your girlfriend. Having said that in my opinion people make too much of sex in a relationship. The important question whether you like spending time with that person.
  11. This is not true. Meditation disciplines your mind and gives you insight about yourself. People say I'm more radiant since I started meditating.
  12. You have to have the belief and confidence that you can find someone better than your ex.
  13. The later you start the more difficult it will be. If it's important to you start today.
  14. I think you are on the right track. No girl is fundamentally going to change your life. If you have a 7 out of 10 value proposition sooner or later you will find a girl who is 7 value back. Regardless of which 7 you marry your life will be different but equally as good. If your value proposition is only a 5 then you should not be thinking about 9s and 10s but work on becoming a 9-10 value. The key here is that what is going to fundamentally change your life is how good you get and not the girl you end up with.
  15. Instead of a list of meditation tunes it's better to focus on specific music that is meaningful to you. Music is very closely associated with emotions. If you want to remember and focus on a period in your life it's best to find a song you heard during that period.