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Everything posted by EmptinessDncing

  1. Leo talks a lot about conscious marketing. Surely there are marketing guru's out there that help with conscious marketing. As someone delving into entrepreneurship whilst looking after a family and still working at another job, I don't have time to do it myself!
  2. I have personally been struggling with the world needing saving. I get very sad. Then I realised that I was just doing the 'life's not fair' thing. Actually, it's exactly how it is meant to be. Horribly perfect. It's just perspective; it all is. If my vibe is low it looks like chaotic shit, if it is high it looks like organised chaos. I struggle more with acknowledging that I am COMPLETELY in control of whether my reality appears as friend or foe. I create it, so if I decide it needs saving, it does, if I decide it is perfect, it is. I'm trying to see it as perfect transformation school and remove the limited perspective of time. Or just stop thinking!
  3. I'm sure this is a no-brainer for many, yet for me this is something at a core level of trauma. You know, a BS story that doesn't serve me, yet I can't let go of it. Judgment is an interesting thing in spiritual circles right? Because we're all so spiritual that we don't ever do it right (pfft). I noticed that when I let jack judgment off the chain to go wild and throw insults at everything that some deep shadow stuff came out. Interesting way to process! So what came out was contempt. Contempt at people that don't do self-love work, because it's their fault that the world is all fucked up. I had to learn to love myself (no-one else was going to do it), why can't they. And I get sad that some people are so traumatized that they can't do the work. People that rely on others for their source of happiness are pathetic. People that think IQ is more important than EQ are stupid. So there is an obvious dualistic projection here. I am those people. I am fucked up, and if I loved myself as much as I think I do, then why am I not loving Self as all? The loop is that it is true that only I can love myself, because there is no-one else. EQ is arguably more valuable, and relying on others for happiness isn't a smart move. The arrogant contempt that comes along with it is obviously a guide to some childhood trauma, but I can't access it. I got to this dark place after spending a lot of time in quite a chill blissful, very self-loving and compassionate space and then asking the universe to step it up by helping with an energetic detox. Obviously this bag of bullshit couldn't come along for the upgrade and needs to be cleared. I've been quite depressed, but content that it's necessary, and empowered to work through my shit. I'm convinced this ridiculous attitude is common on the spiritual growth path (ego backlash). Interestingly, alongside this attitude I can also have so much compassion and love to the point of tears for just about anyone! Any shortcuts guys? I can't do psychedelics, it triggers my fatigue and previous trip PTSD.
  4. I can bring on blissful sensations at will, I just feel into my breath/body, or find beauty in something mundane. If I do it for a while it turns to ecstasy. If I do it for 3 days I get very unified, but it's not very functional. Are you saying that contempt and ecstasy can't occur in the same space? And this ok chestnut: is it escapism? No different to having a drug? What if I'm missing something important and I'm just shoving it under the transcendence rug? Perhaps the trick here is to just hold that vibe. Like clinging to dear life. I dunno! The motivation to hold it waned with meaninglessness. If there's a point I'm sure I could achieve all sorts. Maybe not being an asshole is enough reason!
  5. You say yourself that there is a dream and you claim enlightenment, so this is your reality. I say if it is a dream, it is a dream. You realise you have been dreaming, and you can call that enlightenment or potato cake, who cares. But you can't stop dreaming, all you can do is be aware that you are. It's like being aware that you are lucid dreaming. You just know you're dreaming. And like lucid dreaming it takes practice to not forget you're dreaming. The differentiation between my alseep and awake states have become vague. (as in litterally going to bed) This is a phase, like any other. One not to ignore because it happens. This is what it is like to awaken. To say fuck this shit some days, and the next be utterly awestruck at the beauty of the person walking in front of your car that was entirely unspecial (today). My journey is very, very normal. There is no 'it'. Just a journey of learning there is no 'it' and to come back full circle and apprecite life as it is. It is shocking to realise this. Spiritual people invest a lot of time and effort in it only to feel like it was all some sort of conspiracy. And I don't expect people to call off the chase just because there is no fox, you have to look in all the hiding places yourself to really believe it. Then you have to call off the calling off. I haven't let go of that yet. If I had, I wouldn't be writing here. When I say 'yourself' I'm not referring to you, winternight. If you thought there was an 'it' you wouldn't be qualified to teach, you'd be delusional. You know there isn't. Sorry, I'll stop writing now, it's probably overstepping the line. Have a nice dream ; )
  6. @PreetomTruth is a hostile place, not a warm and fuzzy one. Neo didn't wake up to cotton-candy. The truth is, however, it stops mattering. My reason for writing is it's fun. What else to do? Why is it fun? What winternight said. We both hold a truth and feel compelled to share it. Enlightened or not, we're all just sailing around in the dream looking for answers that don't exist because we have the wrong questions. The enlightenment game is just the elusive carrot keeping you in hope that one day life will be better. That's a child's dream. Enlightenment is realising there never was a carrot, just infinite bullshit. That appears hostile when you're trapped in fantasy land. Wake up! You can humour me and maybe learn something, or reject it for the carrot, whatever. That's why people don't wake up, they don't want to.
  7. Of course it's not. And? What's the point? Why do you teach? Really, why do you want to teach this bullshit. Anyone truly awake knows it's nonsense. Who's teaching? No-one attempting to get no eyeballs on their web page to get no money? I stopped rambling for a few days to reflect a bit, head back to the void. Gah, really? I wouldn't wish this on anyone to be honest, I'd rather set up a support-group for the poor fuckers on the other side, not high five them! There is no enlightenment, because there is no waking up from the dream, just realising it's a dream and being stuck in it. But you're right, it doesn't choose. I didn't choose that, it felt conspired and an inevitability. A culmination of events holding an illusion of choice. I'm doing that ping pong thing people do before it abides. If I had a choice I'd not choose this actually. People don't choose enlightenment, it chooses them and nothing they try to do or don't do will change it. And to those few, I sympathise. Leo isn't big on Advaita BTW. Your teachings somewhat contradict his. It all points to source, however the 'how to get there' is not in agreeance. After some of my own soul searching I've decided to teach basic personal growth. Awake or asleep, life happens. It's nice to know how to sail that ship confidently, or dream sweet dreams and appreciate the nightmares. I don't need to teach enlightenment. It's like selling ice to the eskimos. Or wool to sheep...
  8. What if we're talking about the same thing with different language? What does it mean to choose? Who is choosing? The universe. Is there really a choice? Yes and No. No because what we perceive to be choice would have happened anyway, regardless of what perception we have around the chooser. Ultimately there is noone choosing Nothing. And yes, because the movie is playing. In the movie we learn. The movie (relative) is not separate from who I am (absolute). If we separate them there is duality again. There is a choice to have eggs or cornflakes, and consequences apply. Whether we perceive the choice to be illusiory is irrelevant. There is choosing to think, or choosing not to, and consequences apply. In choosing not to today, there was realisation that ego had taken over creating undesirable consequences, and hence motivation to remain still again. It is the opinion of some that true mastery is making that choice. To dial up different states of consciousness. This is a form of choice. I'm not claiming to be a master, I'm just a rookie, but there is acknowledgment of responsibility for choices. It is far too easy, once awakened, to spiritually bypass responsibility with 'there was no-one here doing it'. Today I had payments cut off because I forgot to do something. When I called the guy, memory was so vacant I couldn't remember the three questions I had to ask. It just fails to arise. Yesterday when in my head I could remember all sorts. I'm screwed either way. Ego vs dysfunctionality. Choice!
  9. I hope you get that my argumentativeness is trying to get the difference between our two states. Yes, the woman in the movie forgets shit. It's just a movie. She pisses off other people that still thinks the movie is real. She is now coming back to the movie because other people in the movie don't think it's okay to forget their birthdays and apointments etc. I don't actually care to be honest, it's not real. It's an effort to care. What I'm questioning is should it matter? It doesn't appear to, but when nearly everyone in my reality is saying it does... Just to clarify, I consider 5D to be full immersion in no-thought land. Where it is harder to think than not. Thoughts create the sense of I.
  10. @winterknight Yes, you are absolutely correct. Through experience of surrender and it fucking up my life the surrender couldn't continue. I have no desire to be in that space. It doesn't work for my family. How the hell can you get around that? If you can honestly tell me that there can be surrender with functionality that doesn't require a nanny and personal assistant, I'd happily go there. Can you? I'm a 40 yo single woman BTW. Two young kids. Falling apart needs space, IMO, that I don't have. It feels like I've gone as far as I can within the framework of my current life situation. I have changed that situation as much as I can. Any more would involve ditching the kids and moving interstate. Um, no. Please understand that I do know what living in that space feels like. Really. It is everything that you describe. Just beautiful still space where the sense of 'I' was. Where a different type of thinking happens. Life just happens. This has been part of my reality on and off for a while (not on drugs). It just pisses off my family. There is nothing wrong with living more in 3D. It just is. When I say 3D, my reality isn't anything like what it was. There is still a strong experience of the world being illusiory/non-dual, there is very minimal suffering, and 90% of the time there is bountiful joy and bliss. Sometimes there is desire to go deeper, so I do. This model is realistic in a western world. As far as I'm aware yours is not necessarily, but feel free to educate me. BTW, a few very good teachers of mine have agreed on escapism. Life is subjective. I can agree and disagree with everything you say, it's more a matter of is it helpful.
  11. @AlwaysBeNice I have many enlightened peers (physical ones, not online) Not just newbs, but old hats. One told me he gets depressed, so I asked the others. Same. Depression, not suffering. Yes, I like to be the cat amongst the pigeons. Gets people thinking. Don't write me off as unenlightened, just because you think I'm a <insert judgment here>, question how it's possible. I'm just shallow and only 2 years in is all. You don't master it over night. Or stop being a dickhead. And @winterknight doesn't mind a bit of slander. There's no-one home that cares. I don't care,I can't imagine he does. The slander isn't intended anyway, more blatant interrogation. It's how I build trust. If he's a good teacher he'd know that.
  12. Look, I don't mean to be too harsh on your teachings, you seem fairly clear. I've obviously got a thing going on and this is what it is... I'm not content with the regular way of teaching, nor checks and balances on spiritual teachers. There must be a better way. that's what I'm digging for.
  13. @winterknight You remind me of that Advita cartoon where the "enlightened" dude does nothing but talk about how no-one and nothing exists while the other chick is just appreciating a tree like a normal person (that we later discover is also enlightened). Do you want to be all mysterious and mystical or wake people up? I get what you're doing, but in my opinion it just creates more confusion. Appearing special creates separation. Personally I like to do normal as much as possible. Enlightenment is not a fixed state of consciousness. Sure you can't unknow the truth, but you sure can "half-ass enlightenment" to quote Leo. You can actually carry on like an egotistical dickhead "Zen-Devil"-style if you don't maintain practice. And you can be so deluded by your teachers that even after awakening it takes a while to realise that it isn't at all what you thought they were selling, and the new teachers can maintain the bullshit. Did you know that it is common for enlightened people to get depressed? How do you keep your ego in check? Or are you assuming you are beyond that requirement?
  14. I didn't. If you have done a lot of emotional release work, then that is your normal. I've seen all sorts, whatever does it for you. Just be aware of your Drama Queen. Sometimes this behaviour can be externalising what cannot be internalised so is a form of resistance. On one occasion try being with the sensations in your body as they are, rather than emoting them outwardly. What happens? It's a bit like the difference between dropping acid and laughing and dancing vs sitting quietly with it. People can't meditate because they can't be still. May be a subtle form of this. Or not. I've seen people shake all over and intuitively I get them going "oh my kundalini" Drama... It doesn't mean anything.
  15. Thank you. I have a group of students that are convinced that enlightenment is when you stop thinking, so I have asked various differerent people, just so I can honestly say, look, don't just believe me, believe these other 5 awake people. Seeking a balance between a quiet mind and creative mind seems useful, but it doesn't ultimately matter. Nothing does. I did go through a phase of it making no sense to pursue anything at all, but it passed into following my heart. A life without passion is rather dull.
  16. Of course it does. The ego wants to know what it wants to know, however. Otherwise there is no need for a forum to ask questions in the first place. Will you answer the question? I don't need circular questions to go deeper at this particular point.
  17. How important is it to pursue a still mind after awakening? Mine fluctuates between stillness and busyness because of the intense current requirement for me to think creatively in my daily activities. There seems to be a lot of conflicting information. I'm a bit like Leo where I intellectualise, create, philosophise, teach, and it feels like being in no-mind-land is not productive from a relative perspective. Actually, it can be damn dysfunctional in my experience. Is no-mind just escapism? There's not a lot of drive here to be any which way, life just rolls. There is always a very open/intense heart, and that drives my passion to help others.
  18. I have first-hand experience of abusive guru's and it certainly had me questioning everything that I thought I knew about enlightenment. It is very common. It was very simple for me. Rules and morals don't exist in the Absolute. There are consequences in the Relative, but do they matter? This particular teacher, along with their teacher, had decided that personal growth is not important after one discovers that there is no person. Yar... Religion decided upon a bunch of principles for a reason. I'm self-realised, I'm not going to do that shit. Sure, it's all meaningless, but do we want another Sodom and Gomorah? This is where we play. That being said, all the teachers/guru's that I know that are highly suspect still have amazing teachings. Sogual Rinpoche changed the way many people view death. Should we un-do what we learnt from him? Of course not. As a bonus, now we can learn what not to do. I learnt the hard way a really good reason to never fuck my students!
  19. I had a client firmly rooted in green. It appeared very clear to me that the activist needed to be dropped. Many are very passionate about saving the whales, equality, conspiracy etc without realising it is just a belief-system they are attached to because it appears so moral. How does one let go of something they have dedicated their life to? Kicking and screaming. Try asking them how they are like the people they are projecting onto. Awwww, hell no.
  20. Does anyone else that is 'done' cop what I call extra-sensory dizziness? It's like a swirling sensation in the head. I guess it could be put in the kundalini syndrome bag, but added to the lack of any personal reference point and the oddness of experiential illusion it's like a permanent acid trip. Is that a thing?
  21. I was a corporate sales rep for years, quit (because it was unethical), found my LP and am now looking at building my business back up again from an ethical perspective. Marketing is awkward. It feels like people want you to bullshit them in order to buy. I don't want to do this, yet honesty doesn't pay. Take the example of spiritual teachers. People are so convinced that enlightenment is X that if you tell them, no, it's actually Y, they think you are a fraud. So do you pretend to be X just to gain trust, until they develop enough for you to explain it more honestly? People are so used to being fed bullshit, that they see it as professional. I am a spiritual teacher with a focus on emotional mastery and meditation. I'm happy to pay good money to someone that can help me market my business. Teach me social media marketing etc. Just half the shit out there makes me want to vomit. Any ideas people?
  22. I'd like to do a bit of reading from Stanislav Grof because I'm considering doing a Transpersonal Counselling course. So I'm really looking for a text book. Any recommendations? I haven't bought Leo's book list yet, so if this has advice regarding this, forgive me for asking. I'm happy to donate.
  23. I did MDMA with my long term BF (Ben). He hadn't done it before and I'm already enlightened. Results were: it is a heart-chakra thing. I didn't experience anything I hadn't already, but it was more intense than the natural full-body ecstasy I get. It takes one out of the head (ego) and into the heart. It intensified my clairsentience and ability to move energy around. I could feel very strongly the energy in Ben and throw mine into his, intensifying his experience. His experience was to repeat "oh my god" over and over. He saw something he had never seen before. God. It was outrageous watching how it affected him. In the moment he was convinced he was enlightened, and well, he was in that moment. We had a good laugh about his antics afterward. Ben has been meditating for 20 years, and has surrounded himself with quality spiritual teachers, but he has an OC thing going on. He just can't let go. So no amount of drugs will do that work for him. The realisation can't stick. We had downer from hell, but I highly suspect it was laced with Ice. Have had pure MDMA before, danced my ass off for 5 hours and zero downer. Downer was interesting though. Watching the mind go to all these dark places with detachment. It was a reminder of the hell some people find themselves in daily. Post enlightenment: Marijuana lowers my vibration and I hate it. Alcohol numbs me out when energy gets too much. LSD sort of intensified everything, but to be honest I was distracted by other people jumping around like zoo animals, so for the most part just laughed hysterically. Shrooms blasts open crown chakra. I physically feel it. There was channelling anyone I stood next to. The only person I wanted to be around was the other enlightened person there or trees. Experiencing the interconnectedness of the forest and yup, the mysillium. I already get non-duality, of course, but I can see how it would force one into it. There was a bit of sacred geometry going on. I was given that this drug is helpful to me personally as a clairvoyant healer, but don't go wild, or you'll lose your shit. (Not in a good way!). Haven't done any sort of DMT. Not sure if I can even get 5meo in Australia. Can get DMT and San Pedro. Highly recommended going at some pure MDMA Leo, the more awake, the more loving it is. Do it with someone close. Lends itself to massage and gentle touch (not sex), basey music at night, or being in nature during day. Needs body movement. I went and swam in my river in our little forest. So fucking good. Oh, and trying different foods. Sweet seems best. It is all really intense.