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Everything posted by moon777light

  1. thanks guys
  2. they should of made the post specifically for people who've been doing self-actualization/meditation work for a year or more. Because i think a lot of us on here are noobs
  3. Oprah........Deepak Chopra.........Enlightened?????........??????????
  4. @pluto i see you are a robert morse fan
  5. @Ether quality rap kanye would approve
  6. @pluto does it HAVE to be soymilk? ive had bad reactions regarding my menstrual cycle when i drank soy milk
  7. please look at his facebook <3 i love him, he shares so many amazing insights over there (including enlightenment/consciousness stuff) @Moreira this guy competes only in strct no-steroid deadlifting competitions, so they check him thoroughly.
  8. It is i
  9. hmm. If your reading multiple "technique" books, then don't. it will confuse you. But its ok to mix theory ones. As long as you have fairly good concentration.
  10. like how our cells live in our body, communicating with each other like a city in itself, what if we are just all cells of a more giant being? Or what if we are just these strange particles making up planets which could be seen as cells, and galaxies make up the organs and so on.
  11. shes definitley a bit controversial with her some of her beliefs but teal swan is amazing.
  12. yes! i was searching all his books after the latest blog post! Im suprised its not on the list i was so sure letting go would be.
  13. i have read 1.25 of them (meditations by marceus aurelius, didnt read the whole thing since its really snippets of his ideas, not a book where you read front to back And i read the one initialed G.G.S., since i cant say the full name on here, and im reading currently sedona method-thats visible from the pic he put of the books and another that i will initial B.B.) im just wondering since he said that he'll raise the price on the book list by adding more books "soon", i dont want to forget to purchase it before prices go up, college student here
  14. @lmfao thanks for your thorough reply, much appreciated could i be doing something else?-yes. i procrastinate ALOT on studying and i kinda hate where i live because the people in my university are very snobby/judgy so i tend to spend my days just at my apartment just browsing the internet mindlessly. I guess finding a person that was willing to talk with me all day, when i feel insecure/want to escape was good in the moment. but in the long run, annoying. Is the friendship valuable?- to me-not really. i realize when i ask myself why i keep talking its probably because i feel bad for the guy. And thats terrible, especially on his end. I probably am wasting my time, so you helped me answer my question. How should i end things? i have a terrible reputation of not officially ending things, instead i just wander off until we barely talk anymore. Should i be upfront and say that i dont think the friendship is working for us? and goodbye?
  15. I dont know this person in real life, we have been communicating daily for a little over a year now over tumblr. The person is nice and we have alot of stuff in common (since we talk alot) but i notice they anger me a little bit too much to be friends. Basically this person is a heavy "past lives" believer and constantly is trying to reassure me that weve met before in multiple past lives. (Which i call bs). once they said they need to clear up their karma and said "im sorry ive abused you in the past life, im sorry i had more power over you.." and i do t know if this is just me being close minded but i think wtf? Then when i start getting pissed off they just say "its ok one day you will see what i mean" and whenever we thought of the same subject in a day, for example suicide in cults, they immediately point out how this is not a coincidence. Also they are from a south american country that they hate, so whenever i mention the word "brazil" or simply allude to that place they start attacking me "how could you, you know i have trauma from that word" etc. Last point is we were talking about religions, and he is a huge believer in witchcraft. He was talking about "low magic"-like spells, divination vs "high-order"magic like rituals i guess? And how the goal of both types is the same thing, the result of a spell or whatever. I then asked why does high order magic then go through all that extra hard work to achieve same thing as a low magic and then he said "wow i cant believe you said something so amateur" Is this person trying to manipulate me (i think the metaphysical ppl like to call them energetic vampires) or am i super close minded? Ive blocked them twice before but then i feel bad and start talking to said person again.
  16. For those saying meditating once a day wont do that much- what do you recommend? Like meditating in tiny breaks throughout the day?
  17. If you meditated for half a year but had little effects then your probably not meditating correctly
  18. Yes ? would recommend 10/10
  19. @Girzo omg i forgot about youtube stats, derp.
  20. @iTommy we are taught in med school that melatonin is for giving feelings of sleepiness aka for falling asleep,not staying asleep. In sleep deprivation disorders such as insomnia, you have a problem staying asleep. According to my sleep lecture notes treatment is 1st choice: journaling, complete darkness/no electronics 1-2hrs prior, and using the bed ONLY for sleep, nothing else (not even meditating) Then the other options are your typical pharma drugs like zolpidem (also called Ambien) or eszopiclone (lunesta) Some natural options would be to have a glass of chamomile tea with honey or warm milk (cow or goat) with honey before bed Also i totally agree about the light thing, but i had to uninstall my flux app on the laptop, it ended up hurting my eyes and i had more sleep issues that without it. Also, from many studies published recently, they have discovered that green light triggers melatonin release more than blue light, so best thing is to avoid all electronics hour or two before bed. Ideally none after sunset.
  21. Problem is im on a long bus ride right now reading this forum ? baaaad bad
  22. I think if he can do a poll of all countries, or simpler a map and everyone whos from a crountry/city that would be willing for him to come, should check off their area on the map/poll.