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About Mendy

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  1. Dear Matt, I'm Mendy from The Netherlands, Europe. About 10 years ago, my life was completely ruined by a car accident. I lost everything: my job/carrier, my boyfriend (left me), my friends (so called), my health (was in a hospital for 3 months, doctors said it would never heal) , my thoughts (I went nuts), I was in complete shock. I once could relate to your desire to be who you were before. You can not be who you were, every again. And that is a good thing... Here's why: You are in the perfect situation to allow Happiness into your life. The biggest lesson I've learned: Happiness doesn't need better conditions. Let your current state of being be a blessing. Feel the bliss in the fact that you are alive to see another day. Happiness doesn't care about your ankle or your house. Sure you can work towards a better situation... Ok, here were some words from the other side of the world, isn't that amazing? I'm in awe every day, not taking anything for granted. Celebrate your life, it is worth living! Look at the possibilities, rather then the deal breakers. Be grateful, soft and loving towards yourself and your life. Talk to yourself like you would talk to your best friend. You will see the best thing to do in NO time. Wish you the best, Mendy