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Everything posted by Virtually

  1. More (even premature) anticipations on the new alien/abstract modes of thinking
  2. not radical enough, but coming from people who can lead the way for a more widespread understanding of Leo's work on science and who make important distinctions in the topic it's good to see progress in that direction within the scientific community
  3. PS: this post should probably be moved to the intellectual stuff forum section but I don't have the permissions to do so I didn't know the forum had a dedicated intellectual section, but I really appreciate the fact that it was added
  4. (talking about the "belief" thing) if you follow John Vervarkes work, it's easy to see JBP is pointing to participatory/perspectival/procedural knowing, he just doesn't has the word for the concepts and so appears like he's trying to deconstruct the words in a circle. but from my POV he just doesn't have the tools to articulate in a linear way what he means it's more a matter of semantics than of post modern deconstruction: there's something beyond his word play but I still see how he applies double standards in a lot of other aspects
  5. @Flyboy Are you planning to read McGillChrist's "The Matter with Things"? He published it relatively recently If recall correctly, it took him something like 10 years to write. it deals with the nature of reality and perception, building upon his previous work with the "master and his emissary", but with a deeper and more ontological take as far as I know
  6. I was just wondering if the course would go into the muddy details of how to use psychedelics for the very purpose of reprogramming one's mind so to speak. I've been learning about psychedelics for years and I'm just beginning to experiment with this potential use, and holy cow, they're overdelivering. But I would seriously benefit from systematic presentations from someone who has got lots of experience under his belt, and thought other people would as well. And so I was wondering if you were planning the course to include any of this. Maybe Leo has already spoken about this on the forum before. If so please let me know.
  7. I find that so cool haha
  8. there's a great browser extension you can use to pick elements of the web page you're visiting and disable them for good - completely removing them - for any site you want, not just youtube. it's called uBlock Origin it's basically your DF tube or Unhooked app, but for customizable for all sites. I also used it to disable the YouTube shorts button, or to disable the subscription button which remains active with DF tube. This way, you can remove more stuff compared to what pre-made extension allowed you to, further countering the addictive design of websites it's like you're doing true UX design for yourself, in a way that's empowering you rather than exploiting you. you keep what works for you and remove the rest btw you can use it for YouTube mobile as well. personally, that's a great option though the caveat is that you're going to have to watch it on some browser that supports either extensions (like kiwi browser), or on a browser that supports customized blocks (like vivaldi). both kiwi and Vivaldi are great, although they are not very well known. the yt app, which I uninstalled, is way to distracting and addictive, and the problem with using conventional blockers is that at one point you're going to get to the point where you find some way to disable them and binge watch for 3 hours straight my next move is uninstalling all browsers from phone altogether, since the more life circumstances demand I rely on myself, the more I come to the conclusion that these sacrifices and "radical" choices (radical in the eyes of the people around me, at least) are necessary and even inevitable if I want to fulfill on my ambitions hope this helps
  9. that's the most accurate visual representation of what comes to mind when I'm reminded that God is a shape-shifter. now imagine if this video were made with smoothly changing styles of music.
  10. @Matt23 well basically you feed lots of examples of patterns such as ABCD ABCE ABCF, so they go through lots of trial and error. then you can let it run on its own: it might learn to reproduce the pattern it was fed, but also invent new patterns, such as ABCY. they make "associations", but they do so in n-dimensional matrix containing numbers and weights this is a rough explanation, I encourage you to look further into the topic
  11. @Matt23 I think it's more like the former, but the AI still has the ability to "fill in the gaps". plus they will probably update to the point where it's able to do precisely the thing you described I imagine they made this by teaching the AI to move to a relatively adjacent image that's associated to the one it's fed, and repeating the process iteratively. and then maybe did some tricks to make the images line up with the music for instance, if I feed you the image of a tulip, then the AI may shuffle some variables and decide that a rose is a similar image. then you can feed the image of the rose back into the AI. now the AI can make new free associations, and might decide to draw a hand around the rose. and then a person giving the rose to their beloved. you see where this goes.
  12. A great in-depth thread, complementing and even foreshadowing Leo's video. I guess you can clearly see how he changed his mind on this topic. And of course, props to OP @electroBeam ------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, about the "meta" joy for consciousness, for building the good life -- or even the kind of joy that comes from learning about oneself -- I highly, highly, highly recommend these two videos to you: They're going to be very abstract, but that's their power, really worth investing your time. Their scope is so wide and deep you're going to be using them for the next 30 years of your life. You're going to miss out so much on Leo's video by watching them while not having already contemplated them for months, trust me. So my brutal piece of advice would be: watch them, take copious notes, ponder them, implement them, break them down as much as you can, try implementing them again, and again. Actually use them. If you can. Use them to guide you. Then go back and watch the how to fall in love with life video, and see how Leo's words seem to interconnect so much stuff you've already experienced for you. Oh, btw. I just bought a new alarm clock. That gave me so much joy.
  13. Great article on the dangers of (improperly) going meta in politics, by Zak Stein. The guy is well aware of Wilber's work I say "improperly" because, as Zak argues, going meta (or, more precisely, thinking you are going meta) doesn't necessarily imply becoming more conscious. Nor does it imply moving towards a perspective that allows for the integration or communication of lower perspectives. Rather, it can often lead to an acknowledgement of the limitation of another person's perspective, for the only purpose of making their assumptions explicit (which not bad per se) and classifying them as "one of those kind of people" while simultaneously thinking you're actually above them and are justified in holding their perspective as lower. Ofc you already know what ends up happening when all parties think this way. Such dynamic has negative consequences for a polarized political discourse, as it brings conversations to a halt by transforming them into a game of "who goes meta the most"; btw, it often turns out to be a sneaky self-deceived way of being ideological, too -- just in disguise. This is different than actually inhabiting other perspectives, while remaining grounded in some higher overarching framework. There's a cute praise of ""metaphysics"" towards the end of the article as well. Here's the tldr, though I personally suggest reading it from start to finish:
  14. After 4 years or so on the forum, the time has come that I export the most relevant posts I bookmarked. Problem is, I'm having a trouble finding the notes I added to them. And by that I mean the notes I wrote within the "note" box, which appears once you click on the "bookmark" button that's found under each post. I sort of always assumed they'd show up somewhere once you go to the bookmark section somewhere, or after exporting them as an .html file, but only a list of links comes up. I would really appreciate your technical support
  15. Ok so, for anyone who might need this in the future, here's what I was looking for. Basically, what I needed to do was to hover over the linked title with my cursor on pc, without clicking or anything. That's it. STEP 1 STEP 2
  16. @hyruga sure. that's what I've always done, that's not the problem I'm trying to solve. I simply was never able to find what I write in the note box (e.g. "ABC" in screenshot below) in the section. the following is my question: where am I going to be able to find "ABC" once the bookmark is saved?
  17. Funny enough, society is filled with races for who stops going-meta first, though not too prematurely
  18. Here's another highly worth read:
  19. I had a good laugh at this. Translated for you guys: "Rare picture of Hegel's Absolute Spirit while demonstrating Hegel is right."
  20. @Kalo could you paraphrase? Seems interesting but I can't quite grasp what you're saying
  21. @mandyjw ??
  22. @Leo Gura I think the op is appropriate for most people here. Most of the fear related to the desire for sex goes away when you start to engage in the processes and activities that will lead to sex. desire feels bad especially when pain/fear is sourcing it: when you know you'll get sex and are free from the fear and uncertainty, the desire for sex takes on a different form. So it's more about the fear involved related to not having sex and having the expectations that one might not get it in the future, rather than the desire itself. Sure it moves you to satisfy your survival needs, but it can also make you feel alive when it is free from fear. Knowing you're are capable of embodying the principles that move you in the right direction is not just matter of procrastination, but it's closely related to flow states and cognitive fluency, as well, which in themselves are pleasurable and enriching. Deeply satisfying desire is the best solution as you say, but what's even better is knowing you have the skills to satisfy them if you want, and get that thing back if you lose it. At least, I feel that brings so much more confidence and calm to my life, and allows me to enjoy satisfying my desires without visualizing some negative scenario of me losing something. Why do that when you know you can get it back? I'll take advantage of the situation to say that I especially enjoyed your last video on the blog, it was packed with a lot of valuable information. During the video I found myself thinking "oh, I've never thought about it in this way" or many many times, and I suppose that's precisely because the video was unscripted. In your random talk is implicity present the particular perspective you have on different aspects of life. And that way it's simply easier to get a communication or internalize anothers' perspective, because you have very little time to think and so you're forced to compress what you think about something, and that works very well if you have a lot to say. Being on the receiving end of the communication I was able to make lots of distinctions in your perspective and immediately reflect on mine, by seeing how you compress your raw thoughts - like I could immediately pick up on your implicit pattern processing. And that made a huge difference. It would be good to have extended periods of time where you only post unscripted videos (maybe on youtube?) and I believe a lot of people would benefit from your raw personal reflections. I sure did. All the better if it's to work on the book. Thanks for your work.
  23. I coincidentally found this channel just a few days ago as I was going through my YouTube homepage. It's interesting and inspiring, and it seems to be making these matters more "rigorous", which I'm sure would help make consciousness work more mainstream or acceptable among intellectual circles in some direct or indirect way. So their contribution is not bad at all Sure there are some corrections to be made. But the best is the enemy of the good, as long as one remains flexible and open to further corrections
  24. Looks very interesting, was having similar ideas recently. Glad someone got to the same conclusions and hopefully put it in much better words. Thanks for sharing!