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Everything posted by Elysian
If someone perceives you as angry it's because they are likely projecting their insecurities/wounds on to you. I've had someone do this to me on the forum recently, even though I fully embody love and have no wounds of my own. What they didn't know is that unconditional love will use someone, like an awakened being who's done the proper healing work, in a way that even the exact way they word things is done so in a way to trigger the insecurities of others to heal them, even when they end up just thinking poorly of the healer that just blessed them with their presence. What a fascinating world we live in, where the beings who love the deepest are often the ones who get crucified. Jesus, or the being that the Jesus figure represents, is a perfect example of the human tendency to lash out towards the one who likely loves you more than anyone else ever will. That's what happens when no one even knows what true unconditonal love even looks like when it's looking them straight in the face. I know you likely know all of this, but I said it for others. ?
Elysian replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Only radiating love without blockages, and bringing light to deeper understanding. You're only projecting your own wounds on to what I say. -
Elysian replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is only true on one level, and is going down the proverbial nondual rabbit hole dogma. Ironically, there is much deeper truth to this universe. And it appears it's very easy to get stuck in nondual thinking/being at This point in spiritual growth/awakening. Recognizing oneness, recognizing infinity, recognizing I am'ness, there is much more to the story than these things, and I'm not talking about conceptual knowing. And almost counterintuitively, there is a story, a story of how things came to be, and where we are going. But a certain level of arrogance traps people in nondual dogma. "There couldn't possibly be some deeper reason, because X says so, because there isn't anything to be said." A very slippery slope. Jesus was much more aligned with the true nature of reality than Buddha, alot of insight to be had in that. -
"Be inauthentic until it stops hurting." That's how you prevent true spiritual growth while simultaneously increasing your suffering needlessly.
Mental masturbation is just the ego's way of keeping you so busy you never stop to find out just what in the hell is exactly going on with this whole thing we call existence. The reason you aren't exhibiting the behaviors you want to, is because high vibrational behavior requires being at a highly vibration. You're at a low vibration wondering why you struggle so intensely trying to live a high vibration life. Doing 'good' behaviors doesn't create a 'good' person, a 'good' person naturally does 'good' behavior effortlessly. If you're having to force yourself to be something, you're not actually that, you're resisting your nature. Very unhealthy thing to do. So the goal isn't to do high vibration activities, it's to transcend your low vibrations, and become a high vibrational being. That's what spiritual growth is all about. And wanting to grow and advance is the fundamental nature of existence! It's not low vibrational behavior, it's the highest vibrational trait you have! Think Coral, not Orange. There are methods of healing that raise your vibration, and when you do that, you will effortlessly start living a more fulfilling, authentic life. The best, nothing to it way I found is sound healing. Simply play music from a slightly higher vibration than your own, and it will naturally elevate you into a higher vibration. Simple stuff made up of complex mechanisms I won't bore you with unless you're interested. All you need to know is listening to the right sound healing for the right amount of time will create more progress in your spiritual path within a month than your entire life if you are operating at a lower vibration like your self. I'm creating a model/practice that has mapped out the vibrational path from the very lowest vibrations to what would be referred to as high Coral in SD. The first stage of my model addresses every stage/vibrational range in SD that would include Beige to low yellow, and can bring them all into high Yellow quickly. Remember, vibrational growth = spiritual growth. I've created a playlist for this first stage I've named Meadow. Listen to this with speakers, not headphones (so the sound vibrations can move through the space your within) for a week. Just repeat the playlist, or the songs you resonate with the most. Do that for several hours a day if you can, or as much as you can. Worst case scenario you listen to some interesting music for a week. Best case scenario, your life changes forever. That's an entire playlist, so click on the top and it will take you to it on YouTube. The music is healing regardless of you understanding the language, for reasons I'll only go into if you want. It's gets just a tiny bit dense, but I could explain it in tier 1 thinking if you really care to know more. This is just the first stage of 6 I've mapped, and will take you into high Yellow. Have fun. ?
Elysian replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
As far I can tell enlightenment has a function, only one function, that I don't ever see mentioned: To better equip the individual to help others heal, leading to love and unity. You recognize the pain of others as your pain, and because of that are more likely to help them work through it. At the deepest level, at least within this universe, the point of existence is to move towards unity. And there is a point, no matter what a nondualist lost in dogma believes. You can experience that point directly. All enlightenment does is help us move towards unity with more ease. Unfortunately, many beings seek enlightenment before growing enough vibrationally to even recognize it's true purpose. And what's even worse, most enlightened beings (but who is it that's enlightened nondual dogma might chime) operate at a low vibration, making them incapable of even fully comprehending what it is they experienced/experience. Then they go into spiritual circles talking about enlightenment without having any clue what it is they're talking about. It's like a 5 year old recognizing that Calculus could probably be useful somehow, then trying to explain it's purpose. Understanding existence on a deeper level requires operating at a higher vibration, and that includes when attempting to understand enlightenment. Because there is actually something to understand about it, even if someone is currently incapable of doing so. -
This is low level logic that you are more than capable of quickly processing yourself to come up with a solution. You know the answer to your problem but you want someone to hand you a lottery ticket to change the solution. I can tell you that the 2 days you will have off and couple hours every work day of free time will be exponentially more valuable both for recreation and spirituality than being able do whatever you want at your parents house.
Why try to date someone you don't resonate with already? There vibration should be apparent after spending genuine time with them. Why try to date someone you don't even know?
Hellspeed is pointing in the right direction. My enlightenment happened in a single moment of absolute selflessness, taking on the pain of someone else completely. Because it was my pain, as is all of humanity's. I would say though that there are degrees of truth. And the more you grow spiritually, the more is revealed to you. It's not a singular moment at an eventual end where only one truth is revealed. Truth is like an onion, peeling away each layer only reveals a deeper understanding. All the truth, even at lower vibrations, is still truth. You just have a clearer picture painted with every new realization. But it's hard work and facing all your pain regardless of the way you look at it. But why would you not want to face your pain so you can heal from it, what could possibly be more important for you and every single person you interact with?
Suffering is what life is about because it drives you towards love, healing, and ultimately unity. Life, existence, is about moving towards oneness, on the deepest level. Suffering is the mechanism the universe uses to push beings towards oneness, towards coming together in unconditional love. That means that embracing suffering, so you can move through it, towards oneness, is literally what life is about. There is absolutely no other reason for it within this universe. If you develop enough spiritually to understand why this universe is here, and you can, then the reason changes. But at the level of existence within this universe, love and unity is what life and spirituality is about. And embracing suffering is how you move towards love and unity, towards what you are, and away from what you aren't.
I actually agree with you on everything except life not being about embracing suffering. That's the whole point of life and suffering. Suffering is a mechanism of the universe to push you towards spiritual growth and healing, and you only grow spiritually and heal by facing your pain without judgment of it. But you are correct, the attitude Mu describes isn't possible for someone of a low stage/vibration, the universe doesn't allow it.
All true. If your nature is having the desire to know, to grow, to explore spirituality, what he's said completely resonates with what I've said. That's how I am naturally, and resisting my natural tendencies only made my life more difficult.
They've literally separated their consciousness from their physical body. Their consciousness isn't there to experience the pain. Something you learn how to do at higher levels of spirituality. There is no way to simply will the pain of burning alive away while experiencing it consciously, it's not possible, and anyone who's been severely burn would understand this.
Studying material will bring you into tier 2 thinking, but it won't take you into what is called Turquoise. I wouldn't say you were Yellow if you weren't in that vibrational range. I was exactly like you when I was in Yellow. Humble and discounting myself as Orange because there was a couple of Orange behaviors I still clung to, figuring I couldn't possibly be Yellow because of how long I was told this all takes. It's a trap how long we're told moving through SD will take, even if it's done so with good intentions, to avoid people overestimating themselves. You can move much quicker through SD stages, or vibrational ranges, than is advertised. Before you enter what is called Turquoise, you're likely using what is called egoic thinking. It's using conscious thought to try to figure out the world with your brain power. Through developing the ability to rest in Samadhi throughout the day (best learned with do nothing meditation), you prevent your egoic thought from arising whenever it wants to. The reality is that egoic thought, once you reach tier 2 logic, is not your friend any more. Egoic thought has served it's purpose and needs to be set aside. You do that with Samadhi. This is very important for your well being and further spiritual growth, so I suggest looking into do-nothing meditation. The descriptions of the different stages of Samadhi are unnecessarily complex, but as long as you learn to do do-nothing meditation properly, Samadhi is attained naturally. A brief, short description of Samadhi stages, for you to refer to through your do-nothing practice so you can judge your progress: Nirvikalpa Samadhi: resting in the space before thought arises. Sahaja Samadhi: maintaining Nirvikalpa throughout the day, even when off the cushion. Dharmamega Samadhi: Resting before the desire to even control ego, a small but significant jump in surrender from Sahaja. Dharmamega is the goal, and Samadhi is all about surrender. If you meditate 30 minutes to 1 hour in do-nothing on your work/school days, and several hours a day 2 days a week on your days off, you could achieve Dharmamega in 2 months most likely. Worth the life changing results. When egoic thought is going out the door, a new form of thought emerges. This is what would be called intuitive thought. This thought, as crazy as it may sound, doesn't rely on brain power, or conscious effort. It comes directly from what one may call Higher Self, the Akashic Records, God. It is the same thing as when you feel something intuitively, except now experienced as a thought. This is where everything changes in a huge way. Now instead of being limited by your mind, you are being passed the information you need effortlessly in real time. This is where tier 3 logic begins, and the vibrational range known as Turquoise. Your thinking and understanding only seems limited because you reached a point where you don't need to study anymore, you don't need egoic thinking, what you need is a proper spiritual practice to bring you into intuitive thinking, intuitive knowing, so you can start understanding the universe through contemplation and realizations. Think Sadhguru. The question should be, if studying more feels like a waste of time, what do I need to do to continue growing? Do nothing meditation and vibrational growth is the answer. All SD stages are, are vibrational ranges. A SD stage is a range of vibration that is similar enough to be grouped together. The higher your vibration, the more you heal, the more you understand, and the deeper you love. The more you do do-nothing meditation, the further you get into Samadhi, the less ego controls your life, the more you surrender to what is, the more opportunities for growth present themselves. These 2 spiritual practices go hand in hand. Spiritual growth is about recognizing what you aren't, further embracing what you are, and following your intuition the entire way. It's about facing your fears, your lower vibrations, and moving towards unconditional love, your higher vibrations. That's what the entire trajectory from the lowest human vibrations to the highest is leading you towards. Selfishness to selflessness, hate to love, fear to surrender, ego to intuition. The vibrational ranges known as Green/Yellow is roughly an even mix of low vibrations and high vibrations. There's a deep caring for others and still a highly egoic individual, who cares deeply about themselves, not on a level of self love, but out of fear and a need to be in control. Don't sell yourself short, even though I'm sometimes talking about stages of growth that are beyond where you currently are, you have the ability to understand what I'm saying, and the logic behind it. I'm using tier 2 logic to explain all of this, so if how I'm speaking to you doesn't sound like a language you've never heard, it means you are using tier 2 thinking and are in the vibrational range called Yellow. You can google do-nothing techniques, but if you want to know how to grow vibrationally, at least in one effective way, just message me.
I disagree with this entirely. Some personalities are more centered around understanding than others, and have an inherent drive for it that is completely authentic. If someone has this natural tendency, and they try to suppress it, it will only breed spiritual stagnation. If understanding resonates with you, it can catapult you into higher degrees of spirituality in ways avoiding your true nature never would. This advice would only be applicable to someone who isn't naturally driven to understand the deeper aspects of reality.
In truth, you think you are Orange because tier 2 in SD is put on a pedestal, and so you imagine that you aren't Yellow because you think it's beyond you. You're likely Yellow with shadow aspects in Orange and Green. Don't ever discount your intuition and what you feel is initially right, when you get to higher levels of spirituality it, like Turquoise, your intuition becomes absolutely essential. The vibrational range known as Yellow is akin to fully integrating the logic of Orange with the empathy of Green, which gives birth to a new level of logic. You start thinking a little deeper as to why things are, and how things are related. Things don't get less logical the more you grow spiritually, they get more logical. They get more logical and more loving. Tier 1 thinking is better described as tier 1 logic. Tier 2 logic is entering the vibrational range known as Yellow. Even if they don't say it in SD, entering Turquoise is a significant enough departure from Yellow to call it tier 3 logic. Then there is a shift in logic when entering the vibrational range known as Coral to call it tier 4 logic. In what is considered high Coral there is another shift that would be the equivalent of tier 5 logic. And somewhere in Coral or at the peak of it, one might gain access to what is called cosmic consciousness. This heightened state of awareness requires a completely new degree of logic to come with it. This is the first shift in logic that isn't completely vibrationally related, and would be called tier 6 logic. The SD model doesn't accurately describe these higher degrees of logic, but I think it's intentional in design, to leave those using the model in the dark when it comes to what stages of growth they call Turquoise and Coral.
Most spiritual growth comes from undoing what isn't you. And most of that undoing isn't pleasant or peaceful moments on the cushion. It hurts, sometimes down to your very core, because picking at old wounds never feels good. The ego also doesn't play nice when you start unraveling it either.
Cancer and heart attack are not natural parts of the aging process.
Becoming lazy because of spiritual growth is healthy, even if seemingly counterintuitive. Healing wounds, having realizations, raising your vibration, it all leads to changes in behavior. It might seem like you're taking steps backwards, but it only seems that way. Like Emerald said, you having what you considered positive traits, were likely just the byproduct of low vibrational behavior. For instance if I was afraid my family would disown me if I don't live the life they wanted, I might choose to work hard towards achieving some low vibrational goal. For instance, accrue wealth for the sake of greed and fear of being disowned. You'd be industrious, but extremely inauthentic, and in turn unhealthy. Authenticity is what this life is about, and it's what healing and spirituality moves you towards. If you're not doing what feels the most right to you, it's inauthentic. As you raise in vibration you start peeling back layer after layer of inauthenticity. You'll even find instances where inauthenticity led to a certain behavior, then realize a second layer of inauthenticity brings you back to the same exact behavior you started with. It's fascinating how that works, and it's because it's all about intention. Where your intentions lie, is where your authenticity or inauthenticity lies, not in the behaviors you exhibit themselves. Fortunately this back and forth of behavior does end. You'll eventually reach your healthiest state, pure authenticity with no energetic blockages/baggage. Then there is no more layers to peel back. The peeling of these layers, completely healing, is actually quite more difficult than realizing enlightenment. That's why you see these beings pointing towards nonduality in a way that's in no way helpful to anyone. They've achieved enlightenment, but did not do the work of healing, which is necessary to be able to fully comprehend the magnitude of existence. Then they try to teach others about it, while not actually even able to understand what it is they're even saying. It's like a 5 year old recognizing calculus could somehow be useful, then trying to explain to others the point of it. This is all to point to the importance of healing, which is completely underrepresented in spiritual communities, ironically. My best advice on this topic is whenever you notice something is painful, you're likely getting an opportunity to heal some sort of wound. Don't turn away from it, don't avoid it, face it. Face it without judgment, without trying to push it away. That's how you embrace authenticity. Suffering is the mechanism the universe uses to push us towards unity and love. And you might have noticed, the more you turn away from your problems, or the more combative you get with them, the worse they get. It's because the mechanism of suffering is designed to increase in intensity the more you avoid it. And some people will avoid it for so long that the intensity is increased to the point it literally kills them. Think cancer, heart attacks, autoimmune diseases. Those are just physical manifestations of the suffering an individual experiences and has never properly dealt with. People are so afraid to face their pain, they'd literally rather die. Hopefully in the upcoming generations, it will become common knowledge how disease manifests, and how to properly heal from our wounds.
Elysian replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Elysian replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's not SD that makes someone behave this way, it's just the egoic and vibrational tendencies of someone who operates within a certain vibrational range. SD is just a good way for such behavior to be made very apparent. Wanting the behavior to change without elevating the individuals is like trying to make a stage Blue community live by the rules of Turquoise ideals. It simply won't happen. If you care about the way beings interact and the suffering it implies they are still experiencing, then do what you can to alleviate it by elevating the vibration of yourself and the people around you. There are those of us here who do try to be more thorough and offer practical advice. Just remember that sometimes people need instructions, sometimes they just need to know they're on the wrong track, or to have their own inner conflict mirrored back at them. Something higher vibrational beings will do is adjust their own vibration to either match the vibration of another being to mirror their vibration, or adjust it to be slightly higher than theirs so they will more likely understand the intended message. This can lead to an interaction that doesn't seem productive or even harmful, but actually ends up being helpful, even if it's not consciously obvious. Emotional wounds for example, are only healed by the emotion being relived in that person so it can be felt and released. That can mean a tough love approach of triggering insecurities/old pain, which isn't pretty or pleasant, but exactly what they need. This kind of thing is happening all the time everywhere, including on this forum, even if neither person is aware they are doing it. And there are certainly beings here aware of this and are doing it. It's a mechanism of the universe for beings to be healed in this way, and very effective. And these are the forms that unconditional love often takes. It's not necessarily what you want, but it's what you need. If you specifically want to see more people offering something practical as a response, if that resonates with you, then do that and encourage others to do that. Just realize that there are other modes of healing going that you might not be currently aware of. Raising your own vibration is a good way to have these mechanisms naturally illuminated for you if they aren't already. -
Elysian replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Elysian replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I do appreciate your commitment to love and progress towards unity, and hope I'm not misinterpreted to feel differently. -
Elysian replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you understand the true nature of unity and love, then you should also understand that even if someone is showing another being the deepest love possible, it doesn't mean it will appear as flowers and rainbows. True love, unconditional love, is what someone needs not what someone necessarily wants. What might not appear healing to you could be exactly what that someone needed to hear at the time. As far as the categorization of models like SD, it seems fairly simple. Explaining things in a broken down way such as with SD, is an effective method of helping guide beings upwards on the spiritual path, especially those of lower vibration (but even upwards towards complete authenticity of the individual, at the highest levels of vibration). Even if this categorization seems like a counterintuitive step away from Unity, it's actually the complete opposite if it is elevating the vibrations of beings on a large scale, which models like SD do. The attitude of members is based on their vibration, wounds, and ego. Leo is teaching to beings who are receptive to the perspective he's teaching from, which includes people in what SD would call Orange, Green, and Yellow. The behavior you've described has been mapped out in the SD model, which is just the kind of behavior that is found by people of these vibrations. There's nothing wrong or right about it, it's just where they're at. You've got to try and be empathetic and understanding of that and work with them. If you can't resonate with that, because you want to center yourself in higher vibrational circles, then maybe it's a sign to look for that sort of community. Matt Kahn has teachings more focused on love, unity, and heart centered consciousness. Maybe you should go check him out. As far as the way more spiritually advanced beings here spread their version of teaching, you've got to understand that the more spiritually developed you become, the more authentic you become. The more authentic you become, the more unique your approach to teaching becomes. So even if someone's approach doesn't resonate with you, it might resonate with someone else. If you've noticed a perspective that isn't getting the proper exposure, you could possibly fill that role yourself for the betterment of us all. -
Elysian replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The whole mechanism of teacher/student is designed in a way so that the student learns more quickly than the teacher had to. The teacher is mapping out a more effective method for climbing through what is taught so that the student doesn't have to overcome as many obstacles trying to figure out the most traversible path. That is how a true teacher/student dynamic works. Of course you can outgrow the material here. And the combination of various perspectives from people at varying ranges of development makes it even easier. And of course there are more effective teachers when you get further along in your development. Leo teaches from a perspective that people not very advanced can comprehend what he's saying. There's higher degrees of mastery where you can't even discuss/progress in the material talking in what is essentially, for lack of better words, dumbed down versions of the actual mechanisms at play. Leo's mentioned already that there are teachers who don't bother to dumb down their teachings, and that could be a better next step for those looking to continue past this site. And eventually, the best teacher you'll be able to find is your self and intuition. You will guide yourself to exactly what you need when you need it to continue growing. It becomes an effortless process, albeit painful.