@D-tron I've been feeling increasingly connected. I don't know if it's relevant, but somewhere in the middle of sitting, I switch to meditating on gratitude and love for about 10 to 30 minutes. I'll reach a point of tears, by the depth of gratitude, but also by experiencing the ineffable beauty of life. This helps me live from my heart more, and since I started practicing it, I've felt more emotionally healthy, but also I've developed a much healthier perception/energy. It could be coincidence, but after some time practicing this, my interactions with others seem much more positive and heartfelt/connected. Even before I've even said anything to people I'm just meeting for the first time, their greetings are often so kind and sincere, in away they typically weren't before, that it catches me off guard in a very good way.
Several months ago I had an experience with LSD, and the ineffable beauty of reality became absolutely clear. The wind blowing, my hand moving through space and time, the smile of a stranger, all of these seemingly mundane things that I would normally let pass without notice, had me reaching a depth of joy I have never felt in my entire life, and that I've never seen anyone else express until that day (2 friends of mine also reached this state that day). I had an uncontrollable stream of tears moving down my face, that felt so right I didn't even wipe them away. I would watch a drop of water my arm, lost in the complexity of everything coming together to allow me to even experience it.
It felt like Source, the Multiverse, God, whatever it is to you, was giving me a glimpse of the true nature of creation. It seemed to be telling me that this was just a small fraction of what this life truly is, and that my mind couldn't even handle experiencing anymore at that time. But something else was also very clear, this wasn't a permanent gift, it just made me aware of the state I should move towards. Being that I was experiencing what I would call Heaven on Earth, since that time I've been progressing to be a soul that experiences the world in such a way.
Meditation, practicing gratitude, trying to be my true self, among other things, have been recreating that world right in front of my eyes. Every day I'm moving closer to that place, and in doing so have been connecting rather than detaching. That was the most connected I've ever felt, experiencing myself as a fractal of God, and it's something I intend on embodying, regardless if all of this might seem like an "ego trap" to some.
If it matters, this wasn't my first experience with hallucinogens, and was one of the most enlightening trips I've had.