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Hi God Good Morning Thank You I'm Sorry Please Forgive me I Love You Thank You I Love Gratitude Infinite I am You You are I Love You'r opening You'r eyes Inside Into the Infinite All is Love I am Love Love is All Love Is God God Is All It Is Love Is All I Love You I Am You
Love Infinite Dream Of Love In Love Mind Is Love Then All It Is - Is Love Love is All All is Love My I is Love My and I is Love Simple Infinite Love and Beauty So Biased on this Dream Awakening Is Destruction Destruction Is Birth - Into Love Strange Loop for Understanding Love To Be You're One with I I'm Oneness Death for Love Love to Live The Universe Is Love I am Love Love is God All is One
well good morning all it's perfect we are the mind we don't have it we are it hahahahahhahahahahahah i can't stop laughing so simple this is the trip! good morning good night we are the mind and all it is just is such a simple dream so simple that it's infinite hahahahahhahahahaha nothing it's so blessed everything the music is a bless there is nothing to do or even to be there is no we for sure no I at least not as I was identified there is only a blessed nothing this is the trip! hahahahahahhahahahaha good morning life there is no i or mine or we or you this is the mind it is bless
In the heart of this storm of I's Sitting in equanimity washed Observing their infinite wild dance They calling persistently and showing themselves "Look" one of The I scream's "I'm so Beautiful" "Oh look here I'm so Smart!" "No look" another I cries "I'm so Nice" "Oh no I'm so Modest look here" The I whispers Their fight on attention and identification is it forever? Sitting in silence observing God is Infinite Such a genius and sharp game We are in this kindergartens of I's Sometimes feels like inferno Oh yes this understanding poring love The Paradise is also here Exactly here in this one Breath Let the hurricane swirl around Looking how the stage is full of fools This army of I's Sitting in the eye of this storm Inside is all the beginnings Well there is no outside as you cannot feel the inside There is no Truth in only understanding it's I's reign Just breath The Truth is to experience It Is Just breath Can you Be?
I have so much compassion It's delighting me that all the thoughts are about - giving How to give more and more Everything I understand and see All is Love I see the pain and understand We are addicted to it I see the people wanting to do good - but such in unaware way I feel the need in liberation I feel the world so alive I feel this I of mine and this feeling - mine I care so much that all I have to do is - give Liberate myself and be aware to Serve in the best way I do remember my attachment to my suffering I do remember then I was a black hole Now it's just Love and compassion and infinite patience There is no Inga really - just God's tool Oh my dear world I Love You You are Love You are! Ah my dear Humanity you are Amazing as you are Please just accept your beauty as you are right now If I could hug you all! Now come back to yourself and breath and just release God knows better how to use me right to - GIVE I am such an amazing tool of Love and still just learning How great are this passing sensation and the capacity of Love I Thank you so much I Love you so much Please help me to be awake and humble Please help me to be pure giving Please help me to touch the hearts and in simple way to be that Love - Unconditionally.
I like Abraham Hicks I LOVE psychedelics - they are my main tool more then 10 years in different constellations And yep it's really challenging to stick to THIS practice, this is why I write it " it's such a challenging work" it was before putting myself to do the meditation hahahah and it helped me Well it's evening here in Greece Thank you HAVE A GREAT DAY DEAR
I feel so much Love Love with this Compassion flavor Life is so curious One moment I am under the water Allowing it to wash me of myself Just trusting and let the flow flow All is good all is temporarily Then comes the moment of flying under the sun The wind whispers gently on my body I can smell the flowers As a butterfly every breath is an admire Such a wonderful imagination Just siting Writing I love my home, infinite gratitude for being Such a Great Illusion is to be me
But it is positive all truth is positive now I am already dancing hahahahaha How was for you by the way the Vipassana? do you still following this path?
It's such a challenging work The ego is so strong and persistent The mind running wildly taking no rest Asking questions in loops with no interest in answers Just more shadow or illusion of tomorrow or yesterday So much pain to break in to the now moment To peel suffering from this fossil self Everything arousing and passing to a vertigo in my head Sensations are so sticky and feels real It's so tempting to identify myself with this mine and I Oh this addiction is older then the times The suffering are almost sweeter then the freedom The freedom feels like an illusion itself And again the wheel is rotating in asking Don't attach to it It's only a breath from being the past of this now exhalation What is real what is real what is real No nothing What is nothing what is everything So bitter sweet to wallow in this state Go seat and Meditate This to shall pass This to shall pass No need to remember No need to liberate It is what it Is Just accept Inhale ... Exhale ... Inhale ... Exhale... Just seat Love Just Listen Just Observe
Thank you Yes I was almost sure he did - just didn't find some video about that. I was looking for every information about this Technic before deciding to do that. I am happy as well that is working
It's a Technic which PROMISES awakening and full enlightenment if taken seriously and constantly practiced. I'm really curios of Your insights on that. Please share what You think and feel about Vipassana? Much Love.
Well I am a week after Self Vipassana course at home - perfect timing with quarantine. I visited my privet Hell only to discover that this is my paradise playing disguise games with me. Vipassana is a genius Technic I am in love with it. The biggest present I could give to myself and the biggest challenge as well - perfect paradox. It felt as mini-dose of Ayawaska every day hahahaha So yes I felt instant release and great deepens awareness on how I am pure Nothingness! How the biggest Give to myself as for "others" as well is to just listen. I felt how the voice just talking to itself and the thoughts just think themselves and the same the feelings feel themselves. I release all the urgency to explain something to someone - because It's impossible to explain what I want to - it's something which may be understood only through direct experience. I can only give my listening and my receiving. I can only be and this I manifesting all which me only observing. It's so simple that is very complicating hahahahha The snake which eat it's own tail. I wondered many times during the infinite meditation about how can it be that Leo didn't talk about that? can it be he didn't try Vipassana? So yes now I'm continuing to give a full try to this technic - at least a few years. I do though do mini-douse of psilocybe in addition to meditation. Now I am fully out of the closed that I am going Buddha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All what was almost now it's clear and whole - all what was in control now is a surprise every breath. I have no expectation to be understood or liked or be a good person or to be a person at all hahahahha As I'm awakening in the morning now the first thing I'm becoming aware is my breath! It's AMAZING! I AM BREATHING EVERY MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG The next thing I'm becoming aware is thoughts - such a surreal experience! I got a Netflix - fully privet one. Oh and the great thing that It's not by force and not me - my thoughts are just literately movies which the mind as an antenna broadcasting them. I am free to be identified or just to watch them as they are - arousing and passing. Meditation at least two hours - I'm doing 3/4 hours - quarantine so I have a looooooot of time. Well the biggest change which made me have no doubts in adopting this Technic is the infinity of unconditional Love I feel and energy to give all of me to my family and people in need - purpose to do whatever I can to help everyone to be liberated from suffering! My ego now is including All Beings !!!! I have energy so much energy to listen to everyone and smile and see positivity in everything There is no bad or good anymore - there is just IS. I am free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am free to free myself to give and receive to help - really help all the "other's" myself's. There is no questions anymore and expectation to superpowers and miracles - every Breath is the Miracle! I am surprised every day and cannot believe the wonder of being. My family and friends not recognizing me and in the same breath feel so free and natural in my presence and it's funny because I am they presence of they'r myself I am sane finally - so funny to experience the sensation of remembering. I am such an interesting content hahahahahah The reality is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I know This Too Shall Pass Well that's it for now