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Posts posted by Bronson

  1. 8 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    The thing with criticizing whole paradigms like virology (or heliocentricism like Flat Earthers do) is that most professionals or scientists aren't actually trained in defending the historical arguments that made those paradigms into the mainstream paradigm. A skeptic can therefore come out from the conversation looking like they're on top when they actually know extremely little, only because the scientist they're debating knows nothing. The skeptic will not have countered the expertise of the expert, only sidestepped it, but he will be falsely perceived as having outdone the expert by the majority of the audience. If you actually want to challenge the validity of whole scientific paradigms, debate a philosopher of science or historian of science.

    Did you watch the first video I posted? (Dr. Lanka brings up the same arguments as in the in the video)
    He is not just a mere sceptic coming from nowhere, he is a biologist. I don't think a virologist needs to be trained to argue but he should just say what he knows, it's simple. If the claim is that the control experiments where made poorly ages ago and you get the same result without a "virus liquid", then the experiment should be done again and better or he should point to a newer better experiment. If everyone only trusts the old paradigm and build their theories on a (maybe) false foundation, then the paradigm can never change. And the longer you build upon a false foundation (a whole century) the less likely it becomes that someone will dare to question it. I don't believe in a flat earth but if you are radically open minded then you should at least listen to what a flat earther has to say and make your own conclusions. I did it.

    In this article Lanka writes:

    "It is important to note that the theories of fight and infection were accepted and highly praised by a majority of the specialists only if and when the countries or regions where they lived were also suffering from war and adversity. In times of peace, other concepts dominated the world of science. It is very important to note that the theory of infection – starting from Germany – has only been globalized through the third Reich, when the Jewish researchers, most of which had opposed and refuted the politically exploited theories of infection, were removed from their positions."

  2. @Carl-Richard I don't have any claims because I don't feel competent enough for this, but I watched a whole 1-2 hrs debate between Dr. Stefan Lanka (who criticize virology) and a mainstream virologist. All I can say is that the virologist made no counter arguments and at the end of the debate he started to insult Dr. Lanka personally. Lanka even told the moderator of that show beforehand that people tend to get emotional when their worldview gets shattered and he was right. It could post it but it's in German.

  3. Sometimes nothing is as it seems. Since I am a great advocate of radical open mindedness, I have decided to post two videos here. Do not judge before you have seen them. I am not posting this to argue or to convince anyone. I just want to know your thoughts on this and show you a different perspective on this topic. There is nothing "woo woo" or irrational about the statements in the videos. No conspiracy theories, just scientific misconceptions. 

    The first one questions the existence of viruses (I know it sounds crazy) and the second video shows the history of contagious diseases with statistics on case numbers and the time of introduction of the respective vaccinations - it made me question many things going on in these days. 

    I also know that these topics have been discussed here many times in other contexts, but not as you will see in this videos. 

    Please don`t get emotional (I did this mistake myself before and I´m tired of it) also try not to be biased.

    Have a great day


    "The Truth About Viruses"


    "The Germ Paradigm Trap"


  4. 56 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

    Why should I be more empathetic to them when they are the ones who are being totally selfish and unempathetic?

    Unvaccinated people are selfish because they have to give up going to restaurants, gyms, cinemas, etc.? While vaccinated people demonstrably carry the same viral load as unvaccinated people and contribute just as much to the infection process. So they should get a vaccination that doesn't provide sterile immunity anyway, so that people like you feel safe? Where is the logic in that? The vaccination is for self-protection, nothing more.

  5. On 6.1.2022 at 5:09 AM, Ananta said:

    I did get the Moderna booster.

    My husband is unvaccinated per his choice. The week of Christmas he got Covid, he spread it to my unvaccinated adult son, my son's unvaccinated GF and she gave it to her vaccinated, but no booster shot dad!

    I didn't get it.

    My husband no longer is taking Covid lightly (his own words), since he was horribly ill from it.

    Nice study you made, it should be published in ...

  6. 18 hours ago, Opo said:

    That statement came after 2 years of people trying to find flaws with the vaccines and not being able to. 

    If you still don't know what side is correct and you keep wasting time on this you are not being intelligent. 

    I posted here a recently pusblished study which shows in vitro that the spike proteins impair DNA damage repair.
    How can you be so sure that it is not the case in vivo? 

    Study from Sweden:

    It took over 50 years until governments started to restrict and prohibit the use of glyphosate because it's causing cancer. 

  7. @Danioover9000 I understand if you don't want to be hyper rational when it comes to enlightment and so on, but when it comes to medical advice (getting vaccinated) I think you should take into account studies like the one from Sweden. You should also have some understanding for those who are concerned about taking the vaccine because of those unresolved risks instead of calling them dumb and hurtful to society. 

  8. @Consept 
    Here an animal study which contradicts your article a little. 
    Cytokine Storm Response to COVID-19 Vaccinations:

    "We tested vaccination in 33 monkeys and 200 mice and we found vaccinated animals were able to fight off the virus well with resulting a quickly clearing the virus from their lungs except two monkeys and 9 mice. Those two monkeys along 9 mice showed syndrome of cytokine storm in their lungs. This result is extremely important for human vaccination." 

    This is about 6%!


    But I'm more concerned about the Swedish study which shows that the spike proteins prevent DNA repair. They also recommend to change the vaccine a little and only use a part of the spike protein instead of the whole one. This should solve the problem. The study was only made in vitro, that means we just don't know how it realy affects the body.


    The reason why I'm not worried so much about longterm effects of covid but rather of the vaccine is that I wasn't sick since the pandemic, but if the vaccination agenda goes on  like this, I'll get like 6-8 jabs in the next two years. 

  9. @Consept Convince everyone of what?! Did you even watch the videos I posted or looked into the studies? It's about long term risks!!! 

    and btw, it's Leo who is trying to convince everyone to get vaxxed ... I would do it but I still have my concernce about it because of the data I posted. Almost nobody is talking about it.

    ADE alone might cause even more future covid deaths than you can imagine.

  10. @Leo Gura

    On 22.12.2021 at 6:57 PM, Leo Gura said:

    Way too much anti-vax bullshit being entertained on this forum.

    You are not being intelligent by questioning and undermining vaccination. You are being dumb and hurting society, creating more endless Covid variants and hurting the economy.

    There are two main reasons why I am sceptical about taking the vaccine at this time. 

    One is the ADE risk and the other is a study from Sweden showing that the spike proteins prevent DNA repair. 

    IF YOU CAN PROVE to me why I don't have to worry about this in the long term, I WILL TAKE THE VACCINATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

    Study from Sweden:

    A perspective on potential antibody-dependent enhancement of SARS-CoV-2:

    Explanation Videos for ADE and Spike protein DNA repair:


  11. 22 minutes ago, brovakhiin said:

    Oh boy, a bunch of spiral dynamics amateurs going out on a limb and posting their biased feeling-opinions based on some youtube clips. Not sure what the point of this is Leo, you know full well that none of these suggestions can be taken seriously simply based on who is giving them, even if a few of them may turn out correct. This stuff is more complex than that.

    You may be right, but I think someone like Leo or an "spiral dynamics expert" can sort out inappropriate posts very quickly and benefit from some of the good stuff here. Like for example my post :D