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Everything posted by Preety_India
The point is you just don't deserve to be mistreated irrespective of whether you have flaws or not. You just don't deserve to be mistreated. It's not the question of who you are. And if you have flaws then you need a person who helps you override those flaws and make the situation better for you.
A lot of women out there settle for less when it come to men. They just don't understand is that a bad deal is a no deal. It's not ever gonna work out. Settling for less is again a recipe for disaster. Like a fat woman might think that a guy who accepts her is the right guy, she is doing this because of low self esteem and not out of healthy thinking. She is just being desperate. And desperation usually leads to a bad outcome.. So maybe she finds out that the man was just duping her. Just because a woman thinks or because she has some flaws in her does not mean that she deserves someone who is inferior or some crap guy who will use and throw her. That's called dependency and it's toxic. Because if she has a flaw, a bad man is just going to make it worse. She still deserves a good man who will be compatible to her and her needs and help her to overcome those flaws and get better rather than suffer more and get worse. It's so wrong and abusive and unempathetic to judge a person and tell what they should or should not deserve and make them feel like they don't deserve something. It's the flawed ones that deserve a better treatment because they need help, not being put down or discouraged. I mean if you are blind that you don't deserve a person who reminds you that you are blind but you need a person who helps you see. And anyway another damaging person is only going to cause more damage and chaos.They say something is better than nothing. It's like sometimes "nothing" is better than "something worse"...
Important survival skills ** Don't be too dismissive or neglecting or too oblivious *** cultivate preemptive reasoning and foresight for every situation and especially for relationships ** understand that people are not just toxic by being violent but also in subtle ways like mildly psychologically abusive. Even that can be toxic enough to cause actual harm. Avoid all kinds of toxic people. Even mildly toxic is still toxic. ** don't blow up or sweat the small stuff. Learn to control anxiety. That is stop making a big deal out of little insignificant things that usually don't have a big consequence. ** learn to treasure yourself. Be extremely and fiercely self protective or defensive. ** Journaling. Journaling helps to keep a track of emotions and helps to understand the trajectory of life and what's happening and what challenges are keeping or blocking oneself from achieving personal goals. Basically it helps to increase self awareness and maintain a track record of what's happening thus keeping you constantly self aware and observant. The same goes for task lists, time management and scheduling techniques along with Journaling. ** beauty and grooming. Focus on inner and outer beauty .. Thus is a life saving habit. This is not external or vague or vacuous or superficial or vain but has a deeper meaning and deeper connection and helps to cultivate self love.. ** good exercise, good food, sleep, fit body, stress free mind, stress relief techniques, happy mind, good environment, healthy job or healthy work , basically good physical and mental health ** preoccupation with the past and self destructive behaviors and wallowing in self pity. This leads to depression. It's great to lean a lesson from the past and not do it again but to continue to brood on the self and be preoccupied with the negative aspects of life causes conflict, dissonance and frustration. This is a huge demotivator and a big self esteem demolisher. A perfect set up for failure. *** positivity. One of the best gifts to gift oneself is positivity. Be positive even when nothing seems to work because putting the effort nevee goes in vain. It's called not giving up. You're a champion when you don't give up. ** self focus.. Try a 22 hour pure self focus or self rehab and get away from life itself.. You will learn so much about yourself. It's mind blowing. That will help keep you on the right track and cut down all distractions and you will be so self assured. Your mind will be totally focused only on the things most important to you and your existence. You will never be carried away. **shadow work... This helps in pure self analysis and understanding why you been doing what you did. It unlocks the hidden secrets buried in you. You understand your own psychology better.
It's unusual sort of a question but needed to look deeper into it. Those words appear synonymous to me in some ways. Is faith same as trust? And how is hope different than having faith in something.
I just want to be beautiful always and keep my beauty, not for others but for myself. Now I realize how important personal beauty is to self esteem and it's a core to everything. And beauty is more than skin deep. So having beauty is to Beautify every aspect of existence. It's like I have suddenly found a new goal. Damn I never took it this seriously. Wish I had learnt this while growing up but who would have taught me not bad parents in an uninspiring abusive household. Wish there was someone to tell me how important my life and self was and they would have told me how to take good care of myself instead of encouraging me to be self destructive. I think the greatest duty of a parent is to teach a person who is born into this world how to love themselves and how to care for themselves and instill a natural desire or instinct in them to do that and make it a way of life rather than just let them grow up on their own. One thing the parent has to teach is how to survive stronger and better in a bad world and how to keep the vultures away and how to protect oneself and make them understand right from wrong and good from bad. The parent has to teach important survival skills. I guess they need to attent parenting classes lol. Now. Coming back to beauty. It's not just a thing. It's a concept. Beauty is in everything. And the beauty of a thing is a representation of its health. So everything is good when it's beautiful. A garden is beautiful if it's well kept. And that will the primary goal of a garden. I found my primary goal. Of course balance is the ultimate key to life. But beauty is too. When you say to yourself, "I will always be beautiful", you are making a very powerful statement to yourself of eternity and immortality, of staying strong even through the afterlife, of telling yourself that no matter what your inner flower will always be blooming and you will be fighting all odds to stay beautiful. Can you just see how big this goal really appears and how motivating and inspiring it is. It inspires you every day to protect yourself and treasure yourself and look out for anything that harms you in anyway and keep away from it and be self-constructive rather than self-destructive. It also automatically gives you a goal to look forward to and that is taking good care of yourself. And the self in a good shape or form is so central to feelings of self worth and self esteem it's undeniable that you feel best when you know look best and you feel best inside. Then you have a positive outlook towards life and living. It's very instinctive and natural and just as natural as survival instinct is. It's like survival is the base and beauty is the top of the pyramid of life. First you learn to survive through all the odds and then you learn to keep your beauty in flow. In fact the better you feel inside the better are your chances of survival because you feel healthy and confident inside. I never saw all this through the angle of survival and existence. Beauty is key to self esteem. Nourishing it and maintaining it is sort of a duty but this duty teaches everything that is essential to living and is self motivating and inspiring. Beauty is not just on the outside but also on the inside . Beauty on the inside on all aspects also reflects on the outside . But the important thing is to keep it ever flowing and maintain its flow and state. It's like keeping order in a system and that's the single most important and primary goal that we fail to pursue in The beauty of the universe lies in its steady state and the universe tries to maintain it by keeping a check on the chaos and trying to maintain an equilibrium and eliminate disorder. That's the way the universe survives and that's the main goal. But this is mere assumption and there is no way to know if the universe does anything at all. But at least nature does it all the time. It reduces and fixes chaos and comes back to equilibrium, in other words it comes back to beauty. It tries to maintain a state and rhythm and flow and the sequence goes on and the system remains in peace and controls chaos and brings the direction and focus back to maintaining peace and beauty.. This is very natural and is a natural goal and a natural motivating system in itself. This gives natural purpose and meaning to existence but this is just a basic purpose, of course life can mean so much more and life can be made purposeful even beyond the basic level but that can be called greatness, something beyond the usual beauty . If something is extraordinarily beautiful we just call it amazing and great or mind blowing. Because its beyond the ordinary. But at least we should keep the ordinary, ordinary before we can hope for the great. I guess greatness is like the tip of the pyramid. Just my thinking, nothing more. Being conceptual as always So that's the base of the pyramid which relates to the first base as survival and the second base to beauty or keeping a steady state free from disorder and the next stage of greatness to keep infuse more meaning and purpose into it. I love this Navajo concept I came across a few days earlier and it baffled me because I had been searching for this. The Navajo Way Prayer and Blessing -- Walking in Beauty -- synchronise with, "To witness the One-in-All and the All-in-One!" How often do we pause to experience something beautiful in everything? When we are focussed on something beautiful in All, we are in appreciation of the One, which creates a connection to our Higher Self, our Intuition, Inner Peace, Supra Universal Consciousness and the Love Divine. This Navajo Prayer and Blessing remind us that beauty -- connection to the Love Divine -- is all around us, even as we walk through our everyday lives. Here is a version of the prayer and blessing. Closing Prayer from the "Navajo Way" Blessing Ceremony: In beauty I walk With beauty before me I walk With beauty behind me I walk With beauty above me I walk With beauty around me I walk It has become beauty again It has become beauty again It has become beauty again It has become beauty again Hózhóogo naasháa doo Shitsijí' hózhóogo naasháa doo Shikéédéé hózhóogo naasháa doo Shideigi hózhóogo naasháa doo T'áá altso shinaagóó hózhóogo naasháa doo Hózhó náhásdlíí' Hózhó náhásdlíí' Hózhó náhásdlíí' Hózhó náhásdlíí' Walking In Beauty (Blessing) Today I will walk out, today everything unnecessary will leave me, I will be as I was before, I will have a cool breeze over my body. I will have a light body, I will be happy forever, nothing will hinder me. I walk with beauty before me. I walk with beauty behind me. I walk with beauty below me. I walk with beauty above me. I walk with beauty around me. My words will be beautiful. In beauty all day long may I walk. Through the returning seasons, may I walk. On the trail marked with pollen may I walk. With dew about my feet, may I walk. With beauty before me may I walk. With beauty behind me may I walk. With beauty below me may I walk. With beauty above me may I walk. With beauty all around me may I walk. In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk. In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk. My words will be beautiful. [ENDS] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - So beauty is an important goal in life. To look and be beautiful both inside and out. It's so important to focus on overall beauty. To keep it, to maintain it, to nourish it, nurture it, it's so important to just keep it good because it's central to existence and self esteem and self worth and a feeling of stability in life. When you feel you are degrading it discourages and demotivates you from even trying to make positive changes in your life sometimes causing you to get self destructive .... So it's important psychologically to feel good about how you look and feel everyday otherwise it's a gateway to depression if you constantly feel bad or unhappy about how you look on the outside and feel on the inside. Plus the beauty itself is an indicator of good health. If a plant looks healthy its glowing and fresh. When it's deprived and stressed it looks withered and bent and fallen and not beautiful at all. Thus maintaining beauty is not just a superficial vacuous thing but carries a deeper meaning and relevance to self esteem, self worth, life and living, and creates greater self awareness within oneself of what to avoid, what is toxic, what is good for oneself, reduces the tendencies of self destructive behaviors and brings a sense of joy to a mundane life and brings in a sense of duty and awareness and commitment to oneself also giving a basic goal to life and instilling a primary motivation to live and thrive and be protective of oneself and preserve the self intact as long as life continues. Also it teaches to instill equilibrium and order in a system and bring steadiness and stability and cultivates the need to be stable in an otherwise hectic life. Important survival skills ** Don't be too dismissive or neglecting or too oblivious *** cultivate preemptive reasoning and foresight for every situation and especially for relationships ** understand that people are not just toxic by being violent but also in subtle ways like mildly psychologically abusive. Even that can be toxic enough to cause actual harm. Avoid all kinds of toxic people. Even mildly toxic is still toxic. ** don't blow up or sweat the small stuff. Learn to control anxiety. That is stop making a big deal out of little insignificant things that usually don't have a big consequence. ** learn to treasure yourself. Be extremely and fiercely self protective or defensive. ** Journaling. Journaling helps to keep a track of emotions and helps to understand the trajectory of life and what's happening and what challenges are keeping or blocking oneself from achieving personal goals. Basically it helps to increase self awareness and maintain a track record of what's happening thus keeping you constantly self aware and observant. The same goes for task lists, time management and scheduling techniques along with Journaling. ** beauty and grooming. Focus on inner and outer beauty .. Thus is a life saving habit. This is not external or vague or vacuous or superficial or vain but has a deeper meaning and deeper connection and helps to cultivate self love.. ** good exercise, good food, sleep, fit body, stress free mind, stress relief techniques, happy mind, good environment, healthy job or healthy work , basically good physical and mental health ** preoccupation with the past and self destructive behaviors and wallowing in self pity. This leads to depression. It's great to lean a lesson from the past and not do it again but to continue to brood on the self and be preoccupied with the negative aspects of life causes conflict, dissonance and frustration. This is a huge demotivator and a big self esteem demolisher. A perfect set up for failure. *** positivity. One of the best gifts to gift oneself is positivity. Be positive even when nothing seems to work because putting the effort nevee goes in vain. It's called not giving up. You're a champion when you don't give up. ** self focus.. Try a 22 hour pure self focus or self rehab and get away from life itself.. You will learn so much about yourself. It's mind blowing. That will help keep you on the right track and cut down all distractions and you will be so self assured. Your mind will be totally focused only on the things most important to you and your existence. You will never be carried away. **shadow work... This helps in pure self analysis and understanding why you been doing what you did. It unlocks the hidden secrets buried in you. You understand your own psychology better.
What is the difference between faith and hope? Question: "What is the difference between faith and hope?" Answer: Faith and hope are distinct yet related. That there is a difference between faith and hope is evident in 1 Corinthians 13:13, “Now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Two of the three greatest gifts are faith and hope, listed separately. That faith and hope are related concepts is seen in Hebrews 11:1, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for.” Faith is a complete trust or confidence in something. Faith involves intellectual assent to a set of facts and trust in those facts. For example, we have faith in Jesus Christ. This means we completely trust Jesus for our eternal destiny. We give intellectual assent to the facts of His substitutionary death and bodily resurrection, and we then trust in His death and resurrection for our salvation. Biblical hope is built on faith. Hope is the earnest anticipation that comes with believing something good. Hope is a confident expectation that naturally stems from faith. Hope is a peaceful assurance that something that hasn’t happened yet will indeed happen. Hope must involve something that is as yet unseen: “Hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have?” (Romans 8:24). Jesus’ return is our “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13)—we can’t see Him yet, but we know He’s coming, and we anticipate that event with joy. Jesus said He is coming again (John 14:3). By faith, we trust Jesus’ words, and that leads to hope that we will one day be with Him forever. Jesus was resurrected from the dead, “the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20). That is the basis for our faith. Then we have Jesus’ promise: “Because I live, you also will live” (John 14:19). That is the basis of our hope. The relationship between faith and hope can be illustrated in the joy a child feels when his father tells him they are going to an amusement park tomorrow. The child believes that he will go to the amusement park, based on his father’s word—that is faith. At the same time, that belief within the child kindles an irrepressible joy—that is hope. The child’s natural trust in his father’s promise is the faith; the child’s squeals of delight and jumping in place are the expressions of the hope. Faith and hope are complementary. Faith is grounded in the reality of the past; hope is looking to the reality of the future. Without faith, there is no hope, and without hope there is no true faith. Christians are people of faith and hope. We have “the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time” (Titus 1:2).
Those three words are just so important. I just want peace. I just want to be beautiful always and keep my beauty, not for others but for myself. Now I realize how important personal beauty is to self esteem and it's a core to everything. And beauty is more than skin deep. So having beauty is to Beautify every aspect of existence. It's like I have suddenly found a new goal. Damn I never took it this seriously. Wish I had learnt this while growing up but who would have taught me not bad parents in an uninspiring abusive household. Wish there was someone to tell me how important my life and self was and they would have told me how to take good care of myself instead of encouraging me to be self destructive. I think the greatest duty of a parent is to teach a person who is born into this world how to love themselves and how to care for themselves and instill a natural desire or instinct in them to do that and make it a way of life rather than just let them grow up on their own. One thing the parent has to teach is how to survive stronger and better in a bad world and how to keep the vultures away and how to protect oneself and make them understand right from wrong and good from bad. The parent has to teach important survival skills. I guess they need to attent parenting classes lol. Now. Coming back to beauty. It's not just a thing. It's a concept. I love this Navajo concept I came across a few days earlier and it baffled me because I had been searching for this. The Navajo Way Prayer and Blessing -- Walking in Beauty -- synchronise with, "To witness the One-in-All and the All-in-One!" How often do we pause to experience something beautiful in everything? When we are focussed on something beautiful in All, we are in appreciation of the One, which creates a connection to our Higher Self, our Intuition, Inner Peace, Supra Universal Consciousness and the Love Divine. This Navajo Prayer and Blessing remind us that beauty -- connection to the Love Divine -- is all around us, even as we walk through our everyday lives. Here is a version of the prayer and blessing. Closing Prayer from the "Navajo Way" Blessing Ceremony: In beauty I walk With beauty before me I walk With beauty behind me I walk With beauty above me I walk With beauty around me I walk It has become beauty again It has become beauty again It has become beauty again It has become beauty again Hózhóogo naasháa doo Shitsijí' hózhóogo naasháa doo Shikéédéé hózhóogo naasháa doo Shideigi hózhóogo naasháa doo T'áá altso shinaagóó hózhóogo naasháa doo Hózhó náhásdlíí' Hózhó náhásdlíí' Hózhó náhásdlíí' Hózhó náhásdlíí' Walking In Beauty (Blessing) Today I will walk out, today everything unnecessary will leave me, I will be as I was before, I will have a cool breeze over my body. I will have a light body, I will be happy forever, nothing will hinder me. I walk with beauty before me. I walk with beauty behind me. I walk with beauty below me. I walk with beauty above me. I walk with beauty around me. My words will be beautiful. In beauty all day long may I walk. Through the returning seasons, may I walk. On the trail marked with pollen may I walk. With dew about my feet, may I walk. With beauty before me may I walk. With beauty behind me may I walk. With beauty below me may I walk. With beauty above me may I walk. With beauty all around me may I walk. In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk. In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk. My words will be beautiful. [ENDS]
I was so innocent as a kid. I remember. I still am. I wanted a different kind of world lol. A world with no money, no exams(teeeeeheeee),. good food, no poverty, no religion but ofc God, lots of friends, (bfs too), long lasting loving relationships, caring loving people around, lots of stuff to play with, no stress, no need to think about money, work that one can be passionate about, no boundaries of culture, country, continent, religion, no visas or passports or money to travel, just peace and happiness, love and light, God and his following and devotion to Him and following his path, no comparisons, no struggle to survive, no evil competition, no greed, no race to win against each other, just a life that we would be grateful for and freedom and good health and love and support of the ones around us and care for each other. Ahhm..sigh..that world is far away. It's a world of the dreams. A world not here. Here its all stupidity and chaos and if you got lucky you have it although you do get some if you work too hard for anything. .
Do what feels right to you because this life is yours. I love solitude too. It's beautiful. I believe people should have their right to privacy but in this modern world of social media and Instagram it seems privacy has taken a back seat. But there is beauty in both socialization, family and solitude. Some people love being surrounded by people and the constant chatter. We should not really judge each other's choices. We are born free and we should live free. All other stuff is just neurotic self obsession of the world. At the end of the day your own happiness matters most. Much of what we see in the world is just a mindless game. There is no real purpose or meaning to anything at all. Everything is just chaos and entropy and greed controls every aspect of the world. There is not much to gain. Not much love out there. So you aren't losing out on too much by staying away either from family or the world. It's all a distraction anyway. Be on your own journey and be proud that you did what your heart wanted.
Keys to existence Balance is the key Darwinism - survival of the fittest and the need to be fit in order to survive Psychology. How the mind operates.. Psychology doesn't depend on your assumptions. Spirituality Nature and the alignment with nature Sex....... Underrated Reducing the entropy or chaos Beauty...... Underrated.... Beauty may not be skin deep but even if it were, it's still a whole science and is very underrated. Beauty is perfection. All elements coming together. Positivity Empathy Manhood and sportsmanship and viewing problems as challenges. Happiness Understanding the complexity of good and evil. Two sides of the same coin. Not just two polar opposite states, one to be accepted and the other to be avoided but how the two intertwine each other and how both help achieve the final outcome. Destructive and Constructive Outcome. Embracing the struggle The biology wants a physically healthy sustaining life or survival. Psychology wants a fruitful or productive life. Spirituality wants a meaningful life or purposeful life.
Lol that's shallow but anyway
All I want is to look beautiful.
Remember to export important entries to One Drive on computer and phone
Anyway, coming back to my strategies of dealing with my abusive mother And this won't be easy. But I want to be the winner in the end. So yes... I have been thinking about this for the past one hour and I have realized that: I need to be stronger I need to fight back harder I need to be protective of myself I need to be defensive and resistant I need to push back harder I need to stop taking offense and give some rest to my restless stressed out mind Three powerful strategies to deal with 1 Hold the other person (in this case my mother) totally accountable for her abuse and bad behavior especially when you know that you are right and that person is totally wrong in their behavior to you 2. Nobody has the right to judge you and treat you bad for the defects, inefficiency or lack or the flaws in your behavior and personality. Nobody has the right to decide if you are fit to be born or not or whether you should deserve something or not. 3. learn to stand up for yourself when the bully aka abuser attacks Standing up for yourself means that you do not agree with what the person says. And that you are by your own side and would not let go and learn different ways or strategies to survive through it and fight for yourself through it and not break down... Which means you love yourself and you will support yourself all the way through it 4. Learn to block..... Block out that abuser and their words of your mind. Do not pay mind. Do not give attention. When you give attention you give power. Block people who are annoying immediately. 5. If the abuser puts 10 percent effort in trying to put you down then laughing at them is the best remedy of weakening them and their resolve. Make them try harder to do the same next time . Make them put 80 percent effort next time to inflict the same level of pain or cause the same level of discomfort or rattling in you. Frustrate them 6. If the abuser puts 10 percent effort in trying to put you down then put 40% effort in comforting and encouraging yourself and denying their efforts and their mocking their motive and encouraging and loving yourself in return and uplifting your self confidence and self esteem. The more they do the more you do. You do the opposite of what they are trying to do to you. 7. That which does not have deserves more.... If you have flaws then you deserve the struggle to perfection rather than being let down. If you are weak you should be encouraged and you deserve and you are entitled to all the praise and affection and you deserve to have or achieve the perfection you lacked. Rather than being told that you don't deserve because you are not so and so, you should be uplifted so that you can be compensated for the lack and you should be helped to achieve that which you equally deserve to have as others do. You deserve even more attention affection love and growth because you were weak or not having what others were given. This is not your fault that you were not given so you deserve more. 8. Let them not have an impact on you. Minimize their impact. Check yourself. See how much they are impacting you and how much they are succeeding. They succeed when you let them have a full impact on you. Try harder to not let it affect you negatively and let it not impact your function as a individual and let it not impact your sense of peace in life or your core happiness. Do more to minimize this impact and block it as much as you can so you achieve zero impact 9. You are not a victim but a survivor, a warrior and a fighter. 10. Practice stress relief and release strategies so you are well prepared in advance for the attack and you feel calmer during the attack and are able to handle it better 11. Be stronger every day. Remember it's not a healthy person who needs a doctor but a sick person needs medicine and doctor. You need strength and upliftment more than anyone because you are fighting against an abuser who is draining you and weakening you. Your daily efforts in making yourself gradually stronger will make it tougher for the abuser to bring you down. Make the abuser work harder.. Other techniques SILENCE be silent, don't talk or respond at all ESCAPE escape that environment.. Weigh the pros and cons RECOGNITION Recognize the signs and red flags of abusive behavior and be a pro at identifying an attack from an abuser when it's coming on so you can pack on your defensive strategies and be ready Premptive - use logic beforehand to know if a possible situation can create an opportunity for attack. Take precautions before the abuse can happen.. Build up your emotional support. Legal action Work hard get peace Collect evidence of abuse Realizing that you don't have to be dependent on the abuser. .. ... .
Lol..................... Buddhism??
Factors that encourage and sustain a healthy psychology Stable family Love Emotional Support Supportive Religion Happiness Good health Good finances Healthy Genes Avoidance of toxic habits Healthy Religion and Culture Discipline and Foundation Adequate mental stimulation and not excessive Healthy distraction or healthy engagement or positive engagement Absence of mental illness or good mental health Healthy friends Grounding in childhood Healthy long lasting Relationships Healthy thoughts.
Such suffering also causes people to experience less empathy towards others and become more stone hearted or cold hearted and psychopathic in nature and sometimes jealous and sadistic. Thus increases the probability of causing both intentional and unintentional harm to others out of sadism and jealousy. Such suffering also increases tendencies of greed, opportunistic, parasitic, alpha competitive behavior. Both behaviors cause disruption and breakdown of Harmony and become lethal and destructive with time.
Healthy and Unhealthy Psychology People are more likely to commit crime and hurt others or engage in bad behavior or evil if they have an unhealthy psychology or a damaged psychology. Damage to normal psychology or healthy psychology is caused by the following factors : Growing up around violence Porn Growing up in a violent family Dysfunctional family Genetics. Parents who are criminals and crime existing in the bloodline. Poverty "poverty has made you to lose your humanity" Misery and long term suffering Toxicity caused by taking up unhealthy habits like drugs, weird self destructive behaviors, smoking, alcoholism, porn, promiscuous sex, unhealthy communication and language, aggression, listening to violent high pitch or loud emotional songs or music, unhealthy chemical laden food, artificial chemicals, excessive use of chemicals in food, water, cosmetic, makeup, artificial living settings like living in AC or conditioned environment, extreme emotional stress, dysfunctional family, divorce, lack of discipline or firm foundation in life, waywardness, hyper stimulation of senses through constant exposure to lights, sound, multi tasking involving activities needing extensive attention, constant mental stimulation, bad lifestyle habits, unhealthy diets etc.... Mental illness.. Aggravated by family situation and toxic lifestyle habits and exposure to bad media like porn or graphic violence in shows and video games, Health problems Lack of emotional support Abandonment Bad friends and bad company Bad Religion or Toxic Religion Bad culture or Toxic culture Environmental pollutants in air or water that has caused mental /physical damage Carcinogenic components and elements capable of causing DNA level changes. Abuse mental physical Lack of cultivation of morals and sobriety Suffering does sometimes make a person more empathetic toward the suffering of others but only under specific circumstances or situations. Also the likelihood of using one's suffering to understand and heal others is still rare. The situation under which a person is more sensitized and inspired to become more empathetic is only when either the sufferer already displays great strength of character and kindness and when the suffering has been short term enough to sensitize a person to the fragility of life and enough to give an opportunity of self reflection and humility thus creating empathy or understanding in the person. Long term suffering causes more harm than good and long term suffering on a massive scale through a community might actually breed sadism and hate for the non sufferers and makes people more miserable and wanting others to be pulled into the same misery. Such people are more likely to commit crime and be hostile to each other. Short term obstacles in life makes a person stronger, determined and tough skinned but long term suffering might actually do the opposite and drain a person's energy making him feel helpless, whinier, miserable, irritable, sad, jealous, insecure, deficient, competitive, opportunistic, greedy, selfish and vicious. Pure Alpha. It's like "misery loves company."
Umbrella list Cursory list Department list Atomic list Emergency list To Goal system Clicker points Self focus time Resource based strategy Timeline short updates method to improve self focus and tracking waste of time.
The downside of viewing life as a challenge can be that you might take it for granted that problems exist and only focus on coping not realizing that you are perpetuating the cycle. Instead you could ask why the problem exists in the first place and it's presence is disturbing enough and that some preventive action should be taken for it to not exist. Example : rape. It's like the problem itself is the problem and is a symptom of a greater issue that needs overall and deeper resolution. Of the preventive kind. Because trying to solve and struggle with the problem might actually exacerbate the problem itself or encourage its existence. But other problems exist because of the nature of being human and such problems cannot be prevented or removed from the root and therefore need to be faced with acceptance and courage and dealt with sportsmanship.
It's been a long time since I have been out of touch but not too long. The journey has been eventful with lots of things that happened in between. But anyway I'm kinda tired of it all. Decided to give up on him and move on finally. I was talking about the resource based strategy. So resources based strategy means understanding and recognizing the resources whose absence is giving rise to problems and then viewing life as a challenge to be overcome and triumphed over rather than a quagmire of hopelessness and self pity. Focus on the lack of resources that have caused the problem to arise and how to fix this lack. By replenishing it and substituting the necessary resources back into life. Example :health problems caused by stress and lack of happiness. Solution : to encourage healthy habits that promote more peace and happiness. Example 2 : inability to use technology Solution : enrolling into a class to understand and use technology better Example 3 : Wasting time and money Solutions : Gathering information on ways to handle time better and cultivating the maturity to save money and getting creative ideas about saving money. In each case a resource is lacking whether it's a healthy habit, a lifestyle format, time, money, knowledge or information, ability and skill, good health, happiness etc. When substituted with the relevant resources like - exercising for health - healthy habits to reduce stress - information on use of technology - skills to learn computers or driving - change of lifestyle to something suitable - better understanding of time management - knowledge of tactics to save money When the above resources were substituted the problems were eventually solved or at least partially reduced in severity. So Resource based strategy is understanding the kind of resources whose absence have caused the problems and then using or gathering or cultivating the resources to solve those problems.
Manhood Graceful strength or love yourself the way you would love your kid Spirituality Are you loving yourself right now? Am I using my manhood right now? This moment can be changed into something good or bad depending solely on your will power.. Extreme will power and strength Care for yourself the way you would care for your kid Practice self love and move on with life without regret guilt burden or self pity. Don't care what people think Tremendous amount of will power This world is an illusion. You're an illusion too. ?????? ?????? ??? ?manhood - the ability to make things happen. ?spirituality ?self love ?Graceful strength - expressing your manhood in a feminine way/Graceful way. Let's work on this. ?will power in this moment - you can change this moment ? you are an illusion. The world is an illusion. ?are you loving yourself enough right now? Is this a way of loving myself. Do not compare yourself to others. ?if it's not beneficial to your life, do not think about it. ?when someone doesn't love you, move on with your inner grace. ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mastodon better than Gab.
There is so much more to everything than that... It's a basic primal instinct like all other. But nothing extra ordinary. The basic life purpose is obviously survival and existence . Beyond that the purpose would be to create a purpose or meaning but fundamentally the soul seeks joy and peace all the time. That's why all the frustration and the dissonance as a result of the lack of true happiness and peace.
One of the most important life skill is writing a diary and keeping a track.