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Everything posted by Preety_India

  1. Depression = emotional deprivation Or lack of love and empathy for self Like a deficieny lol. Both love and empathy cultivate intention, desire and responsibility which becomes the driving force and motivation towards progress and reduces the level of self destructive behavior. I have been self destructive all my life. Distraction helps for a while. But the permanent fix is self motivation and cultivation of emotion and desire
  2. " I drink lots of water to keep hydrated." "I can move, sing, dance and do anything that I want to do or need to do." "I can do everything." First is to combat certain deficiencies and deprivation Nutrional deficiencies Oxygen, water, iron deficiencies Absence of physical mobility Emotional deficiency Self - esteem deprivation or deficiency [looks and health] Organ nutrient deficiency Spiritual deficiency Mental deficiency Lack of will power Ability deficiency Asset deficiency Universe Resource deficiency Opposite of deficiency is excess or surplus. Now there's an intermediate stage before the stage of excess called Abundance or Sufficiency or Enough or Plenty. Just below Plenty or Abundance there's another stage called balance where it's just enough to fulfill needs. It's like barely enough. Or Just Enough. This stage does not cause conflict because it is never excessive and just right enough so the toxic effects are always controlled. Every conversation, word, statement, event, subject, topic, thing, thought, emotion, experience, expression, art, science has a positive and a positive and a negative direction. Similarly every material has a good or a benefit and a limitation or side effect. We can hade two terms to describe stages of deficiency and excess. Below the minimum required level, it's under whereas above its over or excess. Neither it should be under nor over. Only this state can have balance. Anything that is too much and that becomes damaging is a "toxic excess." So you should obviously ask for plenty or abundance but never toxic excess. Anything in excess causes harm or damage and becomes destructive. Or counterproductive. You should gradually move from under to balance and plenty or abundant but never excess.. Therefore with positive affirmations never say "I want a lot" say "I want enough for my needs." The keyword is enough Thus you're only attracting enough but not excess.
  3. " I drink lots of water to keep hydrated."
  4. "I get the motivation to walk and exercise." "I can exercise right now." "exercise is not hard. Exercise is easy."
  5. " I find hope where there is despair." "I see beauty where there is ugliness." "I touch anything and it turns to gold." "my time in the day is expanding." "My year is longer." "I've enough time to complete things." "I can manage communication with my close ones." "My body is absorbing enough nutrients" Use the word enough instead of maximum or minimum. "I grow my body and mind with love." "I'm a free spirit " I'm wise and intelligent. "
  6. Abundance mindset based affirmations "I've enough food to last me for a day." "my body is healing." "I trust the process of life." "God is with me." "I can multi task 3 tasks at a time." "I'm good at cleaning my room." "I'm full of energy right now." "my body has the energy it needs."
  7. Abundance mindset Ask now and you shall receive "Energy grows where energy flows"
  8. Progress Questionnaire What's bringing you down?
  9. Do not be cheap Part 3 Focus on yourself Get rid of toxic stuff Keep clean Spend on the stuff needed Read books Gather information Be authentic Be yourself Be formal Be professional and calm and do not provoke Invest in organics Be aware and spiritual Look for beauty in everything
  10. Resolve questionnaire Whats on the Ado cards? Ado adv dy outlin Ado cards
  11. Turn towards hope and not towards despair.
  12. You miss out on the beauty of every cell when you look at overall beauty. The beauty of the universe lies in a cell. The world is a shallow place.
  13. Everything is beautiful if you look at it and nurture it with love. It becomes beautiful with time. If you touch it with love. If you look for beauty in outer attraction then you miss the infinite beauty of the soul. The beauty of the spirit. The beauty of every living cell. The beauty of nature, evenings and, the beauty of every cell. Anything that is deprived of love ceases to be beautiful because it can't grow. Anything that is full of love becomes beautiful because it grows and is not decaying
  14. The people in your life will only treat you as well as you treat yourself. The person you are today is because of the experiences that have occurred in your life. Being a great friend means being a great listener, being trustworthy and knowing when to give advice and when to just be there. If a relationship is something you value then it's worth mending You may think you're not destined for amazing things but life could bring you unexpected opportunities. Cheap people never succeed in anything in life. Eventually they fall off because they make everything chaotic, disorderly,, destructive and negative.. Be generous to animals and people and to the whole planet. Power lies in giving. In giving we receive. Everything is important, both good and bad at the end of the day, you know you couldn't have done a better job, you have the full experience of doing something the right way. Never ever be negative. Negativity is the cheapest thing. You think that everything is limited and that's because of your limited thinking. The earth and the universe has abundant space to accommodate the needs of every person. So it will never fall short of your expectations. Because it's all huge. So broaden your thinking and thing big that you will achieve big and it will happen and you will eventually have what you want. Believe in the abundant now. You will create whatever you think and want. You will produce it yourself. The only thing is you have to be careful about what you want or wish for. What you wish for should also be something you think you really need. Otherwise it will create chaos since it's not born out of wisdom but mindless greed or wanting. It's the power of positive intention or just intention. But it should be focused on something good. The focus of your intention is important. If the intention is bad, you will achieve but the outcome will be a disaster. If your intention is good, then those good intentions will bear good outcome too. Thus you need prosperity but not greed. You should only want what you need otherwise it leads to imbalance. So obviously you should want prosperity but you should also want balance at the same time. Invest all your focus in positive intentions. ASK and you shall receive. Ask and the door will open. God will do what you want but be careful what you ask for. Destructive things will lead to destructive consequences. A flow is created only when things fall in order. For things to fall in order of how you want them. Want them and have them by focusing on them and be yourself and honest so you avoid all the drama born out of pretention. And trust your gut and do what is right for you. Really bring those feelings of happiness, joy, satisfaction, fulfillment, peace, love to life within yourself. That's the key to having them. Wishes are powerful and that's why they come true when you keep wishing for longer. That's why prayers are powerful and they do work if you invest enough energy into it. Your thoughts are like music you are listening to Let your light shine. You are yourself turning off the little light within you by your low energy thoughts.
  15. 32. Learn from your past but ultimately let it go and leave it behind and move on and stay in the moment. 33. Best relationships are founded on trust, honesty and communication. 34.
  16. Do not be cheap part 2 " I trust the process of life." "Life supports me. " Stay true to yourself. Don't be fake "I flow freely and lovingly with life." "I experience love wherever I go." "life is not over yet. There's still time but the time is precious." Do not wish to be someone else. "how amazing it is to be alive." "if you face challenges with a positive attitude things may not be as hard as you first thought." Do not immerse yourself in misery or dwell on stuff too much. Life is a fast game and the end is coming soon. No time to regret too much. IT'S OK TO FAIL. Be true to your values. Do not give in. Do not worry about consequences. Things will automatically flow to you if you are in control. Therefore don't give into peer pressure and lose yourself. That way things flow against you eventually. "know your own power" "having and stay true to your own opinions" "listening to your inner voice" means your decisions will be right for you and life will flow your way. Save money but don't think too much about money Be generous Everything happens for a reason. Love even your enemies Have a big heart but do not let others take advantage of you I am awake and alive and full of energy. I release any negative or fearful thoughts. I am safe. We are here to enjoy life and the experiences we have. Life cannot be lived by a particular rule or formula. Your life is important. Talk as much as you can about it. Chart your journey and your progress everyday Give up trying to have a perfect day. Life is never perfect and so also no day is ever perfect. "When I embrace myself and treasure who I am then love and respect flows into my life." "I choose to fill my body with nutritious food and treasure my soul." Think Big Don't be around miserable people who think it's ok or not a big deal if you suffer a little more. That's asking for trouble. Think this to yourself "I am meant for something better" just because they are poor and miserable doesn't mean that you have to be one of them. They make think that way about you because they suffer themselves. But you don't have to give in to their validation of how things should be for you. They will obviously not think better about you because they don't care about you. You clearly don't deserve that or them and always remember that you deserve much better than what you have been given in life.
  17. I tell myself regularly to not be cheap. 2_ ways to not be cheap Focus on health first Don't stop trying Give value to yourself the way you are. Do not care about societal expectations of yourself. Embrace your uniqueness Express yourself fully and be honest and upfront and not pretentious Be detached and indifferent from the world. Be a goal setter but don't be too ambitious. Give value to your time Stop giving value to objects. Take care of your self Remember that you are better than you what you think you are Remember that you are important Do not spend your time in frivolous stuff Stay away from anything that is even slightly toxic Cut off people who are annoying, painful or harass or difficult. Be very open and assertive Be matured in your choices Develop healthy habits If you constantly feel like you are not good enough or you wish you could have been this or that or you had something you wish, it's natural to feel that way, but remember that you are not the only one and remember that life is not meant to be living with pity and regrets but with hope and faith towards a better future. Be appreciative of whatever you already have and embrace and accept it and nurture it. Make good out of whatever you got instead of feeling sorry for what you don't. Remember that there's just nothing about something that doesn't exist or lost, but salvage that which you can. Regretting your life is like crying over spoiled milk, the milk is not gonna come back, so what's the point of crying and regretting and feeling deprived or unlucky for not having what others got. It has no benefit other than a momentary feeling of upset and disappointment and sadness. It's like adding insult to injury. Find peace. Constantly reminding yourself of what you can't have is a recipe for adding unhappiness to an already frustrated unhappy mind. One thing is - you never know if others have it better. What if they don't. What If they are tired of their shit and want out. might think they have it better but maybe think don't think same. Often times we hear a celeb commiting suicide and we think it's absurd but it's actually not. You never know what they had to deal with. Therefore don't be quick to judge or don't think everyone has it perfect. In fact most don't. It's just that most people don't tell how they suffer cause they are shy or embarrassed to open up about their struggle...... ..... So if you think you aren't good enough, don't beat yourself, you weren't expected to be, you are already good as you are and frankly if you are constantly thinking that then you are obviously taking life too seriously. Fuck that shit. How does it matter if life turned out bad or good. Competition only exists because you create it. Your create your own thoughts of misery and despair. Yes life can be complicated and painful but we can control how we react, we can definitely choose not to react at all. So it doesn't even matter if things didn't work out. If you did your best, you should be at peace. Remember that nothing in this universe is perfect or free from chaos. Even if anything is perfect its mostly rare. And everything that is perfect doesn't stay perfect forever. That's how time causes everything to finally degrade and disappear. So enjoy it in the hear and now. Beauty lies in experiencing beautiful moments every now and then because these moments once gone are not gonna come back ...... .... Appreciate who you are because you are the product of your circumstances and you are not to be blamed and you are not at fault. You can only do as much good as you can and that's the testimony of how much good you are. Your trials are a witness of your strength and your determination to make it good. Don't be let down by them. Life may not be worth living because there's not much to enjoy but it's definitely worth struggling and fighting for. Don't let it slip by just cuz it doesn't get better. Your effort to better your life will bear fruit one day even though now it looks like an unfulfilled dream.
  18. Don't ruin your time by investing in thinking or caring about what other people think or say to you or about you.
  19. The internet is a good place but also a very bad place, very dangerous and very close. Beware of toxic socialization on the internet.
  20. There are negative and toxic poisons in nature that damage existence. Similarly there are negative toxins in your close environment that you tend to ignore or underestimate. Learn to cut out bs from your life. Keep it as clean as a clean clutter free table.
  21. Just be yourself and just focus on yourself. That makes everything a lot easier.
  22. ☂️☂️?Don't ruin your time by investing in thinking or caring about what other people think or say to you or about you. ???
  23. Cdes tsks DLOW DMETHW STMNOS DRKAMLJU Positive engagement is Making task planners Writing on this forum. Or Journaling Playing Facebook game Watching YouTube documentary Doing health tasks Reading books aloud Gave up poker addiction Participating in Facebook groups Upward or downward momentum.
  24. Cdes tsks DLOW DMETHW STMNOS DRKAMLJU Upward or downward momentum.
  25. ?? Criticism or self accountability questionnaire ??Are you sleeping No.. Insomnia ??Have you neglected or ignored yourself Yessss a ton ??WHat effort have you put towards solving your problems Not much ??How is your overall health and performance Very bad today 12 July ??What steps have you taken to combat health issues Today wanted to try out some herbs ??Are you too lazy Yes I am. But health issues are a factor. ??Did you give your 100 percent Nope. Not at all. Far from it. ??Are you committed to yourself and your life I am but i haven't done anything to show my commitment. ??Have you been working harder Yes I have. But not up to the mark. ??Have you betted all your resources and effort into solving your problems before whining or complaining or giving up Not at all. Not even least ??How have you been managing your depression Not well. ??Do you hold yourself partially accountable for your situation and circumstances in life Yes of course. Certainly. But only partially. There are environmental issues and factors. ??Do you waste your time in useless fruitless unproductive activities and engagements Often ??How much are you on the self destructive scale Maybe 6 from 1 to 10..10 being the highest. ??What did you do today to improve your situation. Tried posting positive quotes on Facebook to uplift my spirit and be positive Need to work on the emotion of "despair " "hopelessness" and "helplessness" ??Do you think you have done enough Not at all. There's a mountain of work pending. ??Are you into toxic relationships Yes I was. I still am Need to keep away or set free. ??How are you connections and social support network Very very bad. Almost nil and toxic ??What effort have you put in improving your self esteem Nothing at all. It's downward momentum there ??List 3 things you did to solve the situation Code words used. Codes words stated in messenger. Nothing yet. ??Are you giving too much priority to people Yes a ton. This habit needs to be done away with. ??Are you wasting time Yes a lot. Months to end. Not good. No more wasting the most important resource at hand.