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Everything posted by Preety_India

  1. She is an Indian sage. Quite wise.
  2. I act like a psychopath because of people like this. They just drive me insane.
  3. Maybe don't act like a dick on someone's thread and I won't need to spaz out.
  4. Do you want to check her vagina now? This is so dirty!!! Were you ever taught how to act like a gentleman by your parents? I don't think you would actually talk like that to a woman in public? Let's do a social experiment test right??? Keyboard edgelord ?? Now you probably know why I avoid talking to you. You don't even know how to talk to someone. Let alone be on a forum Was that enough?
  5. Why do I feel so tender inside?
  6. Ah this guy and his obsession with me.
  7. You're my husband and you don't even know that.
  8. If it were natural, I probably would have never been attracted to him in the first place? That's why I don't think it's natural.
  9. @Oeaohoo haha
  10. P had another round of sexy time with me. Hmm. I love you. I feel bonded with you. You make me feel wanted.
  11. So let me see...... ......... P is a bit narcissist (and I'm alright with that) ......... P is into drugs but not hard-core. ......... P does play mind games sometimes (it happens so it's okay) ......... P is judgemental ......... I'm not sure if P is bipolar but his behavior shifts rapidly from being sad for a few weeks to being happy again for no particular reason....... I secretly think P could be bipolar but he never told me this. It's just my hunch. ...... P lacks in emotional intelligence. As much emotional as P really is, he lacks deeply in emotional intelligence and I hate this part in both of us. I like that he is emotional and I love that about him the most. In the longest time I met someone like that. I don't understand his emotions though because as a woman it's hard for me to relate to Male emotions plus I've never been used to such men. I have always had Brute kind of men who would never respect me and very chauvinist types,never the ones who would want to build a bridge with me, the masculine types. P is masculine, don't get me wrong - he is weirdly Hyper masculine when he is sexy with me. Otherwise he is like an emotional woman, my mirror lolololololol. .... So the fact that I hate the most about P is that he is slow at picking up clues from me. He is bad at emotional intelligence. And I suck at understanding his emotions. ...... P is Hyper critical. I understand and accept this as I have never met a Virgo who wasn't critical. ...... P can be super scary with his whining. That thing about him scares the beejesus out of me. I become Hyper scared and nervous around whiny men.. That shit triggers the fuck out of me. This is because of my trauma - one of my worst traumatic experiences came from being around my second ex boyfriend who even made hypothetical accusations that I would murder his parents. That shit traumatized me and ever since any man who complains about me or plays victim to me sends deep triggers into me causing me to freak the fuck out in panic, paranoia and feeling threatened and vulnerable. Uff. No. Please. Never. Not that thing. Never a whiner, anything but a whiner, I can take a man who slaps me across the face any day but never a whiner. They send me to hell and back. I suffer tremendous nightmares and panic attacks around whiners.
  12. I feel like I can say anything to P and he won't mind it. P tells me he does drugs. Lsd mostly. So last night I called him a druggie crackhead and he laughed it off. P I wanna tell you something. That I live or at least tend to live in an imaginary world or bubble. I'll call it Preety's Bubble-World. There anything is possible if it's not possible in reality. P sometimes acts like a narcissist and ignores me. Hmm Are narcissists bad people? Who cares. I like P anyway, narcissist or not a narcissist. I'm sometimes narcissistic too.
  13. Maybe try emphasizing this point a little more on this forum. Because the so called spiritually growing people here can't seem to love selfishness in others. Too much moralizing. Maybe they should re-watch your video "how to practice love - what does it mean to love?"
  14. @Leo Gura can you control some of the demonization of narcissists that recurrently happens in such threads. It's a bit too much. Literally public lynching.
  15. My love is much more than just being horny for you. Much more. Sex is not even that important.. But all these emotions I feel for you. I have this soul bonding with you.
  16. You're my healer and you didn't even know that.
  17. @Someone here then it's alright bro. Have fun.
  18. Add here.
  19. I spent the whole night thinking about you.
  20. Dude please..... You didn't even start life. I'm the same age as you. Fatherhood and motherhood can wait please. First fix all your issues.. You want children into this? Are you fucken kidding me?
  21. Big error. To be a good mother, a woman should be intelligent and not shallow.