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Everything posted by passerby

  1. i read ram das say that people get caught in the trap of 'chasing the experience' of psychedelics. which is in itself a form of materialism. or something like that.
  2. just lol if your not a sun gazing breatharian doing 24/7 SDS
  3. This may be bad advice, but it what worked for me. It MAY work for you, but you should give it some thought regardless. I DO agree wiith aurum... which is why sometimes its good to be TOUGH with yourself (which will make sense where i'm going with this when you read the rest of the post). in the same way a drill instructor is hard on the students to make them improve. it used to happen to me to man. learn to stand up for yourself to people who patronize you, call them out on it, "don't talk down to me bro. I didn't do anything wrong by you so don't treat me like a piece of shit. coz I treat people how they treat me" if other people in the group take that guys side then "your a bunch of highschool kids. don't forget to put your kneepads on while sucking his dick". I don't know if its the ONLY way, but it is what worked for me. Start being a loud mouth. people WILL pick on the quiet ones (agree?). I used to be confused how this one guy at my work everyone hated him and he was always a prick to people, I always wondered "doesn't he know everyone hates him?" then I realized that he always knew it, he just didn't give a fuck. Then I started doing the same and was surprised at how if changed my life. People love to have, so BE the guy they hate, and not just they guy they can pick on when they feel like it. Life is a game, a grand game. you get to pick your character, so be the one who people will put their head down when they see you coz they don't wanna get ear-bashed. Literally act crazy, start sticking your tounge out like a snake tasting the air (I love doing that shit to people, they don't know what to make of it). start taking self defence classes, they will train you to stay calm in tough situations and how to stand your ground. and it will give you confidence. the type of confidence where you CAN say this type of shit to people as you don't care if they want to get pushy and shovey with you coz they got buthurt. The key isn't to make people hate you because you hate yourself (it may seem that way, but it is NOT), think of it as giving people their daily RUSH of adrenalin and extracting emotions from them other than making a snide remark while others make a smug smile, how DULL! Make them think about how they are gonna give a good comeback at you next time you see each other. Whats that bro? you been thinking of me all day? how sweet, but I don't go for guys. see what I mean man. Don't try to be another faceless 'yes man', "please accept me" kinda guy. Either A. Truly stop caring what they think and don't get bothered if they pick on you (easier said than done), or B. Stand up for yourself and claim your respect (ideal option), or if B don't work then B.2. Be a dick (and you may find yourself not caring what people think anyway, which accomplishes A). These are the options that THEY have given you, so THEY have to live with what you now choose to do. life is a game. and unless you want to hack the system (reach enlightenment), then take it by the balls. In fact, take it by the balls anyway, because once you have hacked the system and see if for what it is, your gonna take it by the balls anyway. start practicing now. just because your being an ass doesn't mean you can't pursue enlightenment (if that's what you are trying to achieve). Remember, theres no right or wrong (no matter how wrong that sounds) Jerk by day, consciousness explorer at night.
  4. how long does the trip last? I suppose the duration of the trip is another thing that can affect its safe use, since dmt is so quick you just hold onto your sofa and its finished before the commercials are over, but with lsd you can be tempted to start roaming around the street edit. didn't know the trip duration was already known (4 hours). I only skimmed the thread.
  5. more powerful than dmt? holy shit. curious about it, even tho i'd never get to use it (unless it hasn't been banned yet)
  6. I'm on day 42 of no masturbating, or ejaculating, occasionally look at porn. TBH I haven't noticed any effects negative or positive. I was mostly hoping I would have increased energy (as I think i'm borderline chronic fatigue syndrome), but I haven't gotten anything extra. Also I thought I would end up having crazy morning erections and/or a larger limp penis, but its actually been the opposite, hardly wake up with morning wood, and my limp dick seems to be even smaller than before (never had any erection problems before). I honestly don't care that much as I don't plan on every having sex or fapping again, but its still weird.
  7. I think lucid dreaming is like jail-breaking your mind. even tho its much more widespread than nonduality and LoA, probably because it is easier to achieve. its also as you called LoA, a 'low-grade' hack. I think non-duality is the ultimate jail-break tho, the hack that deletes the whole system lol (including the hacker)
  8. read the book "dancing with water" (or go to their website and read the free stuff, it has the gist of it). I think you will be very interested in it. Basically the water you get from the tap or even bottles is lifeless with no structure, and since our bodies are comprised of mostly water, how do you think it affects the person as a whole (and society in general. you might notice that society is getting more and more fucked up, also you might notice that our water supplies are being more and more compromised). You can affect the physical molecular structure of water and it becomes like an actual crystal (It takes on a crystalline structure), which can give you much improved hydration (the crystalline structre makes it easily absorbed by the cells) and also affect the consciousness of the water by imprinting specific frequencies within the crystalline matrix (as people who are into gems and crystals will know, they are excellent recievers/transmitters of energy frequencies. water molecules literally form a liquid crystal matrix... and you drink it where it will affect your body and mind). note, the above explanation might not be entirely correct as its been ages since I actually read the book and was actively researching the subject, so I've probably forgotten and/or distorted things. I highly recommend reading the book. Its got simple instructions on HOW to achieve these things as well.
  9. I used to watch some david icke videos, and he said he has used Ayahausca. I think all this archon, reptilian stuff is the storyline his mind concocted when he was becoming aware of the various brain regions and states of consciousness, and unfortunately took it too literally (eg, reptilian brain is in charge of desire for control etc, that's why he always talks about politicians being reptillians, because he recignises their huge desire for control, so they obviously are living thru their 'reptilian brain'/superiority complex). so basically the gist of what he's saying is mostly likely correct, just without the actual supernatural/paranormal filters (people with severe superiority complexes manipulating the world for their own reasons.... becomes, reptilians controlling people to manipulate the world....) imo
  10. I've been wanting to start this form of meditation, but I keep reading all these 'danger' and 'warning' tags associated with it. and I'm not sure if it is the actual technique or the cultish foundation that has trademarked it is TM (and if it is from the TM foundation, and they do have ill intentions, then why are they using this technique? Or is the technique itself pure and they have corrupted it? Maybe it has something to do with the 'initiation' thing they say you have to do, maybe it seems like just some weird shit you gotta do to get the mantra but its actually some form of dark 'magic' or something that 'gets you') You should have a read of this letter someone posted (half way down the page), supposedly from one of the largest financial contributors to the foundation (I don't know if this is legit or not, as it IS the internet after all, but STILL...): should also check out this blog: in the blog, they mention that lots of TMers have great experiences at the start, and then they seem to lose the quality they had at the start and end up practicing it for their whole lives trying to chase what they first experienced and ultimately going nowhere. also check this link, it keeps saying that its just putting youself into a trance state where you are 'tricked' into believing your relaxing: and like the other poster said, there are lots of celebrities endorsing TM, now im not an illuminati conspiracy nut hugger or anything, but I do believe that if high profile and wealthy people (celebrities) are endorsing something (especially something that alters your mind) then I am VERY weary of it, if not flat out run in the other direction tbh, as I do believe that these people do NOT have our best interests at heart. I also go and Quora a lot (its like yahoo answers), and there are lots of TMers answering various questions about meditation, enlightenment, and TM itself. And I've noticed that in the comment sections a lot of them are very defensive when someone mentions the other cheaper alternatives and usually resort to 'show me the studies' to end the discussions. Seems to me that if someone is doing this program that is supposed to be so benefitial to your life, that they would have better attitudes. I know there are a few alternatives that are just offering the technique without the other bullshit. such as Deepak chopra one, natural stress relief, and the one on the ayp site... ...But I still don't know how effective these techniques really are (I've never tried it myself, so I can't comment on that) for enlightenment and clearing our samskaras (spelling). I have read this saying a lot around the internet: "TM is not real meditation". And THEN, I find a blog like this (very long reads, but thought provoking at the least): Which says that ALL meditation techniques are dangerous and lead to dellusions and that the only real technique is "meditating on silence"/"silent meditation". But then again, isn't TM (or the actual technique) the sole aim is to bring silence via the technique with which the mantra is used?
  11. Has anyone here heard of or are currently doing a practice called Heartfulness meditation? here is an explanation on what it is (also read other posts by Brian Jones, as he has been doing this practice for 40 years and he talks about it a lot on quora). In addition to its staple practice (which consists of a specific morning meditation, and a specific evening meditation, and a prayer) It uses something called Yogic Transmission (Pranahuki) in which someone transmits this energy to the recipient (i think it is done ideally 3 times) and is able to achieve significantly accelerated spiritual growth (they are saying that now average people can have the access to the highest states of spirituality, and that it should al be for free as they don't charge anything). I know it sounds gimmicky as fuck, but i have been reading very good things about this practice so it actually seems legit. I haven't tried it yet or anything but i do plan to, but I'm literally the king of procrastination so it'll be a while before I actually start doing it.
  12. Hello, So I have somehow stumbled upon this guy's blog ( Throughout his blog he says: (I have not read ALL of it, and I am only putting it in my own words and its only a very brief summary) that all these Kriyas, mundras, pranamaya, chakra meditations etc. are actually doing damage to your body, and that they are the RESULT/DOINGS of Kundalini and not the CAUSE of achieving kunalini. Basically that when you are having a real kundalini experience that your body will be 'seized' by another force which will make your body do various pranamayas and kriyas etc (I can't remember for what reason but I think it was something to do with the kunalini 'breathing' in prana through the sushuma). that actually doing these things in an effort to achieve kunalini/awakening etc is not natural for the body and will do damage to physical and mental (he says how a lot of people who focus on chakras and stuff end up with tinnitus, (false) visions, delusions, paralysis etc). He says that in India there are many severly deluded people roaming the streets who think they have reached enlightenment after practicing xyz meditation/yoga, and the reason we don't see it in our western society is because 1. 'spirituality' isn't as 'big' as it is in India (and combined with the high population, so obviously a greater percentage of people participate), 2. we have a big mental health program which gets people 'out of sight' by getting them on meds and therapy. so called 'kundalini syndrome' or 'the negative effects of kundalini' are the results of wrong meditation/yoga, and that while initial real kundalini experiences can be scary, there is zero chance of any physical/mental/spiritual damage that can happen. that all the kriyas and stuff that are depicted in ancient scriptures are misunderstandings of what actually happens (like some people observed someone having a real kundalini experience doing all these weird things, so they decided that if they do those things as well then it will cause it to happen to them) To achieve enlightenment, one must go through 1000's of Kunadalini awakening experiences and loosening all the knots of the spiritual heart (which will end the death/rebirth cycle), with each kundalini experience helps loosen the knots It is a myth that once kundalini has risen, that it stays risen. The Kundalini will only be inactive (staying at base of spine, in which we have conscious control over our body) or active (in which it travels to the sushuma and breathes in prana or something like that. when it is active, we do not have control over our body). so the kundalini is only active during the time you are actually having a kundalin experience. Its something to do with the Kundalini only 'wants' the 'opposite' of what 'you/we/I' wants. This has something to do with why we must practice celibacy, abstain from unhealthy food and lifestyles, not care about our physical appearance, not seek validation, live selflessly etc.. He says that virtually every 'guru' (99.999%) you are aware of is NOT truly enlightened as they have not had a real kundalini experience and that by preaching wrong meditations they will accumulate bad karma. And that to achieve true kundalini experiences is so simple that these gurus have to teach all this 'other stuff' because nobody would need to see/follow them if they knew how simple it was. (which means that they are teaching for some egotistical reason) to achieve real kundalini experiences, only a very simple technique is required. Silence of the mind. The very moment before you fall asleep and wake up from sleep you achieve a total silence of the mind, when this happens only 1 of 3 things will happen: you will fall asleep (as happens every night of your life), a thought will enter your mind (and end the silence), or you progress to the next stage which is the 'take over/let go' stage where a 'higher power' takes control of your body and you will have a glimpse of inner reality, it is when prana enters your sushhuma and kundalini awakens. this stage only lasts for a fraction of a second before the final stage is achieved: Samadhi. you will achieve either 1 of 2 states of Samadhi: 1. jnana Samadhi " Intense Experiences giving an insight and knowledge into your true/real/higher/spiritual nature and the true cosmic nature/cosmic reality" or 2. Kriya Samadhi " Intense Spiritual Experiences giving an insight into and knowledge about your spiritual nervous system, spiritual nerve currents, awakening of your spiritual body, workings of Kundalini and Prana and their functions, etc." So basically to achieve, you have to 'meditate on silence', which is using that state (right before you fall asleep when all your thoughts drop off. also same state as when very first waking up), and staying in this state so that you don't actually fall asleep and also to avoid thoughts entering your mind. No other form of meditation is needed... ...all forms of meditation are wrong. they are all mental activities which is the opposite of what you want to do. focusing on bodily sensations is wrong (you don't need to know how all the cells in your body work to experience life, and focusing too much on specific parts brings 'hyper awareness' to the area and allows like too much energy to it or something like that which is not good), mantra meditations are wrong (it is a mental activity which is not achieving true silence. It is only good to use the mantra as a means of making the mantra the sole object of your thoughts, and then dropping the mantra as well which means you then have true silence. but it is often taken too far and misses the point completely, this is the same with any form of concentration meditation, the sole purpose is to reduce your entire awareness to the single object/thought and then drop that object/thought as well which will leave silence), self enqiry is wrong (something to do with, if you are asking this question then you are still doing a mental activity and that if you really knew the answer then there is no need to ask this question at all, you are basically driving yourself crazy and having an internal forum instead of achieving silence) also, something about your 'higher/spiritual self' (I can't remember if he actually uses them words, I'm just trying to paraphrase what I remember) TRULY knows whether you are ready for a kundalini experience, and it will not happen if your intentions are not 'pure' (by that I mean, it knows if you are trying to achieve this for any sort of ego fuelled reasons such as experiencing something few other people have, intentions on becoming a fake guru or spreading false info, escapism etc...), also, he places a lot of importance on celibacy and its something to do with keeping your prana as kundalini experiences require a lot of it and you shouldn't waste it on sex/fapping etc. also something to do with your nervous system, that doing this weakens the nervious system and that kundalini experiences require one to have a strong nervous system (I think he said there is a spiritual nervous sysem as well as our normal nervous system) he also said something like kundalini is responsible for your breath, you don't have control or consciousness of your breath when your asleep yet you still breath, basically the kundalini is what keeps all your body functioning (but having kundalini experiences doesn't mean you will be free of illness etc) some of the specific pages you should read if you are interested: what do you all think of this info?
  13. I think I bastardized that when I said 'roaming the streets' (remember I'm just trying to do a quick summary of what I remember reading on the site, and I'm not good with words, so most of what I said would be a 'shitty translation' of what I actually read). But I do remember him saying that there are a lot of spiritual aspirants in india who have had negative results from practicing xyz meditation/yoga. I tried to find the bit where he said that stuff so I could have a re-read and make sure of what I thought I read but I can't find it now (but he difinately said something along those lines) You will probably do better reading the links I posted as that is what i'm trying to summarize. I'm not saying its right or wrong, on the contrary I'm trying to figure out other people's opinions of it so I can also make a proper opinion of it myself.
  14. Has anybody here tried using one of those pyramid meditation chambers? (its like a pyramid made of copper, with no walls) I've been thinking about getting one or building one for meditation and also I would like to try sleeping within one I have been toying with the idea of making a 'sleep chamber' in which I will make a huge piece of orgonite which I will either sleep directly on or put a thin mattress over, which has a collection of specific 'chakra crystals' put at the approximate locations where my own chakras would be aligned with, and then building one of those copper pyramids to surround it. and set it up in my backyard and sleep in it. hopefully I can be bombarded with cosmic frequencies every night lol I have also read that pyramids were used to store water, and as you should know water will pick up, hold, and transfer information, so if pyramids could pick up cosmic information, then the water that is stored in it will also pick up the information, then the highly energized water is consumed and transfers cosmic knowledge to the people who drink it. maybe that's why they were so advanced, they were literally drinking cosmic information (????)